Wolfgang Bauer 2019-02-26 21:15:17 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
parent ad8ab4a551
commit 841824f586

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Tue Feb 26 14:04:42 UTC 2019 - fabian@ritter-vogt.de
- Changes since 5.15.1:
* Provide a better package icon
* Mark all radio buttons as such (kde#404400)
* Make sure we connect the action to its bridge (kde#0001-Warning-for-FlatHub.patchbuildbulidcmakeCMakeLists.txtCOPYINGCOPYING.GFDLCOPYING.LIBdiscoverdiscover.categoriesDiscoverVersion.h.inexporterlibdiscoverMessages.shnotifier403378)
* Make sure we connect the action to its bridge (kde#403378)
* Remove connectivity flash at start (kde#404610)
* [Updates page] Try our best to not elide version strings (kde#404624)