; exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the arch attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the audience attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the condition attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the conformance attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the os attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the outputformat attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the revision attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the security attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the userlevel attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the vendor attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: filtering out a module or structure because the wordsize attribute value is set to . INFO: no filterout attributes matched. include INFO (filterin): including a module or structure because the arch attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the audience attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the condition attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the conformance attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the os attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the outputformat attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the revision attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the security attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the userlevel attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the vendor attribute value is set to . include INFO: including a module or structure because the wordsize attribute value is set to . exclude INFO: No modules or structures matched attributes for inclusion.