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# spec file for package dracut
# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
%define dracutlibdir %{_libexecdir}/dracut
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
Name: dracut
Version: 043
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
Release: 0
Summary: Initramfs generator using udev
License: GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
Group: System/Base
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
Url: https://dracut.wiki.kernel.org/
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
Source0: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/dracut/dracut-%{version}.tar.xz
Source3: mkinitrd_setup_dummy
Source4: purge-kernels
Source5: purge-kernels.service
Source6: dracut-installkernel
# Sent mainline
Patch12: 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch
Patch13: 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch
Accepting request 236221 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Rename patches to match git repository: * old: 0013-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch new: 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch * old: 0014-Check-for-plymouth-lib-directories.patch new: 0012-Check-for-plymouth-lib-directories.patch * old: dracut_do_not_update_booloader_if_no_kernel_is_found.patch new: 0013-mkinitrd-suse-do-not-update-bootloader-if-no-kernel-.patch * old: suse_grub_manpage.patch new: 0014-Update-dracut-manpage-for-GRUB-Legacy-and-GRUB2.patch * old: replace_dhclient_with_wickedd_dhcp_supplicants.patch new: 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch * old: 0015-add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch new: 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch * old: change_write_ifcfg_to_suse.patch new: 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch * old: dracut-fix-whitespace-add-drivers_call.patch new: 0018-mkinitrd-suse-Fix-whitespaces-when-adding-drivers.patch * old: wait_for_network_race_condition_fix.patch new: 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch * old: dracut-warpclock_module.patch new: 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch * old: s390-dcssblk.patch new: 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch * old: dracut-install-persistent-rule.patch new: 0022-95udev-rules-add-persistent-network-rule.patch * old: dracut-really-always-add-autofs4.patch new: 0023-systemd-always-tries-to-load-autofs4.patch * old: mdraid-setup.patch new: 0024-Fixup-mdraid-setup.patch * old: 0015-95udev-rules-Add-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/236221 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=156
2014-06-04 14:38:30 +02:00
Patch15: 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch
Patch17: 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch
Patch48: 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch
Accepting request 237520 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - 40network: always start netroot in ifup.sh (bnc#881235) * Add: 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch - 95fcoe: check() always returns 255 * Add: 0067-95fcoe-check-always-returns-255.patch - 95fcoe-uefi: Test for EFI firmware (bnc#882412) * Add: 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch - Rename patches to match git repository: * Old: more-fips-adjustments.patch * New: 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch * Old: dracut-check-supported.patch * New: 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch - Add 99suse module to git repository: * Remove: parse-suse-initrd.sh * Remove: module-setup-initrd.sh * Add: 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch - Add write-ifcfg-suse.sh to git repository: * Remove: write-ifcfg-suse.sh * Add: 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch - Fixup error messages in write-ifcfg-suse.sh (bnc#881286) * Add: 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch - Add missing 'libgcc_s.so' library (bnc#881692): * Add: 0062-95iscsi-Install-libgcc_s-library.patch * Add: 0063-90multipath-Install-libgcc_s-library.patch - Install missing scsi_dh_alua module (bnc#871617) * Add: 0064-90kernel-modules-install-scsi_dh_alua.patch - 95iscsi: fixup bnx2i offload booting (bnc#855747) * Add: 0065-95iscsi-Fixup-bnx2i-offload-booting.patch Add: more-fips-adjustments.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/237520 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=160
2014-06-17 09:43:08 +02:00
Patch60: 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch
Patch61: 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch
Patch89: 0089-40network-create-var-lib-wicked-in-ifup.sh.patch
Patch94: 0094-Implement-shortcut-ip-ifname-static-for-static-confi.patch
Patch124: 0124-40network-Update-iBFT-scanning-code-to-handle-IPv6.patch
Patch125: 0125-40network-separate-mask-and-prefix.patch
Patch131: 0131-40network-handle-prefixed-IP-addresses-correctly.patch
Patch132: 0132-40network-fixup-static-network-configuration.patch
Patch142: 0142-40network-Don-t-report-error-for-etc-sysconfig-netwo.patch
Patch159: 0159-network-Try-to-load-xennet.patch
Patch16: 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch
Patch21: 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch
Patch56: 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch
Patch75: 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch
Patch76: 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch
Patch79: 0079-95dasd_rules-fixup-rd.dasd-parsing.patch
Patch80: 0080-95dasd_rules-print-out-rd.dasd-commandline.patch
Patch81: 0081-95dasd_mod-do-not-set-module-parameters-if-dasd_cio_.patch
Patch83: 0083-95zfcp_rules-Fixup-rd.zfcp-parsing.patch
Patch85: 0085-95zfcp_rules-print-out-rd.zfcp-commandline-parameter.patch
Patch86: 0086-95zfcp_rules-Auto-generate-udev-rule-for-ipl-device.patch
Patch87: 0087-95dasd_rules-Auto-generate-udev-rule-for-ipl-device.patch
Patch88: 0088-91zipl-Add-new-module-to-update-s390x-configuration.patch
Accepting request 240885 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Mark all scripts as executable (bnc#887010) * Remove: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable * Add: 0116-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch - 95dasd_rules: Enable device before checking type * Add: 0117-95dasd_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch - 95zfcp_rules: Enable device before checking type * Add: 0118-95zfcp_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch - Reset IFS variable * Add: 0119-Reset-IFS-variable.patch - Handle module alias properly (bnc#886839) * Add: 0115-Handle-module-alias-properly.patch - 81cio_ignore: Mark scripts as executable (bnc#887010) * Add: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch - 91zipl: Translate 'ext2' into 'ext4' module * Add: 0114-91zipl-Translate-ext2-3-into-ext4.patch - Enable converting of directory /var/run /var/lock to symlinks (bnc#877680) * Add: 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Fixup typo 'firmare' instead of 'firmware' * Add: 0107-Fixup-typo-firmare-instead-of-firmware.patch - 91zipl: Store commandline correctly * Add: 0108-91zipl-Store-commandline-correctly.patch - 95dasd_rules: Store all devices in commandline * 0109-95dasd_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch - 95zfcp_rules: Store all devices in commandline * Add: 0110-95zfcp_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch - 90mdraid: Remove line for 'offroot' detection OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/240885 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=171
2014-07-14 18:09:29 +02:00
Patch107: 0107-Fixup-typo-firmare-instead-of-firmware.patch
Patch108: 0108-91zipl-Store-commandline-correctly.patch
Patch109: 0109-95dasd_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch
Patch110: 0110-95zfcp_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch
Patch113: 0113-91zipl-Install-script-as-executable.patch
Patch114: 0114-91zipl-Translate-ext2-3-into-ext4.patch
Patch117: 0117-95dasd_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch
Patch118: 0118-95zfcp_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch
Patch123: 0123-95zfcp_rules-fix-typo-in-module_setup.patch
Patch157: 0157-Add-boot-zipl-to-host-devs-if-it-is-a-mount-point.patch
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Patch116: 0116-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch
Patch53: 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch
Patch57: 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch
Patch126: 0126-01fips-Add-drbg-module-to-force-loaded-modules.patch
Patch137: 0137-Switch-from-Mozilla-NSS-sha256hmac-checking-to-fipsc.patch
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Patch138: fips_add_aesni-intel.patch
# Others
Patch20: 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch
Patch58: 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch
Patch59: 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch
Patch90: 0090-dracut-caps-Remove-whole-caps-module.patch
Patch91: 0091-dracut-biosdevname-In-SUSE-biosdevname-package-is-in.patch
Accepting request 240885 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Mark all scripts as executable (bnc#887010) * Remove: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable * Add: 0116-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch - 95dasd_rules: Enable device before checking type * Add: 0117-95dasd_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch - 95zfcp_rules: Enable device before checking type * Add: 0118-95zfcp_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch - Reset IFS variable * Add: 0119-Reset-IFS-variable.patch - Handle module alias properly (bnc#886839) * Add: 0115-Handle-module-alias-properly.patch - 81cio_ignore: Mark scripts as executable (bnc#887010) * Add: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch - 91zipl: Translate 'ext2' into 'ext4' module * Add: 0114-91zipl-Translate-ext2-3-into-ext4.patch - Enable converting of directory /var/run /var/lock to symlinks (bnc#877680) * Add: 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Fixup typo 'firmare' instead of 'firmware' * Add: 0107-Fixup-typo-firmare-instead-of-firmware.patch - 91zipl: Store commandline correctly * Add: 0108-91zipl-Store-commandline-correctly.patch - 95dasd_rules: Store all devices in commandline * 0109-95dasd_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch - 95zfcp_rules: Store all devices in commandline * Add: 0110-95zfcp_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch - 90mdraid: Remove line for 'offroot' detection OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/240885 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=171
2014-07-14 18:09:29 +02:00
Patch119: 0119-Reset-IFS-variable.patch
Patch120: 0120-mkinitrd-suse.sh-Bail-out-with-exit-1-if-initrd-cann.patch
Patch121: 0121-Adjust-initramfs-kernel.img-to-SUSE-default-initrd-k.patch
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Patch122: 0122-Get_kernel_version_from_gz_file_for_arm.patch
Patch130: 0130-nfs-Always-add-all-kernel-modules-for-kdump.patch
Patch144: 0144-90crypt-Fixed-crypttab_contains-to-also-work-with-de.patch
Patch150: 0150-Find-kernel-modules-in-extra-and-weak-updates-path-a.patch
Patch158: 0158-Add-SUSE-kernel-module-dependencies-in-etc-modprobe..patch
Patch163: 0163-Install-etc-sysconfig-console-to-see-specific-fonts.patch
Patch164: 0164-Fix-initramfs-ver.img-vs-initrd-ver-in-dracut-initra.patch
Patch165: 0165-Order-root-fsck-after-pre-mount.patch
Patch168: 0168-remove_plymouth_logo_file.patch
Patch180: 0180-i18n_add_correct_fontmaps.patch
Patch181: 0181-no_systemd_cryptsetup.patch
Patch182: 0182-fix-include-parsing.patch
Patch183: 0183-fix_add_drivers_hang.patch
# Still needed
Patch133: 0133-Allow-multiple-configurations-per-network-interface-.patch
Patch134: 0134-Remove-bootdev-warning-bnc-881112.patch
Patch145: 0145-40network-handle-ip-ifname-static-correctly.patch
Patch162: 0162-network-Request-DHCP-lease-instead-of-getting-applyi.patch
# Submit mainline asap
Patch200: dracut_fix_multipath_without_config.patch
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Patch201: fix_nfs_with_ip_instead_of_hostname.patch
Patch202: dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch
## fix for SUSE systems which have dpkg installed anyway
Patch300: dracut_dont_use_dpkg_defaults_on_SUSE.patch
Patch400: 0400-use_fstab_systemd.patch
Patch401: 0401-mount_option_mountpoint.patch
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
BuildRequires: asciidoc
BuildRequires: bash
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
BuildRequires: docbook-xsl-stylesheets
BuildRequires: libxslt
BuildRequires: suse-module-tools
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) >= 199
Requires: /usr/bin/get_kernel_version
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
Requires: bash
Requires: coreutils
Requires: cpio
Requires: file
Requires: filesystem
Requires: findutils
Requires: grep
Requires: hardlink
Requires: modutils
Requires: pigz
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
Requires: sed
Requires: systemd >= 200
# systemd-sysvinit provides: poweroff, reboot, halt
Requires: binutils
Requires: systemd-sysvinit
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
Requires: udev > 166
Requires: util-linux >= 2.21
Requires: xz
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
Recommends: logrotate
Obsoletes: mkinitrd < 2.8.2
Provides: mkinitrd = 2.8.2
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Dracut contains tools to create a bootable initramfs for 2.6 Linux kernels.
Unlike existing implementations, dracut does hard-code as little as possible
into the initramfs. Dracut contains various modules which are driven by the
event-based udev. Having root on MD, DM, LVM2, LUKS is supported as well as
NFS, iSCSI, NBD, FCoE with the dracut-network package.
%package fips
Summary: Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check
Group: System/Base
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: fipscheck
Requires: libcryptsetup4-hmac
Requires: libgcrypt20-hmac
%description fips
This package requires everything which is needed to build an
initramfs with dracut, which does an integrity check of the kernel
and its cryptography during startup.
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
%setup -q
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%patch15 -p1
Accepting request 236221 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Rename patches to match git repository: * old: 0013-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch new: 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch * old: 0014-Check-for-plymouth-lib-directories.patch new: 0012-Check-for-plymouth-lib-directories.patch * old: dracut_do_not_update_booloader_if_no_kernel_is_found.patch new: 0013-mkinitrd-suse-do-not-update-bootloader-if-no-kernel-.patch * old: suse_grub_manpage.patch new: 0014-Update-dracut-manpage-for-GRUB-Legacy-and-GRUB2.patch * old: replace_dhclient_with_wickedd_dhcp_supplicants.patch new: 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch * old: 0015-add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch new: 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch * old: change_write_ifcfg_to_suse.patch new: 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch * old: dracut-fix-whitespace-add-drivers_call.patch new: 0018-mkinitrd-suse-Fix-whitespaces-when-adding-drivers.patch * old: wait_for_network_race_condition_fix.patch new: 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch * old: dracut-warpclock_module.patch new: 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch * old: s390-dcssblk.patch new: 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch * old: dracut-install-persistent-rule.patch new: 0022-95udev-rules-add-persistent-network-rule.patch * old: dracut-really-always-add-autofs4.patch new: 0023-systemd-always-tries-to-load-autofs4.patch * old: mdraid-setup.patch new: 0024-Fixup-mdraid-setup.patch * old: 0015-95udev-rules-Add-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/236221 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=156
2014-06-04 14:38:30 +02:00
%patch16 -p1
%patch17 -p1
%patch20 -p1
%patch21 -p1
Accepting request 235703 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Update to latest git HEAD: commit 0fa5dbedc5b222435f51f7460a81232ee120c4e1 Tue May 20 13:23 Modified dracut_v37_to_HEAD.patch Modified mdraid-setup.patch Modified dracut-install-persistent-rule.patch - Add /etc/dracut.d.conf/01-dist modifications to file instead of writing to it via rpm build section Add 0033-dracut_hostonly_hostonly_cmdline_default.patch Add 0034-suse.conf.example_extend.patch - Cleanup mkinitrd-suse.sh: * Remove hostonly and hostonly-cmdline -> this is done via 01-dist config file now - Always add network module based on modules_setup.sh check() function and not via 01-dist config file Add 0035-always_add_network.patch - Add find to debug binaries - Useful and harmless Add 0036-add_extra_debug_binaries.patch - Fix adding of network modules for s390 (bnc#879302) Add 0037-fix_s390_network_modules_install.patch - Omit resume module on s390(x) - There is no suspend on s390 Add 0039-s390_no_resume_module.patch - Do not wait for swap - This causes trouble with Rudi's autobuild images: Add 0038-remove_waiting_for_swap_dev.patch - Fcoe and ibft fixes (bnc#879038): Add 0041-only_enable_network_if_explicitly_requested.patch Add 0042-ibft_autoconfig_param.patch Add 0043-fcoe_strip_quotes.patch - Print message when starting to update bootloader Add 0044-Add_update_bootloader_msg.patch - ToDo: Pass hostonly variable earlier so that is always avail in check() OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/235703 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=151
2014-05-28 18:30:59 +02:00
%patch48 -p1
Accepting request 236221 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Rename patches to match git repository: * old: 0013-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch new: 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch * old: 0014-Check-for-plymouth-lib-directories.patch new: 0012-Check-for-plymouth-lib-directories.patch * old: dracut_do_not_update_booloader_if_no_kernel_is_found.patch new: 0013-mkinitrd-suse-do-not-update-bootloader-if-no-kernel-.patch * old: suse_grub_manpage.patch new: 0014-Update-dracut-manpage-for-GRUB-Legacy-and-GRUB2.patch * old: replace_dhclient_with_wickedd_dhcp_supplicants.patch new: 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch * old: 0015-add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch new: 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch * old: change_write_ifcfg_to_suse.patch new: 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch * old: dracut-fix-whitespace-add-drivers_call.patch new: 0018-mkinitrd-suse-Fix-whitespaces-when-adding-drivers.patch * old: wait_for_network_race_condition_fix.patch new: 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch * old: dracut-warpclock_module.patch new: 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch * old: s390-dcssblk.patch new: 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch * old: dracut-install-persistent-rule.patch new: 0022-95udev-rules-add-persistent-network-rule.patch * old: dracut-really-always-add-autofs4.patch new: 0023-systemd-always-tries-to-load-autofs4.patch * old: mdraid-setup.patch new: 0024-Fixup-mdraid-setup.patch * old: 0015-95udev-rules-Add-59-scsi-sg_utils.rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/236221 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=156
2014-06-04 14:38:30 +02:00
%patch53 -p1
Accepting request 235703 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Update to latest git HEAD: commit 0fa5dbedc5b222435f51f7460a81232ee120c4e1 Tue May 20 13:23 Modified dracut_v37_to_HEAD.patch Modified mdraid-setup.patch Modified dracut-install-persistent-rule.patch - Add /etc/dracut.d.conf/01-dist modifications to file instead of writing to it via rpm build section Add 0033-dracut_hostonly_hostonly_cmdline_default.patch Add 0034-suse.conf.example_extend.patch - Cleanup mkinitrd-suse.sh: * Remove hostonly and hostonly-cmdline -> this is done via 01-dist config file now - Always add network module based on modules_setup.sh check() function and not via 01-dist config file Add 0035-always_add_network.patch - Add find to debug binaries - Useful and harmless Add 0036-add_extra_debug_binaries.patch - Fix adding of network modules for s390 (bnc#879302) Add 0037-fix_s390_network_modules_install.patch - Omit resume module on s390(x) - There is no suspend on s390 Add 0039-s390_no_resume_module.patch - Do not wait for swap - This causes trouble with Rudi's autobuild images: Add 0038-remove_waiting_for_swap_dev.patch - Fcoe and ibft fixes (bnc#879038): Add 0041-only_enable_network_if_explicitly_requested.patch Add 0042-ibft_autoconfig_param.patch Add 0043-fcoe_strip_quotes.patch - Print message when starting to update bootloader Add 0044-Add_update_bootloader_msg.patch - ToDo: Pass hostonly variable earlier so that is always avail in check() OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/235703 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=151
2014-05-28 18:30:59 +02:00
%patch56 -p1
%patch57 -p1
%patch58 -p1
Accepting request 237520 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - 40network: always start netroot in ifup.sh (bnc#881235) * Add: 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch - 95fcoe: check() always returns 255 * Add: 0067-95fcoe-check-always-returns-255.patch - 95fcoe-uefi: Test for EFI firmware (bnc#882412) * Add: 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch - Rename patches to match git repository: * Old: more-fips-adjustments.patch * New: 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch * Old: dracut-check-supported.patch * New: 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch - Add 99suse module to git repository: * Remove: parse-suse-initrd.sh * Remove: module-setup-initrd.sh * Add: 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch - Add write-ifcfg-suse.sh to git repository: * Remove: write-ifcfg-suse.sh * Add: 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch - Fixup error messages in write-ifcfg-suse.sh (bnc#881286) * Add: 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch - Add missing 'libgcc_s.so' library (bnc#881692): * Add: 0062-95iscsi-Install-libgcc_s-library.patch * Add: 0063-90multipath-Install-libgcc_s-library.patch - Install missing scsi_dh_alua module (bnc#871617) * Add: 0064-90kernel-modules-install-scsi_dh_alua.patch - 95iscsi: fixup bnx2i offload booting (bnc#855747) * Add: 0065-95iscsi-Fixup-bnx2i-offload-booting.patch Add: more-fips-adjustments.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/237520 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=160
2014-06-17 09:43:08 +02:00
%patch59 -p1
%patch60 -p1
%patch61 -p1
%patch75 -p1
%patch76 -p1
%patch79 -p1
%patch80 -p1
%patch81 -p1
%patch83 -p1
%patch85 -p1
%patch86 -p1
%patch87 -p1
%patch88 -p1
Accepting request 239538 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - 90btrfs: Install rescue utilities to initrd * Add: 0100-btrfs-add-initrd-rescue-utilities.patch - 40network: create /var/lib/wicked in ifup.sh (bnc#885141) * Add: 0089-40network-create-var-lib-wicked-in-ifup.sh.patch - dracut: caps: Remove whole caps module * Add: 0090-dracut-caps-Remove-whole-caps-module.patch - dracut: biosdevname: Only install if present * Add: 0091-dracut-biosdevname-In-SUSE-biosdevname-package-is-in.patch - dracut: nbd: Only complain of missing binary in hostonly mode if rootfs is on nbd * Add: 0092-dracut-nbd-Only-complain-of-missing-binary-in-hoston.patch - 95iscsi: generate commandline for software iscsi (bnc#880108) * Add: 0093-95iscsi-generate-commandline-for-software-iscsi.patch - Implement shortcut 'ip=<ifname>:static' for static configuration * Add: 0094-Implement-shortcut-ip-ifname-static-for-static-confi.patch - 95iscsi: use static configuration for software iscsi (bnc#884768) * Add: 0095-95iscsi-use-static-configuration-for-software-iscsi.patch - dracut: Fix error: local: can only be used in a function * Add: 0096-dracut-Fix-error-local-can-only-be-used-in-a-functio.patch - Implement 'rd.timeout' to modify the device timeout (bnc#878770) * Add: 0097-Implement-rd.timeout-to-modify-the-device-timeout.patch - Do not call 'lvm' for non-LVM device-mapper devices * Add: 0098-Do-not-call-lvm-for-non-LVM-device-mapper-devices.patch - 90multipath: Load device_handler modules early during boot (bnc#871617) * Add: 0099-90multipath-Load-device_handler-modules-early-during.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/239538 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=168
2014-07-05 23:13:32 +02:00
%patch89 -p1
%patch90 -p1
%patch91 -p1
%patch94 -p1
Accepting request 240885 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Mark all scripts as executable (bnc#887010) * Remove: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable * Add: 0116-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch - 95dasd_rules: Enable device before checking type * Add: 0117-95dasd_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch - 95zfcp_rules: Enable device before checking type * Add: 0118-95zfcp_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch - Reset IFS variable * Add: 0119-Reset-IFS-variable.patch - Handle module alias properly (bnc#886839) * Add: 0115-Handle-module-alias-properly.patch - 81cio_ignore: Mark scripts as executable (bnc#887010) * Add: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch - 91zipl: Translate 'ext2' into 'ext4' module * Add: 0114-91zipl-Translate-ext2-3-into-ext4.patch - Enable converting of directory /var/run /var/lock to symlinks (bnc#877680) * Add: 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Fixup typo 'firmare' instead of 'firmware' * Add: 0107-Fixup-typo-firmare-instead-of-firmware.patch - 91zipl: Store commandline correctly * Add: 0108-91zipl-Store-commandline-correctly.patch - 95dasd_rules: Store all devices in commandline * 0109-95dasd_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch - 95zfcp_rules: Store all devices in commandline * Add: 0110-95zfcp_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch - 90mdraid: Remove line for 'offroot' detection OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/240885 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=171
2014-07-14 18:09:29 +02:00
%patch107 -p1
%patch108 -p1
%patch109 -p1
%patch110 -p1
%patch113 -p1
%patch114 -p1
%patch116 -p1
%patch117 -p1
%patch118 -p1
%patch119 -p1
%patch120 -p1
%patch121 -p1
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
%patch122 -p1
%patch123 -p1
%patch124 -p1
%patch125 -p1
%patch126 -p1
%patch130 -p1
%patch131 -p1
%patch132 -p1
# Still needed!
#%patch133 -p1
#%patch134 -p1
#%patch145 -p1
#%patch162 -p1
%patch137 -p1
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
%patch138 -p1
%patch142 -p1
%patch144 -p1
%patch150 -p1
%patch157 -p1
%patch158 -p1
%patch159 -p1
%patch163 -p1
%patch164 -p1
%patch165 -p1
%patch168 -p1
%patch180 -p1
# disabled, as it breaks encrypted / on LVM - dimstar, 20151001
#patch181 -p1
%patch182 -p1
%patch183 -p1
%patch200 -p1
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
%patch201 -p1
%patch202 -p1
%patch300 -p1
%patch400 -p1
%patch401 -p1
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
make all CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{?_smp_mflags}
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %{?_smp_mflags}
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nDRACUT_VERSION=%{version}-%{release}" > %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/dracut-version.sh
# we do not support dash in the initramfs
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
rm -fr %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/00dash
rm -fr %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/05busybox
rm -fr %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/00bootchart
# remove gentoo specific modules
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
rm -fr %{buildroot}%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/50gensplash
# IMA modules are not supported currently.
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
rm -fr %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/96securityfs
rm -fr %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/97masterkey
rm -fr %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/98integrity
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/boot/dracut
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/dracut/overlay
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/dracut.log
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
install -m 0644 dracut.conf.d/suse.conf.example %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d/01-dist.conf
install -m 0644 dracut.conf.d/fips.conf.example %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d/40-fips.conf
%ifarch %ix86 x86_64
echo 'early_microcode="yes"' > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d/02-early-microcode.conf
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
rm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/mkinitrd
# moved to /sbin
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/sbin
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
install -m 0755 mkinitrd-suse.sh %{buildroot}/sbin/mkinitrd
mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/mkinitrd-suse.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/mkinitrd.8
install -m 0755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}/sbin/mkinitrd_setup
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d
install -m 0644 dracut.logrotate %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/dracut
install -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}/sbin/purge-kernels
install -m 644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}/%{_unitdir}/purge-kernels.service
install -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}/sbin/installkernel
%if 0%{?suse_version}
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh
ln -s %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg-suse.sh %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh
mv %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg-redhat.sh
ln -s %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg-redhat.sh %{buildroot}/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/45ifcfg/write-ifcfg.sh
%service_add_pre purge-kernels.service
%service_add_post purge-kernels.service
%post fips
%service_del_preun purge-kernels.service
%service_del_postun purge-kernels.service
%postun fips
%posttrans fips
%files fips
%config %{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d/40-fips.conf
%doc README HACKING TODO COPYING AUTHORS NEWS dracut.html dracut.png dracut.svg
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/lsinitrd
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
%dir %{dracutlibdir}
%dir %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?suse_version} || 0%{?rhel}
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
%config %{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d/01-dist.conf
%ifarch %ix86 x86_64
%config %{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d/02-early-microcode.conf
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/dracut.conf.d
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
%dir %{_libexecdir}/kernel
%dir %{_libexecdir}/kernel/install.d
%dir %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/00systemd-bootchart
%dir %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/03rescue
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
# executable fixups
%attr(0755,root,root) %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/95dcssblk/parse-dcssblk.sh
%attr(0755,root,root) %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/95dcssblk/module-setup.sh
%attr(0755,root,root) %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/99suse/parse-suse-initrd.sh
%attr(0755,root,root) %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/99suse/module-setup.sh
%attr(0755,root,root) %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/00warpclock/warpclock.sh
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/dracut
%attr(0644,root,root) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/log/dracut.log
%dir %{_unitdir}/initrd.target.wants
Accepting request 314510 from home:trenn:branches:Base:System - Fix dmraid issue bnc#905746 A dracut_dmraid_use_udev.patch - Taken over from SLE12 A fips_add_aesni-intel.patch - Do not touch /run vs /var/run bnc#922676 D 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch - Update dracut to version 042 Remove these already included or unneeded patches: D dracut_v041_to_HEAD.patch D 0011-Correct-paths-for-openSUSE.patch D 0068-95fcoe-uefi-Test-for-EFI-firmware.patch D 0170-enable-logitech-hidpp.patch Adjust/refresh: M 0015-40network-replace-dhclient-with-wickedd-dhcp-supplic.patch M 0016-Add-new-s390x-specific-rule-files.patch M 0017-45ifcfg-use-distro-specific-scripts.patch M 0019-40network-Fix-race-condition-when-wait-for-networks.patch M 0020-00warpclock-Set-correct-timezone.patch M 0021-95dcssblk-Add-new-module-for-DCSS-block-devices.patch M 0048-40network-Only-enable-network-interfaces-if-explicit.patch M 0053-01fips-fixup-loading-issues.patch M 0056-81cio_ignore-handle-cio_ignore-commandline.patch M 0057-01fips-Include-some-more-hmacs.patch M 0058-dracut-add-warning-when-including-unsupported-module.patch M 0059-99suse-Add-SUSE-specific-initrd-parsing.patch M 0060-45ifcfg-Add-SUSE-specific-write-ifcfg-file.patch M 0061-45ifcfg-Fixup-error-message-in-write-ifcfg-suse.patch M 0066-40network-always-start-netroot-in-ifup.sh.patch M 0075-95dasd_rules-enable-parsing-of-rd.dasd-commandline-p.patch M 0076-Correctly-set-cio_ignore-for-dynamic-s390-rules.patch OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/314510 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=219
2015-06-30 14:59:59 +02:00
%dir %{_unitdir}/sysinit.target.wants
Accepting request 208892 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System - Update with patches from git repository: * kernel-modules: add ohci-pci to the list of forced module installs * Run 'xz' and 'lzma' with multiple threads * systemd: do not exit the initqueue, if systemd asks a password * iscsi,nbd: do not fail in hostonly mode * dracut-functions.sh: Avoid loading unnecessary 32-bit libraries for 64-bit initrds * fips: also install /etc/system-fips in the initramfs * dracut.modules.7.asc: removed empty section * dracut.sh: fixed PATH shortener * dracut.spec: move /sbin/dracut to /usr/sbin/dracut * iscsi/nbd: do not try to mount the whole disk, if root= is missing * fips: include crct10dif_generic * Handle crypto modules with and without modaliases * usrmount/module-setup.sh: fixed typo * lvm: always install thin utils for lvm * kernel-modules(ARM): add mmc_block usb_storage to static list of kernel mods * dracut-functions.sh:check_block_and_slaves*() skip LVM internal devs * mkdir basic dirs in /run * network/fcoe: only redirect output to loginit.pipe, if exists * dracut.sh: no need to make subdirs in run * dracut.sh: also mkdir /run/lock, which is copied to * lvm: fix thin recognition * Add lzo, lz4 compression and read INITRD_COMPRESS * remove resume-genrules.sh * resume: fix swap detection in hostonly * base/init.sh: also mkdir /run/lock * dmsquash-live: add /dev/mapper/live-base * Doc: cleanup, extend and split and reuse OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/208892 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=82
2013-11-29 13:27:47 +01:00
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/dracut
%dir /boot/dracut
Accepting request 129273 from home:fcrozat:branches:Base:System - Update to release 022: + fixed host-only kernel module bug - Changes from release 021: + fixed systemd in the initramfs (requires systemd >= 187) + dracut-install: massive speedup with /var on the same filesystem with COW copy. + dracut-install: moved to /usr/lib/dracut until it becomes a general purpose toot + new options: "rd.usrmount.ro" and "rd.skipfsck" + less mount/umount + apply "ro" on the kernel command line also to /usr + mount according to fstab, if neither "ro" or "rw" is specified + skip fsck for xfs and btrfs. remount is enough + give emergency_shell if /usr mount failed + dracut now uses getopt: - options can be position independent now!! - we can now use --option=<arg> + added option "--kver=<kernel-version>", and the image location can be omitted : dracut --kver 3.5.0-0.rc7.git1.2.fc18.x86_64 + dracut.sh: for --include copy also the symbolic links + man pages: lsinitrd and mkinitrd added + network: We do not support renaming in the kernel namespace anymore (as udev does that not anymore). So, if a user wants to use ifname, he has to rename to a custom namespace. "eth[0-9]+" is not allowed anymore. + resume: moved the resume process to the initqueue. This should prevent accidently mounting the root file system. + improve running testsuite - Clean up package to be openSUSE only package and follow openSUSE standard. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129273 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dracut?expand=0&rev=2
2012-07-30 20:02:55 +02:00
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/dracut
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/dracut/overlay