Thomas Renninger
Accepting request 240885 from home:hreinecke:branches:Base:System
- Mark all scripts as executable (bnc#887010)
* Remove: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable
* Add: 0116-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch
- 95dasd_rules: Enable device before checking type
* Add: 0117-95dasd_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch
- 95zfcp_rules: Enable device before checking type
* Add: 0118-95zfcp_rules-Enable-the-device-before-checking-devic.patch
- Reset IFS variable
* Add: 0119-Reset-IFS-variable.patch
- Handle module alias properly (bnc#886839)
* Add: 0115-Handle-module-alias-properly.patch
- 81cio_ignore: Mark scripts as executable (bnc#887010)
* Add: 0116-81cio_ignore-Mark-scripts-as-executable.patch
- 91zipl: Translate 'ext2' into 'ext4' module
* Add: 0114-91zipl-Translate-ext2-3-into-ext4.patch
- Enable converting of directory /var/run /var/lock to symlinks
* Add: 0106-dracut-Enable-converting-of-directory-var-run-var-lo.patch
- Fixup typo 'firmare' instead of 'firmware'
* Add: 0107-Fixup-typo-firmare-instead-of-firmware.patch
- 91zipl: Store commandline correctly
* Add: 0108-91zipl-Store-commandline-correctly.patch
- 95dasd_rules: Store all devices in commandline
* 0109-95dasd_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch
- 95zfcp_rules: Store all devices in commandline
* Add: 0110-95zfcp_rules-Store-all-devices-in-commandline.patch
- 90mdraid: Remove line for 'offroot' detection
2014-07-14 16:09:29 +00:00 |