
486 lines
20 KiB

################################################################## [ Index ] ###################################################################
1.- Introduction.
2.- Dependencies installation and Microsoft Windows use tips.
3.- Sintax.
4.- Options.
5.- Examples of use.
############################################################### [ Introduction ] ################################################################
Dumpzilla application is developed in Python 3.x and has as purpose extract all forensic interesting information of Firefox, Iceweasel and Seamonkey browsers to be analyzed. Due to its Python 3.x developement, might not work properly in old Python versions, mainly with certain characters. Works under Unix and Windows 32/64 bits systems. Works in command line interface, so information dumps could be redirected by pipes with tools such as grep, awk, cut, sed... Dumpzilla allows to visualize following sections, search customization and extract certain content.
- Cookies + DOM Storage (HTML 5).
- User preferences (Domain permissions, Proxy settings...).
- Downloads.
- Web forms (Searches, emails, comments..).
- Historial.
- Bookmarks.
- Cache HTML5 Visualization / Extraction (Offline cache).
- visited sites "thumbnails" Visualization / Extraction .
- Addons / Extensions and used paths or urls.
- Browser saved passwords.
- SSL Certificates added as a exception.
- Session data (Webs, reference URLs and text used in forms).
- Visualize live user surfing, Url used in each tab / window and use of forms.
Dumpzilla will show SHA256 hash of each file to extract the information and finally a summary with totals.
Sections which date filter is not possible: DOM Storage, Permissions / Preferences, Addons, Extensions, Passwords/Exceptions, Thumbnails and Session
To use a cache data extraction application (for example MozCache) is recommend to complete the browser forensic analysis.
MozCache: : http://mozcache.sourceforge.net/
####################################################### [ Tips and install dependencies ] #######################################################
- Python 3.x (GNU/Linux Repositories or http://www.python.org/download/)
- Unix Systems with UTF-8 locale / Windows Systems
- Python Magic Module: https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic
Install Magic Module in Windows:
1.- Install Magic Module: https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic (python setup.py install)
2.- Get the GnuWin32 File utility (Binaries and Dependencies): http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/file.htm
3.- Place magic1.dll from the Binaries package into your C:\windows\system32 directory.
4.- Put "magic" from the Binaries package into your C:\windows\system32 directory.
5.- Place zlib1.dll and regex2.dll from the Dependencies package into your system32 directory.
Windows Console Tips:
In Windows command line:
Why? http://wiki.python.org/moin/PrintFails#Windows
Ok, but I still see strange characters in the console !!
Solution 1: Redirect output to a file (>)
Solution 2: Unix is Sexy
Install Magic Module in Unix:
Download Magic Module: https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic
$ cd python-magic-master/
# python setup.py install
################################################################# [ Sintax ] ##################################################################
Dumpzilla command line:
Locate the profile browser directory which will for audit:
- Windows: 'C:\Documents and Settings\xx\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxx.default'
- Unix: '$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/xxxx.default/'
Sintax: python dumpzilla.py browser_profile_directory [Options]
--All (Show everything but the DOM data. Doesn't extract thumbnails or HTML 5 offline)
--Cookies [-showdom -domain <string> -name <string> -hostcookie <string> -access <date> -create <date> -secure <0/1> -httponly <0/1> -range_last -range_create <start> <end>]
--Permissions [-host <string>]
--Downloads [-range <start> <end>]
--Forms [-value <string> -range_forms <start> <end>]
--History [-url <string> -title <string> -date <date> -range_history <start> <end> -frequency]
--Bookmarks [-range_bookmarks <start> <end>]
--Cacheoffline [-range_cacheoff <start> <end> -extract <directory>]
--Thumbnails [-extract_thumb <directory>]
--Range <start date> <end date>
--Passwords (Decode only in Unix)
--Watch [-text <string>] (Only Unix: Show in daemon mode the URLs and text form in real time. -text' Option allow filter, support all grep Wildcards. Exit: Ctrl + C).
Wildcards: '%' Any string of any length (Including zero length)
'_' Single character
'\' Escape character
Date syntax: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
################################################################# [ Options ] ##################################################################
--All Show all except DOM data and do not extract content (thumbnails or HTML5 offline cache)
--Cookies Show cookies and DOM storage if is specified.
-showdom Show DOM stored data and cookies.
-domain <string> Filter by domain name (Wildcards support).
-name <string> Filter by cookie name (Wildcards support).
-hostcookie <string> Filter by Vhost (Wildcards support).
-access <date> Filter by access date (Wildcards support).
-create <date> Filter by creation date (Wildcards support).
-secure <0/1> Filter by cookies with secure flag secure enabled 0:Yes / 1:No.
-httponly <0/1> Filter by HttpOnly type 1:Yes / 0:No.
-range_last <start> <end> Filter last access date by range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
-range_create <start> <end> Filter data creation date by range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
--Permissions Show user preferences and permissions set on certain webs.
-host <string> Filter by domain (Wildcards support).
--Downloads Show the downloads, also history stored, and list directories download.
-range <start> <end> Filter by download initialization dates (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
--Forms Show used forms data and written text in them (Email, comments, searches,...).
-value <string> Filter written text in a form (Wildcards support).
-range_forms <start> <end> Filter form used date by range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
--History Show visualized webs.
-url <string> Filter by URL (Wildcards support).
-title <title> Filter by web "title" (Wildcards support).
-date <date> Filter by access date (Wildcards support).
-range_history <start> <end> Filter visualization date by range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
-frequency Show most visited sites first.
--Bookmarks Show stored sites in bookmarks.
-range_bookmarks <start> <end> Filter last update / installation by date range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
--Cacheoffline Show which domains store offline data (html5) and allow extract their data.
-range_cacheoff <start> <end> Filter stored date by range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
-extract <directory> Extract offline cache content to specified directory.
--Thumbnails Extract browser start or new tab/window thumbnails.
-extract_thumb <directory> Extract thumbnails pictures (If exist) to specified directory.
--Range <start> <end> Filter Cookies, Downloads, Forms, history, Bookmarks and offline Cache date by range (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
Do not filter: DOM Storage, Permissions / Preferences, Addons, Extensions, Passwords/Exceptions, Thumbnails and Session.
--Addons Show browser used Addons / Extensions and paths / URLs.
--Passwords Show stored users and passwords, and decode it (if master key was not used).(Python 2.x)
--Certoverride Show added SSL certificates.
--Session Show last and next-to-last session data. Last Webs and used forms.
--Watch Show in daemon mode the URLs and text form in real time. To finish: Ctrl + C
Edit line 18 with Python3.x path on "python3_path". Example: python3_path = /usr/bin/python3.3
-text <string> Filter by text strings, (grep Wildcards support). Example: --Watch -text "yahoo\|live\|gmail"
############################################################# [ Examples of use ] ###############################################################
Cookies with Wildcards and data range:
These commands have the same output:
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -create 02:35 -name GAPS
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -create 02:35:1% -name _AP%
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -create 2013-0_-04 %:35:1% -name %A__ -hostcookie www.google.com
Domain: google.com
Host: www.google.com
Name: GAPS
Value: 1:IvFZXoV-6ihRuP658dfr7FjLQcnrhw:0X5FWx6hkt0Fp77C
Path: /accounts
Expiry: 2015-03-04 02:35:14
Last acess: 2013-03-04 02:35:14
Creation Time: 2013-03-04 02:35:14
Secure: 0
HttpOnly: 1
This command print domains and their DOM data with accessed cookies between two given dates.
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -domain google% -range_last "2013-03-04 01:28:09" "2013-03-04 01:28:51" -secure 0 -httponly 0 -showdom
Domain: google.de
Host: .google.de
Name: PREF
Value: ID=e59d6b724e975713:U=ed7938110e81ef61:FF=0:LD=en:TM=1361492092:LM=1361492092:S=XE3J6pRySWKjnNuT
Path: /
Expiry: 2015-02-22 01:14:52
Last acess: 2013-03-04 01:28:11
Creation Time: 2013-02-22 01:14:52
Secure: 0
HttpOnly: 0
Domain: secure.shared.live.com
DOM data: 1361915953829
Use of escape characters to filter:
Not using escape characters:
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -name "_ag%"
Domain: objectmix.com
Host: .objectmix.com
Name: _agads
Value: ID=9cd33476f2c9ad11:T=1361492099:S=ALNI_MaEx-Nl-AeR5nAgJq8o_Hz44yDfow
Path: /
Expiry: 2015-02-22 01:14:59
Last acess: 2013-03-04 14:44:13
Creation Time: 2013-03-04 14:44:13
Secure: 0
HttpOnly: 0
Domain: objectmix.com
Host: .objectmix.com
Name: Xagads
Value: 0
Path: /
Expiry: 2014-02-22 01:15:01
Last acess: 2013-03-04 14:44:55
Creation Time: 2013-03-04 14:44:55
Secure: 0
HttpOnly: 0
Using escape characters (two ways, same output)
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -name "\_ag%"
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -name \\_ag%
Domain: objectmix.com
Host: .objectmix.com
Name: _agads
Value: ID=9cd33476f2c9ad11:T=1361492099:S=ALNI_MaEx-Nl-AeR5nAgJq8o_Hz44yDfow
Path: /
Expiry: 2015-02-22 01:14:59
Last acess: 2013-03-04 14:44:13
Creation Time: 2013-03-04 14:44:13
Secure: 0
HttpOnly: 0
Audit real time surfing filtering Yahoo, hotmail and Gmail content:
Remember that "-text" option of "--Watch" can use grep wildcards. This command prints all the windows / tabs that contain "-text".
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .mozilla/firefox/yle8qt6e.default --Watch -text "yahoo\|live\|gmail"
Title: Redactar - luser1985@gmail.com - Gmail
URL: https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#drafts/13d4aa3d5e74265e
Title: (29 no leídos) - Karl Müller - Yahoo! Mail
URL: http://es-mg42.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=4vhbkln5s409p#mail
Title: Yahoo! - 404 Not Found
URL: http://es-mg42.mail.yahoo.com/app/minty/options/general
Form: {'s1p': 'Big Butt'}
Title: A password is not enough
URL: https://account.live.com/Proofs/Manage?ru=https://login.live.com/login.srf%3flc%3d3082%26sf%3d1%26id%36%26cbcxt%3dmai%2mspp_shared%3d1%26seclog%3d0%26wa%3dwsignin1.0%26wp%6ru%3dhttp://mail.live.com/default.aspx&mkt=ES-ES&uiflavor=web&id=6455&lqsp=ntprob%3d-1&mpcxt=AFP&oru=http://mail.live.com/default.aspx&lmif=100
Form: {'Question': {'selectedIndex': 0, 'value': '0'}, 'DisplayPhoneNumber': '650457892', 'EmailAddress': 'recovery@hotmail.com', 'DisplayPhoneCountryISO': {'selectedIndex': 60, 'value': 'ES'}}
Combining mutiple options:
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Cookies -access "16:32:18" --Permissions -host addons.cdn.mozilla.net --History -date "14:27:32"
Execution time: 2013-03-05 18:55:23.691384
Mozilla Profile: .mozilla/firefox/yle8qt6e.default
Cookies [SHA256 hash: d05199c0ff5db35bedb47e536076d0aeda108940edb47e536076d0aeda108940]
Domain: filldisk.com
Host: .filldisk.com
Name: __utmz
Value: 30275752.1362488826.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
Path: /
Expiry: 2013-09-04 05:32:18
Last acess: 2013-03-05 16:32:18
Creation Time: 2013-03-05 14:07:05
Secure: 0
HttpOnly: 0
DOM Storage [SHA256 hash: d2edb47e536076d0aeda1089408004d7a11e361a45c660dd507d2aed2b10061b]
Domain: secure.shared.live.com
Domain: 2.filldisk.com
Domain: 1.filldisk.com
Domain: secure.shared.live.com
Permissions [SHA256 hash: 1448abfa05363d0b68bcaeb75bb1bbf2bf873edb47e536076d0aeda10894019c]
Host: addons.cdn.mozilla.net
Type: sts/subd
Permission: 2
ExpiteType: 0
ExpiteTime: 1970-01-01 01:00:00
Preferences [SHA256 hash: eedb47e536076d0aeda108940371076d8be30ae13751ddd3e42e793cda78a4fd]
Browser cache disk capacity: 228352
Download directory: /home/jasmin/Descargas
Last Download directory: /home/jasmin/Escritorio
Browser Version: 19.0
URL proxy autoconfig: http://caca.com/
FTP backup proxy:
FTP backup proxy port: 4001
Socks backup proxy:
Socks backup proxy port: 4001
SSL backup proxy:
SSL backup proxy port: 4001
FTP proxy:
FTP proxy port: 4001
Http proxy:
Http proxy port: 4001
Share proxy settings: true
Socks proxy:
Socks proxy port: 4001
SSL proxy port: 4001
Type Proxy: 1 (0: No proxy | 4: Auto detect settings | 1: Manual configuration | 2: URL autoconfig)
History [SHA256 hash: edb47e536076d0aeda108940f9cabf311389c5b79810a2ac7369bc797307a80e]
Last visit: 2013-03-05 14:27:32
Title: لوحة المفاتيح SwiftKey X للأندرويد وتدعم العربية
URL: http://www.vip4soft.com/%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%AD-swiftkey-x-%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%AF%D8%B9%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1.html
Frequency: 1
Total information
Total Cookies: 3
Total DOM Data: 14
WARNING: For show the DOM storage data , use the option -showdom
Total Permissions: 2
Total urls in History: 1
Get the Passwords (NO python3.x):
Show configured webs in order to not save credentials, encoded credentials and their decoded. (Only executing dumpzilla under 2.x brach)
$ python2.7 dumpzilla.py .mozilla/firefox/yle8qt6e.default --Passwords
Exceptions/Passwords [SHA256 hash: 15ba116a979ba4edb47e536076d0aeda1089401cce582b2d78c2fa5fb24a570c]
Exception Web: https://www.facebook.com
Exception Web: http://www.gmx.net
Exception Web: https://login.yahoo.com
Exception Web: https://accounts.google.com
Web: http://www.shodanhq.com
User field: username
Password field: password
Encripton type: 1
Created: 2013-03-05 13:19:22
Last used: 2013-03-05 13:19:22
Change: 2013-03-05 13:19:22
Frequency: 21
Web: https://www.facebook.com
User field: email
Password field: pass
User login (crypted): MEoEEPgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEwFAYIKoZIhvcNAwcECIkQJPfZJbL/BCB/lc86x0KEyhw8NBwR/dhJGdXuV0QDCcLqaFg/rVayBw==
Encripton type: 1
Created: 2013-03-05 13:21:07
Last used: 2013-03-05 13:21:07
Change: 2013-03-05 13:21:07
Frequency: 9
Decode Passwords
Web: http://www.shodanhq.com:
Username: Bladimir
Passsword: Вакансиидерьмо
Web: https://www.facebook.com:
Username: justinbieber@hotmail.com
Passsword: 12345
Total information
Total passwords: 2
Total passwords decode: 2
Dumpzilla with grep pipe:
Show installed extensions and paths in C:\ (Windows) used by their.
$ python3.2 dumpzilla.py .yle8qt6e.default --Addons | grep -A 1 -B 1 -i "C:"
Type: theme
Descriptor: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}
Version: 19.0
Type: extension
Descriptor: C:\Documents and Settings\jasminpc\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5s28qo2r.default\extensions\exif_viewer@mozilla.doslash.org.xpi
Version: 2.00
APP: chrome://exif/content/exif.xul#history-loc-1
URL/PATH: C:\DocumentsandSettings\AllUsers\Documents\Porn\Sandra_2011\beach.jpg"
APP: chrome://exif/content/exif.xul#history-loc-1
URL/PATH: C:\DocumentsandSettings\AllUsers\Documents\Porn\Sandra_2011\ricorico.jpg"
################################################################# [ CopyLeft ] ##################################################################
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.