* A maliciously corrupted file systems can trigger buffer overruns in the quota code used by e2fsck. (Addresses CVE-2019-5094) * E2fsck now checks to make sure the casefold flag is only set on directories, and only when the casefold feature is enabled * E2fsck will not disable the low dtime checks when using a backup superblock where the last mount time is zero * Scrubbing scripts fixes * Update translations Rev filesystems/121 Md5 b686fb158aeb4d7ffb0c2cefbde8b7a2 2019-10-07 10:14:28 jankara 734137
e2fsprogs-devel --------------- Since the e2fsprogs libraries has been split out into own packages, each having its own devel package libext2fs-devel libblkid-devel libuuid-devel libcom_err-devel the e2fsprogs-devel package is deprecated and is provided for temporary backwards compatibility only.