version 0 quota format (jsc#SLE-17360) quota-Fold-quota_read_all_dquots-into-quota_update_l.patch: quota: Fold quota_read_all_dquots() into quota_update_limits() (jsc#SLE-17360) quota-Rename-quota_update_limits-to-quota_read_all_d.patch: quota: Rename quota_update_limits() to quota_read_all_dquots() (jsc#SLE-17360) tune2fs-Fix-conversion-of-quota-files.patch: tune2fs: Fix conversion of quota files (jsc#SLE-17360) e2fsck-Do-not-trash-user-limits-when-processing-orph.patch: e2fsck: Do not trash user limits when processing orphan list (jsc#SLE-17360) debugfs-Fix-headers-for-quota-commands.patch: debugfs: Fix headers for quota commands (jsc#SLE-17360) quota-Drop-dead-code.patch: quota: Drop dead code (jsc#SLE-17360) - add these not yet released fixes to e2fsprogs package so that SLE15-SP4 ships with them Rev filesystems/144 Md5 d564bea5c805fff8e7d379ec38987fc2 2021-09-30 14:34:36 jankara 922397
Automatic systemd hardening effort by the security team. This has not been tested. For details please see
Automatic systemd hardening effort by the security team. This has not been tested. For details please see
Automatic systemd hardening effort by the security team. This has not been tested. For details please see
e2fsprogs-devel --------------- Since the e2fsprogs libraries has been split out into own packages, each having its own devel package libext2fs-devel libblkid-devel libuuid-devel libcom_err-devel the e2fsprogs-devel package is deprecated and is provided for temporary backwards compatibility only.