diff --git a/_service b/_service
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b73b3b..0000000
--- a/_service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- git
- https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom
- refs/tags/v1.3
- ^\D*([\d.]+)$
- bz2
- *.tar
diff --git a/_service:set_version:earlyoom.spec b/_service:set_version:earlyoom.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index d1062d3..0000000
--- a/_service:set_version:earlyoom.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-%define realname earlyoom
-%define srcext tar.bz2
-%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1230 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
-%bcond_without systemd
-%bcond_with systemd
-%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} == 6
-%bcond_without upstart
-%bcond_with upstart
-%if ! 0%{?_fillupdir:1}
-%global _fillupdir /var/adm/fillup-templates
-%global rpm_version %(rpm -q --qf %%{version} rpm)
-# Common info
-Name: %{realname}
-Version: 1.3
-Release: 0%{?extraver:0.}1%{?dist}
-License: MIT
-Group: System/Daemons
-URL: https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom
-Summary: Early OOM Daemon for Linux
-# Install-time parameters
-Conflicts: oomd
-%if %{lua:print(rpm.vercmp(rpm.expand('%rpm_version'), '4.13'))} >= 0
-Recommends: libnotify%{?suse_version:-tools}
-Requires(post): insserv-compat
-# Build-time parameters
-BuildRequires: pandoc
-%if %{with systemd}
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd)
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
-ExclusiveOS: Linux
-Source0: %{realname}-%{version}.%{srcext}
-Source11: earlyoom.sysconfig
-Source12: earlyoom.init
-Source13: earlyoom.upstart
-earlyoom checks the amount of available memory and free swap, and if both are
-below critical level, it will kill the largest process (highest oom_score).
-# Preparation step (unpackung and patching if necessary)
-%setup -q -n %{realname}-%{version}%{?extraver}
-# Fix defaults file location
-%{__sed} -i 's|/default/|/sysconfig/|' earlyoom.service.in
-# CentOS' gzip does not have option `-k`
-%{__sed} -i 's|gzip -f -k.*$|gzip -c $< > $@|' Makefile
-# Fix LDFLAGS handling
-%{__sed} -ri '/LDFLAGS/ s|$| -lrt|' Makefile
-# Build step (compile/build binaries, documentation, etc)
-_CFLAGS='%{optflags} %{?gcc_lto} -Wall -Wextra -DVERSION=\"%{version}\" -fstack-protector-all -std=gnu99'
-_LDFLAGS='-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--strip-all %{?gcc_lto}'
-%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} \
-# Install built stuff
-%{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
-%if %{with systemd}
- SYSTEMDUNITDIR=%{_unitdir} \
- PREFIX=%{_prefix}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-%{__install} -D -m644 %{S:11} %{buildroot}%{_fillupdir}/sysconfig.%{name}
-%{__install} -D -m644 %{S:11} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
-%if ! %{with systemd}
-%if %{with upstart}
-%{__install} -D -m644 %{S:13} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/init/%{name}
-%{__install} -D -m755 %{S:12} %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/%{name}
-# Cleanup
-[ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-# Files list
-%if %{with systemd}
-%if %{with upstart}
-%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/earlyoom.service
-%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/default/earlyoom
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-%doc %{_mandir}/man1/earlyoom.1*
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-%if 0%{?_unitdir:1}
-%{service_add_pre %{name}.service}
-%if 0%{?_unitdir:1}
-%{fillup_only %{name}}
-%{service_add_post %{name}.service}
-%{fillup_and_insserv %{name}}
-%if 0%{?_unitdir:1}
-%{service_del_preun %{name}.service}
-%{stop_on_removal %{name}}
-%if 0%{?_unitdir:1}
-%{service_del_postun %{name}.service}
-%{restart_on_update %{name}}
diff --git a/_service:recompress:tar_scm:earlyoom-1.3.tar.bz2 b/earlyoom-1.3.tar.bz2
similarity index 100%
rename from _service:recompress:tar_scm:earlyoom-1.3.tar.bz2
rename to earlyoom-1.3.tar.bz2
diff --git a/earlyoom.changes b/earlyoom.changes
index 16c9a8f..5410767 100644
--- a/earlyoom.changes
+++ b/earlyoom.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Mon Jan 6 16:00:16 UTC 2020 - opensuse.lietuviu.kalba@gmail.com
+- Clean-up.
Thu Jun 6 07:18:05 UTC 2019 - Alexander Evseev
diff --git a/earlyoom.init b/earlyoom.init
index 8163b50..c8d736d 100644
--- a/earlyoom.init
+++ b/earlyoom.init
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ else
FAILURE="failure; echo"
-[ -r /etc/sysconfig/earlyoom ] && source /etc/sysconfig/earlyoom || EARLYOOM_ARGS="-r 3 -m 10 -s 20 -n --avoid '(^|/)(systemd|Xorg|X|ssh|yast|yast2|zypper|rpm)$' --prefer '(^|/)(java|chromium|firefox|opera|akregator|thumbnail.so)$'"
+[ -r /etc/sysconfig/earlyoom ] && source /etc/sysconfig/earlyoom || EARLYOOM_ARGS="-r 3 -m 10 -s 20 -n --avoid '(^|/)(systemd|Xorg|X|Xwayland|xdm|ssdm|kdm|gdm|lightdm|ssh|yast|yast2|y2controlcenter|zypper|rpm)$' --prefer '(^|/)(java|firefox|chromium|chrome|opera|ffmpeg|vlc|akregator|thumbnail.so)$'"
diff --git a/earlyoom.spec b/earlyoom.spec
index 8520d08..9103e21 100644
--- a/earlyoom.spec
+++ b/earlyoom.spec
@@ -1,51 +1,52 @@
-%define realname earlyoom
-%define srcext tar.bz2
+# spec file for package earlyoom
+# Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
-%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1230 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
+%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1230
%bcond_without systemd
%bcond_with systemd
-%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} == 6
-%bcond_without upstart
-%bcond_with upstart
-%if ! 0%{?_fillupdir:1}
-%global _fillupdir /var/adm/fillup-templates
%global rpm_version %(rpm -q --qf %%{version} rpm)
+%if ! 0%{?_fillupdir:1}
+%global _fillupdir %{_localstatedir}/adm/fillup-templates
# Common info
-Name: %{realname}
-Version: 0
-Release: wiz%{?extraver:0.}1%{?dist}
-License: MIT
-Group: System/Daemons
-URL: https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom
-Summary: Early OOM Daemon for Linux
-# Install-time parameters
-Conflicts: oomd
-%if %{lua:print(rpm.vercmp(rpm.expand('%rpm_version'), '4.13'))} >= 0
-Recommends: libnotify%{?suse_version:-tools}
-Requires(post): insserv-compat
+Name: earlyoom
+Version: 1.3
+Release: 0%{?extraver:0.}1%{?dist}
+Summary: Early OOM Daemon for Linux
+License: MIT
+Group: System/Daemons
+URL: https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+Source11: earlyoom.sysconfig
+Source12: earlyoom.init
# Build-time parameters
-BuildRequires: pandoc
-%if %{with systemd}
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd)
+BuildRequires: pandoc
+Requires(post): insserv-compat
+# Install-time parameters
+Conflicts: oomd
+%if %{lua:print(rpm.vercmp(rpm.expand('%{rpm_version}'), '4.13'))} >= 0
+Recommends: libnotify%{?suse_version:-tools}
+%if %{with systemd}
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd)
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
-ExclusiveOS: Linux
-Source0: %{realname}-%{version}.%{srcext}
-Source11: earlyoom.sysconfig
-Source12: earlyoom.init
-Source13: earlyoom.upstart
earlyoom checks the amount of available memory and free swap, and if both are
@@ -53,70 +54,49 @@ below critical level, it will kill the largest process (highest oom_score).
# Preparation step (unpackung and patching if necessary)
-%setup -q -n %{realname}-%{version}%{?extraver}
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{?extraver}
# Fix defaults file location
-%{__sed} -i 's|/default/|/sysconfig/|' earlyoom.service.in
+sed -i 's|/default/|/sysconfig/|' earlyoom.service.in
# CentOS' gzip does not have option `-k`
-%{__sed} -i 's|gzip -f -k.*$|gzip -c $< > $@|' Makefile
+sed -i 's|gzip -f -k.*$|gzip -c $< > $@|' Makefile
# Fix LDFLAGS handling
-%{__sed} -ri '/LDFLAGS/ s|$| -lrt|' Makefile
+sed -ri '/LDFLAGS/ s|$| -lrt|' Makefile
# Build step (compile/build binaries, documentation, etc)
_CFLAGS='%{optflags} %{?gcc_lto} -Wall -Wextra -DVERSION=\"%{version}\" -fstack-protector-all -std=gnu99'
_LDFLAGS='-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--strip-all %{?gcc_lto}'
-%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} \
+make %{?_smp_mflags} \
# Install built stuff
-%{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
+make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
%if %{with systemd}
SYSTEMDUNITDIR=%{_unitdir} \
- PREFIX=%{_prefix}
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-%{__install} -D -m644 %{S:11} %{buildroot}%{_fillupdir}/sysconfig.%{name}
-%{__install} -D -m644 %{S:11} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
+install -D -m644 %{SOURCE11} %{buildroot}%{_fillupdir}/sysconfig.%{name}
%if ! %{with systemd}
-%if %{with upstart}
-%{__install} -D -m644 %{S:13} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/init/%{name}
-%{__install} -D -m755 %{S:12} %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/%{name}
+install -D -m755 %{SOURCE12} %{buildroot}%{_initddir}/%{name}
-# Cleanup
-[ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
# Files list
+%license LICENSE
+%doc MANPAGE.md README.md
%if %{with systemd}
-%if %{with upstart}
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/earlyoom.service
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/default/earlyoom
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
-%doc %{_mandir}/man1/earlyoom.1*
-%if 0%{?suse_version}
%if 0%{?_unitdir:1}
@@ -144,7 +124,6 @@ _LDFLAGS='-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--strip-all %{?gcc_lto}'
%{restart_on_update %{name}}
diff --git a/earlyoom.sysconfig b/earlyoom.sysconfig
index cf483ad..9c07b74 100644
--- a/earlyoom.sysconfig
+++ b/earlyoom.sysconfig
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
## Description: configuration for Early OOM Daemon
## Type: string
-## Default: "-r 3 -m 10 -s 20 -n --avoid '(^|/)(systemd|Xorg|X|ssh|yast|yast2|zypper|rpm)$' --prefer '(^|/)(java|chromium|firefox|opera|akregator|thumbnail.so)$'"
+## Default: "-r 3 -m 10 -s 20 -n --avoid '(^|/)(systemd|Xorg|X|Xwayland|xdm|ssdm|kdm|gdm|lightdm|ssh|yast|yast2|y2controlcenter|zypper|rpm)$' --prefer '(^|/)(java|firefox|chromium|chrome|opera|ffmpeg|vlc|akregator|thumbnail.so)$'"
## Config: earlyoom
# Command-line options to pass to earlyoom
# see man(1) earlyoom
-EARLYOOM_ARGS="-r 3 -m 10 -s 20 -n --avoid '(^|/)(systemd|Xorg|X|ssh|yast|yast2|zypper|rpm)$' --prefer '(^|/)(java|chromium|firefox|opera|akregator|thumbnail.so)$'"
+EARLYOOM_ARGS="-r 3 -m 10 -s 20 -n --avoid '(^|/)(systemd|Xorg|X|Xwayland|xdm|ssdm|kdm|gdm|lightdm|ssh|yast|yast2|y2controlcenter|zypper|rpm)$' --prefer '(^|/)(java|firefox|chromium|chrome|opera|ffmpeg|vlc|akregator|thumbnail.so)$'"
diff --git a/earlyoom.upstart b/earlyoom.upstart
deleted file mode 100644
index 884ed4b..0000000
--- a/earlyoom.upstart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-description "Early OOM killer daemon"
-start on runlevel [2345]
-stop on runlevel [016]
- mkfifo /tmp/earlyoom-log-fifo
- ( logger -t earlyoom < /tmp/earlyoom-log-fifo & )
- exec >> /tmp/earlyoom-log-fifo 2>&1
- rm -f /tmp/earlyoom-log-fifo
- . /etc/sysconfig/earlyoom
- exec /usr/bin/earlyoom ${EARLYOOM_ARGS:--r 60}
-end script