+ Ed now stops reading stdin when reaching real End Of File the first time. (Before it needed to reach EOF twice). + Show the "Try 'ed --help' for more information." message if a bad option is given in the command line. + Quote characters in messages have been changed as advised by GNU Coding Standards. + The description of address offsets in the manual and a link to the Bash manual have been fixed. + Displaying of null characters by the "l" command has been fixed. + The condition deciding when to show the message "Newline appended" has been corrected. + The "modified" flag is now set when reading a non-empty file into an empty buffer. + An error that prevented using NUL characters in regular expressions has been fixed. + Ed now signals an error if it can't create a shell process when executing a shell command. + Ed now flushes stdout/stderr before reading a new command. + Man page is now generated with "help2man". All command-line options are now documented in the man page. - use gpg-offline to verify the package tarball OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/ed?expand=0&rev=7
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RPM Spec