fix bnc#848694 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
463 lines
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463 lines
18 KiB
Sat Nov 2 07:31:38 UTC 2013 -
- fix bnc#848694: fcitx still use the old gtk_immodule_post/postun
Sat Sep 28 09:02:48 UTC 2013 -
- update version
* fix for non-utf8 env
* fix for classic UI cursor position
Thu Sep 26 05:14:42 UTC 2013 -
- update version
* a bug fix release with some small new features
* implement preedit blacklist, and gvim preedit is now blacklisted by
default (thanks to lilydjwg)
* add more unicode support to unicode addon (thanks to jimmyxu)
* more fix on xmodmap loading, now we only load it if we did a layout reset.
* fix some table punctuation related bug
* install a dbus activatation file by default.
* install more library based on prefix.
* fix table configuration parsing
* fix trigger on release
Sat Jul 13 06:22:19 UTC 2013 -
- update version
* udpate default skin
* Merge pull request #119 for fixing Libkvm detection with cmake 2.8.11
* add support for using @ to escape icon name
* remove an icon to support icon fallback in glib
* Check window size to avoid BadWindow caused by invalid skin
* Fix Issue #118
* Fix some memory leak in Issue #117
* Fix table punctuation ignore list
* Fix Pinyin Remind mode
* Fix behavior of trigger key with modifier
- fix systray icon in Dartmouth
Sun Jun 30 23:12:53 UTC 2013 -
- update version 4.2.8
* New Default Theme
* Add modifier only key support to trigger keys
* New DBus based Tray Icon support
* Desktop Notification Support
* First time start will only choose language in current locale
* Use first keyboard input method as default keyboard layout for most case
* fcitx-qt supports a key grab widget forked from KDE, and Qt <-> Fcitx Key
* Multi file quickphrase Support.
* Ship with some default quick phrase
* quickphrase editor support
- drop all old patches: upstream absorbed.
- add new patch: fcitx-4.2.8-freedesktop-notify.c-DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT.patch
* DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT is undefined in src/module/freedesktop-notify/freedesktop-notify.c
- add new patch: fcitx-4.2.8-arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share.patch
* don't install fcitx-po-parser,fcitx-scanner,comp-spell-dict into
Fri Apr 26 23:57:32 UTC 2013 -
- in baselibs.conf, obsoletes "libfcitx-<targettype> < <version>"
instead of "=".
Thu Mar 28 18:28:49 UTC 2013 -
- add more locales into xim.d
- some Taiwan users reported that after installation,
they can't have input panel because we don't start it
and export environments by default.
Fri Feb 8 17:40:06 UTC 2013 -
- disable DENABLE_DEBUG to avoid polluting .xsession-errors. (bnc#802866)
Tue Feb 5 14:11:50 CET 2013 -
- fix typo in specfile
Mon Feb 4 08:45:33 UTC 2013 -
- remove BuildRequires: intltool, fcitx no longer use intltool
to parse translations.
- query immodules for gtk*-32bit subpackages.
- explicitly add enchant, presage, opencc requirements, fcitx use
dlopen to detect them, ld can't fulfill its needs.
Wed Jan 30 18:24:37 UTC 2013 -
- fix bnc#801318: xkeyboard-config symlink breaks fcitx in detecting xkb rule files.
* bnc801318-fcitx-4.2.7-xkb-rule-symlink-detection.patch
* remove next release
- fix bnc#801319: invalid /etc/xdg/autostart/fcitx-autostart.desktop breaks ibus
* leave fcitx-autostart.desktop only for fedora.
Wed Jan 30 08:54:58 UTC 2013 -
- fix the permissions of the .directory file in the openSUSE themeing
Sat Jan 26 05:03:20 UTC 2013 -
- update to 4.2.7
* new feature for user:
+ qt im module support per window input context.
+ quickphrase add new custom ui editor.
+ all pinyin now support stroke.
+ add clipboard input support (Ctrl + ; to use it)
+ fcitx-diagnose script for diagnose the problem
+ new dark skin which can also work for non-composite window manager (though
looks not the same)
+ Helping xmodmap user to correct loading ~/.Xmodmap by default
+ Bind one input method with specific key.
+ Translation update (German, and some spanish).
+ Add "up" and "down" to paging key by default
+ fcitx-config now will comment out the value which is same as the default
value upon save, so default value can be controlled by upstream fcitx change.
+ reload only one addon configuration
* new feature for developer:
+ Big build system improvement
+ remove intltool dependency
+ auto-codegen tool for cross module function.
+ add libfcitx-qt, containing dbus stuff and provides custom ui plugin
+ candidate window can be overriden to use horizontal / vertical by input
method. (kimpanel need KDE 4.10 to use this feature)
+ paging can be override by custom function
* bug fix:
+ fix for xim restart.
+ add more locale to xim by default.
+ compatible with lua 5.2
+ some other misc bugfix
- added patches
* fcitx-4.2.7-compat-12.2.patch
+ fix 12.2 and below builds, remove next release
* fcitx-4.2.7-compat-qt474.patch
+ fix qt 4.7 builds with 12.1 and below
+ remove next release
* fcitx-4.2.7-compat-gcc46.patch
+ fix gcc 4.6 builds with 12.1 and below
+ remove next release
Thu Oct 11 14:03:53 UTC 2012 -
- update to
* a bugfix release, fix including:
+ FreeBSD xlib path detection
+ A few crash related bug
+ reduce remove call that save profile
+ Workaround a bug for qt older than 4.8.0
+ fcitx-config-gtk3 will not be called under KDE.
+ fcitx-table-emoji not usable under 4.2.6
+ IM switchkey will not be captured if there is only one im or no im at all.
+ A bunch of fix for gtk im module.
Sun Sep 23 13:32:25 UTC 2012 -
- fix openSUSE 12.1 and below build
* 4.2.6 uses a Qt 4.8+ only function (QDBusConnection) so it fails on 12.1 and below.
* weng fix it.
Sat Sep 15 18:04:19 UTC 2012 -
- update to 4.2.6
* Add a private dbus service for Fcitx IM Module, simplify the setup on some light weight Desktop
* Improve “Select Character From Phrase” and Pinyin Symbol (typing special symbols in pinyin input
methods) as well as move them to a new Pinyin Enhance module, so that these features can now be
used in other pinyin input methods as well (previous just the builtin one).
* Move spell hint to a new module. Add a new spell hint backend using a builtin dictionary. Load
enchant and presage at runtime using dlopen() so that they are not link dependencies anymore.
* Spell hint for pinyin/AutoEng/QuickPhrase
* Bug fixes for Gtk IM Module
* Add more compile options so it is possible to compile a more simplified Fcitx if necessary
* Add long description (show as tooltip) and hidden options in configure files for a more user
friendly configure interface
* Add global font setting for classical UI
* Fix xkb support on BSD
* Other bug fixes
Fri Sep 7 10:27:34 UTC 2012 -
- fix libfcitx Provides, which can't drop old libraries.
- fix 32bit baselib name.
Sun Aug 26 01:15:41 UTC 2012 -
- add openSUSE-branding theme for 12.2
Thu Aug 16 22:34:07 UTC 2012 -
- add Dependency: libpresage-devel, which will provide word prediction
for keyboard users.
Sun Jul 22 00:13:01 UTC 2012 -
- add Provides to libfcitx as AJ suggested.
Sat Jul 21 18:23:11 UTC 2012 -
- update to 4.2.5
*For user:
1. Default 3 skin change to support a new feature that respect the DPI on the screen.
2. Display current input method after switch the input method, and the hint window will disappear after a while.
3. fcitx-keyboard wordhint now is a per input context option, not a global one.
4. fcitx-xkb support loading custom xmodmap script when needed.
5. fcitx-xkb support assign a default layout when there is no input method.
6. fcitx-pinyin support fix like “jv -> ju”
7. fcitx-pinyin add xiaohe support.
8. fcitx-pinyin now can use “v” to trigger quick-phrase
9. change zh_HK punctutation map for “$” from ¥ to $.
10. support typing unicode character via “ctrl+shift+alt+u”
11. shift for default “active-inactive” switch, and can be only used after switch from “active to inactive” by default.
12. safer for handling signal and exit.
13. restart is displayed on the UI (both classic and kimpanel)
14. log message now includes pid.
*For API:
1. add timeout support.
2. add per-inputcontext data support
3. move all keysym to fcitx-utils.
*For module:
1. Quickphrase can be triggered via cross module call.
Sat Jun 16 14:32:39 UTC 2012 -
- fix memory overflow, thanks to reporter dieter.
- support fedora builds.
- further split packages by input engines and tables, no longer a big mess.
Tue Jun 12 07:22:31 UTC 2012 -
- update to
* urgent fix for compose key.
- use new xim.d-fcitx.
Sun Jun 3 13:05:53 UTC 2012 -
- update to 4.2.4
* fix some xim problem
* add fcitx-gclient for glib and gir binding, can be used to control fcitx or implement fcitx client.
* merge fcitx-keyboard into fcitx
* bind specific keyboard layout with inputmethod
(you need up to date fcitx-configtool,gtk3 ver or kcm-fcitx to configure this feature)
* adjust some default hotkey setting.
- drop openSUSE 11.4 lua51 patch. upstream fixed.
- drop downgrade gio version patch. upstream fixed.
- add SUSE_ASNEEDED=0 macro to avoid a gobject-introspection bug as vuntz suggested. thanks!
Sun Jun 3 04:46:37 UTC 2012 -
- fix sles builds.
* add version tags.
* changed source compression.
* add a patch to downgrade gio's version.
* use xim instead of qt im module.
Sat May 12 12:49:11 UTC 2012 -
- bring fcitx in as default IM in DVD.
- add Provides(en;ko;zh_CN;zh_SG).
Mon May 7 02:55:27 UTC 2012 -
- enable lua by default
Sun May 6 22:57:27 UTC 2012 -
- update to 4.2.3
* Lua extension support, same interface with Googlepinyin.
* super can be used in hotkey again
* fixes Trad-Simp native engine in chttrans.
* Update fcitx-pinyin algorithm
* txt2mb and mb2txt support new English format
* Fix a crash when enable share status.
* Add surrounding text support.
* Commit input when unfocus.
* Classic UI improvement, including trayicon, menu.
Tue Apr 10 14:14:34 UTC 2012 -
- added baselibs.conf to build 32bit im modules and libraries.
Sun Apr 8 02:00:07 UTC 2012 -
- update to 4.2.2
* Can use text as classic UI icon.
* Add more key can be used as hotkey.
* Fixes 536(trayicon),538(enter as submit).
* Make tray icon has a maximum size, so it will looks good under other tray.
Fri Mar 09 13:11:40 UTC+8 2012 -
- update to 4.2.1
* Changes related to API:
Cleanup Unused macro and API
Some new FcitxInputState series API for get the origin key event
for frontend.
Portable with custom path, hide two path related API that may
break portable.
Make FcitxHotkeyGetKey process latin letter and strip shift
modifier for them.
Ability to bind menu with a status.
Ability to update client preedit with formatted string.
* Change related to user:
Update Taiwan punctuation
Quick Phrase can use grave as trigger key.
ctrl rshift can switch input method in reverse order.
2nd 3rd candidate choosing key will not conflict with same
switch key.
AutoEng can accept upper case english key which is not the
initial key.
Add Zenkaku_Hankaku and Hangul as default trigger key when
locale is ja and ko.
Add Symbolic icon for gnome-shell’s kimpanel.
Wed Feb 29 21:04:39 UTC 2012 -
- update source from git.
- to keep source in the same state as modules submited,
as upstream suggested.
Thu Feb 2 16:20:03 UTC 2012 -
- merge changelogs.
Wed Feb 1 20:54:34 UTC 2012 -
- spec clean to make it pure openSUSE to submit to M17N.
- set _service to localonly.
- server deleted openSUSE unused sources.
Mon Jan 30 02:41:20 UTC 2012 -
- Upstream fix issue 511, now builds on 11.4.
- Change pyphrase.mb back upon Upstream request.
Tue Jan 24 06:35:50 UTC 2012 -
- Fix local resolv error because of #GFW.
- Change pyphrase.mb to Sougou's Dict.
Mon Jan 23 12:05:42 UTC 2012 -
- Update source to git, enable opencc for Traditional & Simplified Chinese Switch.
Tue Jan 17 14:31:42 UTC 2012 -
- license update: GPL-2.0+
GPL is not a recognised license and is not in SPDX format. Going on an
analysis of the source files GPL-2.0+ seems to be the best choice"
Fri Oct 7 01:01:22 UTC 2011 -
- csslayer provided a better way to fix the dbus bug.
Tue Oct 5 03:36:42 UTC 2011 -
- Fixed a bug for type words in comment box of facebook while using
firefox visit facebook. Thanks to CSSlayer.
Wed Oct 3 05:08:23 UTC 2011 -
- Fixed a bug with dbus.
Sun Oct 2 19:12:29 UTC 2011 -
- upstream version 4.1.2
* Add ABI check.
* Fix table order bugs.
* other bug fixes.
Tue Sep 13 04:01:59 UTC 2011 -
- im-modules packaged. Thanks to hillwood (!
- xim is still the default method.
Fri Sep 9 00:00:00 UTC 2011 -
- update to 4.1.1
Wed Sep 7 19:49:14 UTC 2011 -
- upstream version 4.1.0
* support im-module (gtk2, gtk3 and qt), not packaged yet
Tue Jun 14 00:56:36 UTC 2011 -
- Add start up script, README and template
Thu May 17 00:00:00 UTC 2011 -
- add gtk-immodule-xim require
Sat Sep 18 00:00:00 UTC 2010 -
- Make it works with newest
Fri Jun 11 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- Add data/tables.conf
Mon Feb 2 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- Fix spec bug(patch by hamigua).
Thu Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- skeleton RPM