* fence_aliyun: Add Aliyun fence agent. (fate#326557)
* fence_gce: add power cycle as default method
* fence_gce: set project and zone as not required
* fence_gce: add support for stackdriver logging
* fence_ilo3/fence_ipmilan: show correct default method (onoff) in help
* fence_mpath: add watchdog support
* fence_amt_ws: create metadata without agent specific libs
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:ha-clustering:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=101
- Update to version 4.0.25+git.1523367910.7473fab7:
* Add fence_gce: Google Compute Engine fence support (fate#325539) (bsc#1088358)
* Low: fence_scsi: Remove period from cmd string
* fence_compute/fence_evacuate: revert to old parameters
* fence_azure_arm: implement network-fencing (w/library from @MSSedusch)
* fence_mpath: Correction of command line which argument is not correctly recognized
* Mid: fence_docker: Exclude slashes from the list.
* fence_pve : choose vm type either lxc or qemu
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/595782
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=37
* Add fence_gce: Google Compute Engine fence support (fate#325539) (bsc#1088358)
* Low: fence_scsi: Remove period from cmd string
* fence_compute/fence_evacuate: revert to old parameters
* fence_azure_arm: implement network-fencing (w/library from @MSSedusch)
* fence_mpath: Correction of command line which argument is not correctly recognized
* Mid: fence_docker: Exclude slashes from the list.
* fence_pve : choose vm type either lxc or qemu
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:ha-clustering:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=80
- Remove deprecated agents
* Remove fence_ovh
* Remove fence_drac
* Remove fence_vmware_soap
- Drop dependency on python-suds
- Update package description
- Update to version 4.0.25+git.1501671877.7bae40a0:
* fence_ipmilan: add target support
* Explicitly use version 3 of the oVirt API
* fence_rhevm: fix "--api-path must not have an argument" issue
* Convert URLs passed to pycurl to ASCII
* fence_vbox: Add support for host on MacOS
* fence_vbox: Add support for Windows host
* fence_compute: fix to avoid breaking nova
* fence_ipmilan: fix target support
* fence_vmware_soap: fix for selfsigned certificate
* fence_ipmilan: Add support for hexadecimal format of Kg key
* fence_azure_arm: fix hardcoded path
* fence_azure_arm: remove release/build info
* fence_ipmilan: Fix inconsistency between help and manual page (defalt for --method)
* fence_scsi: add FIPS support
* fence_ipmilan: fix indentation
* fencing_snmp: fix timemout typo
- Drop outdated patch:
* 0010-Make-pywsman-dependency-optional.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/519659
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=31
* fence_ipmilan: add target support
* Explicitly use version 3 of the oVirt API
* fence_rhevm: fix "--api-path must not have an argument" issue
* Convert URLs passed to pycurl to ASCII
* fence_vbox: Add support for host on MacOS
* fence_vbox: Add support for Windows host
* fence_compute: fix to avoid breaking nova
* fence_ipmilan: fix target support
* fence_vmware_soap: fix for selfsigned certificate
* fence_ipmilan: Add support for hexadecimal format of Kg key
* fence_azure_arm: fix hardcoded path
* fence_azure_arm: remove release/build info
* fence_ipmilan: Fix inconsistency between help and manual page (defalt for --method)
* fence_scsi: add FIPS support
* fence_ipmilan: fix indentation
* fencing_snmp: fix timemout typo
- Drop outdated patch:
* 0010-Make-pywsman-dependency-optional.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:ha-clustering:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=65
- Update to version 4.0.24+git.1480563949.e67fcd4:
* fence_azure_arm: add fencing agent for Azure Resource Manager
* fence_lpar: Add support for IVM
* fence_lpar: Handle exceptions when invalid output is read
* fence_zvmip: Update XML metadata
* fence_compute: fix ConnectionError by using full module name
* fence_powerman: add fence agent for powerman
* Suppress InsecureRequestWarning when ssl_insecure is given
* compute: Correctly handle installations without tagged flavours
* compute: Use the best available nova API version
* compute: correctly implement 'on' when the force-down API call is available
* compute: Correctly identify when the nodename already includes the supplied domain
* compute: Ensure we can connect to nova when fixing the plug name
* compute: Simpler check for nova force down compatibility
- Rebase and remove merged patches:
* Remove 0001-fence_compute-Create-nova-client-with-API-2.11.patch
* Remove 0002-fence_compute-Keep-compatibility-with-python-novacli.patch
* Remove 0003-fence_compute-Only-list-nova-compute-services-when-g.patch
* Remove 0004-fence_compute-Don-t-list-hypervisors-but-nova-comput.patch
* Remove 0005-fence_compute-Do-not-override-domain-if-it-is-alread.patch
* Remove 0006-fence_compute-Fix-use-of-undefined-variable.patch
* Remove 0007-fence_compute-Fix-fix_domain-to-not-return-too-early.patch
* Remove 0008-fence_compute-Fix-fix_plug_name-when-looking-if-plug.patch
* Add 0001-fence_compute-Only-list-nova-compute-services-when-g.patch
* Add 0002-fence_compute-Don-t-list-hypervisors-but-nova-comput.patch
* Add 0003-fence_compute-Do-not-override-domain-if-it-is-alread.patch
* Add 0004-fence_compute-Fix-handling-of-domain-None.patch
* Add 0005-fence_compute-Fix-fix_domain-to-not-return-too-early.patch
* Add 0006-fence_compute-Fix-fix_plug_name-when-looking-if-plug.patch
* Add 0007-fence_compute-Remove-duplicate-check-for-binary-name.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/443140
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=27
* fence_azure_arm: add fencing agent for Azure Resource Manager
* fence_lpar: Add support for IVM
* fence_lpar: Handle exceptions when invalid output is read
* fence_zvmip: Update XML metadata
* fence_compute: fix ConnectionError by using full module name
* fence_powerman: add fence agent for powerman
* Suppress InsecureRequestWarning when ssl_insecure is given
* compute: Correctly handle installations without tagged flavours
* compute: Use the best available nova API version
* compute: correctly implement 'on' when the force-down API call is available
* compute: Correctly identify when the nodename already includes the supplied domain
* compute: Ensure we can connect to nova when fixing the plug name
* compute: Simpler check for nova force down compatibility
- Rebase and remove merged patches:
* Remove 0001-fence_compute-Create-nova-client-with-API-2.11.patch
* Remove 0002-fence_compute-Keep-compatibility-with-python-novacli.patch
* Remove 0003-fence_compute-Only-list-nova-compute-services-when-g.patch
* Remove 0004-fence_compute-Don-t-list-hypervisors-but-nova-comput.patch
* Remove 0005-fence_compute-Do-not-override-domain-if-it-is-alread.patch
* Remove 0006-fence_compute-Fix-use-of-undefined-variable.patch
* Remove 0007-fence_compute-Fix-fix_domain-to-not-return-too-early.patch
* Remove 0008-fence_compute-Fix-fix_plug_name-when-looking-if-plug.patch
* Add 0001-fence_compute-Only-list-nova-compute-services-when-g.patch
* Add 0002-fence_compute-Don-t-list-hypervisors-but-nova-comput.patch
* Add 0003-fence_compute-Do-not-override-domain-if-it-is-alread.patch
* Add 0004-fence_compute-Fix-handling-of-domain-None.patch
* Add 0005-fence_compute-Fix-fix_domain-to-not-return-too-early.patch
* Add 0006-fence_compute-Fix-fix_plug_name-when-looking-if-plug.patch
* Add 0007-fence_compute-Remove-duplicate-check-for-binary-name.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:ha-clustering:Factory/fence-agents?expand=0&rev=56