Mon Mar  9 13:21:53 UTC 2015 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.16:
  * fence_kdump has implemented 'monitor' action that check if local node 
    is capable of working with kdump
  * path to smnp(walk|get|set) can be set at runtime
  * new operation 'validate-all' for majority of agents that checks if 
    entered parameters are sufficient without connecting to fence 
    device. Be aware that some checks can be done only after we receive 
    information from fence device, so these are not tested.
  * new operation 'list-status' that present CSV output (plug_number, 
    plug_alias, plug_status) where status is ON/OFF/UNKNOWN

Mon Feb  9 15:23:23 UTC 2015 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.15:
  * Tripp Lite PDUs are now supported by fence_tripplite_snmp (symlink to 
  * Default values in metadata sometimes differ to those actually used, 
    this is fixed now
  * improvements in testing
- Remove patch: 0001-Avoid-problem-with-broken-make-variable-expansion.patch

Wed Jan  7 14:56:59 UTC 2015 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.14:
  * fence_zvmip for IBM z/VM is rewritten to Python
  * new fence agent for Emerson devices

  * fix invalid default ports for fence_eps and fence_amt
  * properly escape XML in other fields of metadata
  * a lot of refactoring and cleaning

Mon Dec 15 12:04:13 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.13:
  * new fence agent based on mpathpersist that offers better handling of 
    multipath devices
  * improve support of fence_ilo_ssh on older firmwares

  * required packages are also required by autoconf during build time
  * fence_zvm now supports action 'monitor' (thanks to Neale Ferguson)
  * introduce --gnutlscli-path --sudo-path --ssh-path and --telnet-path; 
    they are no longer hard-coded
  * order of XML parameters or options in --help is more stable now
  * fence_cisco_ucs did not set protocol prefix correctly with 
  * logging to syslog now works correctly also with \x00 as input

- Add patch: 0001-Avoid-problem-with-broken-make-variable-expansion.patch

Thu Oct 16 13:42:38 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.12: 
  * new up-to-date wiki page with STDIN / command line arguments
  * Fence agent fence_pve now supports --ssl-secure and --ssl-insecure 
  (check certificate or not)
  * Fence agent for RHEV-M supports cookie based authentication 
  * improvements in build system

  * Fix issue with regular expression in fence_rsb
  * Fix uninitialized EOL in fence_wti

- Remove backported patches:
  - 0001-fence_brocade-Add-support-for-list-action.patch
  - 0002-fencing-Monitor-is-not-working-correctly-without-lis.patch
  - 0003-fence_apc_snmp-Add-support-for-firmware-6.x.patch
  - 0004-fence_zvm-Add-support-for-on-and-status.patch
  - 0005-fence_zvm-Add-current-XML-metadata-to-test-suite.patch
  - 0006-build-Fix-automake-files-so-make-distcheck-works.patch
  - 0007-fencing-Add-new-options-ssl-secure-and-ssl-insecure.patch
  - 0008-tests-Update-XML-metadata-of-fence-agents.patch
  - 0009-fence_cisco_ucs-fence_vmware_soap-Logout-has-to-be-p.patch
  - 0010-fence_zvm-Fixes-for-better-upstream-inclusion.patch
  - 0011-fence_zvm-Add-support-for-on-improve-documentation.patch
  - 0012-fence_rhevm-Use-https-prefix-also-with-ssl-secure-an.patch
  - 0013-fence_apc-shell-timeout-was-used-instead-of-power-ti.patch
  - 0014-fence_rsb-Fix-62d90e3a0827fcdc5be632bdf4103d3c08b396.patch
  - 0015-fence_wti-Fix-invalid-eol.patch
  - 0016-fence_pve-Add-support-for-ssl-secure-and-ssl-insecur.patch

Mon Oct 13 11:06:22 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Backport security and bug fixes (bnc#900879) (CVE-2014-0104)
  - fence_rhevm: Use https:// prefix also with --ssl-secure and --ssl-insecure
  - fence_apc: --shell-timeout was used instead of --power-timeout
  - fence_rsb: Fix 62d90e3a0827fcdc5be632bdf4103d3c08b39622
  - fence_wti: Fix invalid "eol"
  - fence_pve: Add support for --ssl-secure and --ssl-insecure

- Added patches:
  - 0012-fence_rhevm-Use-https-prefix-also-with-ssl-secure-an.patch
  - 0013-fence_apc-shell-timeout-was-used-instead-of-power-ti.patch
  - 0014-fence_rsb-Fix-62d90e3a0827fcdc5be632bdf4103d3c08b396.patch
  - 0015-fence_wti-Fix-invalid-eol.patch
  - 0016-fence_pve-Add-support-for-ssl-secure-and-ssl-insecur.patch 

Fri Oct  3 17:43:37 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Add requirement for python-suds (bnc#899664) 

Tue Sep 16 07:15:30 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Backport fixes from upstream (bnc#896833):
  + fence_brocade: Add support for 'list' action
  + fencing: Monitor is not working correctly without 'list' or 'status'
  + fence_apc_snmp: Add support for firmware 6.x
  + fence_zvm: Add support for "on" and "status"
  + fence_zvm: Add current XML metadata to test suite
  + [build] Fix automake files, so 'make distcheck' works
  + fencing: Add new options --ssl-secure and --ssl-insecure
  + [tests] Update XML metadata of fence agents
  + fence_cisco_ucs & fence_vmware_soap: Logout has to be performed even when fencing fails
  + fence_zvm: Fixes for better upstream inclusion
  + fence_zvm: Add support for 'on', improve documentation
- Added patches:
  + 0001-fence_brocade-Add-support-for-list-action.patch
  + 0002-fencing-Monitor-is-not-working-correctly-without-lis.patch
  + 0003-fence_apc_snmp-Add-support-for-firmware-6.x.patch
  + 0004-fence_zvm-Add-support-for-on-and-status.patch
  + 0005-fence_zvm-Add-current-XML-metadata-to-test-suite.patch
  + 0006-build-Fix-automake-files-so-make-distcheck-works.patch
  + 0007-fencing-Add-new-options-ssl-secure-and-ssl-insecure.patch
  + 0008-tests-Update-XML-metadata-of-fence-agents.patch
  + 0009-fence_cisco_ucs-fence_vmware_soap-Logout-has-to-be-p.patch
  + 0010-fence_zvm-Fixes-for-better-upstream-inclusion.patch
  + 0011-fence_zvm-Add-support-for-on-improve-documentation.patch
- Add dependency on python-requests

Tue Jul  1 12:32:09 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.10:
  * fence_scsi is reimplemented on top of fencing library
  * fence_zvm support distributed z/VM systems
  * support for --delay was added to fence_zvm
  * unmaintained fence agents were removed:
    * fence_baytech, fence_bullpap, fence_cpint, fence_mcdata,
    * fence_rackswitch, fence_vixel, fence_xcat
    * we do not plan to remove other agents
  * update fence_rsb to work with new firmware 

Tue Jul  1 12:32:09 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to 4.0.10:
  * fence_scsi is reimplemented on top of fencing library
  * fence_zvm support distributed z/VM systems
  * support for --delay was added to fence_zvm
  * unmaintained fence agents were removed:
    * fence_baytech, fence_bullpap, fence_cpint, fence_mcdata,
    * fence_rackswitch, fence_vixel, fence_xcat
    * we do not plan to remove other agents
  * update fence_rsb to work with new firmware 

Mon May 19 12:03:38 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Don't build in parallell (bnc#878580) 

Thu May 15 08:58:47 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to version 4.0.9 (bnc#877996)
  + Allow ssl connections to fallback to SSL3.0 negotiation
  + fence_vmware_soap: fix short/long option parsing traceback
  + fence_raritan: new fence agent for Raritan Dominion PX
  + fencing: Replace printing to stderr with proper logging solution
  + fence_wti: Action 'list' prints also named groups
  + fence_ipmilan: send empty password, if password is not entered
  + fence_vmware: Invalid arguments for vmware_get_outlets_vi()
  + fence_amt: sending password over env
  + fencing: Introduce new device option 'no_status'
  + fence_pve: new fence-agent for Proxmox VE
  + fence_ovh: --delay should be applied before attempt to login

- Exclude dummy fence agent fence_dummy (bnc#877950)

- Remove obsolete fence-agents-add-longdesc.patch

Tue Feb 18 10:00:55 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to version 4.0.7

  + support for firmware v1.40 for WTI (MPC series)
  + nss_wrapper used for fence_ilo was replaced by gnutls-cli

  + --delay was not respected in fence_vmware_soap

  + fabric fence agents have 'off' as default action

  + fence_scsi now generates correct key on corosync clusters

  + regression was found in fence_ipmilan where -P and -L were 
    interchanged on command line
    (there was no problem with long options and input from STDIN)
  + fence_vmware_soap now fails with proper error message when user does 
    not have enough privileges 

Sat Jan 11 13:48:04 UTC 2014 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to version 4.0.6

  + support for Dell Drac MC was added to fence_drac5

  + support for Tripplite PDU was added to fence_apc 
    (thanks to Bogdan Dobrelya)

  + support for AMT was added as new fence agent fence_amt 
    (thanks to Ondrej Mular)

  + support for identification of  virtual machine using UUID was 
    added to fence_virsh (thanks to Bogdan)

  + fence_ipmilan was ported from C to Python using standard 
    fencing library (thanks to Ondrej)

Thu Oct 31 13:55:12 UTC 2013 - kgronlund@suse.com

- Update to version 4.0.5

  + fence agent for RSB now works correctly also with newer 

  + fence agent for WTI now supports not only port numbers but also
    named port groups 

  + fence agent for VMWare SOAP now report if user does not have 
    enough privileges 

  + add a Relax NG for XML metadata of fence agents and require 
    them to be correct in order to build a fence agent

  + fix problems found thanks to previous Relax NG

Mon Sep  9 08:37:08 UTC 2013 - ygao@suse.com

- Update to version 4.0.3 

Thu Jul  5 17:13:10 UTC 2012 - dmuhamedagic@suse.com

- add longdesc as copy of shortdesc to produce valid XML (bnc#770043)

Tue Jun 26 16:08:30 UTC 2012 - dmuhamedagic@suse.com

- remove fence-ack-manual from supported, it has effect only with
- add links to /usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/rhcs

Thu Jun 21 08:41:33 UTC 2012 - lmb@novell.com

- Rename two packages to SUSE package names in Requires
- Split into fence-agents and fence-agents-unsupported
- SUSE-fy spec file

Thu Nov  3 20:00:13 UTC 2011 - msvec@suse.com

- Initial version 3.1.6