Dominique Leuenberger 85d92c65e6 Accepting request 846925 from Virtualization
- packaging fixes
- Update to version 0.9.64:
  * replaced --nowrap option with --wrap in firemon
  * The blocking action of seccomp filters has been changed from
    killing the process to returning EPERM to the caller. To get the
    previous behaviour, use --seccomp-error-action=kill or
    syscall:kill syntax when constructing filters, or override in
    /etc/firejail/firejail.config file.
  * Fine-grained D-Bus sandboxing with xdg-dbus-proxy.
    xdg-dbus-proxy must be installed, if not D-Bus access will be allowed.
    With this version nodbus is deprecated, in favor of dbus-user none and
    dbus-system none and will be removed in a future version.
  * DHCP client support
  * firecfg only fix dektop-files if started with sudo
  * SELinux labeling support
  * custom 32-bit seccomp filter support
  * restrict ${RUNUSER} in several profiles
  * blacklist shells such as bash in several profiles
  * whitelist globbing
  * mkdir and mkfile support for /run/user directory
  * support ignore for include
  * --include on the command line
  * splitting up media players whitelists in
  * new condition: HAS_NOSOUND
  * new profiles: gfeeds, firefox-x11, tvbrowser, rtv, clipgrab, muraster
  * new profiles: gnome-passwordsafe, bibtex, gummi, latex, mupdf-x11-curl
  * new profiles: pdflatex, tex, wpp, wpspdf, wps, et, multimc, mupdf-x11
  * new profiles: gnome-hexgl, com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate, mupdf-gl, mutool
  * new profiles: desktopeditors, impressive, planmaker18, planmaker18free
  * new profiles: presentations18, presentations18free, textmaker18, teams
  * new profiles: textmaker18free, xournal, gnome-screenshot, ripperX
  * new profiles: sound-juicer, com.github.dahenson.agenda, gnome-pomodoro
  * new profiles: gnome-todo, x2goclient, iagno, kmplayer, penguin-command
  * new profiles: frogatto, gnome-mines, gnome-nibbles, lightsoff, warmux
  * new profiles:, ferdi, abiword, four-in-a-row
  * new profiles: gnome-mahjongg, gnome-robots, gnome-sudoku, gnome-taquin
  * new profiles: gnome-tetravex, blobwars, gravity-beams-and-evaporating-stars
  * new profiles: hyperrogue, jumpnbump-menu, jumpnbump, magicor, mindless
  * new profiles: mirrormagic, mrrescue, scorched3d-wrapper, scorchwentbonkers
  * new profiles: seahorse-adventures, wordwarvi, xbill, gnome-klotski
  * new profiles: swell-foop, fdns, five-or-more, steam-runtime
  * new profiles: nicotine, plv, mocp, apostrophe, quadrapassel, dino-im
  * new profiles: hitori, bijiben, gnote, gnubik, ZeGrapher, xonotic-sdl-wrapper
  * new profiles: gapplication, openarena_ded, element-desktop, cawbird
  * new profiles: freetube, strawberry, jitsi-meet-desktop
  * new profiles: homebank, mattermost-desktop, newsflash, com.gitlab.newsflash
  * new profiles: sushi, xfce4-screenshooter, org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer, lyx
  * new profiles: minitube, nuclear, mtpaint, minecraft-launcher, gnome-calendar
  * new profiles: vmware, git-cola, otter-browser, kazam, menulibre, musictube
  * new profiles: onboard, fractal, mirage, quaternion, spectral, man, psi
  * new profiles: smuxi-frontend-gnome, balsa, kube, trojita, youtube
  * new profiles: youtubemusic-nativefier, cola, dbus-send, notify-send
  * new profiles: qrencode, ytmdesktop, twitch
  * new profiles: xournalpp, chromium-freeworld, equalx
- remove firejail-0.9.62-fix-usr-etc.patch, included upstream
- remove firejail-apparmor-3.0.diff, included upstream

2020-11-08 19:59:06 +00:00
2020-11-02 20:06:56 +00:00
2020-11-02 22:09:54 +00:00
No description provided
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