commit 20ce0a326e97be30f642de977db2a7bc6b5f83dacbe64639f3feb7f5e13a265f
Author: Dominique Leuenberger <>
Date:   Mon Feb 3 14:22:56 2025 +0000

    - Update to version 2.0.5:
      + This release adds the following features:
        - Allow emulating devices reading EFI keys
        - Allow skipping device tests by CPU architecture
      + This release fixes the following bugs:
        - Cleanup Dell kestrel devices when disconnected
        - Correctly build binary EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST objects
        - Do not allow dbx updates when no ESP was found
        - Ignore BootXXXX entries that do not exist when checking the dbx
        - Ignore EFI binaries that are zero-sized, or not well formed
        - Inhibit dbx updates if snapd is not available when using Ubuntu-style FDE
        - Only match the device checksum if the protocol matches
        - Raise authentication requirements for emulation-load
        - Request to upload failed reports for install/downgrade too
        - Use the kernel architecture when building the dbx instance ID
        - Write sbatlevel to PE/COFF files correctly
      + This release adds support for the following hardware:
        - More ELAN Fingerprint readers
        - Star Labs StarLite Magnetic Keyboard

diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b03811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+## Default LFS
+*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bsp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gem filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.rpm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.txz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57affb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/_service b/_service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6f179e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_service
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <service name="obs_scm" mode="manual">
+    <param name="url"></param>
+    <param name="scm">git</param>
+    <param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@+@TAG_OFFSET@</param>
+    <param name="revision">2.0.5</param>
+    <param name="versionrewrite-pattern">(.*)\+0</param>
+    <param name="versionrewrite-replacement">\1</param>
+  </service>
+  <service name="tar" mode="buildtime"/>
+  <service name="recompress" mode="buildtime">
+    <param name="file">*.tar</param>
+    <param name="compression">xz</param>
+  </service>
+  <service name="set_version" mode="manual"/>
diff --git a/fwupd-1.9.21.obscpio b/fwupd-1.9.21.obscpio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e7fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-1.9.21.obscpio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:bcee90af83542807f804a51406cca9bf39df6c9705547889f742895ec8b14415
+size 18368013
diff --git a/fwupd-1.9.23.obscpio b/fwupd-1.9.23.obscpio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b469315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-1.9.23.obscpio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:5e52dca5546ebe1727d3c8f86a9f881d024bf85d4a3c1c1cfd0bce9c3dfa62a3
+size 18383885
diff --git a/fwupd-1.9.24.obscpio b/fwupd-1.9.24.obscpio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f2165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-1.9.24.obscpio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:77e581c0f266d6430324dbb9a41fbe70425b3c2fa21872d9b1d0c84378a4c78f
+size 18430477
diff --git a/fwupd-1.9.27.obscpio b/fwupd-1.9.27.obscpio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0318cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-1.9.27.obscpio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:8e769a81823bf3abaaa8cf75f2e45b4e1a4e775b4b0c1a9718fda7e9a4646f22
+size 18645517
diff --git a/fwupd-2.0.4+4.obscpio b/fwupd-2.0.4+4.obscpio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b240724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-2.0.4+4.obscpio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:e267e10a6d0c9ed93333f77cc7faee577580a46951c85007f68928db722d00f9
+size 20710925
diff --git a/fwupd-2.0.5.obscpio b/fwupd-2.0.5.obscpio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78fe128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-2.0.5.obscpio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:a1c93188225a462dd47f99ad168664b74b2a5bc98d1c4bc7e90dfab41ee0e6d2
+size 20803085
diff --git a/fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch b/fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757aa22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-bootmgr.c b/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-bootmgr.c
+index e7761b52..0a425455 100644
+--- a/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-bootmgr.c
++++ b/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-bootmgr.c
+@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ fu_uefi_bootmgr_bootnext(FuEfivars *efivars,
+ 	if (!fu_efivars_get_secure_boot(efivars, &secureboot_enabled, error))
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	if (secureboot_enabled) {
+-		shim_app = fu_uefi_get_esp_app_path(esp_path, "shim", error);
++		shim_app = g_strdup_printf ("%s/shim.efi", fu_uefi_get_esp_path_for_os(esp_path));
+ 		if (shim_app == NULL)
+ 			return FALSE;
diff --git a/fwupd-jscSLE-11766-close-efidir-leap-gap.patch b/fwupd-jscSLE-11766-close-efidir-leap-gap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be3c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd-jscSLE-11766-close-efidir-leap-gap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Index: fwupd-1.9.14/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-common.c
+--- fwupd-1.9.14.orig/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-common.c
++++ fwupd-1.9.14/plugins/uefi-capsule/fu-uefi-common.c
+@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
+ 	g_autofree gchar *full_systemd_path = NULL;
+ 	g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL;
+ 	g_autoptr(GHashTable) os_release = NULL;
++	g_auto(GStrv) split = NULL;
+ 	/* distro (or user) is using systemd-boot */
+ 	systemd_path = g_build_filename("EFI", "systemd", NULL);
+@@ -262,6 +263,9 @@
+ 	os_release = fwupd_get_os_release(&error_local);
+ 	if (os_release != NULL) {
+ 		os_release_id = g_hash_table_lookup(os_release, "ID");
++		/* Overide os_release_id for SLE and openSUSE */
++		split = g_strsplit (g_hash_table_lookup (os_release, "NAME"), " ", 2);
++		os_release_id = g_ascii_strdown (split[0], -1);
+ 	} else {
+ 		g_debug("failed to get ID: %s", error_local->message);
+ 	}
diff --git a/fwupd.changes b/fwupd.changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5c038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd.changes
@@ -0,0 +1,4543 @@
+Mon Feb  3 14:12:39 UTC 2025 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 2.0.5:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Allow emulating devices reading EFI keys
+    - Allow skipping device tests by CPU architecture
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Cleanup Dell kestrel devices when disconnected
+    - Correctly build binary EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST objects
+    - Do not allow dbx updates when no ESP was found
+    - Ignore BootXXXX entries that do not exist when checking the dbx
+    - Ignore EFI binaries that are zero-sized, or not well formed
+    - Inhibit dbx updates if snapd is not available when using Ubuntu-style FDE
+    - Only match the device checksum if the protocol matches
+    - Raise authentication requirements for emulation-load
+    - Request to upload failed reports for install/downgrade too
+    - Use the kernel architecture when building the dbx instance ID
+    - Write sbatlevel to PE/COFF files correctly
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - More ELAN Fingerprint readers
+    - Star Labs StarLite Magnetic Keyboard
+Mon Jan 20 16:02:53 UTC 2025 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 2.0.4+4:
+  + dell-kestrel: cleanup the devices when disconnected
+  + Raise authentication requirements for emulation-load
+  + uefi-dbx: Only list the version in the quirk file key
+- Update to version 2.0.4:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Record the entire USB descriptor in the emulation data
+    - Return defined return code when network metadata refresh
+      fails
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add a new private flag of 'delayed-removal' to remove a
+      footgun
+    - Added a more specific instance ID for qc-s5gen2 USB devices
+    - Add fadvise64 to the systemd syscall allowlist
+    - Add the Unifying bootloader VID/PID as a full instance ID
+    - Allow disabling zero-length packet for modem-manager devices
+    - Allow recovering Logitech Bolt receiver in bootloader mode
+    - Correctly parse CSV streams without trailing NULs
+    - Detect if network is reachable before downloading metadata
+    - Disabling reading the OptionROM device after dumping
+    - Do not claim kernel interface to avoid Parade downstream port
+      resets
+    - Do not save BootOrder when measuring system integrity
+    - Enumerate child nordic-hid devices correctly
+    - Fix a possible critical warning for Mediatek scaler devices
+    - Fix Firehose padding for some modem-manager devices
+    - Fix UEFI capsule updates when using 4096 byte NVME blocksize
+    - Get the Dell dock update package version correctly
+    - Never read more of the composite stream from a partial stream
+    - Notify snapd about DBX updates
+    - Probe sd_mod before starting
+    - Remove the test for CSME 18 manufacturing lock
+    - Restore the Logitech compatibility UFY instance IDs
+    - Show the correct version when installing a same-device
+      composite update
+    - Show updates with problems when using 'fwupdmgr get-releases'
+    - Split up the AMD GPU VBIOS P/N for the version
+    - Use attr USB4_TYPE rather than guessing from
+      thunderbolt_domain
+    - Use the ISO date as a dbx version number for the Microsoft
+      KEK
+    - Use the KEK to set the dbx vendor ID
+Thu Jan  9 14:51:34 UTC 2025 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 2.0.3:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a power quirk for Framework systems
+    - Speed up writing firmware to the new Dell dock
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Deinitialize DRM after getting GPU marketing name to fix Xorg
+      startup
+    - Do not show 'Device has been removed' as a dock device error
+    - Fix a warning about legion-hid2 progress going backwards
+    - Fix some small memory leaks in realtek-mst and dell-kestrel
+    - Only mark supported Logitech devices as updatable
+    - Parse FDTs with missing END tokens to work on more
+      ChromeBooks
+    - Reduce the device emulation RSS requirement by ~40%
+    - Skip checking BootXXXX entries when the partition does not
+      exist
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Primax Ryder Mouse
+- Changes from version 2.0.2:
+  + Add fwupdtool 'get-version-formats' and 'vercmp' commands
+  + Add support for checking AMD HW configuration MSR
+  + Add support for enumerate-only device emulation to increase
+    test coverage
+  + Add support for passing a JSON file for emulation instead of
+    ZIP
+  + Remove support for now-obsolete CSR DFU and Nitrokey devices
+- Changes from version 2.0.1:
+  + Add API so that gnome-firmware can record devices for emulation
+  + Save the emulation-tag devices to the database rather than the
+    config file
+- Changes from version 2.0.0:
+  + Drop legacy signing formats for verification of metadata and
+    firmware
+  + Reduce the runtime memory usage and CPU startup cost
+    significantly
+  + Remove all the long-deprecated legacy CLI tools
+  + Remove libgusb and GUdev from plugins and use libusb and sysfs
+    instead
+  + Stream firmware binaries over a file descriptor rather than
+    into memory
+- Drop harden_fwupd-offline-update.service.patch: offline service
+  no longer exists.
+- Drop harden_fwupd-refresh.service.patch: merged upstream.
+- Drop fwupd-jscSLE-11766-close-efidir-leap-gap.patch: fwupd now
+  falls back to ID_LIKE.
+- Bump shlib_sover to 3, following upstream.
+- Add python3-dbusmock BuildRequires: new dependency.
+Thu Jan  9 06:38:36 UTC 2025 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Update fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch to correct the
+  path for shim.efi
+Mon Dec 23 11:53:48 UTC 2024 - Callum Farmer <>
+- Correct efi_fw_update arch list:
+  * Remove ppc64le and s390x - these aren't supported
+  * Add armv6hl/armv7hl and riscv64 - support recently added
+Sat Dec 21 11:01:39 UTC 2024 -
+- Update to version 1.9.27:
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add a power quirk for Framework systems
+    - Allow cros-ec repair the device after flush failure
+    - Check the VLI USB3 firmware size before erasing
+    - Disallow DBX updates on the Samsung Galaxy Book2 360
+    - Do not show 'Device has been removed' as a dock error
+    - Do not use a CMSE11 function when using CSME18
+    - Fix an unlikely memory leak when using ModemManger Sahara devices
+    - Fix a tiny memory leak in algoltek-usb when checking status
+    - Mark UEFI dbx updates as affecting full disk encryption
+    - Parse FDTs with missing END tokens
+    - Rename the dell-k2 plugin to dell-kestrel and rework the update flow
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Google GID8 Headset
+    - Parade PS188
+    - Primax Ryder Mouse
+- Update to version 1.9.26:
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add HSI tests for Arrow and Meteor Lake CSME
+    - Allow UEFI capsule config values to be set with fwupdmgr modify-config
+    - Check for the logitech-bulkcontroller response packet length correctly
+    - Fix using ID_LIKE for fallback when ESP isn't mounted
+    - Fix various Coverity-reported overflowed constants
+    - Only compare the first 10 characters of the AMD GPU part number
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Jabra PanaCast
+    - Some Lenovo Legion HID devices
+Tue Oct 15 14:47:07 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Drop rcFOO symlinks (PED-266).
+Mon Oct 14 18:40:47 UTC 2024 - Matwey Kornilov <>
+- Enable plugin_amdgpu: the plugin built succesfully
+Wed Sep 25 08:47:28 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.25:
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Fix checking new Synaptics MST firmware size
+    - Make another ModemManager instance ID visible for firmware
+      matching
+    - Never set a zero-length device name when matching the vendor
+      name
+    - Recalculate the device supported flag when reparenting
+      devices
+    - Reduce idle power consumption of paired logitech-hidpp
+      devices
+    - Retry the open action to fix BC901 NVMe reload
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Algoltek devices supporting sector erase
+    - Dell K2 dock
+    - Intel USB4 hub 5787
+    - More MediaTek scaler devices
+    - Nordic HID devices supporting DFUv1
+Thu Aug 22 06:07:43 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.24:
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add support for capsule on disk for Dell systems
+    - Do not re-use the connection cache to fix Redfish BMC restart
+    - Exclude known recovery partitions when choosing an ESP volume
+    - Fix the VLI usb3 private flag registration
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - More Mediatek scaler devices
+    - Parade USB hubs
+Tue Aug  6 05:36:59 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.23:
+  + Fix a regression in 1.9.22 that caused some devices not to
+    probe correctly.
+  + Try harder to get a valid response when flashing usi-dock
+    devices.
+Mon Jul 29 06:17:20 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.22:
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add a PCB tag in the usi-dock GUID to distinguish different
+      revisions.
+    - Add explicit hidraw permission to fwupd.service to fix
+      several devices.
+    - Always load the flashrom plugin when using coreboot.
+    - Be explicit with the rts54hub detach retry delay to fix the
+      Acer D501.
+    - Be more careful when setting thelio-io version strings.
+    - Fix a critical warning if a device returns unexpected data
+      from DFU upload.
+    - Fix a critical warning if the DMI manufacturer is an empty
+      string.
+    - Fix several reported integer overflows from Coverity.
+    - Fix the Blackbird and Talos II baseboard details.
+    - Fix transient version number issue after flashing wacom-usb
+      devices.
+    - Increase the cros_ec acquiesce delay to manage additional
+      reboots.
+    - Only accept valid ASCII cabinet filenames.
+    - Only require udevdir when gudev support is enabled.
+    - Only show one PixArt receiver device per physical device.
+    - Set the rts54hub version in more cases.
+    - Speed up the daemon self tests by ~60%.
+    - Use the bootloader build-timestamp as the fallback HWID BIOS
+      version.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Framework SD
+    - Raspberry Pi 5 (unofficial)
+Fri Jun 14 12:47:11 UTC 2024 -
+- remove dependency on /usr/bin/python3 using
+  %python3_fix_shebang_path macro, [bsc#1212476]
+Fri Jun 14 07:23:07 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.21:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+     - Add a fwupd.conf option to ignore CHID requirements for
+       development.
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Allow loading Wacom device flags from metadata.
+    - Check for needs-shutdown like we do needs-reboot.
+    - Fix updating the Aerox 3 Wireless Mouse.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Synaptics Carrera devices.
+    - Wacom Movink devices.
+Tue May 21 07:51:07 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.20:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add some API to allow uploading reports for use in
+      gnome-firmware
+    - Allow the user to upload the entire devicelist to the LVFS
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Correctly detect Synaptics Cayenne and Spyder firmware
+    - Do not offer the UEFI DBX update on Lenovo ideacentre
+      300-20ISH
+    - Explicitly enable shadow stack support in fwupd.service
+    - Fix a potential buffer overread when reading the algoltek-usb
+      version number
+    - Fix the CET HSI test by rewriting it in assembly
+    - Fix using --verbose in fwupdmgr
+    - Ignore --p2p when downloading the metadata signature
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - FPC FF2 fingerprint devices
+Tue May  7 10:48:06 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.19:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Drop heap as part of a housekeeping action.
+    - Retry downloads to workaround flaky network connections.
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Assume new ME versions are called CSME.
+    - Fix a buffer-overread when parsing invalid CoSWID entity
+      data.
+    - Fix a logic thinko when parsing GUID strings.
+    - Fix downloading files on Windows with libcurl >= 7.77.0.
+    - Revert back to a simpler syscall blocklist-based filter.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:.
+    - Acer U32 dock.
+    - Luxshare 7-in-1 dock.
+    - Pixart models 2404, 4206, 2440, 2418, 2752, 2840 and 2818.
+Mon Apr 29 09:38:53 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.18:
+  + Fix a small memory leak in fwupdmgr.
+  + Use simple allow-listing for the syscall filter.
+- Changes from version 1.9.17:
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Capture device status changes when in bootloader mode.
+    - Change the systemd SystemCallFilter to an allowlist.
+    - Detect when a CCGX dock forbids downgrade.
+    - Do not add an overly-generic instance ID to CrosEC devices.
+    - Do not read OptionROM verification data on Apple hardware.
+    - Emit a signal when a user-request is no longer valid.
+    - Fix a potential crash when parsing invalid CBOR data.
+    - Properly show SPDX project licenses with AND as a delimiter.
+    - Verify that syscalls are being filtered correctly at startup.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Asus DC201.
+    - Realtek Gen1 RTS541x.
+Mon Apr  8 06:52:47 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.16:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Prefer zstd over xz for metadata.
+    - Relicense a few remaining plugin files to LGPL-2.1+.
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Correctly record UEFI success if adding ESRT nodes.
+    - Defer the DP Aux MST scanning on hotplug to workaround a
+      kernel bug.
+    - Do not do the post-update version check if the device
+      needs-reboot.
+    - Fix a fastboot warning when loading device.
+    - Fix a possible warning in fwupdmgr when excluding releases.
+    - Fix a qsi-dock warning when writing chunks.
+    - Ignore attribute-changed to work around a regression in
+      macOS.
+    - Ignore ZFS zvols when finding the default ESP.
+    - Mark Pluton TPMs as part of the main CPU.
+    - Put the fwupd-efi verbose debugging in the journal.
+    - Recognize zfsbootmenu in ESP detection heuristic.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Acer T34 and U33 docks.
+    - Qualcomm Series 5 Gen 1 and Gen 2 and Series 3 Gen 1 and
+      Gen 2 devices.
+    - Several Puya SPI chips.
+    - VIA VL822 C0.
+Fri Apr  5 07:08:35 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- dbxtool is built unconditionally on all architectures: move it
+  out of the condition in the files section and also
+  unconditionally provide/obsolete the old version.
+Tue Mar 12 07:53:58 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.15:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Allow loading in parameters for the test device from
+      fwupd.conf.
+    - Ensure LVFS remotes are changed from .gz to .xz.
+    - Store the install duration in the history database.
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Drop OverrideESPMountPoint references in uefi-capsule.
+    - Fix a potential double-free when writing AVer firmware.
+    - Only request the BOS descriptor when bcdUSB > 0x0200.
+    - Use the root device order when sorting device children.
+Tue Feb 27 06:35:56 UTC 2024 - Paolo Stivanin <>
+- Update to version 1.9.14:
+  * Correctly detect ARM32 and RISC-V UEFI binaries.
+  * Correctly migrate the database schema from very old fwupd versions.
+  * Fix DS-20 descriptors by opening the GUsbDevice earlier.
+  * Fix updating the fingerprint reader on the Framework 13 and 16 laptop.
+  * Fix warning when probing devices using the metadata allowlist.
+  * Only recover the version format for specific devices.
+Thu Feb  8 14:45:52 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.13:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a timer inhibit if the daemon took a long time to
+      startup.
+    - Add a concept of 'Test Mode' rather than enabling specific
+      plugins.
+    - Do not idle-quit the daemon if there is a connected D-Bus
+      client.
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Allow plugins to opt-out of the child-device first depsolve.
+    - Allow setting multiple flags in LVFS::DeviceFlags.
+    - Do not migrate config comments for removed keys.
+    - Do not request the Advantech BMC to reboot.
+    - Do not warn the user about ESP when using MBR.
+    - Fix a critical warning when adding a PixArt wireless device.
+    - Fix migration of legacy config files.
+    - Only save config values to the mutable config file.
+    - Parse DS-20 descriptors earlier in device setup.
+    - Store the version format in the history database to fix
+      offline reports.
+    - Use the correct GUID for matching realtek-mst and
+      parade-lspcon.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - GoodWay Acer Dock.
+Wed Jan 24 10:46:50 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.12:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add remote modification support to fwupdtool
+    - Add support for more modify-config options
+    - Generate HTML pages for all man pages
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Assume the legacy LVFS::UpdateRequestId tag is non-generic
+    - Avoid crashing the daemon if not using udisks
+    - Correctly mark the CPU as supported
+    - Correctly match invalid EFI partitions
+    - Do not change the device status until the action has
+      completed
+    - Do not require systemd for fwupdtool modify-config
+    - Enable access to the home interface for snap
+    - Fix an assertion when enabling lvfs-testing for the first
+      time
+    - Fix a possible crash in fwupdtool build-cabinet
+    - Handle systems with more than one ccp device
+    - Only check AMD CPUs for SHSTK, not IBT
+    - Only write the mutable fwupd.conf with the current values
+    - Re-evaluate supported every time pci-psp attributes are
+      refreshed
+    - Show "CET OS support" on AMD systems too
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - AVer CAM340plus
+    - AVer VB342 Pro
+    - More Algoltek devices
+Sat Jan 13 05:05:41 UTC 2024 - Dennis Tseng <>
+- Fix build failure on s390x and ppc64le
+  + This release modifies spec file
+    - add s390x and ppc64le into default 'with efi_fw_update'
+      so that old dbxtool version can be obsoleted.
+Thu Jan  4 16:14:04 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.11:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Allow exporting 'offline' reports for manual upload
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add some recovery partition names to ignore for ESP selection
+    - Check for CET and SMAP on non-Intel x86 processors too
+    - Correctly mark the CPU as supported in the HSI tests
+    - Do not fail on probing downstream Synaptics MST ports
+    - Do not offer to change BIOS settings that are already set
+    - Do not prefer msftdata when choosing the default ESP
+    - Do not show spurious device request flags
+    - Fix a missing build dependency to fwupdplugin-self-test
+    - Fix a segfault when using zlib-ng instead of zlib
+    - Fix updating Jabra 410, 510, 710 and 810 devices
+    - Match more community-supported branches
+    - Remove the Intel SPIBAR proxy support as the mtd module works
+    - Show a better error when the ESP is missing
+    - Show an error if the post-update version does not match exactly
+    - Speed up Synaptics MST device enumeration
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Algoltek USB devices
+    - Luxshare Quad USB4 Dock
+Wed Dec 20 17:12:21 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Own %{_modulesloaddir}: used to be present via udev-mini -> kmod
+  -> suse-module-tools dependency before.
+Mon Dec  4 12:33:37 UTC 2023 - Paolo Stivanin <>
+- Update to version 1.9.10:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add support for not_hardware requirements
+    - Add support for loongarch64
+    - Add support for per-release priority attributes
+    - Make USB claim retry count configurable across devices
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Compare the HID report value when checking for duplicates
+    - Consider the component priority when installing composite updates
+    - Deploy the CCGX firmware correctly the first time
+    - Do not export the 'main-system-firmware' and 'cpu' GUIDs
+    - Enforce fwupd version requirements client side
+    - Fix Genesys 'failed to get static tool info from device' error
+    - Fix potential 'dereference before null check' in ccmx-dmc
+    - Fix the 'already registered private FuMmDevice flag with value' warning
+    - Fix the 'assertion backend_id != NULL failed' runtime warning
+    - Fix Wacom USB device emulation by recording the composite phases
+    - Generate generic request message text where possible
+    - Hide HTTP passwords in fwupd debugging logs
+    - Let the client know what interaction is expected
+    - Make all critical warnings into backtraces for non-release builds
+    - Never obsolete the wrong HSI attribute
+    - Never show a HSI index that is impossible
+    - Only apply fastboot plugin to modem devices supporting fastboot
+    - Only send interactive requests when the sender is alive
+    - Remove the now-obsolete Synaptics MST cascade device scanning
+    - Replace the Redfish KCS user if required
+    - Restrict mediatek-scaler devices on specific hardware only
+    - Skip any recovery partitions when detecting ESP
+Tue Nov 21 07:39:41 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.9 (boo#1217295):
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a new generic request for the device power cable.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Lenovo X1 Yoga Gen7 530E.
+    - Advantech BMC devices.
+Thu Nov 16 10:51:27 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Re-add fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch: patch was dropped
+  in error (boo#1217138).
+Wed Nov 15 08:06:09 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.8:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a DP AUX device subclass and port the Synaptics MST
+      plugin to it
+    - Add a feature flag for non-generic requests where
+      translations are required
+    - Hide generic VID/PIDs to avoid accidental firmware matches
+    - Optionally set the modem carrier configuration as the branch
+      name
+    - Rename 'fwupdmgr sync-bkc' to 'fwupdmgr sync' and also
+      consider the branch
+    - Require additional requirements for devices using non-OEM USB
+      VIDs
+    - Set the waiting-for-user status when sending a request
+    - Support uSWID SBoM data with LZMA compressed payloads
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Kinetic SST/MST DisplayPort converters
+    - Wacom Cintiq Pros (DTH172, DTH227)
+Thu Nov  9 09:56:41 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Do not pass -Dsystemd_unit_user=root to meson: use fwupd's
+  defautl fwupd_refresh user (boo#1216973).
+Thu Nov  2 08:15:52 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Disable passim support for now. For openSUSE users this is likely
+  less intereting that it would be for enterprise customers.
+Wed Nov  1 13:06:35 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to versrion 1.9.7:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add support for child device requirements in metadata.
+    - Allow to have more than one host BKC.
+    - Delete BootNext as a post-reboot action to work around broken
+      firmware.
+    - Parse cabinet archives internally without libgcab.
+    - Use close-ended mode for eMMC FFU to speed up firmware
+      updates.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Logitech Rally System devices.
+    - More PixartRF HPAC devices.
+    - More Synaptics Prometheus fingerprint readers.
+    - Some Western Digital eMMC devices.
+    - VIA VL830 and VL832.
+Fri Oct 20 07:49:15 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.9.6:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a launchd agent for macOS.
+    - Add a new security attribute for BIOS capsule updates to be
+      enabled.
+    - Add functionality to fix specific host security attributes.
+    - Add global information from the context into the report data.
+    - Add support for coSWID payload sections.
+    - Add support for parsing the EDID.
+    - Allow adding only-quirk instance IDs from quirk files.
+    - Install a sysusers.d systemd file when using
+      -Dsystemd_unit_user.
+  + For The changes of 1.9.0…1.9.5, please consult
+- Add pkgconfig(passim) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Pass -Dplugin_amdgpu=disabled to meson: not buildable just yet.
+- Pass -Dlaunchd=disabled to meson: launched is MacOS only.
+- Drop -Dplugin_dell=enabled meson parameter: no longer supported.
+- Drop fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch: no longer
+  applicable.
+Fri Sep 15 07:32:14 UTC 2023 - Callum Farmer <>
+- Remove protobuf-c BR: SLE now matches TW package layout
+- Remove gnu-efi BR: efi binary is in fwupd-efi
+Sat Jul 22 12:25:45 UTC 2023 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.8.17:
+  + Correctly obtain the Thunderbolt is_native controller
+    attribute.
+  + Fix a Wacom emulation failure on s390x.
+  + Only allow --force on security attributes for unsupported
+    builds.
+  + Reduce the amount of RSS by ~12% at startup.
+Wed Jul  5 07:58:59 UTC 2023 - Andreas Schwab <>
+- Enable efi_fw_update on riscv64
+- fwupdagent and dfu-tool are only built %{with efi_fw_update}
+Tue Jun 13 18:24:25 UTC 2023 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.8.16:
+  + Auto-detect the OEM BCM57xx PCI cards with double the available
+  + Beep the console when waiting for user input
+  + Do not assume a file descriptor of zero is invalid
+  + Fix high memory usage when writing a carefully crafted EFI
+    filesystem
+  + Ignore refresh on a non-download remote to fix old versions of
+    KDE
+  + Limit the maximum number of file objects in the EFI filesystem
+  + Only add the supported DFU attributes as private flags
+  + Show devices with problems in fwupdmgr get-upgrades
+  + Update official Intel GPU product names
+- Changes from version 1.8.15:
+  + Add the latest dbx fixups for BlackLotus
+  + Allow fwupd-refresh.timer trigger once per hour
+  + Fix a crash when converting HFSTS1 values
+  + Fix the version detection for SteelSeries Bluetooth mode
+  + Invalidate the XMLb cache when installing new fwupd versions
+  + Trigger the passive flow for usb4 from dell-dock
+  + New hardware support: More Logitech Unifying receivers, Nordic
+    MCUboot and nRF52 Desktop Keyboard
+- Changes from version 1.8.14:
+  + Fix possible crash when getting UEFI report metadata
+  + Fix 'fwupdmgr install FILE GUID'
+- Changes from version 1.8.13:
+  + New features:
+    - Add pcap converter which allows emulating devices from a
+      Wireshark dump
+    - Add the ability to dump TPM firmware for future use
+    - Optionally retain firmware in a backup remote
+    - Record the ESP type in the firmware report sent to the LVFS
+  + Bugs fixed:
+    - Accept application/octet-stream for archives when the mime
+      database is missing
+    - Add the latest dbx version version fixups as Microsoft
+      removed another entry
+    - Assume DFU appIDLE if GetStatus is not implemented
+    - Do not require signatures for local or directory remotes
+    - Do not use pandoc to build the man pages
+    - Enhance Qubes functionality to use JCat
+    - Fix a CCGX 'usbfs: process did not claim interface 1 before
+      use' warning
+    - Fix a compile warning when using a new libqmi version
+    - Fix a critical warning when parsing an empty kernel cmdline
+    - Fix a synaptics-cape regression where the firmware pauses for
+      INTR
+    - Fix the defines for HFSTS6 enforcement policy
+    - Fix the i2c name properly for ElanTP hardware
+    - Fix the name of the MTD Intel SPI controller
+    - Set the release remote when installing archives
+    - Use the powerd power type information to better set AC levels
+  + New hardware:
+    - Framework Audio Card
+    - Lenovo ThinkPad TBT3-TR Gen 2
+    - Wacom Intuos BT S Gen 3
+- Update options passed to meson following upstream changes.
+Fri Mar 10 13:14:18 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Introduce docs flag, set to 0: do not build documentation using
+  pandoc: ghc is not part of the rings and we don't want this
+  there.
+Thu Mar  2 16:55:23 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.8.12:
+  + Allow setting the package user agent before the client has
+    connected.
+  + Fix a small memory leak when refreshing metadata.
+- Changes from version 1.8.11:
+  + Add support for replaying USB devices so they can be emulated
+    in CI.
+  + Allow desktop software to inhibit the system to prevent
+    updates.
+  + Allow using requirements with depth=0 and no parent.
+  + Auto-set the CCGX remove-delay now we parse DMC subcomponents.
+  + Detect and warn users with the broken NVMe firmware 3B2QGXA7.
+  + Print errors as JSON objects when using fwupdmgr --json.
+- Changes from version 1.8.10:
+  + Add a PE/COFF firmware parser to allow reading coSWID SBoM
+    data.
+  + Allow dumping CFI SPI chips using devices like CH341a.
+  + Refactor the HWIDs functionality to include FDT data.
+- Rebase fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch.
+- Drop uefi-capsule-Do-not-call-grub2-probe-without-argumen.patch:
+  fixed upstream.
+- Add -Dcompat_cli=true meson parameter: keep compat binaries for
+  the time being.
+- Add xz-devel BuildRequires: needed to link liblzma.
+Wed Jan 18 17:13:29 UTC 2023 - Michal Suchanek <>
+- Fix error generating grub.cfg when an update is available.
+  + uefi-capsule-Do-not-call-grub2-probe-without-argumen.patch
+Wed Jan  4 08:43:32 UTC 2023 - Paolo Stivanin <>
+- Update to 1.8.9:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add an interactive request for re-inserting the USB cable
+    - Add SHA384 support for TPM hashes
+    - Add X-FingerprintReader, X-GraphicsTablet, X-Dock and X-UsbDock categories
+    - Allow specifying OR parent requirements in metadata
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add the fwupd version to the HSI result if the chassis is invalid
+    - Allow getting the ESP when there is a block device with no filesystem
+    - Allow reinstalling on devices with only-version-upgrade set
+    - Do not require the TPM event log to have all reconstructions
+    - Fix a tiny memory leak when parsing signed reports
+    - Ignore failure to mount the ESP if unsupported
+    - Never allow using SHA-1 for checksum validation
+    - Return a more useful error if USB recovery failed
+    - Skip the fwupdx64.efi BootXXXX entry when measuring system integrity
+    - Speed up daemon startup using prepared XPath queries
+    - Suggest to turn on ThunderboltAccess for Lenovo systems
+    - Use better defaults if the config file is missing
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - More Solidigm NVMe devices
+    - More Synaptics Cape devices
+    - More Synaptics Prometheus devices
+    - Most Texas Instruments USB-4 docks
+    - Scaler support for Wacom USB devices
+    - Several new Wistron USB-C docks
+Mon Dec 26 14:39:51 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.8.8:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add BIOS rollback protection support for Dell and Lenovo
+      systems
+    - Generate OVAL rules for openSCAP evaluation
+    - Show the signed reports from QA teams in client tools
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add a X-Gpu category for new hardware support
+    - Add more ChromeOS metadata to the report attributes
+    - Ensure the device name is set for Intel USB4 devices
+    - Fix a critical DFU CSR warning when deploying firmware
+    - Fix a Synaptics RMI issue when updating non-secure devices
+    - Match more device properties when using GetDetails
+    - Move AMD platform rollback protection to level 4
+    - Use the correct AppStream ID for the Key Manifest failure
+    - Wait for the Intel GPU to come back after updating
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Logitech Whiteboard cameras
+    - More Goodix MoC devices
+    - Several QSI Docks
+Thu Nov 10 12:33:10 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.8.7:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a new HSI check for the leaked Lenovo 'Key Manifest'
+      hashes
+    - Measure system integrity when installing UEFI updates
+    - Record more host DMI data when submitting a report for dbx
+      failures
+    -  Use xz-compressed metadata to reduce bandwidth used by ~25%
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add documentation for three existing HSI attributes
+    - Add re-insert requirement for Analogix devices
+    - Allow parsing metadata more than 1MB in size
+    - Do not follow symlinks when searching for ESP devices
+    - Ensure the config file permission is correct for built-in
+      plugins
+    - Fix a compile failure when compiling without efiboot
+    - Fix a regression when using fwuptool install-blob with FMAP
+      firmware
+    - Only count the Microsoft hashes when getting the dbx version
+    - Only use the IFD when the system is Intel-based
+    - Support loading CoSWID when only one role has been set
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Anker Thunderbolt 4 Mini Hub
+    - ELAN haptic hardware
+    - Fingerprint lenfy devices
+    - Goodix GF3258WNC
+    - Intel discrete GPUs (experimental)
+    - More Star Labs laptops
+    - QSI Godzilla Creek Reference Hub
+- Stop passing conditional plugin_amt=disabled, no longer needed,
+  nor recognized.
+Thu Nov  3 07:03:49 UTC 2022 - Tseng <>
+- For pushing fwupd-1.8.6 to 15-SP5 (fwupd-1.7.3), sync change log:
+   (jsc#PED-1232)
+    - fwupd-bsc1193921-nvme-ignore-non-PCI-NVMe-devices.patch
+      be merged to fwupd-1.7.3
+Fri Oct 14 08:57:52 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.8.6:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Reduce the installed package size by more than 30%
+    - Translate more interactive messages
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Allow disabling a DFU device when required
+    - Fix a regression when getting the i2c bus number
+    - Fix a small memory leak when reloading the parade-lspcon
+      device
+    - Fix installing the dbx update when using fwupdtool
+    - Improve writing CoSWID and uSWID metadata
+    - Only include the last 5 releases in the installed metainfo
+      file
+    - Only request the BOS descriptor for newer libgusb versions
+    - Prevent high memory usage when loading corrupt SREC files
+    - Try harder when trying to find the default ESP volume
+    - Use a higher compression preset for the UEFI splash images
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Focaltech touchpads
+    - FPC fingerprint readers
+    - Supermicro machines using Redfish
+- Drop plugin_sover define, and sub-packages libfwupdplugin7 and
+  typelib-1_0-FwupdPlugin-1_0 following upstream changes.
+Fri Sep 30 17:11:26 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.8.5:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a new android-boot plugin to update specific block
+      devices
+    - Add new plugin to display SMU firmware version on AMD APU/CPU
+    - Add support for platform capability descriptors so devices
+      can set quirks
+    - Move the generic Intel Goshen Ridge code out to a new plugin
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Allow specifying the ESP when applying the dbx update
+    - Always check the BDP partitions when getting all the possible
+      ESPs
+    - Correctly update Wacom AES devices
+    - Disable changing sleep mode on Ryzen 6000 systems
+    - Do not show the 'may not be usable while updating' message
+      for DBX updates
+    - Expose Pine64 PinePhone Pro MTD as Tow-Boot
+    - Fix a critical warning when issuing Secure Boot modem AT
+      commands
+    - Fix a fuzzing crash when parsing malicious FDT data
+    - Fix aligning up addresses greater than 4GB
+    - Fix a possible crash when dumping VBE firmware
+    - Fix a possible critical warning when parsing cabinet archives
+    - Fix a regression when parsing pixart-rf firmware
+    - Fix a small memory leak when parsing UF2 files
+    - Fix checking for invalid depth requirements
+    - Fix parsing the coSWID firmware ID when encoded as a UUID
+    - Fix parsing uSWID uncompressed metadata
+    - Fix uploading to DFU-CSR devices
+    - Limit the archive size to 25% of the RAM, or 4G
+    - Load coSWID metadata from a uSWID MTD block device
+    - Never save the Redfish auto-generated password to a
+      user-readable file
+    - Only create users using IPMI when we know it's going to work
+    - Write all the CCGX metadata block as intended
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Corsair SABRE RGB PRO Gaming mouse
+    - More Sonix CAM devices
+    - More Intel Goshen Ridge USB-4 docks
+- Changes from version 1.8.4:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a translated title and long description for HSI security
+      attributes
+    - Add support for loading a machine-default BIOS settings
+      policy
+    - Add support for reading and writing BIOS settings
+    - Allow loading BIOS settings for host emulation
+    - Prompt users to fix some BIOS configuration issues
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Actually show provided AppStream security issues
+    - Add Quectel secure boot status AT commands
+    - Correctly detect CET IBT
+    - Do not assert when running with no plugins
+    - Do not require UEFI capsule updates for checking TPM PCR0
+    - Do not show HSI events where we changed the spec result value
+    - Fix applying the latest DBX update
+    - Include vfat in the list of possible BDP partition types
+    - Install all devices with the same composite id in fwupdtool
+    - Only fail the kernel HSI test for specific taint reasons
+    - Only show changed events in fwupdmgr security
+    - Update vulnerable CMSE versions from CSMEVDT data
+ + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Elan non-HID touchpads
+    - Google Prism
+    - LabTop Mk III
+    - ThinkPad Thunderbolt 4 Dock
+    - ThinkPad Universal Smart Dock
+- Changes from version 1.8.3:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add resolution flags to each security attribute failures for
+      the user
+    - Allow loading in emulated host profiles for debugging
+    - Check if Intel TME has been disabled by the firmware or
+      platform
+    - Wait for the system to acquiesce after doing each update
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Do not use CoD even when advertized on non-aarch64 platforms
+    - Fix a crash when updating the Logitech Bolt radio device
+    - Fix a critical warning when parsing an invalid PHAT record
+    - Fix a critical warning when parsing invalid FDT firmware
+    - Fix fwupdmgr security when plugins are added to the blocklist
+    - Fix parsing SMBIOS data to correct the device hardware IDs
+    - Fix uploading signed reports by sending the correct checksum
+    - Use the correct protocol attribute name when exporting to
+      JSON
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Additional Startech devices
+    - Additional Elan fingerprint readers
+- Changes from version 1.8.2:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add startup profiling which allowed us to speed up daemon
+      startup considerably
+    - Add support for OptionROM, CPD and FPT firmware formats for
+      future hardware
+    - Add the HostVendor to the D-Bus interface
+    - Break some internal ABI and add a conversion helper for
+      out-of-tree plugins
+    - Optionally build the quirk files into the daemon binary to
+      reduce installed size
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Allow front-end clients to read the percentage property
+    - Allow more quirk entries to add multiple items
+    - Allow to force install Genesys firmware even if the
+      public-key does not match
+    - Allow UFS disks to define the signed status in metadata
+    - Autoconnect the Redfish network device when rebooting the BMC
+    - Copy the instance ID strings when incorporating devices
+    - Do not generate a capsule header for the FMP GUID
+    - Ensure more firmware formats can round-trip to and from XML
+    - Fix a regression for devices using the Atmel FLIP Bootloader
+    - Fix running fwupdtool security with a user-specified plugin
+      allowlist
+    - Handle ENOTTY with the correct error code for ioctl calls
+    - Increase the self tests coverage substantially
+    - Modernize the AMT plugin and split out common MEI
+      functionality
+    - Only move the logitech-bulkcontroller progressbar forwards
+      when writing
+    - Set the device ID on the FwupdRequest to allow better UX
+    - Show the get-details output when the device requirements fail
+    - Simply quirk matching for i2c devices to speed up daemon
+      startup
+    - Support SHA256 fastboot hashes if specified
+    - Use force-detach to bypass the DFU streaming check for camera
+      devices
+    - Use the SCSI target to correctly set the physical ID
+    - Wait for the System76 launch device to re-enumerate if
+      already unlocked
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Corsair HARPOON RGB Wireless mouse
+    - U-Boot devices writing simple FIT images
+    - Genesys M27fd AIM101
+    - More PixArt wireless devices
+    - More Steelseries HID, Sonic and Fizz devices
+    - System76 launch_2
+- Changes from version 1.8.1:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add archive writing support for devices with composite
+      firmware
+    - Add a way to read device composite firmware in fwupdtool
+    - Allow clients to opt-in to showing updates with user-solvable
+      problems
+    - Allow the device to pause polling when writing firmware
+    - Export the system and device battery levels on the D-Bus
+      interface
+    - Log errors and warnings to the win32 eventlog when required
+    - Add X-UsbReceiver as an update category with icon
+      usb-receiver
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Accurately return the last-set status to client tools
+    - Allow dumping flashrom firmware using fwupdtool
+    - Allow specifying a non-file D-Bus transport
+    - Allow to request post actions from fwupdtool
+    - Always be arch-explicit when installing OS deps
+    - Be more resilient when restarting the Redfish BMC
+    - Do not mark all Redfish updates as UPDATABLE
+    - Do not use 'dongle' to describe USB receiver hardware
+    - Download in-process when using fwupdtool
+    - Fix a critical warning on failed modem update
+    - Fix regression when probing PS175 devices
+    - Hardcode the Redfish filedata name to firmware.bin
+    - Set the Bluetooth version if REV has been set
+    - Switch the Windows installer from NSIS to MSI
+    - Use StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA for the daemon on Windows
+    - Use the native certificate store on Windows
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - Corsair KATAR PRO XT, SABRE PRO and KATAR PRO Wireless
+    - HP Thunderbolt Dock G4
+    - Lenovo ThinkPad Universal USB-C Dock
+    - More PixArt wireless devices
+    - More SunplusIT USB cameras
+    - Some UFS devices
+    - Steelseries Aerox 3 Wireless and Rival 3 Wireless
+- Changes from version 1.8.0:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+    - Add a new attribute for CPUs supported by HSI
+    - Add coSWID and uSWID parsers to libfwupdplugin for initial
+      SBoM support
+    - Add new HSI attributes for the AMD PSP and various other
+      system protections
+    - Add the runtime fwupd-efi version as a firmware requirement
+    - Allow 'fwupdmgr install' to install a specified firmware
+      version
+    - Allow overriding the detected machine type for debugging and
+      development
+    - Restart the BMC after installing BCM updates
+    - Show the device serial number and instance IDs by default
+    - Support dumping the MTD image to a firmware blob
+    - Take a device inhibit when updating a device
+    - Use the CFI manufacturer ID to set the vendor
+    - Use the correct icon automatically for more hardware
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+    - Add signed-payload metadata for more devices
+    - Allow Capsule-on-Disk to work in more cases
+    - Allow quirking the detected flashrom flash size
+    - Check for os-release on FWUPD_SYSCONFDIR
+    - Check the alignment when parsing raw firmware
+    - Check the update protocol exists when checking requirements
+    - Convert the build system to use meson tristate features
+    - Correctly probe USB-2 hubs with more than 7 ports
+    - Do not add the Windows compatibility ID to capsule devices
+    - Do not allow the DBX update for specific motherboards
+    - Do not expect KernelCmdline on Windows
+    - Do not export USB4 host controllers as updatable if they
+      don't have unique GUIDs
+    - Do not fallback to audio-card and use a more suitable icon
+      for USB hubs
+    - Do not hardcode the libexecdir to /usr/libexec
+    - Do not leak child processes when canceling
+    - Do not show unconnected or unreachable devices in the client
+      tools
+    - Do not throw away the TPM eventlog when uploading to the LVFS
+    - Do not use /var/run for the socket
+    - Export the version_lowest_raw value correctly
+    - Fix build for MacOS and add to the CI matrix
+    - Fix eventlog replay for Intel TXT machines
+    - Fix several small memory leaks
+    - Fix writing large mtd images than 10kb
+    - Ignore MTD devices that report EPERM on open
+    - Mark the ME region device locked if it is read only
+    - Never send the DeviceChanged signal with old data
+    - Only show the CLI time remaining for predictable status
+      phases
+    - Respect the NO_COLOR env variable
+    - Return the correct error when there is no GPIO device to open
+    - Support the new UPower PENDING device states
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    - CH341A SPI programmer
+    - Corsair Sabre RGB PRO and Slipstream USB receiver
+    - Genesys GL3521 and GL3590 hubs
+    - Google Servo Dock
+    - Logitech M550, M650 and K650
+    - More ELAN fingerprint readers
+    - More integrated Wacom panels
+    - More NovaCustom machines
+    - More StaLabs StarLite machines
+    - More Tuxedo laptops
+    - Quectel EM05
+    - FlatFrog devices
+    - System76 launch_lite_1
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Add shlib_sover define and set it to 2, ease future updates.
+- Add plugin_sover define and set it to 7, ease future updates, and
+  rename libfwupdplugin5 to libfwupdplugin7 following upstream
+  changes.
+- Drop gtk-doc and pkgconfig(gtk-doc) BuildRequires: No longer
+  needed nor used. Following this, stop passing docs=gtkdoc to
+  meson, no longer recognized.
+- Add pkgconfig(gi-docgen), pkgconfig(libcbor), pkgconfig(mm-glib),
+  pkgconfig(mbim-glib), pkgconfig(qmi-glib) and
+  pkgconfig(umockdev-1.0) BuildRequires, and conditional
+  pkgconfig(flashrom) BuildRequires: New dependencies.
+- Update options passed to meson following upstream changes.
+- Replace false for plugin_nvme and plugin_redfish with enabled,
+  build nvme and redfish plugins.
+- Split out developer/api docs in new doc sub-package, add fdupes
+  BuildRequires and macros, remove duplicates.
+Thu Sep 22 14:48:43 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.7.10 (CVE-2022-3287, boo#1203852):
+  + Always check the BDP partitions when getting all the possible
+    ESPs
+  + Correctly detect CET IBT
+  + Do not show HSI events where we changed the spec result value
+  + Fix aligning up addresses greater than 4GB
+  + Fix applying the latest DBX update on machines with
+    20200729.x64 installed
+  + Fix checking for invalid depth requirements
+  + Fix getting the new version number of the USI docking hardware
+  + Fix HSI prefix for invalid chassis
+  + Never save the Redfish auto-generated password to a
+    user-readable file (CVE-2022-3287, boo#1203852).
+  + Only create users using IPMI when we've tested the hardware
+  + Only fail the kernel tainted HSI test for specific taint
+    reasons
+  + Only show changed events in the fwupdmgr security output
+  + Recognize CSME version 16 and update vulnerable versions from
+    CSMEVDT data
+  + Write all the CCGX metadata block as intended
+Mon Aug  8 12:52:48 UTC 2022 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update to version 1.7.9 (boo#1201311):
+  + Do not generate a capsule header for the FMP GUID.
+  + Do not use CoD even when advertized on non-aarch64 platforms.
+  + Fix a critical warning when parsing an invalid PHAT record.
+  + Fix a regression for devices using the Atmel FLIP Bootloader.
+  + Fix parsing SMBIOS data.
+  + Set the device ID on the FwupdRequest.
+  + Use the correct protocol member when converting to JSON.
+  + Wait for the system76-launch device to re-enumerate if unlocked
+    and reset.
+- Changes from version 1.7.8:
+  + Add the bootloader VID/PID used for the first batch of ColorHug
+    devices.
+  + Also check for os-release in SYSCONFDIR.
+  + Export the version lowest raw value correctly.
+  + Fix a Wacom timeout when parsing very corrupt firmware.
+  + Fix Genesys device enumeration failure by not claiming the
+    interface.
+  + Hardcode the Redfish filedata name to firmware.bin.
+  + Install D-Bus introspection data even if introspection is
+    disabled.
+  + Only set the flashrom BIOS size if not already quirked.
+  + Read the SynapticsMST firmware size in a more safe way.
+  + Restart the BMC after installing BCM updates.
+Sun Apr 17 12:52:22 UTC 2022 - Callum Farmer <>
+- Update to version 1.7.7:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add CCGX trigger code to support future hardware
+    + Add signed and unsigned payload metadata to more devices
+    + Allow overriding the detected machine type
+    + Allow quirking the flashrom flash size
+    + Do not allow the DBX update for broken firmware versions
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Do not add the backup BMC device as it shares the same GUIDs
+    + Do not hardcode the libexecdir to /usr/libexec
+    + Do not leak child processes when canceling
+    + Do not throw away the TPM eventlog when uploading reports to
+      the LVFS
+    + Don't export USB4 host controllers if they do not have unique
+      GUIDs
+    + Fix build for MacOS
+    + Fix the TPM eventlog replay for Intel TXT machines
+    + Fix writing large MTD images
+    + Never send the DeviceChanged signal with invalid data
+    + Return the correct error when there is no GPIO device to open
+    + Show the update message and update image in front end tools
+    + Support the new PENDING upower device states
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + Logitech M550, M650 and K650
+    + More Elan fingerprint readers
+    + More Star Labs StarLite laptops
+    + More Wacom panels found on Lenovo laptops
+- Split bash and fish completions to separate subpackages
+- Remove un-needed BRP_PESIGN_FILES
+- Set GNU_SOURCE so meson detects F_OFD_SETLK in fnctl.h support
+Fri Feb 25 17:22:01 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.7.6:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add a flag for UEFI devices that never want a capsule header
+      auto-added
+    + Add a flag to indicate the device has a signed or unsigned
+      payload
+    + Add a plugin to set a GPIO pin for the duration of an update
+    + Add a simple plugin to enumerate (but not update) SCSI
+      hardware
+    + Add two more instance IDs to the MTD devices
+    + Add X-BaseboardManagementController as an update category
+    + Allow assigning issues to devices for known high priority
+      problems
+    + Parse the MTD firmware version using the defined GType
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Check the IFD sections have non-zero data length to fix a
+      critical warning
+    + Modify the AT retry behavior to fix getting the firmware
+      branch
+    + Do not run fwupd-refresh automatically in containers
+    + Do not show a warning if the TPM eventlog does not exist
+    + Do not show TSS2 warning messages by default
+    + Fix a critical warning when loading an empty TPM eventlog
+      item
+    + Fix a logic error when adding the community warning in
+      fwupdmgr
+    + Fix loading flashrom devices in coreboot mode
+    + Fix the error handling when updating USB4 retimers
+    + Show the user when devices are not updatable due to inhibits
+    + Skip probing the Dell DA300 device to avoid a warning
+    + Try harder to convert to a version into a correct semver
+    + Use multiple checksums when there are no provided artifacts
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + HP M2xfd monitors
+    + Star Lite Mk III
+Tue Feb  8 16:49:21 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.7.5:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add a flag to indicate the firmware is not provided by the
+      vendor
+    + Add support for showing dependency versions in JSON format
+    + Allow fwupd to operate in socket mode without a D-Bus daemon
+    + Allow marking a device as End-of-Life by the OEM vendor
+    + Allow specifying the machine Best Known Configuration locally
+    + Fall back to the ARM Device Tree 'compatible' data when
+      required
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Be more robust by retrying IPMI transactions on servers
+    + Change the expired Redfish password when required
+    + Fix a ModemManager segfault on startup for some MBIM-QDU
+      devices
+    + Fix a possible dell-dock segfault at startup
+    + Fix compiling with new versions of efivar
+    + Fix the Nordic bootloader type detection
+    + Fix USB4 retimer enumeration
+    + Get the SMBIOS table and host machine ID when running on
+      Windows
+    + Show results when calling get-details if failing requirements
+    + Uninhibit the modem using ModemManager after upgrade
+ * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+   + Future Analogix devices
+   + NovaCustom NV4x
+- Changes from version 1.7.4 (bsc#1193921):
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add firmware branch support for ModemManager devices
+    + Allow firmware engineers to patch files at known offsets
+    + Show why more devices are not marked as updatable
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Allow fwupdtool to be run as the non-root user in more cases
+    + Assign the Logitech bulkcontroller update interface correctly
+    + Do not allow UEFI updates when the laptop lid is closed
+    + Do not autoload ipmi-si to avoid warning on non-server
+      hardware
+    + Do not show a critical warning for a weird TPM event log
+    + Fix waiting for USB devices when using Windows
+    + Ignore non-PCI NVMe devices
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + HP USB-C G2 Dock
+    + Many UF2 devices, experimentally
+    + More PixArt devices
+    + Nordic HID devices using MCUBoot
+    + Quectel EG25-G LTE Modem
+    + ThinkPad Thunderbolt 4 Dock
+Tue Dec 21 11:56:17 UTC 2021 - Callum Farmer <>
+- Update to version 1.7.3:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add a sync-bkc subcommand to ensure a known set of firmware
+      versions
+    + Add FuArchiveFirmware for plugins that use archives as
+      firmware files
+    + Add quirkable page and sector size properties to FuCfiDevice
+    + Make Upower and powerd support optional
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Add some sanity checks to the elanfp firmware parser
+    + Add the CFI JEDEC instance ID if using the vendor-extended
+      version
+    + Check the value range when parsing the quirk keys
+    + Do not wait for a USB runtime if will-disappear is set
+    + Enable the MOTD integration when using pam_motd
+    + Fix DFU regression when merging the FuProgress work
+    + Fix running the tests when fwupd is not installed
+    + Fix the GLib error message when inotify max_user_instances is
+      too low
+    + Fix VLI VL820Q7 detection to fix flashing of the Lenovo TBT3
+      dock
+    + Ignore a USB error for STM32 attach when the device goes away
+    + Make the HSI tests optional for embedded targets
+    + Make the plugin startup order deterministic
+    + Set Thunderbolt ports offline on host controller
+    + Use endian-safe version functions when enumerating Logitech
+      hardware
+    + Use lowercase flag names in intel-spi to prevent a runtime
+      warning
+    + Wait for the System76 Launch device to come back from DFU
+      mode
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + Most Nordic Semiconductor nRF Secure devices
+- Fix build when not on TW: add BR protobuf-c
+Fri Dec 10 17:56:00 UTC 2021 - Hans-Peter Jansen <>
+- Fix build issue in spec 
+  (references to libfwupdplugin2 -> libfwupdplugin5)
+Fri Nov 19 16:24:28 UTC 2021 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.7.2:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add a new HSI check that PCR registers 0-7 are not empty
+    + Add several compile flags to reduce the install size by over
+      300Kb
+    + Allow overriding HwId data from the daemon.conf config file
+    + Allow overriding the firmware GType from a quirk file
+    + Export the component release ID over DBus
+    + Remove support for the SoloKey and ChaosKey devices
+    + Show a daemon warning if quirk flags are malformed
+    + Speed up the daemon startup by ~40% by doing less at startup
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Be case insensitive when fixing the device model
+    + Fix a critial warning in ccgx found by the fuzzer
+    + Fix a DFU crash if the attach failed due to a hardware fault
+    + Fix a Redfish crash when specifying a URL without a port
+    + Fix CLI downloads when using fwupdmgr --ipfs
+    + Fix critical warning when /etc/machine-id does not exist
+    + Inhibit thunderbolt devices to correctly use UPDATABLE_HIDDEN
+    + Set SSL_VERIFYHOST=0 when using Redfish to fix OpenBMC auth
+    + Skip UEFI devices that fail coldplug
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware: All
+    exported MTD block devices
+- Changes from version 1.7.1:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Allow specifying 'fwupdmgr device-test foo --json' for
+      unattended testing
+    + Allow using a filename when using set-approved-firmware
+    + Inhibit ModemManager device in mbim-qdu
+    + Share the Common Flash Memory Interface quirks between
+      plugins
+    + Show changes in HSI attributes when using 'fwupdmgr security'
+    + Show the user a warning if updating may affect
+      full-disk-encryption
+    + Show translated firmware release notes when provided
+    + Support loading remotes from /var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Fix a CCGX regression when loading firmware
+    + Fix a potential crash when dumping Parade devices
+    + Fix build error when sys/io.h is not available
+    + Fix building the Synaptics RMI self tests on s390x
+    + Fix the CSME CVE detection for new generations
+    + Handle EPERM when running the self tests on systems with IPMI
+    + Mark as SUPPORTED even if on battery power
+    + Only save the HSI attributes to the database if different
+    + Raise the client timeout value from 25 seconds to fix Redfish
+      startup
+    + Redirect the old HSI links to the correct place
+    + Relax the ITE SuperIO signature checks for new hardware
+      support
+    + Set device time and timezone for logitech bulkcontroller
+      devices
+    + Set the verfmt of the returned device when the daemon device
+      is unset
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + Dell Atomic Dock
+    + HP Thunderbolt Dock G4
+    + More PixArt devices
+    + Steelseries Stratus
+    + Wacom 3rd-gen Intuos BT
+- Changes from version 1.7.0:
+  * This release adds the following features:
+    + Add FuCfuPayload and FuCfuOffer for future usage
+    + Add support for an 'unreachable' device flag
+    + Add support for Logitech devices supporting the Unified
+      Battery feature
+    + Allow adding GUIDs to each HSI security attribute
+    + Allow installing the LVFS remote, but with it disabled by
+      default
+    + Convert security attributes to JSON and write then to the
+      database
+    + Convert the device test script to a fwupdmgr subcommand
+    + Create Redfish user accounts automatically using IPMI
+    + Use an interactive request to restart some Logitech DFU
+      devices
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Abort on invalid SREC files early to avoid a fuzzing timeout
+    + Allow using interrupt transfers for HID devices
+    + Allow waiting for multiple devices to replug
+    + Fix a critical warning on a Unifying flash failure
+    + Fix a regression in flashing the Dell dock
+    + Fix Thunderbolt host controller probing
+    + Forcefully set checksums found in cabinet files to lowercase
+    + Force UX-capsule over full size BGRT
+    + Make the SuperIO ports and timeouts specific to the DMI model
+    + Only probe SynapticsMST devices that have opted-in
+    + Remove support for --ignore-power as it did not work for UEFI
+      firmware
+    + Reset the CMOS as required when changing system firmware
+      branch
+    + Restart the daemon if any of the the plugin config files are
+      modified
+    + Show HSiLevel=0 attributes in JSON security output
+    + Update the child composite ID if the parent changes
+    + Use a per-device global percentage completion
+    + Write the BMP image upside down to avoid using a negative
+      bitmap height
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + A huge number of Synaptics CAPE devices
+    + Elan fingerprint readers
+    + Logitech Bolt peripherals, receivers and radio hardware
+    + Logitech devices supporting the bulk controller protocol
+    + More supported PixArt devices
+    + More supported StarBook coreboot devices
+    + Union Point SPI hardware
+- Add pkgconfig(libprotobuf-c) and pkgconfig(protobuf)
+  BuildRequires: New dependencies.
+- Refresh patches with quilt.
+- Drop sub-package fwupdtpmevlog, no longer built.
+- Update URL in _service, new home.
+Fri Nov 19 13:27:33 UTC 2021 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.6.4:
+  * Allow overriding the quirks directory at runtime
+  * Fix a regression in flashing the Dell dock
+  * Fix probing the Dell TPM
+  * Show HSiLevel=0 attributes in JSON security output
+  * Abort on invalid SREC files early to avoid a fuzzing timeout
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + AVer ATLAS CAM/CAM520 Pro2
+    + Cayenne/Spyder Synaptics MST
+    + VL819 USB devices
+- Changes from version 1.6.3:
+  * This release adds the following features: Fall back to the
+    parent if the child does not have a battery level set
+  * This release fixes the following bugs:
+    + Disable the uefi_capsule plugin if Redfish coldplug succeeded
+    + Fix an elantp crash when starting the daemon
+    + Fix compiling with old versions of libxmlb
+    + Fix detection of 8Bitdo wireless usb adapter
+    + Fix the 8bitdo N30 Pro 2 install duration
+    + Fix the modem-manager report that failed to get device after
+      update
+    + Fix writing large redfish firmware files
+  * This release adds support for the following hardware:
+    + Poly Studio P21
+    + Realtek RTD2141B
+- Switch service to obs_scm, and recompress to buildtime.
+- Drop automatic changesgenerate, upstream have perfectly fine and
+  human understandable release notes at
+ that should be copied
+  into .changes.
+Wed Nov 17 15:38:21 UTC 2021 -
+- Add requires to udisks2 for dbxtool update. (bnc#1192344)
+Fri Nov  5 14:02:26 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- If the machine we install onto has shim installed, it is likely
+  an EFI based system. Require fwupd-efi in this case
+  (boo#1192206).
+Fri Nov  5 11:27:16 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Require libfwupdplugin2 by the -devel package: the -devel package
+  installs the .so symlink, thus we must guarantee the target
+  library to be present.
+Fri Oct 15 07:30:24 UTC 2021 - Johannes Segitz <>
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_fwupd-offline-update.service.patch
+  * harden_fwupd-refresh.service.patch
+Thu Oct  7 04:56:37 UTC 2021 - Joey Lee <>
+- Update to version 1.6.2
+    - The fwupd efi program be separated to fwupd-efi package.
+    - Removed pesign-obs-integration, moved needssslcertforbuild
+      , SBAT and EFI signing stuff to fwupd-efi. 
+    - Moved libfwupdplugin1 to libfwupdplugin2
+- Change log from upstream:
+    - This release adds the following features:
+	* Add a plugin to check Lenovo firmware settings
+	* Add initial support for the powerd daemon
+	* Add support for CapsuleOnDisk
+	* Add support for installing UEFI updates from GRUB
+	* Add support for soft-requirements that can be ignored with --force
+	* Allow devices to only accept version upgrades
+	* Allow discovery of Redfish BMCs specified by VID-PID or MAC
+	* Allow the daemon to request interactive action from the end user
+	* Automatically connect the BMC network interface at startup
+	* Show the build timestamp if set on the device
+	* Show the user how to switch out of Wacom tablet Android-mode
+    - This release fixes the following bugs:
+	* Add the alternate vendor name into the 8BitDo allowlist
+	* Allow multiple devices to set WAIT_FOR_REPLUG
+	* Allow the client to watch for more property changes
+	* Always ensure the SuperIO version string is NUL terminated
+	* Automatically clear the update error as required
+	* Disable all UX capsules for Lenovo hardware
+	* Do not assume the metainfo file is NUL-terminated
+	* Do not save invalid files on LVFS server error
+	* Fix a VLI regression in enumerating the PD device
+	* Fix a VLI regression when installing VL820Q7 firmware
+	* Fix enumeration of the Synaptics Prometheus config child
+	* Fix parsing Redfish USB/PCI network VID/PIDs
+	* Fix the fwupdmgr progressbar spinner to actually work
+	* Fix version number for legacy Wacom Bluetooth modules
+	* Ignore virtual M.2 ATA devices
+	* Preserve NEEDS_REBOOT on successful update
+	* Prevent a corrupt PHAT table from allocating lots of memory
+	* Read the Redfish SMBIOS table when required
+	* Remove the vendor string from the device name where required
+	* Save the update state to the database correctly all of the time
+	* Switch from sysctl to ioctl for ESRT on FreeBSD
+	* Try reading from /sys/class/dmi if SMBIOS direct access fails
+	* Watch for children added or removed after setup has been completed
+	* Work around a XCC-ism on Lenovo hardware
+    - This release adds support for the following hardware:
+	* ModemManager devices supporting Firehose or MBIM QDU
+	* More models of RTS54HUB
+	* More Poly DFU devices
+	* Parade LSPCON
+	* PixArt receiver and wireless hardware
+	* Realtek MST with RTD2142
+	* SuperIO IT5570
+	* USB4 Dell dock
+Thu Apr  1 01:54:42 UTC 2021 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Remove valgrind from BuildRequires since it's not a hard
+  requirement anymore. (bsc#1184248)
+Tue Mar 30 03:20:46 UTC 2021 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Update to version 1.5.8:
+  New features:
+    * Add a new internal flag to opt-in to GUID matching
+    * Add D501 Baklava device support
+    * Add fu_device_set_battery_level()
+    * Add missing uint64 read and write helpers
+    * Add Qubes wrapper source and create packages
+    * Allow enabling plugins only matching a specific HwId
+    * Prompt for unlock keypress if reset command is blocked
+    * Remove obsolete dell-dock non-passive update flow support
+    * Remove the Hughski public key
+    * Show a warning when parsing invalid quirk files
+    * Support for GATT characteristic signals/notifications
+    * Support more than one protocol for a given device
+  Fixes:
+    * Align the CCGX DMC firmware to 64 byte chunks
+    * Be more strict for custom quirk keys
+    * Check pixart firmware compatibility with hardware before
+      flashing
+    * Correct a thunderbolt assertion if kernel failed FW read
+    * Correctly erase STM32 devices when transfer size is less
+      than sector size
+    * Detect SREC overflow to avoid adding ~4GB of 0xFF padding
+    * Do not show a critical error when flashing footer-less
+      binary files
+    * Don't allow device updates while needing activation
+    * Fix a regression in the elantp defined IAP start address
+    * Fix a regression where activate stopped working
+    * Fix firmware update of pointing device on Lenovo ThinkPad
+      Nano
+    * Fix the HSI plugin 'Disabled' state
+    * Fix the quirk key name for the Lenovo HDMI with power
+    * Fix writing to the GD32VF103 bootloader
+    * Only call elantp->detach() when writing a firmware blob
+    * Updated StarLabs GUIDs
+    * Wait a few ms for the Logitech hardware to settle after
+      detach
+- Remove GPG-KEY-Hughski-Limited from the filelist
+- Drop upstreamed patch
+  + fwupd-bsc1182057-fix-sbat-section-copy.patch
+Fri Mar 12 08:30:32 UTC 2021 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Add fwupd-bsc1182057-fix-sbat-section-copy.patch to set the
+  proper section flags for .sbat section so that objcopy can
+  copy it into fwupd*.efi (bsc#1182057)
+Wed Feb 24 01:50:12 UTC 2021 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Update to version 1.5.7:
+  New features:
+    * Add initial support for Bluez bluetooth devices
+    * Add more supported pixart devices
+    * Add support for the RTD21xx HDMI converter
+  Fixes  
+    * Convert MBR types to GPT GUIDs to help find the ESP
+    * Do not allow updating a synaptics-mst device with no customer ID
+    * Drop unused heap pages after startup has completed
+    * Ensure SBAT metadata is added correctly
+    * Move the plugin build logic to the plugins themselves
+    * Only allow verify-update for plugins that support CAN_VERIFY
+- Specify SBAT metadata for openSUSE/SLE (bsc#1182057)
+- Adjust the meson options
+  + plugin_uefi => plugin_uefi_capsule and plugin_uefi_pk
+  + plugin_synaptics => plugin_synaptics_mst and plugin_synaptics_rmi
+  + Disable Intel AMT plugin in non-x86 systems
+Thu Feb 18 14:04:13 UTC 2021 - Paolo Stivanin <>
+- Update to 1.5.6:
+  New features:
+    * Add SBAT metadata to the fwupd EFI binary
+    * Add support for GD32VF103 as found in the Longan Nano
+    * Add support for RMI PS2 devices
+    * Add support for the System76 Keyboard
+    * Allow downloading firmware from IPFS
+    * Install the UX data into a single .tar.xz file
+    * Add a plugin to update PixArt RF devices
+    * Add new hardware to use the elantp and rts54hid plugins
+    * Allow specifying more than one VendorID for a device
+    * Detect the AMD TSME encryption state for HSI-4
+    * Detect the AMI PK test key is not installed for HSI-1
+    * Add Maple Ridge Thunderbolt firmware parsing support
+    * Add --no-remote-check to ignore checking for download remotes
+    * Allow creating FMAP and Synaptics firmware using builder.xml
+  Fixes:
+    * Add support for the Starlabs LabTop L4
+    * Allow using an external ESP again
+    * Ask the user to reboot when required if downgrading
+    * Be more paranoid when parsing ASCII buffers and devices
+    * Check if the fwupd BootXXXX entry exists on failure
+    * Clear the pending flag if restarting the system
+    * Do not allow flashing using flashrom if BLE is enabled
+    * Do not allow Lenovo hardware to install multiple capsules
+    * Do not parse the OptionROM image
+    * Do not show Unknown [***] for every client connection
+    * Fix dnload wBlockNum wraparound for ST devices
+    * Fix OOM when using large ArchiveSizeMax values
+    * Fix several crashes spotted by AddressSanitizer
+    * Fix several places where the Goodix MOC plugin could crash
+    * Include the PCR0 to the report metadata
+    * Report the lockdown status from UEFI and SuperIO plugins
+    * Show a console warning if the system clock is not set
+    * Fix flashing a fingerprint reader that is in use
+    * Fix several critical warnings when parsing invalid firmware
+    * Fix updating DFU devices that use DNLOAD_BUSY
+    * Ignore the legacy UEFI OVMF dummy GUID
+    * Make libfwupd more thread safe to fix a crash in gnome-software
+    * Never show unprintable chars from invalid firmware in the logs
+    * Allow using fwupdtool as non-root for firmware commands
+    * Do not trust the Block.HintSystem boolean for ESP filtering
+    * Fix a memory leak when parsing Synaptics firmware
+    * Fix a possible crash when reading the Goodix MOC USB request
+    * Fix crashes when parsing invalid FMAP, DMC, Solokey and Synaptics images
+- Deprecate fwupd-bsc1179790-disable-hintsystem.patch
+Mon Dec 14 09:58:47 UTC 2020 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Add fwupd-bsc1179790-disable-hintsystem.patch to remove
+  Block.HintSystem from ESP filtering (bsc#1179790)
+Wed Dec 09 07:53:07 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.5.3:
+  + Lower the CURL version required to fix build in RHEL
+  + Do not use meson ternary operations to avoid bumping the
+    required meson version
+  + Added Lite Mk III
+  + Allow setting the GMainContext when used for sync methods
+  + Fall back to the misc device for serio devices
+  + Actually implement rescan in FuUdevDevice
+  + bcm57xx: Refactor CRC code to remove extra byteswap
+  + bcm57xx: Fix CRC check
+  + synaptics-rmi: Don't crash if calling ->to_string() before
+    ->setup()
+  + Fix a possible critical warning due to missing retval
+  + Add the serio->firmare_id for UDev devices
+  + Export the driver name from FuUdevDevice
+  + Allow the client to send PKCS7 and GPG signatures
+  + Force the remote kind to JCat server-side
+  + Only parse the signature if the remote is JCat
+  + fu-main: Fix sender_features insert with wrong size
+  + make platform integrity plugin optional and disabled by default
+  + Add quirk for Western Digital
+  + Mark more user-visible strings as translatable
+  + modem-manager: validate firmware update method combinations
+  + modem-manager: remove unused byte counts in QMI/PDC update logic
+  + modem-manager: make sure the correct interface number is used
+    for QMI
+  + modem-manager: udev monitoring only if device switches layout
+  + modem-manager: plug udev client leak
+  + Restrict loading component types of firmware
+- Enable supported_build to clarify that this package is supported
+  (bsc#1179790)
+- Drop fwupd-platform-integrity.conf since upstream disables the
+  platform integrity module by default now due to incompleteness.
+- Address fwupd-refresh.service in %preun, %pre, %post, and %postun
+  and provide a rc link for it
+- Version "Obsoletes: dbxtool" and "Obsoletes: fwupdate"
+Fri Dec  4 06:14:47 UTC 2020 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Update to version 1.5.2:
+  + ata: Add OUI quirk for Toshiba
+  + libfwupd: Restore recognizing gpg and pkcs7 types still
+  + Register the SoupSession gtype when required
+  + Switch from libsoup to libcurl
+  + Fix sync method when called from threads without a context
+  + Move ABI check to Github actions
+  + Enable github workflows
+  + libfwupd: Add fwupd_client_download_file()
+  + libfwupd: Add fwupd_client_get_user_agent()
+  + Only download the remote metadata as required
+  + Add breaks for fwupdate 12-7 (Closes: #960688)
+  + Install modules-load configs in the correct directory
+  + vli: Do not be clever replugging the MSP430 device
+  + vli: Make some trivial debugging more specific to help debug
+    an issue
+  + make gcab optional
+  + Fall back to FAT32 internal partitions for detecting ESP
+  + Add a flag to indicate if packages are supported
+  + uefi: a new option for uefi configuration to use UEFI removable
+    path
+  + Add a section to man page on scripting
+  + synaptics-mst: Improve reliability by waiting 2 seconds after
+    writing data
+  + hailuck: Add an plugin for the Pinebook Pro laptop
+  + Allow setting global flags for FuHidDevice
+  + Set the SMBIOS chassis type to portable if a DT battery exists
+  + colorhug: Don't set the version format to triplet at startup
+  + Allow components to set the icon from the metadata
+  + colorhug: Fix detection of version on older firmware versions
+  + bcm57xx: Fix reading vendor/device ids from firmware.
+  + Remove HSI update and attestation suffixes
+  + trivial: make dbxtool executable to fix snap build
+  + Ignore an invalid vendor-id when adding releases for display
+  + Notify the service manager when idle-quitting
+- Refresh fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch
+- Changes in BuildRequires:
+  + Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libcurl)
+  + Replace pkgconfig(systemd) with pkgconfig(libsystemd)
+- fwupd-msr.conf and fwupd-platform-integrity.conf are moved to
+  %{_modulesloaddir}.
+Mon Nov 16 07:01:08 UTC 2020 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Obsoletes and Provides dbxtool since fwupd 1.5.0+ now embeds
+  dbxtool in the dbxtool plugin
+Tue Nov  3 07:22:31 UTC 2020 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Amend the spec file (jsc#SLE-16818)
+  + Only enable fish support for Tumbleweed
+  + Only enable the MSR plugin for x86
+  + Only install dbxtool in the architectures with UEFI support
+Mon Nov 02 15:57:37 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.5.1:
+  + Use UDisks to find out if swap devices are encrypted.
+  + Show a link to discover more information about a specific
+    plugin failure.
+  + updated fish completions to 1.5.0.
+  + Remove the duplicate parent-child data in FwupdDevice and
+    FuDevice.
+  + Show a less scary fwupdate output for devices without info.
+  + thunderbolt: recognize authorized value of '2' as well.
+  + bcm57xx: Make hotplug more reliable.
+  + Use a different Device ID for the OptionROM devices.
+  + contrib/ci: switch TPM simulator from ibmswtpm to swtpm.
+  + Delete unused EFI variables when deploying firmware.
+  + Fix probe warning for the Logitech Unifying device.
+  + Include the amount of NVRAM size in use in the LVFS failure
+    report.
+  + Add external interface messages.
+Mon Oct 26 12:18:38 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.5.0:
+  + Add a compatible re-implementation of the rhboot dbxtool.
+  + Add async versions of the library for GUI tools.
+  + Add commands for interacting with the ESP to fwupdtool.
+  + Add firmware-extract subcommand to fwupdtool.
+  + Add FwupdPlugin so we can convey enumerated system errors to
+    the end user.
+  + Add plugin for Goodix fingerprint sensors.
+  + Add plugin that can update the BCM5719 network adapter.
+  + Add plugin to update Elan Touchpads using HID.
+  + Add support for a delayed activation flow for Thunderbolt.
+  + Add support for ChromeOS Quiche and Gingerbread.
+  + Add support for Hyper hardware.
+  + Add support for the Host Security ID.
+  + Add support for ThunderBolt retimers.
+  + Add switch-branch command to fwupdtool and fwupdmgr.
+  + Allow blocking specific firmware releases by checksum.
+  + Allow contructing a firmware with multiple images.
+  + Allow firmware to require specific features from front-end
+    clients.
+  + Allow updating the dbx using the LVFS, validating it is safe to
+    apply.
+  + Include the HSI results and attributes in the uploaded report.
+  + Support loading DMI data from DT systems.
+  + Support LVFS::UpdateImage for GUI clients.
+Wed Sep  2 10:18:55 UTC 2020 - QK ZHU <>
+- Add fwupd-jscSLE-11766-close-efidir-leap-gap.patch: Set SLE and
+  openSUSE esp os dir at runtime (jsc#SLE-11766)
+- Drop _multibuild and build option -Defi_os_dir="%{efidir}": with
+  the above patch fwupd can detect esp os dir dynamically
+- Update the efidir related %post and %postun scripts in spec file
+Thu Jul 30 14:52:34 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.4.5:
+  * Add support for a delayed activation flow for Thunderbolt
+  * Allow firmware to require specific features from front-end clients
+  * Allow multi-byte FuUdevDevice preads and writes
+  * Be more defensive when remotes are missing required keys
+  * Disable the SQLite lookaside cache
+  * ccgx: Add more hybrid dock support
+  * ccgx: Modify readme to remove customer info
+  * ccgx: add new protocol for dmc dock
+  * ccgx: remove verify flag in plugin
+  * modem-manager: read the vendor ID directly from sysfs attribute Fixes: #2209
+  * thelio-io: Add the DFU instance ID as a counterpart only
+  * thunderbolt: Add a new subclassed thunderbolt firmware update type
+  * thunderbolt: Allow quirks to skip the authentication step
+  * thunderbolt: drop support for force power
+  * tpm-eventlog: fix PCR0 calculation
+  * uefi: check for free space after cleaning up ESP
+  * vli: Add dual-image feature for VL103 backup firmware
+  * vli: Add the project ID shared SPI PD controllers
+  * vli: Allow chained usb hub devices where the parent needs GPIOB reset
+  * vli: Do not modify the class vfuncs depending on device type
+  * vli: Do not use GUID matching for the MSP device
+  * vli: Rename FuVliUsbhubI2cDevice to FuVliUsbhubMsp430Device
+  * vli: Set FuQuirks on the shared SPI object
+  * vli: Set the i2c instance IDs in probe()
+  * vli: Use the GPIOB reset for the MiniDock VL103
+  * vli: Wait for the root device to be replugged when updating the MSP430
+Thu Jul 30 14:52:20 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.4.4:
+  * Release fwupd 1.4.4
+  * Fix regression when checking for downgraded metadata
+Thu Jul 30 14:52:05 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.4.3:
+  * Release fwupd 1.4.3
+  * ata: A OUI quirk for Kingston
+  * ccgx: Fix a potential division by zero
+  * Check the device requirements when returning from GetDetails
+  * fu-engine: Allow --plugin-whitelist to use dashes instead of
+    underscores
+  * Always enforce the metadata signature has a valid timestamp
+  * ccgx: modify install duration for dmc device
+  * ccgx: Add support for HP DMC dock devices
+  * dell-dock: prevent updates to occur via synaptics-mst plugin
+  * dell-dock: Capture the dock SKU in metadata
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Force the minor version from 0x02 to 0x01
+    to make sure the devices can be updated back to 0x01.
+  * Generate a body for github releases (Fixes: #2034)
+Fri Jul 24 06:52:18 UTC 2020 - Yifan Jiang <>
+- Build the package separately for openSUSE and SLE using
+  _multibuild (jsc#SLE-11744).
+Wed Jun 03 15:32:46 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.4.2:
+  * vli: Add no-guid-matching for all VLI devices
+  * vli: Remove a copy-and-paste mistake
+  * Add two OUI quirks
+  * ata: Add WD OUI quirk 000cca
+  * synaptics-rmi: Essentially blacklist Dell K12A
+  * dfu: Avoid communicating when bitManifestationTolerant is off
+  * ata: Add OUI quirk for Western Digital
+  * dfu: Support MATEKF722SE quirk
+  * Fix various build issues with -Wdiscarded-qualifiers
+  * thunderbolt/dell-dock: Delay activation for Thunderbolt updates
+  * Switch the default of EnumerateAllDevices to false
+  * Add OUI quirk for SanDisk
+  * vli: Add two standard USB instance IDs for shared-PD devices
+  * vli: Use GPIOB to reset the VL817 found in two Lenovo products
+  * tpm-eventlog: Correct the display of final calculated PCRs
+  * wacom-raw: fixup switching to bootloader mode
+Wed Jun 03 15:30:48 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.4.1:
+  * thunderbolt: Don't show safe mode errors for USB4 host controllers
+  * ep963x: Various changes to make the plugin actually work on real hardware
+  * Make tss2-esys conditional
+  * ep963x: Remove some dead code spotted by Coverity
+  * ccgx: Only update the FW2 partition of the ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2
+  * ccgx: Expand the FWImageType for future hardware
+  * Allow specifying the device on the command line by GUID
+  * Fix the DeviceID set by GetDetails
+  * wacom-usb: Fix a theoretical buffer over-read to make GCC happy
+  * vli: Only show the i2c devices on the USB3 hub
+  * Allow devices to be updatable, but only when upgrading a proxy device
+  * Reset the progressbar time estimate if the percentage is invalid
+  * ccgx: Always report 100% when finished writing
+  * Add a device quirk that forces an explicit device-id match
+  * ccgx: Set the device name and summary from quirk files
+  * vli: Only do the APP5 FW bug fix on affected hardware
+  * vli: Show all the buffer when debugging with FWUPD_VLI_USBHUB_VERBOSE
+  * fu-engine: Refresh device name and format before setting supported flag
+  * Allow a device to set the logical or physical ID during ->setup()
+  * ccgx: Split out a trivial helper to set the instance IDs
+  * ccgx: Set the device name to be more useful
+  * ccgx: Set the logical ID as the FwMode
+  * ccgx: Split out a trivial function to set the version
+  * ccgx: Do not reboot the device write after installing
+  * ccgx: Do no show the flash parameters when unknown
+  * Allow devices to match the proxy device by GUID
+  * Do not skip attach() if the device is marked _WILL_DISAPPEAR
+  * dell-dock: Port to using fu_device_get_proxy()
+  * Allow adding a device 'proxy' device that can do actions on it
+  * vli: Do not show the USB 2 recovery devices for USB 3 hubs
+  * vli: Add metadata to identify which is the same physical device
+  * uefi: correctly format firmware version of Dynabook (né Toshiba) X30, X40 and probably others
+  * synaptics-cxaudio: Use the ->attach() device vfunc
+  * synaptics-cxaudio: Wait for the device to reboot after writing firmware
+  * logitech_hidpp: decrease verbosity of messages that hid++ ID is missing
+  * Prefer to update the child first if the order is unspecified
+  * Do not modify the device priority for child devices
+Wed Apr 22 08:48:51 UTC 2020 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Exclude fwupdate from the architectures without UEFI support.
+Wed Apr 15 06:23:16 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.4.0:
+  * Release fwupd 1.4.0
+  * Allow removing device flags from quirk files
+  * Use black to format python source in a consistent manner
+  * Define SOURCE_VERSION when building a package
+  * Only set the parent when adopting children
+  * Do not conditionalize attach() and detach() on IS_BOOTLOADER
+  * Do not crash the daemon if a plugin does something dumb
+  * wacom-usb: Add more sanity checks in case the daemon goes crazy
+  * wacom-usb: Use a per-device cleanup function
+  * Add some more device regression tests
+  * wacom-usb: Add a lot of missing metadata about the devices
+  * wacom-usb: Hide a lot of debugging behind FWUPD_WACOM_VERBOSE
+  * Only auto-add counterpart GUIDs when required
+  * ccgx: remove update message
+  * ccgx: add parent guid for hybrid dock
+  * ccgx: Use a smaller timeout for i2c read and write operations
+  * ccgx: Retry the register read and write with a i2c reset
+  * ccgx: Fix buffer overflow when reading out i2c status
+  * ccgx: Retry the HID disconnect up to 5 times
+  * ccgx: Show a better error message on failure
+  * ccgx: Allow forcing firmware of the wrong app_type with fwupdtool
+  * Modularize the hardware tests
+  * Ignore indirect devices that replug during the composite firmware update
+  * Export the device state as part of the D-Bus interface
+  * Fix devices that use CounterpartGuid when more than one device is installed
+  * Use the GUID as a fallback rather than the connection ID
+  * ccgx: Fix critical warning on i2c write failure
+  * logitech-hidpp: Do not add peripheral devices for receiver in BL mode
+  * Install the installed-tests only if tests are enabled
+  * Load the signature to get the aliased CDN-safe version of the metadata
+  * vli: Only reboot the USB hub once
+  * synaptics-cxaudio: Only use the PATCH2 address when the patch level is 2
+  * add STM32F745 stm dfuse quirk
+  * dfu: Add a way to set the timeout from a quirk
+  * Export the release urgency
+  * Export the release creation time
+  * Check the firmware requirements before adding SUPPORTED
+  * data/motd/fwupd-refresh: Only order after
+  * ccgx: Do not add the HID device that will disconnect
+  * ccgx: Use Silicon ID and Application type to set flash parameters
+  * Add a new daemon configuration option to control EnumerateAllDevices
+  * logitech_hidpp: set the bootloader protocol
+  * Install meson from pip for LGTM
+  * bash: add completion for fwupdtool reinstall
+  * fu-tool: add reinstall command
+  * fu-engine: export fu_engine_get_releases_for_device in header
+  * vli: Wait for the VL103 to timeout to fix detach
+  * ccgx: Show the UpdateMessage in the correct device mode
+  * ccgx: Add extra instance IDs to match specific firmware
+  * Use a static version number
+  * thunderbolt: Rather than hardcoding to PCI slot numbers, use domain in GUID
+  * Revert "thunderbolt: Create a unique GUID including Thunderbolt controller path"
+  * dell-dock: Port to fu_device_retry()
+  * nitrokey: Convert to use FuHidDevice
+  * nitrokey: Port to fu_device_retry()
+  * vli: Port to fu_device_retry()
+  * Add fu_device_retry() helper functionality
+  * ccgx: Implement writing firmware to flash
+  * ccgx: Add i2c status check when reading or writing registers
+  * ccgx: Add 5ms delay between read registers to avoid an i2c error
+  * libfwupdplugin: Use fu_device_locker_close()
+  * synaptics-mst: Use fu_device_locker_close()
+  * Add fu_device_locker_close()
+  * ccgx: Do not store the silicon ID in the image address
+  * ccgx: Add device quirks for the Lenovo Hybrid Dock
+  * ccgx: Switch HID mode to HPI mode at startup
+  * ccgx: Clear the event queue when in startup
+  * ccgx: Wait for hardware to settle when coming out of reset
+  * ccgx: Do not mark the device as updatable when in boot mode
+  * ccgx: Verify the firmware app type when preparing firmware
+  * ccgx: Set the update message when running in backup firmware
+  * ccgx: Read the FwAppType from the hardware
+  * ccgx: Set the HPI version number for the current firmware
+  * ccgx: Get the silicon ID to map the flash parameters
+  * ccgx: Read the HPI device mode at startup
+  * ccgx: Set up the HPI I²C config at startup
+  * ccgx: Create devices when in HID and I2C modes
+  * Add a new ChromeOS CI target to build without GPG and PKCS7
+  * Use Jcat files in firmware archives and for metadata
+    - Removed fu-keyring-gpg which caused CVE-2020-10759 (boo#1172643)
+  * csr: Allow truncated HID reads
+  * vli: Only consider the high nibble when building the sub-version
+  * csr: Parse the firmware as a DFU file
+  * Add support for EP963x hardware
+  * Add FuHidDevice abstraction
+  * vli: Correctly attach VL103 after a firmware update
+  * ccgx: Parse the metadata block in the firmware image
+  * ccgx: Add a firmare parser for cyacd files
+  * logitech: Correctly set the protocol
+  * Add the optional device-id to the update --help output
+  * Fix a difficult-to-trigger daemon hang when replugging devices
+  * vli: Remove a dock device from the whitelist that is never going to be updated
+  * vli: Add some trivial debugging to help track down a bug
+  * vli: Never add USB hub devices that are not upgradable
+  * uefi: Don't use shim for non-secure boot configurations
+  * Start fwupd-activate.service after snapd.service
+  * dfu: Actually reload the DFU device after upgrade has completed
+  * dfu: Add one more m-stack device requiring a quirk
+  * Apply version format to releases and devices at same time
+  * Ensure that the DeviceID is set for child devices
+  * Fix a daemon crash when removing children
+  * Allow waiting for the parent device when replugging
+  * Add fu_device_get_root() shared API
+  * vli: Fix an error when detaching MSP430
+  * vli: Fix a critical warning when getting the USB speed
+  * vli: Fix the error enum values for the MSP430
+  * Do not add blank lines when tokenizing Intel hex files
+  * vli: Fix the version calculation for MSP430
+  * vli: Ignore one more error when attaching
+  * vli: Always expect the VL103 header at 0x1003 or 0x4000
+  * vli: Do not fall back to the recovery write for usbhubs
+  * vli: Only show the 2nd header if the device ID is valid
+  * vli: Fix VL103 reboot from ROM mode to FW mode
+  * vli: Add some better comments for writing GPIOs
+  * Add a helper script to add a DFU header
+  * Add 'firmware-convert' subcommand to fwupdtool
+  * fu-engine: Make two passes of requirements checking
+  * fu-engine: Copy the VersionFormat from the CAB if specified in `get-details`
+  * Add a new plugin for CPU microcode
+  * Don't build/install fwupdagent man page if agent build is not requested
+  * Introduce a new VersionFormat for `hex`
+  * Drop UEFI quirks we now inherit from metadata
+  * ci: build Debian using libflashrom
+  * When TPM PCR0 measurements fail, query if secure boot is available and enabled
+  * fix according to the movement of fwupdtool to bindir
+  * ata: Add OUI quirk for Western Digital and Intel
+  * improved fish shell completion
+  * vli: Set the MSP430 version format to pair
+  * Always return AppStream markup for remote agreements
+  * ata: Add trivial OUI quirk for Micron
+  * added completion script for fish shell
+  * Do not fail loading in /etc/machine-id is not available
+  * Use xb_builder_source_add_simple_adapter
+  * Create FuCabinet and untangle a lot of legacy code
+  * nvme: Do not try to handle integer version numbers
+  * Allow server metadata to set the version format on some devices
+  * fu-tool: Correctly append the release to devices in `get-details`
+  * For the `get-details` command make sure to always show devices
+  * fu-engine: Copy the version and format from donor device in get-details
+  * fu-engine: Use unknown for version format by default on get-details
+  * Inihbit all power management actions using logind when updating
+  * Decouple the version format from the version itself
+  * Add raw versions for bootloader and lowest
+  * Allow server metadata to set the device name on some devices
+  * Remove support for GCab less than v1.0
+  * fu-device-list: Check protocol before de-duping devices
+  * Do not allow devices that have no vendor ID to be UPDATABLE
+  * ata: Include a vendor ID for ATA hardware
+  * ata: Switch off the verbose logging by default
+  * Always check for PLAIN when doing vercmp() operations
+  * Discard the reason upgrades aren't available (Fixes: #1678)
+  * Improve the description of `fwupdtpmevlog` for man page
+  * Move `fwupdtpmevlog` into `bindir`
+  * uefi: Move `fwupdate` into `bindir`
+  * Move `fwupdtool` and `fwupdagent` into `bindir`
+  * Use the system provided flashrom on Fedora
+  * Add a plugin vfunc to run after subclassed FuDevice creation
+  * ci: use standalone script to generate build dependencies
+  * Move the daemons from /usr/lib/fwupd to /usr/libexec/fwupd
+  * Use the recently released flashrom v1.2
+  * Generate an additional UEFI quirk file using the stable LVFS metadata
+  * uefi: Apply capsule update even with single valid capsule
+  * Fix a critical warning when installing some firmware
+  * ebitdo: Fix the endpoint address logged in the error message
+  * uefi: Find the correct lds and crt name when specifying -Defi_ldsdir
+  * upower: Move battery threshold declaration into a configuration file
+  * upower: Decrease minimum battery requirement to 10%
+- Refresh fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch
+- Add new dependency: jcat
+Wed Mar 11 09:14:46 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.3.9:
+  * Release fwupd 1.3.9
+  * Always check for PLAIN when doing vercmp() operations
+  * improved fish shell completion
+  * vli: Set the MSP430 version format to pair
+  * added completion script for fish shell
+  * Always return AppStream markup for remote agreements
+  * Do not fail loading in /etc/machine-id is not available
+  * fu-engine: Fixup broken-ness from 0c0fada18fc9cb2a0efec351db67f0867bf045cd
+  * Use xb_builder_source_add_simple_adapter
+  * fu-tool: Correctly append the release to devices in `get-details`
+  * For the `get-details` command make sure to always show devices
+  * fu-engine: Copy the version and format from donor device in get-details
+  * fu-engine: Use unknown for version format by default on get-details
+  * Inihbit all power management actions using logind when updating
+  * fu-device-list: Check protocol before de-duping devices
+  * ata: Switch off the verbose logging by default
+  * Discard the reason upgrades aren't available (Fixes: #1678)
+  * Improve the description of `fwupdtpmevlog` for man page
+  * Move `fwupdtpmevlog` into `bindir`
+  * uefi: Move `fwupdate` into `bindir`
+  * Move `fwupdtool` and `fwupdagent` into `bindir`
+  * ci: use standalone script to generate build dependencies
+  * Move the daemons from /usr/lib/fwupd to /usr/libexec/fwupd
+  * Use the recently released flashrom v1.2
+  * uefi: Apply capsule update even with single valid capsule
+  * Fix a critical warning when installing some firmware
+  * ebitdo: Fix the endpoint address logged in the error message
+  * fu-util: fix a logic error in report uploading introduced in e076d48afb74d1447936d353f12781755f13b047
+  * uefi: Find the correct lds and crt name when specifying -Defi_ldsdir
+  * upower: Move battery threshold declaration into a configuration file
+  * upower: Decrease minimum battery requirement to 10%
+- Update to version 1.3.8:
+  * Release fwupd 1.3.8
+  * Do not use fu_common_vercmp() when the device verfmt is PLAIN
+  * altos: Output raw buffer data when using FWUPD_ALTOS_VERBOSE
+  * altos: Prefix an error to provide more context
+  * altos: Add a trivial _to_string() implementation
+  * synaptics-cxaudio: Make the verfmt match that of the existing Windows tools
+  * synaptics-mst: Allow MST to fall back if no PCI device is marked as parent
+  * Allow specifying a list of subsystems when setting a physical ID
+  * synaptics-mst: Fix trivial thinko caused by the wrong dock connected
+  * vli: Invert the logic to reboot the parent FuCliUsbhubDevice, not the child
+  * vli: Switch around the hub tier values
+  * uefi: Fix a build regression with Fedora 30
+  * logitech_hidpp: Ignore detach failures (Fixes: #1183)
+  * logitech_hidpp: When detaching to bootloader use non-blocking IO and wait for timeout
+  * vli: Show erase progress when doing a v2 recovery
+  * uefi: Do not remove the 'Linux Firmware Updater' boot entry before update
+  * uefi: Do not rewrite BootOrder in the EFI helper
+  * vli: Add support for the PS186 device
+  * Set up more parent devices for various Lenovo USB hubs
+  * cxaudio: Set the update protocol to prevent a daemon warning
+  * vli: Add support for Lenovo Modularized dock
+  * Add an extra instance ID to disambiguate USB hubs
+  * vli: Remove the unused tierX custom flags for each device
+  * Revert "Correctly delete UEFI variables"
+  * uefi: make debugging output more readable
+  * vli: Fix a potential buffer-overflow when parsing firmware
+  * tpm: Optimize the string parsing and fix the boolean logic
+  * synaptics-rmi: Add a missing error enum value
+  * synaptics-rmi: Correctly identify a checksum failure
+  * synaptics-rmi: Fix Coverity issue that is impossible to hit in reality
+  * solokeys: Parse old versions of the bootloader string
+  * Add a plugin to update PD controllers by Fresco Logic
+  * vli: Set the device progress correctly when erasing a PD device
+  * vli: Use the correct command to get the device firmware version
+  * vli: Correctly reset all VL100 devices
+  * vli: Set all standalone PD devices to not do SPI auto-detection
+  * vli: Mark standalone PD devices as updatable
+  * vli: Set the protocol for FuVliUsbhubPdDevice types
+  * Support the new gnuefi file locations
+  * Cleanup ancient fwupdate-* EFI variables too (Fixes: #1739)
+  * Detect kernel lockdown status
+  * vli: Add the DEV instance ID to all devices
+  * tpm-eventlog: Replay the TPM event log to get the PCRx values
+  * tpm-eventlog: Store the eventlog hashes in binary form
+- Update to version 1.3.7:
+  * Release fwupd 1.3.7
+  * Correctly delete UEFI variables
+  * ci: allow working with podman w/o aliases
+  * ci: fedora: force correct rpm package version
+  * src: fu-engine: check version was updated by checking version
+  * Correctly import PKCS-7 remote metadata
+  * Add 'refresh' to fwupdtool
+  * Add 'get-remotes' to fwupdtool
+  * Generate a win32 setup binary
+  * Fix display of UTF-8 characters on Windows
+  * Move MOTD population into the daemon
+  * fu-util: Discourage metadata refreshes more than once per day
+  * Disable the battery percentage checks if UPower is unavailable
+  * Allow getting the list of updates in JSON format from fwupdagent
+  * Revert "trivial: Attempt to fix Debian CI"
+  * fu-remote-list: emit a changed signal when modifying a remote
+  * synaptics-mst: Skip self tests for systems with amdgpu
+  * Allow applying all releases to get to a target version
+  * Split up fu_engine_install() into two halves
+  * logitech_hidpp: use the correct timeout for IO channel writes
+  * Allow quirking devices that always require a version check
+  * Shut down automatically when there is system memory pressure
+  * Show the device parent if there is an interesting child
+  * Allow the client to get the list of FwupdDevice children
+  * Set the FwupdDevice parents in fwupdtool
+  * Don't always get the vendor ID for udev devices using the parent
+  * Add a runtime warning when adding a device without an vendor-id or protocol set
+  * vli: Set more of the firmware max sizes automatically
+  * vli: Add a SpiAutoDetect quirk for some of the PD devices
+  * vli: Use a different protocol ID for i2c devices
+  * vli: Add support for standalone Single PD devices
+  * vli: Move generic SPI functionality into the FuVliDevice base class
+  * vli: Remove the PD emulation code
+  * vli: Use a more standard GUID for the child i²c and shared SPI devices
+  * vli: Allow setting the device kind from a quirk
+  * vli: Make more function names match the docs
+  * vli: Move the SPI command quirking from FuVliUsbhubDevice down to FuVliDevice
+  * vli: Rename FuVliUsbhubPdFirmware to FuVliPdFirmware
+  * vli: Allow the device to specify the PD firmware header offset
+  * vli: Add a FuVliDevice as a subclass to FuVliUsbhubDevice
+  * vli: Define the device GType in the quirk file
+  * vli: Move the CRC calculations out of usbhub scope
+  * vli: Have one 'DeviceKind' for all objects
+  * vli: Rename the `vli_usbhub` plugin to `vli`
+  * Capitalize GNOME
+- package has grown a few new binaries: fwupdagent, fwupdate, fwupdtool
+  and a tpm event debugging tool, that is packaged separately: 
+  fwupdtpmevlog
+Thu Jan 23 21:42:37 UTC 2020 - Stefan Brüns <>
+- Drop docbook-utils-minimal build dependency, manpages are generated
+  with gtk-doc.
+Thu Jan 02 12:52:09 UTC 2020 -
+- Update to version 1.3.6:
+  * plugins/coreboot: Add missing fu_hash dependency
+  * trivial: synaptics-cxaudio: Add Google type C <-> 3.5mm adapter
+  * fu-engine: don't expose bootloader version errors to users
+  * trivial: dell-dock: drop unused quirk keyx
+  * trivial: rename synapticsmst to synaptics-mst
+  * trivial: actually set vendor ID for synaptics
+  * fu-remote-list: Drop fallback path behavior
+  * libfwupdplugin: Make sure systemd created environment variables exist
+  * trivial: fu-remotes-list: drop usage of `FU_SELF_TEST_REMOTES_DIR`
+  * trivial: synaptics-rmi: hardcode Vendor string
+  * trivial: Set vendor ID for Dell WD19 to USB:0x413C (Fixes: #1653)
+  * trivial: Document the use of vendor-id in each plugin
+  * superio: Use the baseboard vendor as the vendor ID
+  * uefi: Use the BIOS vendor as the vendor ID
+  * coreboot: Use the BIOS vendor as the vendor ID
+  * flashrom: Use the BIOS vendor as the vendor ID
+  * dell: Hardcode a plausible vendor ID
+  * emmc: Set the correct vendor ID prefix
+  * fu-util-common: correct the default prompt for reboot/shutdown (Fixes: #1617)
+  * Split out the remote loading from FuConfig
+  * vli-usbhub: Fix the quirk for the legacy VIA 813 chip
+  * Clarify error messages when no upgrades available
+  * trivial: Don't handle a vendor-id requirement error that cannot happen
+  * Only check the vendor ID if the device has one set
+  * fu-install-task: Enforce that device protocol matches metadata
+  * Add a new plugin that can parse the TPM event log
+  * Allow other plugins to contribute report metadata
+  * trivial: dell: hardcode the physical device ID for tpm to match the tpm plugin
+  * Add a new plugin that exposes the system TPM device firmware version
+  * Add fu_udev_device_set_flags()
+  * trivial: Render large values of VersionRaw in a more portable way
+  * trivial: wacom-raw: mark all Moffett SKUs as self recovery
+  * Throw exit status 0 (instead of 2) if there is no firmware to be updated
+  * Add a `dell-bios` version format
+  * Add support for multiple LVFS::VersionFormat tags
+  * Do not do semver conversion in fu_common_vercmp()
+  * trivial: Deprecate fu_common_version_parse()
+  * trivial: Support 'plain' in fu_common_version_from_uintXX()
+  * Add the sysfs 'description' as the one-line device summary
+  * trivial: Also print the parent keys when using FU_UDEV_DEVICE_DEBUG
+  * trivial: Add fu_common_version_from_uint64()
+  * trivial: Convert the VersionRaw value to a uint64_t for future use
+  * Allow building on Windows with MinGW
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Allow incremental version major and minor number
+  * Replace 'scheduing' with 'scheduling'
+  * Export the raw device version to the client --verbose output
+  * trivial: Only dlopen the test plugin once
+  * Export the device protocol to the client --verbose output
+  * trivial: installed-tests: try to display journal for failed tests
+  * trivial: ci: debian: enable verbose daemon logging for failure analysis
+  * trivial: installed-tests: explicitly choose webcam device ID
+  * trivial: debian: remove obj-* built files to fix back to back builds
+  * trivial: ci: don't let bad symlinks cause debian build failures
+  * trivial: debian: correct a dependency for libfwupdplugin-dev
+- Changes from version 1.3.5:
+  * plugins: Fix potential use of NULL pointer in fu_dell_dock_mst_write_register
+  * Fix shifting integer by more than 31 in fu_util_filter_device
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Reload the device version after IOTA update
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Reload the device version after update
+  * trivial: wacom: remove coretronic config from Moffett scope
+  * trivial: Fix a NULL/FALSE confusion
+  * trivial: Add a BR for Fedora
+  * trivial: Fix coreboot commit to fix CI
+  * trivial: libfwupdplugin: clarify name of self test
+  * plugins/coreboot: Improve version detection
+  * plugins/coreboot: Get rid of FU_HWIDS_KEY_BIOS_VENDOR in coldplug
+  * trivial: Move progressbar out of libfwupdplugin
+  * trivial: Unexport fu_test_get_filename()
+  * trivial: Unexport fu_test_compare_lines()
+  * trivial: Unexport fu_test_loop_run_with_timeout()
+  * trivial: Do not include non-introspectable functions in the GIR
+  * trivial: Fix up a few introspection problems in FwupdPlugin
+  * trivial: Include the Fwupd GIR in the FwupdPLugin GIR
+  * trivial: Never add duplicate symbols to the map file
+  * trivial: Properly namespace the defines in the exported header
+  * Install development files for libfwupdplugin
+  * Convert libfwupdprivate to a shared library libfwupdplugin
+  * trivial: Allow building GCab from a subpackage
+  * trivial: Fix under-include to define O_RDONLY
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without <glib-unix.h>
+  * trivial: Do not use FuProgressbar in dfu-tool
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Manually set the bootloader mode when attaching
+  * trivial: Split out a new helper funtion
+  * trivial: Add some optional debugging when hotplugging devices
+  * trivial: Include the correct header for S_IRWXU
+  * Always use the more portable 3-arg form for open()
+  * trivial: Untangle FuHistory from FuPlugin
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without <fnmatch.h>
+  * Revert "synaptics-rmi: Use the build ID as the version number to match the vendor tool"
+  * Add missing documentation from the plugin interface
+  * trivial: fu-udev-device: remove a prototype that was missed in b3d4d2ff
+  * trivial: add missing gtk-doc fields for many files in src/
+  * trivial: fix compile failure without gudev
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Mirror the _IS_BOOTLOADER from device to config
+  * Allow setting the device flags using GObject properties
+  * vli_usbhub: Set the composite parent at construction time
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Set the composite parent at construction time
+  * Allow plugins to set the parent during construction
+  * vli-usbhub: Whitelist the PD and I²C devices
+  * Set the protocol per-device not per-plugin
+  * synaptics-rmi: Use the build ID as the version number to match the vendor tool
+  * Create a REV_00 instance ID as this may be what the vendor needs to target
+  * fu-util-common: Invert default behavior for reboot and shutdown prompts
+  * trivial: fu-plugin-vfuncs: Add GTK documentation for all vfuncs
+  * Make gudev a compile-time option
+  * trivial: Set the offline trigger using an environment variable
+  * trivial: ci: pull lintian from unstable for now.
+  * trivial: stop including fu-hash.h as part of fu-plugin-vfuncs.h
+  * Fix shebangs on scripts
+  * trivial: Use prefixes for DATADIR in config.h for portability
+  * Allow compiling GUsb as a subproject
+  * trivial: fu-udev-device: add a to_string func for debugging
+  * trivial: Don't assume that plugins end in .so
+  * trivial: optionrom: remove unneeded includes
+  * trivial: debian: ci: ignore library-not-linked-against-libc for more
+  * trivial: remove
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without pwrite()
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without <errno.h>
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without realpath()
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without HAVE_LC_MESSAGES
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without getuid()
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without <sys/ioctl.h>
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without <poll.h>
+  * trivial: Allow compiling without <sys/utsname.h>
+  * Ensure the _get_type() gets the same ABI version as the constructor
+  * Use the correct unlocker when using GRWLock
+  * trivial: plugins: only build coreboot when option set
+  * fwupdtool: don't show a warning when calling `get-plugins`
+- Changes from version 1.3.4:
+  * trivial: Don't force specific linker flash when cross building
+  * dell: Use the more portable g_usleep()
+  * trivial: Fix unused header includes
+  * vli-usbhub: Make erasing less verbose and writing more obvious
+  * vli-usbhub: Correctly print the 24-bit USB3 offset
+  * vli-usbhub: Print the PD firmware offset and size for debugging
+  * vli-usbhub: Open the parent device before attempting to read or write from the child
+  * vli-usbhub: Set the install duration for the PD device
+  * trivial: Fix a failed error prefix string
+  * trivial: wacom-raw: Remove embedded from device name
+  * wacom-raw: Correct HWID support
+  * uefi: Just use a uint16_t for BootNext processing
+  * uefi: Use a simpler entries set algorithm
+  * vli-usbhub: Add support for writing using I2C passthru
+  * vli-usbhub: Support updating PD devices that share the hub flash
+  * vli-usbhub: Support the PD file format
+  * trivial: uefi: correct a NULL pointer dereference
+  * uefi: fall back to `ID_LIKE` when the path for `ID` doesn't exist (Fixes:# 1566)
+  * uefi: Make more robust
+  * Tokenize the Intel Hex file before parsing
+  * trivial: Detect the USB version automatically
+  * trivial: fu-util/fu-tool: explicitly block unsupported flags
+  * Add support for matching <firmware> requirements on device parents
+  * Skip cleanup after device is done updating if `will-disappear` is set (Fixes: #1529)
+  * efi: use a wildcard section copy for final EFI generation
+  * modem-manager: explicitly use plain version format
+  * modem-manager: add quirks for the Foxconn T77W968 modules
+  * Allows confined snaps to activate fwupd via D-Bus
+  * trivial: thunderbolt: clarify error message
+  * Add a new property `Interactive` to the daemon
+  * trivial: contrib/ require git less hard
+  * superio: Never read from port offset zero
+  * superio: Fix regression when coldplugging superio devices
+  * trivial: Fix Fedora CI build
+  * trivial: Fix the autobuilt spec file with the new tarball version
+  * Dynamically determine release version
+  * trivial: synapticmst: allow missing `/proc/modules`
+  * synapticsmst: filter invalid chip IDs
+  * trivial: Provide some defines for common image names
+  * Allow aborting early when using fu_archive_iterate()
+  * Add fu_firmware_image_set_version() for future use
+  * modem-manager: increase re-enumeration delay to 20000ms
+  * modem-manager: add counterpart GUID for the DW5821e/eSIM
+  * Add versions formats for the Microsoft Surface devices
+  * usb: make loading vendor/product/serial strings non-fatal
+  * trivial: Fix the protocol ID for VLI usbhub devices
+  * trivial: wacom-raw: add more device IDs for Dell devices
+  * trivial: contrib: don't require TSS for debian archs without EFI
+  * fu-udev-device: Adjust bounds checking to be safer
+  * fu-udev-device: Don't assume all devices have `device_file`
+  * synaptics-rmi: correct an error cleaning up on probe
+  * trivial: fu-udev-device: add some safety checks for fd
+  * udev-device: fix offset of vendor id of hidraw devices
+  * flashrom: switch to upstream source
+  * trivial: fu-plugin: only show an error once  "failed to open plugin" was being prefixed twice
+  * trivial: debian: only use mingw-w64-tools in archs with UEFI plugin
+  * fastboot: Fix a regression when updating modem firmware
+  * trivial: conflict with old unifying plugin
+  * Rename unifying plugin to logitech-hidpp (Fixes: #1329)
+  * Add a new contrib script for installing a Dell BIOS from an EXE file
+  * trivial: add-capsule-header: rename to make it easier to import
+  * trivial: simple_client: make it easier to reuse code
+  * trivial: firmware-packager: make it easier to reuse code
+  * trivial: add-capsule-header: make it actually work
+  * trivial: fix some gtkdoc sections
+  * Bump the required gudev version
+  * trivial: Fix a compile error with older versions of gudev
+  * trivial: wacom: add vid/pid for panels in Moffett
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+- Changes from version 1.3.3
+  * unifying: notify users to replug when using dfu control (Fixes: #1383)
+  * trivial: 8bitdo: set a transient failure while waiting for user action
+  * libfwupd: Add a new error type for user action needed
+  * trivial: 8bitdo: show the same message for SN30pro and SN30pro+
+  * trivial: Fix up some typos from codespell
+  * trivial: Ensure config.h is included in all source files
+  * trivial: Fix up some NULL/FALSE confusion
+  * trivial: Add all the _LAST enums that shouldn't be checked for ABI
+  * trivial: Fix a typo that means that UEFI results were never cleared
+  * Always report the update-error correctly for multiple updates
+  * trivial: Fix fwupdmgr get-history if the firmware was not installed from the LVFS
+  * trivial: Do not emit a warning if a child has no version number
+  * Move the file descriptor lifecycle into FuUdevDevice
+  * trivial: Fix some GtkDoc annotations
+  * ebitdo: Modernize the plugin to use FuFirmware
+  * nitrokey: Use fu_common_dump_raw() when debugging
+  * thunderbolt: Create a unique GUID including Thunderbolt controller path
+  * Use device safety flags to show prompts before installing updates
+  * trivial: Use the new possible_plugin support for USB devices too
+  * jabra: Move the Jabra-specific detach out into its own plugin
+  * Ensure the device is open when doing the subclassed prepare() and cleanup()
+  * vli-usbhub: Add support for updating V2 devices
+  * Allow verifying the device image itself from fwupdtool
+  * Use XMLb to query quirks
+  * trivial: ci: disable pulling libxmlb from unstable
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Don't add a config-subdevice in bootloader mode
+  * dfu: Use the VID/PID to identify devices without download capability in runtime
+  * trivial: debian: remove some unneeded lintian
+  * trivial: debian: bump compat version
+  * ebitdo: Add SN30Pro+ to recognized quirk list (Fixes: #1503)
+  * dfu: Add several quirks for Realtek camera hardware
+  * dfu: Always mark devices as UPDATABLE
+  * uefi: use `genpeimg` to mark ASLR and DP/NX on EFI binary
+  * trivial: solokey: correct a typo
+  * trivial: fu-util: fix typo
+  * uefi: rework ESP path detection and lifecycle
+  * trivial: uefi: show more metadata in to_string method
+  * trivial: fu-device: add new method to remove metadata
+  * Add a plugin to update VIA USB hub hardware
+  * trivial: Add fu_common_read_uint8_safe()
+  * trivial: Fix two typos in fu_common_read_uint16_safe()
+  * solokey: Allow parsing firmware with fwupdtool
+  * Allow fwupdtool to dump details of common firmware formats
+  * trivial: Do not do system coldplug when using FU_ENGINE_LOAD_FLAG_NO_ENUMERATE
+  * trivial: fu-self-test: set polling self tests to slow
+  * trivial: fu-tool: Allow `detach`/`attach` to prompt for device
+  * Strip trailing whitespace from USB descriptors
+  * trivial: Add fu_common_read_uint16_safe()
+  * trivial: Add version to the FuFirmware->to_string() output
+  * Add fu_firmware_set_version()
+  * Add a systemd preset file for `fwupd-refresh.service`
+  * trivial: dell: work around a memory leak caught by address sanitizer
+  * ebitdo: if the device has the will disappear flag, don't wait for ack (Fixes: #994)
+  * Add a new plugin for working with eMMC devices (Fixes: #1455)
+  * fu-engine: Check multiple plugins if quirks match
+  * trivial: don't try to enable LVFS from systemd
+  * trivial: coreboot: fix a clang compiler error
+  * fu-util: Add user friendly strings for all device flags
+  * Add new device flags indicating update resilience
+  * plugins: Add coreboot plugin
+  * fu-plugin: Add fu_plugin_get_hwid_replace_value
+  * trivial: Increase verbosity when actually updating devices
+  * trivial: Allow plugins to use WAIT_FOR_REPLUG in prepare and cleanup
+  * Add FuDevice->prepare() and FuDevice->cleanup() vfuncs for future use
+  * dfu: Implement FuDevice->to_string()
+  * trivial: colorhug: fix a crash that occurs when flashing sometimes
+  * trivial: fu-util: break out of automatic reports if one is not automatic
+  * thunderbolt: some more clarifications when using ICL
+  * trivial: fwupd-refresh: activate motd if using systemd v243 or later
+  * trivial: fwupd-refresh: allow exit code 2 for success
+  * trivial: synaptics-cxaudio: Add Google Pixel buds
+  * trivial: arch: ci: Wait some time for tpm_server to start up
+  * Allow a custom FuFirmwareImage->write() in superclassed objects
+  * dfu: Remove two completely unused helpers
+  * dfu: Make DfuFirmware derive from FuFirmware
+  * dfu: Make DfuImage derive from FuFirmwareImage
+  * dfu: Remove private headers that do not need to exist
+  * Fix device flag filtering
+  * trivial: fu-engine: Don't compare device and content checksums
+  * fu-engine: Read all releases and convert versions when comparing
+  * Add new flags `can-verify` and `can-verify-image`
+  * trivial: make verify and verify-update safer
+  * trivial: test: add checksums for "stock" 1.2.2
+  * trivial: fu-udev-device: use parent udev device to indicate `internal`
+  * trivial: fix TPM2 simulator tests for arch
+  * trivial: uefi: don't add PCRs with all 0's
+  * trivial: Fix a recent regression causing a double-free
+  * synaptics-cxaudio: Support the ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2
+  * trivial: fu-util: add some extra checks around automatic reports
+  * trivial: fu-tool: typo
+  * fu-systemd: Use correct method for stopping units.
+  * trivial: fu-udev-device: Use ID_PCI_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE if name not set
+  * trivial: fu-plugin: quiet down debug output for optionrom plugin
+  * 8bitdo: use will-disappear flag for sf30/sn30 controllers (Fixes: #783)
+  * trivial: ebitdo: don't dump out firmware header unless plugin verbose
+  * trivial: ebitdo: don't use local errors when writing firmware
+  * Add a new device flag for indicating device won't come back
+  * wacom-emr: Fix a regression for EMR devices
+  * Add a generic DFU firmware object for plugins to use
+  * dfu: Use FwupdInstallFlags rather than a DFU-specific version
+  * dfu: Remove functionality for modifying DfuSe files
+  * dfu: Remove functionality you can do now with fwupdtool
+  * dfu: Remove the merge command as it's unused and broken
+  * trivial: Add fu_firmware_parse_file() helper for future use
+  * trivial: Remove the fuzzing details for DfuPatch
+  * trivial: Add klass->to_string for superclassed FuFirmwareImage objects
+  * dfu: Remove DfuPatch as no vendor actually uses this
+  * dfu: Don't wrap provided VID-PID functions
+  * dfu: Use the standard FuDevice custom flags functionality
+  * dfu: Use klass_device->write_firmware() directly
+  * dfu: Use the generic fu_plugin_usb_device_added() function
+  * dfu: Use daemon flags to ignore devices rather than a special flag
+  * dfu: Set the device state directly to avoid proxying signals
+  * dfu: Use the built-in detach() and attach() vfuncs
+  * Read firmware back from the device as a FuFirmware
+  * dfu: Remove a pointless function
+  * dfu: Remove support for the Metadata Store Proposal
+  * dfu: Remove XTEA support
+  * dfu: Remove the SREC and IHEX parsing out of the DFU plugin
+  * ebitdo: Use klass_device->write_firmware like other plugins
+  * trivial: Remove G_BEGIN_DECLS from all private headers
+  * Remove FU_PLUGIN_RULE_REQUIRES_QUIRK as all the plugins now use it
+  * Set all FuUdevDevice plugins to use FU_QUIRKS_PLUGIN
+  * thunderbolt: recognize new 'generation' sysfs attribute
+  * Rename and modernize the udev plugin
+  * synaptics-rmi: Also add the product ID as a GUID without the minor version
+  * synaptics-rmi: Correctly set the payload length rather than hardcoding it
+  * synaptics-rmi: Write the core config correctly
+  * synaptics-rmi: Decode BL7 status failures as actual errors
+  * synaptics-rmi: Add some trivial debugging to help debug a write problem
+  * trivial: uefi: Make efivarvs errors clearer (Fixes: 1330)
+  * trivial: uefi: don't prefix efivar errors
+  * trivial: Remove some now-unused vfuncs
+  * altos: Modernize the plugin to simplify it
+  * Create the custom plugin GType in common code
+  * Reduce more boilerplate in plugins
+  * synaptics-rmi: Check the correct register when querying bootloader mode
+  * trivial: fu-engine: fix never reporting remotes
+  * trivial: fu-util: don't show warnings for no reports to upload
+  * trivial: debian: remove more conffiles from transitions (Closes: #932617)
+  * trivial: debian/control*: Update for fwupdate transition
+  * trivial: Fix a tiny memory leak when starting the daemon
+  * modem-manager: Fix a tiny memory leak when starting the daemon
+  * synaptics-rmi: Copy the behavior of rmi4utils for BL7 detach
+  * synaptics-rmi: Simplify fu_synaptics_rmi_device_read()
+  * synaptics-rmi: Set the version after ->setup has run
+  * synaptics-rmi: Use the correct mask when getting the bootloader mode on BL7
+  * syanptics-rmi: The build_id is 3 bytes long, not 2
+  * synaptics-rmi: Read the config partition the same as rmi4utils
+  * Provide a default implementation of common FuDevice actions
+  * thunderbolt-power: avoid checking for bolt support
+  * synaptics-rmi: Add some debugging for BL7 devices
+  * Fix usage of incorrect type for return value
+  * synaptics-rmi: Do as little as possible in device setup
+  * synaptics-rmi: Speed up reading the PDT from 900ms to 30ms
+  * fu-util: add support for a reinstall command
+  * trivial: fu-util/fu-tool: update re-install help text to reinstall
+  * trivial: fu-util: remove double printed message about succesful firmware update
+  * trivial: fu-util: show no updatable devices error for update command
+  * synaptics-rmi: Ignore the ATTN reports from the hardware when reading DATA
+  * synaptics-rmi: Move the fuzzing instructions to the toplevel README
+  * Fuzz the SREC and IHEX file parsers once more
+  * Use parallel fuzzing for the SMBIOS checks too
+  * synaptics-rmi: Fix the packing of the partition table
+  * Add a plugin to update Synaptics RMI4 devices
+  * trivial: Add a parallel fuzzing script
+  * trivial: fu-util: output newline after prompt.
+  * trivial: fix %u output in report upload
+  * Add a --no-domain logging option
+  * trivial: Fix compiler warning for impossible-to-hit condition
+  * Add support for automatically uploading reports
+  * trivial: motd: disable updating motd for now
+  * trivial: fwupd-refresh: fix a clash with fwupd.service (Closes: #941360)
+  * trivial: Fix Fedora CI
+  * trivial: fu-udev-device: fix some assertions
+  * Search up the tree for a vendor name rather than (ab)using the HID_NAME
+  * Add some success messages when CLI tasks have completed
+  * trivial: Put the boolean prompt on the same line as the text
+  * Never show LicenseRef-proprietary to the end user
+  * trivial: snap: correct install hook root directory
+  * Export the instructions for detaching the device
+  * uefi: detect unmounted ESP partitions (Fixes: #1405)
+  * uefi: stop recording efibootmgr output after flash
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+- Changes from version 1.3.2:
+  * Add support for '<name_variant_suffix>' to disambiguate some firmware
+  * thelio-io: Add a plugin to detach the Thelio IO board
+  * trivial: uefi, dell: skip self tests with TPM if non-root (Fixes: #1396)
+  * trivial: dell: quiet the TSS output
+  * trivial: uefi: allow forcing to TPM2 via environment variable
+  * Do not ask the user to upload a report if ReportURI is not set
+  * Do not enumerate physical devices when running the internal self tests
+  * trivial: libfwupd: skip tests if machine-id is empty too
+  * Add a new plugin to update Conexant audio devices
+  * Export the salted machine ID as a daemon property
+  * Fall back to /var/lib/dbus/machine-id when required
+  * trivial: add stalebot (Fixes: #1393)
+  * trivial: dell-dock: correct another write_size error
+  * Align the key values to the text *width* not the number of bytes
+  * trivial: Move dbus directory location for snap too
+  * trivial: Fix some NULL/FALSE confusion
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Fix tiny memory leak when using FuSynapromConfig
+  * trivial: Fix tiny memory leak when using FuSrecFirmware
+  * snap: switch to core18
+  * trivial: Return the correct property when getting the host product
+  * trivial: fu-util-common: fix description wrapping (Fixes: #1378)
+  * fu-util/fu-tool: Map out changelogs from remotes
+  * fu-util/fu-tool: Better display historical information
+  * fu-history: Update device_modified in sql database during updates
+  * unifying: Use the instance ID to check for supported devices
+  * unifying: Ensure HID++ v2.0 peripheral devices get scanned by the plugin
+  * trivial: Add some more defines to the srec parser
+  * trivial: fix wget command in fu-tool.c
+  * Allow parsing a raw SREC file
+  * trivial: wacom: Add support for second vendor ID
+  * uefi, dell-esrt: Show firmware version when capsule updates unavailable
+  * Add some more debugging to the SREC and IHEX parsers
+  * Print the instance IDs if the GUIDs are unconverted
+  * Add fu_common_bytes_compare_raw() for future usage
+  * Call the set_quirk_kv() vfunc for the superclassed object
+  * uefi: make the TPM optional for runtime again (Fixes: #1362)
+  * trivial: uefi: Make the TCTI output less verbose
+  * Support <issues> in AppStream metadata
+  * Include all GUIDs when uploading a report
+  * Do not crash when starting tpm2-abrmd
+  * trivial: Update DBus conf path for example Fedora package
+  * Move D-Bus conf file to datadir/dbus-1/system.d
+  * trivial: Add fu_io_channel_write_byte_array() for future use
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+- Package new sub-packages typelib-1_0-FwupdPlugin-1_0 and
+  libfwupdplugin1.
+Mon Oct 28 10:40:45 UTC 2019 - Andreas Schwab <>
+- Fix file list
+Wed Sep 18 23:14:43 UTC 2019 -
+- Update to version 1.3.1: (jsc#SLE-10751)
+  * Allow disabling all plugins
+  * trivial: Specify the tpm2-tss-devel version in the example spec file
+  * Move to CI Fedora 30
+  * modem-manager: Fix two build warnings on Fedora 30
+  * synapticsmst: Add another name quirk for the ThinkPad USB-C Dock
+  * Re-introduce GUID support to fwupdmgr and fwupdtool
+  * uefi-recovery: Add a plugin to add a fake ESRT entry for device recovery
+  * Add a DMI quirk for the Minnowboard Turbot
+  * trivial: Make it easy to disable or enable libflashrom for distros
+  * trivial: Don't use Recommends for RHEL 7
+  * unifying: fix timeout metadata
+  * ci: arch: minor improvements
+  * unifying: fix timeout
+  * Allow disabling SSL strict mode for broken corporate proxies
+  * trivial: Allow ignoring the daemon version check by using --force
+  * Try to only show DMI product name once
+  * trivial: fu-util-common: Show unknown devices as interesting devices
+  * dell: Use TSS to query and build TPM vendor strings for GUIDs
+  * trivial: dell: show reasons for lack of updates in `UpdateError`
+  * fu-util-common: strip all trailing whitespace in XML description
+  * trivial: fu-common: match all whitespace not just ' ' in `fu_common_strstrip`
+  * fu-util: show release output in get-details again
+  * unifying: use fu_firmware_strparse_uint16 to read be 16bit values
+  * unifying: fix incomplete hex file parsing
+  * fu-util/fu-tool: Print devices, remotes, releases using a tree
+  * Add aliases for `get-upgrades` and `upgrade`
+  * trivial: UEFI skip self tests if library fails to initialize
+  * libfwupd: Add a new private function `fwupd_remote_set_remotes_dir`
+  * trivial: add libtss2-dev into debian/control (Closes: #1324)
+  * trivial: Fix up the GtkDoc Since lines for API only available in 1.3.x
+  * trivial: Post branch version bump
+  * thunderbolt: Add support for kernel safety checks (Fixes: #1312)
+  * Include the kernel release as a runtime version
+  * trivial: fu-util: Drop GUID support from get-devices
+  * synapticsmst: Partially rewrite the plugin (Fixes #1105)
+  * Remove replug flag after the device comes back from reboot
+  * trivial: Fix running the tests on devices with the TPM in v1.2 mode
+  * trivial: fu-util-common: more cleanup related to topology
+  * trivial: fu-util: cleanup fwupdmgr get-details output
+  * trivial: Don't use topology printing in --verbose mode
+  * Make get-devices and get-topology aliases for one another
+  * trivial: Adjust daemon device sorting
+  * Make get-topology more useful by showing all information
+  * trivial: Fix fu_common_string_append_kv() to align properly with idx > 0
+  * trivial: dell-dock: correct an error preventing write_size from being set
+  * trivial: Do not warn about deprecated declarations
+  * trivial: Update BRs for the example Fedora package
+  * uefi: add test for TPM 2.0 PCR read function
+  * uefi: use tpm2-tss library to read PCR values
+  * fu-common: Use environment variables for systemd managed directories
+  * Use more systemd directives for directories
+  * trivial: fu-util: fix debug output for devices
+  * Allow turning off the timestamp prefix for debugging
+  * Add a ->udev_device_changed plugin vfunc
+  * Add fu_device_rescan() and a FuDevice->rescan() vfunc
+  * Remove the duplicate files in
+  * Hash the source files when generating the daemon hash
+  * Split up source files in the build script
+  * uefi: add support for tpm2-tools 4.X
+  * trivial: plugins: clarify stance on afuefi.efi
+  * trivial: plugins/: Update README
+  * trivial: disable gtkdoc by default
+  * trivial: update references of hughsie/fwupd to fwupd/fwupd
+  * Publish docs to using CircelCI
+  * Add support to integrate into the motd (Fixes: #1270)
+  * Simplify get-devices output to not show un-useful fields
+  * fu-engine/fu-config: Reload metadata store when configuration changes
+  * trivial: If no devices support updates, show messaging (Closes: #1295)
+  * trivial: uefi: set vendor name for system firwmare from DMI data
+  * unifying: update Solaar url
+  * thunderbolt: Fix logic to work properly with ICL thunderbolt controller
+  * Add fu_udev_device_get_device_file() helper
+  * trivial: Fix regression when using fu_device_incorporate()
+  * trivial: Fix a potential crash when using FuPlugin in the self tests
+  * synapticsmst: Make FuSynapticsmstConnection an actual GObject
+  * synapticsmst: Use the same style as other plugins
+  * trivial: Add some helper functions for GByteArray
+  * Do not use FuDevice metadata for the physical and logical IDs
+  * Use fu_common_string_append_kv() in subclassed device
+  * synapticsmst: Use G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE to simplify the object
+  * synapticsmst: Add a SynapticsMSTBoardID for another Lenovo dock
+  * trivial: remove unnecessary CUSTOMERID_DELL define
+  * synapticsmst: Add a SynapticsMSTBoardID for a Lenovo dock
+  * synapticsmst: Display the board ID in non-hex form in the error message
+  * synapticsmst: Use a more suitable icon for the device
+  * trivial: Remove unused variable
+  * Never use memcpy() in a possibly unsafe way
+  * Add a ->to_string() vfunc to FuFirmware
+  * Use FuFirmware as a container for firmware images
+  * Allow filtering devices when using the command line tools
+  * Be more accepting when trying to recover a failed database migration
+  * trivial: Add translation for X-ThunderboltController
+  * trivial: fixup standalone installer
+  * modem-manager: add counterpart GUID for the DW5821e
+  * solokey: Release the interface and rebind the kernel driver on close
+  * fu-tool: Port ability to update a single device from fwupdmgr
+  * uefi: Actually write the new device path if different than before
+  * Allow setting custom flags when using fwupdate
+  * trivial: Do not show a critical warning if no firmware is specified
+  * trivial: Fix overzealous search-replace action in user string
+  * Verify we don't break the ABI
+  * Fix a crash when stopping the fwupd service
+  * Relax the certificate time checks in the self tests for the legacy certificate
+  * trivial: add cache directory into systemd unit rw paths
+  * Never show AppStream markup on the console
+  * Do not segfault when trying to quit the downgrade selection
+  * trivial: Update icons for Thunderbolt and MST devices
+  * Add support for the SoloKey Secure
+  * trivial: Allow a device to *clear* a firmware version
+  * trivial: debian: For signed package fill out Built-Using (Closes: #932757)
+  * Allow specifying <firmware>GUID</firmware> to check any version exists
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+  * Release fwupd 1.2.10
+  * Disable the flashrom plugin by default
+  * trivial: thunderbolt: catch failure setting up device
+  * dell-esrt: Improve the experience for the plugin (Closes: #1245)
+  * fu-util: When unlocking prompt for reboot if applicable
+  * remove those PIDs with Bluetooth interface, Wacom updater doesn't support updating from Bluetooth interface
+  * flashrom: Only show DEBUG and DEBUG2 output if using --plugin-verbose=flashrom
+  * flashrom: Only call flashrom_programmer_init() on whitelisted boards
+  * flashrom: Fix no version format set
+  * fu-util: Show devices with an UpdateError in get-devices output
+  * trivial: uefi: use UEFI-dummy for device ID instead of just uefi
+  * trivial: fix error handling for non UEFI case (#1220)
+  * Add a specific error code for the low battery case
+  * Fix Fedora docker build missing directory: dist
+  * uefi: Determine whether running in legacy mode or not (Fixes: #1220)
+  * trivial: ci: debian: Only turn on flashrom when running CI
+  * trivial: Fix typos in error messages
+  * Allow client code to construct objects from GVariant blobs
+  * Export functionality to build an array of objects
+  * flashrom: Use libflashrom
+  * trivial: Fix the version script to pick up boxed types
+  * trivial: Correctly order the map entries according to vercmp rules
+  * trivial: Fix pylint issue in the version script
+  * Add meson target to fix translations
+  * Add support for 8bitdo USB Retro Receiver
+  * Use the newer features of GRWLock rather than reinventing it
+  * Revert "Allow SuperIO updates to be done live"
+  * uefi: Try to find a duplicate using the loadopt name
+  * uefi: Provide a quirk to disable the use of the UX capsule
+  * trivial: uefi: use the path for efibootmgr that was detected
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Fix installing CONFIG firmware updates
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Set the install duration from a quirk
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Don't emit critial warning when updating config firmware
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Fix missing field in the IOTA reply struct
+  * Create
+  * redfish: Never set NULL device name
+  * modem-manager: Never set NULL device name
+  * ata: Never set NULL device name
+  * trivial: Add some parameter guards to FuDevice
+  * trivial: snap: make polkit directories if they don't exist (Fixes: #1205)
+  * trivial: fu-main: clarify missing PK file error
+  * synapticsmst: fix GUID generation (Closes: #1207)
+  * Lite Mk II flag for use-shim-unique
+  * trivial: circleci: try to fix automatic snap deployment
+  * Allow SuperIO updates to be done live
+  * fu-util-common: Support empty proxy strings (Fixes: #1199)
+  * trivial: uefi: clarify error message
+  * trivial: Fix non-systemd build
+  * trivial: Sync example spec file with downstream
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+- Drop fwupd-bsc1143905-hash-the-source-files.patch: Applied upstream.
+- Add pkgconfig(tss2-esys) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Add gtk-doc BuildRequires and pass gtkdoc=true to meson, build
+  api docs even when using source service.
+Mon Aug 26 06:48:00 UTC 2019 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Add fwupd-bsc1143905-hash-the-source-files.patch to hash the
+  source files instead of libfwupdprivate.a to avoid the checksum
+  change due to the random naming LTO profile sections
+  (bsc#1143905)
+Wed Jul 24 08:12:17 UTC 2019 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Update to version 1.2.10:
+  * Disable the flashrom plugin by default
+  * dell-esrt: Improve the experience for the plugin (Closes: #1245)
+  * fu-util: When unlocking prompt for reboot if applicable
+  * remove those PIDs with Bluetooth interface, Wacom updater
+    doesn't support updating from Bluetooth interface
+  * flashrom: Only show DEBUG and DEBUG2 output if using
+    --plugin-verbose=flashrom
+  * flashrom: Only call flashrom_programmer_init() on whitelisted
+    boards
+  * flashrom: Fix no version format set
+  * fu-util: Show devices with an UpdateError in get-devices
+    output
+  * Add a specific error code for the low battery case
+  * Fix Fedora docker build missing directory: dist
+  * uefi: Determine whether running in legacy mode or not
+    (Fixes: #1220)
+  * Allow client code to construct objects from GVariant blobs
+  * Export functionality to build an array of objects
+  * flashrom: Use libflashrom
+  * Add meson target to fix translations
+  * Add support for 8bitdo USB Retro Receiver
+  * Use the newer features of GRWLock rather than reinventing it
+  * uefi: Try to find a duplicate using the loadopt name
+  * uefi: Provide a quirk to disable the use of the UX capsule
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Fix installing CONFIG firmware updates
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Set the install duration from a quirk
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Don't emit critial warning when updating
+    config firmware
+  * synaptics-prometheus: Fix missing field in the IOTA reply struct
+  * Create
+  * redfish: Never set NULL device name
+  * modem-manager: Never set NULL device name
+  * ata: Never set NULL device name
+  * synapticsmst: fix GUID generation (Closes: #1207)
+  * Lite Mk II flag for use-shim-unique
+  * fu-util-common: Support empty proxy strings (Fixes: #1199)
+- Add python3-setuptools to BuildRequires for
+Tue Jun 25 14:59:34 UTC 2019 - Martin Pluskal <>
+- Update to version 1.2.9:
+  * Release fwupd 1.2.9
+  * trivial: Add two new translatable strings for new category types
+  * Check if the system is offline during install, rather than at startup
+  * Prompt the user to shutdown if requried when installing by ID
+  * Use the correct file extension for the offline updates cache
+  * trivial: Allow using --force to use the wrong daemon version
+  * trivial: Display the correct expected command
+  * standalone-installer: Be smarter about existing installed fwupd
+  * Add a plugin to update Synaptics Prometheus fingerprint readers
+  * trivial: standalone-installer: rename uninstall argument to cleanup
+  * fu-util: Check the daemon version is at least the client version
+  * fu-util: Check that daemon is started by expected unit
+  * fu-util-common: when stopping a daemon, check for snap too
+  * Allow using --force to trigger a duplicate offline update
+  * trivial: Allow using FuUsbDevice without a GUsbDevice
+  * trivial: Copy the icons if unset for the device child
+  * trivial: Copy the physical ID if unset for the device child
+  * trivial: Ensure the parent ID is up to date if the device ID changes
+  * trivial: Fix typo when setting the parent ID
+  * trivial: Disable the flatpak CI build
+  * Allow handling FORCE for devices that subclass FuDevice
+  * uefi: Fix a libasan failure when reading a UEFI variable
+  * trivial: Fix a memory leak found using libasan
+  * trivial: Fix an libasan failure in the dell plugin
+  * trivial: Fix some dead code spotted by coverity
+  * trivial: Fix a typo spotted by coverity
+  * trivial: Fix a missing config.h include in a new source file
+  * Dynamically read path to use for /system-update
+  * Display the remote warning on the console in an easy-to-read way
+  * ata: Set version format to plain for devices obtained from udev
+  * trivial: Only apply SmbiosManufacturer to release version for internal
+  * trivial: Fix two bugs in the hardware self tests script
+  * Never guess the version format from the version string
+  * Only force a semver when the device opts-in
+  * Export the version-format to clients
+  * Add missing gtk-doc documentation
+  * dfu: Add some trivial, but useful, debugging for AVR DFU devices
+  * dfu: Correctly identify DFU firmware that starts at offset zero
+  * dfu: Don't keep showing trivial debug output
+  * dfu: Reset the forced version during attach and detach
+  * ata/nvme: For devices running Dell firmware, set `VersionFormat` (Fixes: #1169)
+  * fu-engine: Check if VersionFormat is ambiguous when adding devices
+  * trivial: Fix fwupdate --apply
+  * Only use class-based instance IDs for quirk matching
+  * trivial: dell-dock: set minimum board to 6
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+Wed May  8 10:39:24 UTC 2019 - Maurizio Galli <>
+- Update to version 1.2.8:
+  * Don't upload reports when the user has configured their system in a broken way
+  * Allow setting the daemon verbose domains at runtime
+  * Allow fwupdmgr to modify the daemon config
+  * Do not compare version formats when the release format is unknown
+  * Do not fall back integers to a plain version format
+  * Use the device version format when converting the release version
+  * Set the VersionFormat using the metadata or the UEFI quirk
+- Changes from version 1.2.7:
+  * l10n: Create Lithuanian translation file
+  * l10n: Update LINGUAS
+  * Updated: Add support for 8BitDo M30.
+  * modem-manager: increase the timeout to wait for modem after uninhibited
+  * modem-manager: implement qmi pdc active config selection as attach()
+  * fu-engine: When removing activation flag match the correct version
+  * Require --force to install a release with a different version format
+  * Match the old or new version number when setting NEEDS_REBOOT
+  * Make an error message clearer when there are no updates available
+  * Add support for the not-child extension from Logitech
+  * thunderbolt: Set require-ac for Thunderbolt devices 
+    (Fixes: gh#hughsie/fwupd#1142)
+  * Fix some typos spotted using codespell
+  * Add a component categories to express the firmware type
+  * fu-tool: Port get-history command to fwupdtool
+  * Recreate the history database if migration failed
+  * Move the core built-in 'fwupd' remote over to the dell-esrt plugin
+  * snap: Add a custom systemd unit to call activation on shutdown 
+    (Fixes: gh#hughsie/fwupd#1125)
+  * ata: Flush cache before standby and activate
+  * synapticsmst: blacklist plugin when using amdgpu 
+    (Fixes: gh#hughsie/fwupd#1121)
+  * uefi: add a new option to specify the os name
+  * Return the newest device when using fu_history_get_device_by_id()
+  * uefi: More carefully check the output from tpm2_pcrlist
+  * uefi: Don't overwrite CustomFlags if set from a quirk
+  * Shut down the daemon if the on-disk binary is replaced
+  * ata: Correct activation functionality
+  * Fix version comparisons after reboot for some formats
+  * fu-tool: save history from stuff installed with `fwupdtool`
+- Changes from version 1.2.6:
+  * ata: send ATA standby immediate when activating firmware
+  * offline: Be more graceful when dealing with Plymouth failures
+  * Save the new version in the history database for offline updates
+  * Show the DeviceID when showing the updates list
+  * Allow forcing an offline-only update on a live system using --force
+  * Do not schedule an update on battery power if it requires AC power
+  * superio: Add InstallDuration default value
+  * superio: Add support for writing new e-flash contents
+  * superio: Fix reading the attestation checksum
+  * superio: Add support for reading the device checksum
+  * superio: Use the chipset ID in the device name
+  * superio: Move the device flush before getting the register map
+  * superio: Move all the IT89xx code to a subclassed device object
+  * superio: Move all the IT85xx code to a subclassed device object
+  * superio: Split and export fu_superio_device_ec_writeX()
+  * superio: Remove the port from fu_superio_device_ec_read()
+  * superio: Move the register read/write into the FuSuperioDevice object
+  * superio: Check the IOBAD0 is usable during setup
+  * superio: Use fu_device_set_firmware_size()
+  * superio: Move some constants out to the common header
+  * superio: Use GObject properties in FuSuperioDevice
+  * superio: Convert FuSuperioDevice to be derivable
+  * Update Plymouth when updating pending firmware
+  * Ask to reboot after scheduling an offline firmware update
+  * Do not fail when scheduling more than one update to be run offline
+  * Allow running offline updates when in
+  * Fix the location of fwupdoffline in the service file
+  * Add optional vfuncs to allow detaching and attaching verify()
+  * superio: Add list of SPI commands for future usage
+  * Add a verify-update command to fwupdtool
+  * uefi: Actually upload the UPDATE_INFO entry for the UX capsule
+  * superio: Get the chip size from the EC rather than hardcoding
+  * uefi: Check the error code of QueryCapsuleCapabilities() correctly
+  * Update the UEFI UX Capsule Header checksum when needed.
+  * uefi: Copy the shimx64.efi binary for known broken firmware
+  * Correctly get the check the new version for devices that replug
+  * Add a simple script to add a capsule header
+  * Ensure the PKCS-7 client certificate exists at startup
+  * fix makecab directive options
+  * fwpup.service: use display-manager.service instead of gdm.service
+  * Allow signing the fwupd report with the client certificate
+  * Add a D-Bus method to generate a signature using the self-signed client certificate
+  * Allow signing and verifying data using a PKCS-7 self-signed client certificate
+  * Fix a critical warning when loading a PKCS-7 certificate with no DN
+  * Include all device checksums in the LVFS report
+  * modem-manager: Fix a trivial build warning
+  * superio: Fix a trivial build warning
+  * Move out the offline update functionality to a new binary
+  * Do not reboot when failing to start fwupd during offline updates
+  * Do not write the schema version to the db when loading
+  * Do not recreate XbSilo caches when running on a readonly filesystem
+  * Add the fwupdagent binary for use in shell scripts
+  * Allow restricting firmware updates for enterprise use
+  * standalone-installer: new --allow-older and --allow-reinstall options
+  * Show the upgrade and downgrade flags when getting releases for a device
+  * Rename FwupdRelease:trust-flags to FwupdRelease:flags
+  * fu-tool: Save device state to @LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/fwupd/state.json on actions
+  * modem-manager: implement support for qmi-pdc
+  * Add a plugin to support ModemManager hardware
+  * fu-tool: Don't let failing to find dbus prevent engine from starting
+  * ata: Support delayed activation
+  * dell-dock: Use activation when calling fwupdtool activate
+  * Add a support for delayed activation
+  * uefi: Fix the self tests when running on Fedora SilverBlue
+  * Do not fail to start the daemon if tpm2_pcrlist hangs
+  * po/ quote LOCALEDIR and PYTHON3
+  * meson: print stderr of python3 command instead of stdout
+  * Revert "contrib/debian: Switch to debian unstable"
+  * Add elogind support
+ - Changes from version 1.2.5:
+  * uefi: fix segfault in fwup_set_update_statuses
+  * Show in Flathub correctly
+  * debian: explicitly depend on shared-mime-info
+  * superio: Implement detach() and attach()
+  * superio: Correct the names of some constants and improve debugging support
+  * dell-dock: Filter the last supported payloads of certain board 4 SKUs
+  * circleci: Manage the lifecycle of the snap
+  * Add support to run snap build in CircleCI
+  * wacom-usb: Use the correct buffer format for the touch module
+  * wacom-usb: Set the install duration for each device type
+  * wacom-usb: Return with an error if there were too many retries
+  * wacom-usb: Make updating less verbose
+  * Convert all child instance IDs when converting the parent
+  * uefi: Allow devices to create more complete fake UEFI devices
+  * unifying: Fix regression when recovering from failed flash
+  * Ensure libxmlb dir exists for
+  * Add C build configuration for
+  * Use G_BEGIN_DECLS correctly for internal headers
+  * standalone-installer: Fix issue found by LGTM
+  * Use '#pragma once' to avoid a lot of boilerplate
+  * Force LGTM to see Python 3
+  * fwupd: Hide firmware-packager behind meson option`
+  * fu-common-cab: Correct handling of CAB files w/ nested directories and older libgcab
+  * Fix a regression in using the InstanceIDs for quirk matching
+  * thunderbolt: Convert the instance IDs as we never open the device
+  * udev: Manally call fu_device_setup() to convert the instance IDs
+  * fu-tool: Correct a crash caused by calling fwupdtool update
+  * fu-tool: Don't fail if dbus is unavailable
+  * contrib/debian: Switch to debian unstable
+  * wacom-usb: Record the block number when failing
+  * wacom-usb: The touch address is big endian
+  * wacom-usb: Accept a non-binary IHEX file for the touch update
+  * wacom-usb: Only poll when the device status is 'busy'
+  * wacom-usb: Only reboot the device when all composite devices have been updated
+  * wacom-usb: Fix flashing failure with latest Intuos Pro tablet
+  * dfu: Fill holes when reading SREC files
+  * Add fwupd_guid_from_string() to drop dep on uuid
+  * wacom-raw: Check the InstanceID rather than GUID
+  * Defer the InstanceID->GUID hashing until after setup
+  * ata: Check for USB enclosures as well
+  * Do not use efivar just to print a mixed endian GUID
+  * Add fu_device_add_instance_id() and prefer explicit conversion
+  * Report the DeviceInstanceIDs to `fwupdmgr get-updates`
+  * Export some of the GUID functionality
+  * Allow a plugin to set _ANOTHER_WRITE_REQUIRED to run more than one plugin
+  * nvme: Add an extra check for Dell plugins to avoid false positives
+  * ata: Add support for detecting Dell GUIDs
+  * Fix the self tests when using glib2 >=2.59.0
+  * Add support to call composite prepare and cleanup using fwupdtool
+  * uefi: Disable -Wno-address-of-packed-member
+  * uefi: Don't unconditionally enable Werror for the EFI binary
+  * Disable -Wno-address-of-packed-member
+- Changes from version 1.2.4:
+  * Remove the autogenerated headers in the gettext files
+  * ata: Default to the non-activation 0xE subcommand
+  * fastboot: Use a much longer timeout as the removal delay
+  * fu-progressbar: be more quiet when running non-interactive
+  * fu-tool: Show UpdateMessage if applicable for install command
+  * dfu: Simplify the SREC parser to avoid a crash with an invalid file
+  * wacom-raw: Use the correct error codes when the panel is not supported
+  * wacom-usb: Add some more information to the README
+  * fu-keyring-utils: Don't fail missing PKI directory when compiled with GPG/PKCS7
+  * dell: Check that the flash interface command is available
+  * wacom-usb: Fix the plugin name to allow devices to be updated
+  * fastboot: flash the partition after downloading the file
+  * uefi: Add a quirk to use the legacy bootmgr description
+  * ata: Mark all devices as needing a reboot
+  * ata: Add a new plugin to upgrade firmware on ATA/ATAPI hardware
+  * udev-device: Add a utility function for debugging
+  * udev-device: Set the firmware revision automatically
+  * udev-device: Set the serial number automatically
+  * udev-device: Fall back to non-database model and vendor values
+  * udev-device: Fix critical warning if the device has no parent
+  * dell-dock: Add support for a passive flow
+  * Add support for an `UpdateMessage` and display it in tools
+  * fu-tool: Port the `get-updates` command over
+  * When using `directory` remote type automatically generate metadata
+  * libfwupd: Add support for new remote type "directory"
+  * Ensure cabinet archives always have a container checksum
+  * Add support for a per-release source and details URL
+  * When generating a CAB Silo use the prefix "components"
+  * uefi: Add a trivial debugging statement to debug a UX capsule failure
+  * uefi: Use fwup_new0() to allocate the updates table array
+  * nitrokey: Correct Nitrokey Storage invalid firmware version read
+  * dell-dock: Add support for flashing Thunderbolt over I2C
+  * wacom-raw: Add a plugin to update Wacom embedded EMR and AES panels
+  * fu-util/fu-tool: sync up reboot and shutdown behavior
+  * dfu: Ignore the SUB ASCII value
+  * dfu: Fix the parser to support extended segment addresses
+  * dfu: Support ihex files with leading comments
+    don't show an error
+  * uefi: Correct a boot order creation bug (Fixes: gh#hughsie/fwupd#956)
+  * uefi: Remove all variable length arrays
+  * uefi: Fix a logic bug in fwup_search_file()
+  * uefi: Use _cleanup_free in one more place
+  * uefi: Do not pass required attrs to fwup_delete_variable()
+  * uefi: Delete the old Linux-Firmware-Updater boot entry
+  * uefi: Use the GNU-EFI BOOL type
+  * Check if plugin changed after the device attaches or detaches
+  * uefi: Refactor and simplify the EFI loader
+  * Show a console warning if loading an out-of-tree plugin
+  * UEFI: Do the UX checksum calculation in fwupd
+  * wacom-usb: Add two more Intuos tablets
+  * nvme: Add the needs-shutdown quirk to Phison NVMe drives
+  * Add _NEEDS_SHUTDOWN flag for devices
+  * Use GCC __cleanup__ features in the EFI loader
+  * nvme: Add flag to support manually aligning the firmware to the FWUG value
+  * nvme: Support FGUID to get the SKU GUID
+  * nvme: Support FWUG to get the write block size
+  * nvme: Add trivial comment to clarify address bitshifting
+  * uefi: Do not check the BGRT status before uploading a UX capsule
+  * dfu: Fix flashing various Jabra devices
+  * upower: Add support for checking battery percentage
+  * nvme: Check the return code of the admin passthru ioctl
+  * fu-tool: Add support for an 'update' command to fwupdtool
+  * dell-dock: Set minimum board to board 4
+  * dell-dock: Workaround a manufacturing bug for board level 4
+  * dell-dock: Wait longer for re-enumeration on TBT SKU
+  * superio: Support IT89xx devices
+  * fu-main: remove incompatible locale error message
+  * Add a new plugin checklist (Fixes: gh#hughsie/fwupd#899)
+- Dropped obsolete patch: fwupd-bsc1130056-change-esp-os-name.patch
+  (upstream PR: gh#hughsie/fwupd#1119
+- Fixed fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch so that it works 
+  with the new files
+- Cleaned up changelog
+Fri May  3 15:53:17 UTC 2019 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Stop shipping polkit rules, as we have the distro specific setup
+  in polkit-default-privs (boo#1125428).
+Thu Mar 28 07:31:49 UTC 2019 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Add fwupd-bsc1130056-change-esp-os-name.patch to change the
+  OS directory in ESP (bsc#1130056)
+- Add fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch to set the default
+  shim binary for openSUSE/SLE (bsc#1130056)
+- Link fwupd*.efi.signed to fwupd*.efi as requested by fwupd
+  (bsc#1129466)
+Tue Feb  5 23:00:20 UTC 2019 - Bernhard Voelker <>
+- fwupd.spec: fix shell syntax error in %postun section (boo#1120363).
+Thu Jan 10 09:14:45 UTC 2019 -
+- Update to version 1.2.3:
+  * Correctly migrate the history database
+- Changes from version 1.2.2:
+  * Log an error if started with an incompatible locale
+  * Fix building with -Wl,-z,defs
+  * ebitdo: Fix the reported version number if the daemon locale is
+    not C.UTF-8
+  * Add Dell TB18DC to the known devices list
+  * Allow replacing the last byte in the image when using 'dfu-tool
+    replace-data'
+  * Check the device checksum as well as the content checksum
+    during verify
+  * Submit the device firmware checksum and update protocol in the
+    submitted report
+  * Include the device checksum and update protocol in the
+    historydb
+  * uefi: Add the PCR0 value as the device checksum for system
+    firmware
+  * Add new API to get the release protocol from the metadata
+  * Allow plugins to define support for a 'well-known' protocol
+  * uefi: When adding headers set the header size to 4k
+  * uefi: Append the header on capsules without headers from Linux
+  * flashrom: Ensure the quirks database is set on the new object
+  * uefi: Do not add devices with invalid GUIDs
+  * Do not allow a GUID of zero
+  * Add shared functionality for reading and writing with
+  * Only run attach and detach if the device is in the wrong mode
+  * Sanitize the version if the version format has been specified
+  * wacom-usb: Remove the DTH generation hardware as it will not
+    work with fwupd
+  * thunderbolt: Remove a superfluous boundary condition when
+    verifying update
+  * Add a plugin to update hardware that supports fastboot
+  * Fix a regression when doing GetReleases on unsupported hardware
+  * dfu: Require a specific USB class and subclass for DFU mode
+  * Correctly parse format the version numbers correctly using old
+    metadata
+  * amt: Fix a crash if AMT returns an empty response
+  * Check plugins set error on failure
+  * contrib: Add a simple python3 client
+  * installed-tests: Adjust to actually use a remote for installed
+    tests
+  * Add more standard USB identifier GUIDs
+  * wacomhid: Rename to wacom-usb
+  * Provide a way for plugins to decompress a custom archive to ram
+- Changes from version 1.2.1:
+  * Remove DaemonVersionFormat=quad
+  * Shut down the daemon after 2h of inactivity
+  * Create a silo index to speed up GUID queries
+  * Fix flashing the 8bitdo SF30
+  * Speed up fwupd startup by loading less thunderbolt firmware
+  * Query the XbSilo when calling fu_plugin_check_supported()
+  * Guess the version format when it is not provided
+  * Fix a use-after-free when using valgrind and --immediate-exit
+  * Add per-release install duration values
+  * Fix showing the custom remote agreements
+  * Be more explicit setting the update state
+  * Include the os-release information in the release metadata
+- Changes from version 1.2.0:
+  * ebitdo: remove SF30/SN30 pro device ids
+  * dell-dock: Drop delayed MST callback routine
+  * synapticsmst: Adjust EVB board handling
+  * synapticsmst: Remove the content checking of firmware
+  * synapticsmst: Access Board ID through memory instead In
+    firmware images HDCP 2.2 will be enabled by default,so access
+    to flash region will fail.`
+  * contrib: Adjust flatpak build for moving to flathub
+  * dell-dock: Prefer to flash VMM5331 via I2C instead of DP aux
+  * Use HTTPS_PROXY if set
+  * firmware-packager: Make it clearer to use
+  * Sort the firmware sack by component priority
+  * flatpak: Update gnu-efi to latest version
+  * amt: Set the full device version including the BuildNum
+  * fwupdmgr/fwupdtool: Move monitor command to fwupdtool
+  * fwupdmgr/fwupdtool: Move firmware builder from fwupdmgr to
+    fwupdtool
+  * Add version format quirks for several Lenovo machines
+  * uefi: Set the quirks on created devices
+  * dell_dock: Use correct offset for finding version of MST
+  * dell-dock: Add missing unlock call for MST via dell_dock plugin
+  * Support the Intel ME version format
+  * Port from libappstream-glib to libxmlb
+  * Bump requirement to meson 0.46.0
+  * fu-main: Catch SIGTERM while update is in progress
+  * fu-tool: Stop any running daemon over dbus before loading
+    engine
+  * meson: Bump dependency to 0.44 and adjust sysconfdir handling
+  * dell-dock: If marketing name is invalid don't fail
+    initialization
+  * Readme Updated: Added KDE Discover as one more graphical
+    front-end available for fwupd.
+  * dell-dock: Correct a situation that error wasn't propagating
+  * Don't segfault if a plugin returns FALSE from UpdateFunc with
+    no error set
+  * dell-dock: Use different debug strings for each device type
+  * dell-dock: Don't use the VLA feature in the new dock
+  * Add a plugin for an upcoming Dell USB-C dock
+  * contrib: Add information on how to use debugging scripts
+  * Allow setting the version format from a quirk entry
+  * Don't use AppStream-glib for string helpers
+  * Don't use AppStream-glib for version helpers
+  * Don't use AppStream-glib for the GUID helpers
+  * fu-device: Ensure that parent ID is created before creating
+    quirked children
+  * Update all sub-devices for a composite update
+  * Stop showing the current release during updates in fwupdmgr
+  * uefi: Move the TPM unlocking functionality from the Dell to
+    UEFI plugin
+  * Run the Dell plugin initialization after the UEFI plugin
+  * thunderbolt-power: Fix possible linker problem
+  * Allow firmware files to depend on versions from other devices
+  * fu-debug: Redirect all debugging output to stderr instead of
+    stdout
+  * synapticsmst: Adjust panamera ESM update routine for some
+    reported issues
+  * fu-engine: Optionally wait for replug before updating a device
+  * fu-device-list: Use delayed device removal when removing the
+    tree
+  * thunderbolt: Use replugging from the daemon
+  * Add support for devices to show an estimated flash time
+  * Marked some CL options for translation
+  * ci: Run clang static analysis for Ubuntu build rather than just
+    clang compiler
+  * nvme: Initialize the buffer before reading the contents
+  * contrib: Add a standalone installer creation script
+  * rts54hid: Add support for Realtek USB devices using vendor HID
+    commands
+  * fu-engine: Don't show devices pending a reboot in GetUpgrades
+  * Add FuMutex helper to make various parts of the daemon
+    thread-safe
+  * rts54hub: Add support for Realtek USB devices using vendor HUB
+    commands
+  * uefi: Check the amount of free space on the ESP
+  * fu-tool: Import debugging options from fu-debug like fu-main
+  * superio: Set the physical and logical IDs
+- Add pkgconfig(xmlb) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+Tue Dec 11 04:25:11 UTC 2018 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Add pesign-obs-integration to BuildRequires and add fwupd*.efi to
+  BRP_PESIGN_FILES to get it signed
+- Add LC_IMAGES and use efivar only if %{with efi_fw_update}
+  + Also update the version requirement of efivar
+- Disable Redfish and NVME plugins if %{without efi_fw_update}
+  since those two plugins require efivar
+- Remove fwup from BuildRequires since fwupdate is already merged
+  into fwupd.
+Mon Dec 10 10:17:50 UTC 2018 -
+- Use gnu-efi only if %{with efi_fw_update}, always use pkgconfig(efivar)
+- Fix file list
+Thu Dec  6 07:22:17 UTC 2018 - Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
+- Amend %post and %postun to install/uninstall fwupd*.efi to the
+  EFI system partition
+  + Also add shim to Requires for fwupdx64.efi
+- Mark fwupdate as obsolete
+  + fwupdate has been merged into fwupd since fwupd 1.1.0.
+Mon Nov 12 10:31:09 CET 2018 -
+- fwupd is require for thunderbolt firmware update in SLE15-SP1(fate#322681)
+Thu Sep 13 09:23:44 UTC 2018 - Nico Kruber <>
+- Update to version 1.1.2:
+  + New Features:
+    - Add a new device flag "ignore-validation" that will override checks
+    - Add a new plugin to enumerate EC firmware
+    - Add a new plugin to update NVMe hardware
+    - Add a plugin for updating using the flashrom command line tool
+    - Allow the device list to take care of waiting for the device replug
+    - Allow updating just one specific device from the command line
+    - Allow upgrades using a self-signed fwupd.efi binary
+    - Download firmware if the user specifies a URI
+    - Include serial number in daemon device output when trusted
+    - Notify all plugins of device removals through a new vfunc
+    - Use boltd force power API if available
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Add an install hook for classic snap
+    - Allow forcing installation even if no AC power is applied
+    - Allow using --force to ignore version_lowest
+    - Always use the same HardwareIDs as Windows
+    - Check the device state before assuming a fake DFU runtime
+    - Copy over parent GUIDs from other plugin donors
+    - Detect location of python3 interpreter
+    - Do not add udev devices after a small delay
+    - Don't fail to run if compiled without GPG/PKCS7
+    - Fix a segfault in fwupdtool caused by cleanup of USB plugins
+    - Implement the systemd recommendations for offline updates
+    - Improve performance when reading keys from the quirk database
+    - Remove children of devices when the parent is removed
+    - Rewrite synapticsmst to use modern error handling
+    - Rewrite the unifying plugin to use the new daemon-provided functionality
+    - Show a time estimate on the progressbar after an update has started
+Mon Sep 10 11:45:07 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt <>
+- Use noun phrase for summary. Trim request for comments from
+  description.
+Fri Sep  7 21:35:47 UTC 2018 - Nico Kruber <>
+- Update to version 1.1.1:
+  + New Features:
+    - Add support for the Synaptics Panamera hardware
+    - Add validation for Alpine and Titan Ridge
+    - Improve the Redfish plugin to actually work with real hardware
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Allow different plugins to add the same device
+    - Allow flashing unifying devices in recovery mode
+    - Allow running synapticsmst on non-Dell hardware
+    - Check the ESP for sanity at at startup
+    - Do not hold hidraw devices open forever
+    - Don't override _FORTIFY_SOURCE when building the EFI binary
+    - Don't show passwords in fwupdmgr
+    - Fix a potential segfault in smbios data parsing
+    - Fix encoding the GUID into the capsule EFI variable
+    - Fix various bugs when reading the thunderbolt version number
+    - Reboot synapticsmst devices at the end of flash cycle
+    - Show status messages when the daemon is initializing
+    - Show the correct title when updating devices
+    - Show the reasons that plugins are not run on the CLI
+    - Use localedir in po/make-images
+Wed Jul 25 09:23:22 UTC 2018 -
+- Run %udev_rules_update in post as package install udev rules
+Thu Jul 12 09:19:58 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 1.1.0: (FATE#326702)
+  + New Features:
+    - Add a initial Redfish support
+    - Add a tool to mimic the original fwupdate CLI interface
+    - Allow devices to assign a plugin from the quirk subsystem
+    - Change the quirk file structure to be more efficient
+    - Merge fwupdate functionality into fwupd
+    - Run a plugin vfunc before and after all the composite devices are updated
+    - Support more Wacom tablets
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Add release information for locked devices
+    - Allow building with older meson
+    - Detect the EFI system partition location at runtime
+    - Do not use 8bitdo bootloader commands after a successful flash
+    - Enable accesing downloaded files in flatpak and snap
+    - Fix a potential buffer overflow when applying a DFU patch
+    - Fix downgrading older releases to devices
+    - Fix flashing devices that require a manual replug
+    - Fix several small memory leaks in various places
+    - Fix the retrieval of Redfish version
+    - Fix unifying failure to detach when using a slow host controller
+    - Set the Wacom device status when erasing and writing firmware
+    - Show errors in the CLI if unable to access directory
+    - Use the parent device name for Wacom sub-modules
+- Removed enable_pkcs7_when_testing_only.patch
+Wed Jul 11 14:30:15 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 1.0.8:
+  + New Features (including version 1.0.7):
+    - Add an plugin to update some future Wacom tablets
+    - Add 'fwupdmgr get-topology' to show logical device tree
+    - Add support for creating a flatpak
+    - Add support for creating a snap
+    - Add support for Motorola S-record files
+    - Add the Linux Foundation public GPG keys for firmware and metadata
+    - Show a translated warning when the server is limiting downloads
+    - Add enable-remote and disable-remote commands to fwupdmgr
+    - Add fu_plugin_add_compile_version() for libraries to use
+    - Allow requiring specific versions of libraries for firmware updates
+    - If no remotes are enabled try to enable the LVFS
+    - Show a warning with interactive prompt when enabling a remote
+  + Bugfixes (including version 1.0.7):
+    - Add a firmware diagnostic tool called fwupdtool
+    - Adjust all licensing to LGPL 2.1+
+    - Allow installing more than one firmware using 'fwupdmgr install'
+    - Allow specifying hwids with OR relationships
+    - Do not call fu_plugin_init() on blacklisted plugins
+    - Do not require libcolorhug to build
+    - Fix a crash in libfwupd where no device ID is set
+    - Fix a potential DoS in libdfu by limiting holes to 1MiB
+    - Fix a segfault that sometimes occurs during cleanup of USB plugins
+    - Fix Hardware-ID{0,1,2,12} compatibility with Microsoft
+    - Hide devices that aren't updatable by default in fwupdmgr
+    - Search all UEFI GUIDs when matching hardware
+    - Stop matching Nintendo Switch Pro in the 8bitdo plugin
+    - Check that EFI system partition is mounted before update
+    - Disable synapticsmst remote control on failure
+    - Don't recoldplug thunderbolt to fix a flashing failure
+    - Fix SQL error when running 'fwupdmgr clear-offline'
+    - Improve the update report message
+    - Only enumerate Dell Docks if the type is known
+    - Only run certtool if a new enough gnutls is present
+    - Prevent a client crash if the daemon somehow sends invalid data
+    - Reboot after scheduling using logind not systemd
+    - Use the right encoding for the label in make-images
+- Added/backported enable_pkcs7_when_testing_only.patch:
+  + needed to disable pkcs7 test during build (can be removed for
+    fwupd >= 1.0.9)
+Wed Apr  4 09:43:55 UTC 2018 -
+- Update hasbang in installed files from /usr/bin/env python3 to
+  /usr/bin/python3.
+Tue Apr  3 13:14:02 UTC 2018 -
+- Update url
+- Small packaging cleanup with spec-cleaner
+Fri Mar 23 20:06:34 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 1.0.6:
+  + New Features:
+    - Add bash completion for fwupdmgr.
+    - Add support for newest Thunderbolt chips.
+    - Allow all functions that take device arguments to be
+      prompted.
+    - Allow devices to use the runtime version when in bootloader
+      mode.
+    - Allow overriding ESP mount point via conf file.
+    - Delete any old fwupdate capsules and efivars when launching
+      fwupd.
+    - Generate Vala bindings.
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Allow ctrl-d out of the prompt for devices.
+    - Allow to create package out of provided binary.
+    - Correct handling of unknown Thunderbolt devices.
+    - Correctly detect new remotes that are manually copied.
+    - Fix a crash related to when passing device to downgrade in
+      CLI.
+    - Fix running the self tests when no fwupd is installed.
+    - Fix Unifying signature writing and parsing for Texas
+      bootloader.
+    - Only send success and failure reports to the server.
+    - Use a CNAME to redirect to the correct CDN for metadata.
+    - Use a longer timeout when powering back the Thunderbolt
+      device.
+Thu Mar 15 13:14:55 UTC 2018 -
+- Ensure library package has a dependency on main package,
+  otherwise it won't be usable.
+Mon Mar 05 20:31:46 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 1.0.5:
+  + New Features:
+    - Offer to reboot when processing an offline update.
+    - Report the efivar, libsmbios and fwupdate library versions.
+    - Report Thunderbolt safe mode and SecureBoot status.
+    - Show the user a URL when they report a known problem.
+    - Support split cabinet archives as produced by Windows Update.
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Be more careful deleting and modifying device history.
+    - Clarify which devices don't have upgrades.
+    - Ensure the Thunderbolt version is xx.yy.
+    - Fix a daemon warning when using fwupdmgr get-results.
+    - Fix crasher with MST flashing.
+    - Fix DFU detach with newer releases of libusb.
+    - Include the device VID and PID when generating the device-id.
+    - Set the RemoteId when using GetDetails.
+    - Stop matching 8bitdo DS4 controller VID/PID.
+    - Use help2man for dfu-tool and drop docbook dependencies.
+    - Use ngettext for any strings with plurals.
+    - Use the default value if ArchiveSizeMax is unspecified.
+Mon Mar 05 20:30:22 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 1.0.4:
+  + New Features:
+    - Add D-Bus methods to get and modify the history information.
+    - Allow the user to share firmware update success or failure.
+    - Ask the user to refresh metadata when it is very old.
+    - Store firmware update success and failure to a local
+      database.
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Add a device name for locked UEFI devices.
+    - Allow each plugin to opt-in to the recoldplug action.
+    - Fix firmware downloading using gnome-software.
+    - Fix UX capsule reference to the one specified in efivar.
+    - Never add two devices to the daemon with the same ID.
+    - Rescan supported flags when refreshing metadata.
+- Add pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+Mon Mar 05 20:28:01 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 1.0.3:
+  + New Features:
+    - Add a new plugin to add support for CSR "Driverless DFU".
+    - Add initial SF30/SN30 Pro support.
+    - Support AppStream metadata with relative <location> URLs.
+  + Bugfixes:
+    - Add more metadata to the user-agent string.
+    - Block owned Dell TPM updates.
+    - Choose the correct component from provides matches using
+      requirements.
+    - Do not try to parse huge compressed archive files.
+    - Fix a double-free bug in the Udev code.
+    - Handle Thunderbolt "native" mode.
+    - Use the new functionality in libgcab >= 1.0 to avoid writing
+      temp files.
+Thu Dec 21 18:49:45 UTC 2017 -
+- Unbreak compilation on non-x86, upstream renamed options to disable
+  plugins.
+Tue Dec 19 09:32:41 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 1.0.2:
+  + Add a plugin for the Nitrokey Storage device
+  + Add support for the original AVR DFU protocol
+  + Allow different plugins to claim the same device
+  + Allow quirks to set common USB properties
+  + Move a common plugin functionality out to a new shared object
+  + Optionally delay the device removal for better replugging
+  + Set environment variables to allow easy per-plugin debugging
+  + Use a SHA1 hash for the internal DeviceID
+  + Add quirk for AT32UC3B1256 as used in the RubberDucky
+  + Disable the dell plugin if libsmbios fails
+  + Don't register for USB UDev events to later ignore them
+  + Fix a possible buffer overflow when debugging ebitdo devices
+  + Fix critical warning when more than one remote fails to load
+  + Fix DFU attaching AVR32 devices like the XMEGA
+  + Ignore useless Thunderbolt device types
+  + Refactor ColorHug into a much more modern plugin
+  + Release the Steelseries interface if getting the version failed
+  + Remove autoconf-isms from the meson configure options
+  + Show a nicer error message if the requirement fails
+  + Sort the output of GetUpgrades correctly
+- Changes from version 1.0.1:
+  + Add support for HWID requirements
+  + Add support for programming various AVR32 and XMEGA parts using DFU
+  + Add the various DFU quirks for the Jabra Speak devices
+  + Allow specifying the output file type for 'dfu-tool read'
+  + Move the database of supported devices out into runtime loaded files
+  + Support the IHEX record type 0x05
+  + Use help2man to generate the man page at build time
+  + Use the new quirk infrastructure for version numbers
+  + Catch invalid Dell dock component requests
+  + Correctly output Intel HEX files with > 16bit offset addresses
+  + Do not try to verify the element write if upload is unsupported
+  + Fix a double-unref when updating any 8Bitdo device
+  + Fix crash when enumerating with Dell dock connected but with no UEFI
+  + Fix uploading large firmware files over DFU
+  + Format the BCD USB revision numbers correctly
+  + Guess the DFU transfer size if it is not specified
+  + Include the reset timeout as wValue to fix some DFU bootloaders
+  + Make the error message clearer when sans fonts are missing
+  + Support devices with truncated DFU interface data
+  + Use the correct remote-specified username and passord when using fwupdmgr
+  + Use the correct wDetachTimeOut when writing DFU firmware
+  + Verify devices with legacy VIDs are actually 8Bitdo controllers
+- Add help2man as BuildRequires.
+Thu Dec 14 18:40:06 UTC 2017 -
+- Fix dependencies and build options for non-x86 architectures. At
+  least FW updates for USB are arch independent, and EFI FW updates
+  can also be applied on Aarch64.
+Fri Oct 27 09:17:53 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 1.0.0:
+  * Add the plugin documentation to the main gtk-doc
+  * Add a waiting-for-auth daemon state
+  * Add fwupd_remote_get_checksum() to use in client programs
+  * Generate the LD script from the GObject Introspection data
+  * Prevent fwupd from mounting filesystems
+  * uefi: Do not use system-specific infomation for PCI devices
+  * uefi: Support uploading the firmware splash image
+  * dell: only set coldplug delay when we know we need it
+  * dell: only run SMI to toggle host MST GPIO on systems with host MST
+  * dell: add functionality to blacklist HW with problems
+  * dell: only run on intended chassis
+  * thunderbolt-power: always run after thunderbolt plugin
+  * Allow plugins to depend on each other
+  * Add support for SMBIOSv3
+  * dell: prefer to use hwids to get DMI keys and DE table
+  * debian: remove /etc/fwupd.conf on upgrade
+  * unifying: Use fu_plugin_check_supported()
+  * Add fu_plugin_check_supported()
+  * unifying: Use a device whitelist to avoid breaking devices
+  * Fix various printing issues with the progressbar
+  * dell: Fix a trivial whitespace issue
+  * Do not fail to load the daemon if cached metadata is invalid
+  * Do not store the newest release as part of the FuDevice object
+  * Add a method to return a list of upgrades for a specific device
+  * Move the downgrade calculation to the daemon
+  * Make FuDevice derive from FwupdDevice rather than FwupdResult
+  * Add a command 'clear-offline' to fwupdmgr
+  * Merge releases where multiple remotes provide the same firmware
+  * Remove the UniqueID property
+  * uefi: Do not set the release version
+  * udev: Do not match USB devices, even with a GUID set
+  * Use the intel-wmi-thunderbolt kernel module to force power
+  * dell: drop thunderbolt force power code
+  * unifying: Add hardcoded summaries for peripheral kinds
+  * Create
+  * Ensure more devices set the device summary
+  * Add an 'Summary' property to each device
+  * Add a human-readable title for each remote
+  * unifying: Disable if the kernel has no CONFIG_HIDRAW support
+  * Move deprecated symbols to a new header
+  * Introduce an s390x cross compile target to CI
+  * Add ModifyRemote as an easy way to enable and disable remotes like the LVFS
+  * Do not auto-open all USB devices at startup
+  * dfu: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * unifying: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * colorhug: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * ebitdo: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * altos: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * steelseries: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * usb: Use FuDeviceLocker
+  * Add FuDeviceLocker to simplify device open/close lifecycles
+  * dfu: Remove DEVO support
+  * dfu: Remove the now-unused symtab support
+  * Remove the ELF support from libdfu and move the code to the altos plugin
+  * Use -Werror when building in Travis CI
+  * Do not install the libdfu helper library
+  * Parse the SMBIOS DMI table directly
+  * usb: Disable the fallback USB plugin
+  * Test for missing language translations at build time
+  * Fix the libdfu self test failure on s390 and ppc64
+Fri Oct 27 09:05:57 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.9.8:
+  * Add a command 'clear-offline' to fwupdmgr
+  * Do not fail to load the daemon if cached metadata is invalid
+  * Fix a crash when using fu_plugin_device_add_delay()
+  * Fix the libdfu self test failure on s390 and ppc64
+  * Format the BCD USB revision numbers correctly
+  * Never fallback to an offline update from client code
+  * Prevent fwupd from mounting filesystems
+  * dfu: Allow flashing when the target does not specify an
+    alt-name
+  * dfu: Do not try to verify the element write if upload is
+    unsupported
+  * dfu: Fix uploading large firmware files
+  * dfu: Include the reset timeout as wValue to fix some hardware
+  * dfu: Set the vendor ID to the runtime USB VID
+  * dfu: Use 0x0101 as an alias for 0x0110
+  * thunderbolt: move test for mock environment
+    (gh#hughsie/fwupd#280)
+  * udev: Do not match USB devices, even with a GUID set
+  * uefi: Do not set the release version
+  * unifying: Disable if the kernel has no CONFIG_HIDRAW support
+Tue Sep 19 13:45:59 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.9.7:
+  + 10 months worth of bugfixing, integrating more vendor specific
+    Firmware update paths.
+Thu Mar 02 21:23:17 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.8.1:
+  + Delete duplicate translations (gh#hughsie/fwupd#89).
+  + Do not hardcode docbook2man path.
+  + Fix fwupdmgr timeout with missing pending database.
+  + Fix compiler warnings.
+  + Fix a crash when enumerating devices on a Dell WLD15.
+  + dell: don't initialize libsmbios on unsupported systems.
+  + Do not fail to start on Dell hardware.
+  + Adjust systemd confinement restrictions.
+  + Do not dlclose modules when running under valgrind.
+  + Really remove the NoNewPrivileges systemd confinement.
+  + Release fwupd 0.8.1.
+Mon Feb 27 12:24:39 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.8.0:
+  + Show a different error when checking for updates while on
+  + battery power (gh#hughsie/fwupd#68).
+  + Clarify the test in --help and man page related to offline
+  + (gh#hughsie/fwupd#69).
+  + libdfu: Use a heuristic for the start address if the firmware
+  + has no DfuSe footer.
+  + dell: Don't return the address of a stack variable.
+  + dell: Fix a possibly-impossible-to-hit buffer overrun.
+  + close USB devices before error returns (gh#hughsie/fwupd#73).
+  + Make libelf support optional.
+  + Always make sure we're getting a C99 compiler.
+  + Fix redeclaration of polkit autocleanup functions.
+  + Uncomment SystemdService parameter in the dbus service file
+  + (gh#hughsie/fwupd#74).
+  + Make all providers and plugins share a GUsbContext.
+  + Unexport libebitdo.
+  + Move the plugins into plugin-specific directories.
+  + Convert the providers to plugins to simplify code and for
+  + future features.
+  + Add support for Logitech Unifying devices.
+  + Add a set of vfuncs that are run before and after a device
+  + update.
+  + Return the pending UEFI update when not on AC power.
+  + Move the UPower functionality to a plugin.
+  + Fix udev plugin loading.
+  + fix dfu plugin loading.
+  + Disable PrivateNetwork on systemd service.
+  + Use more restrictive settings when running under systemd.
+  + dell: add a new method for forcing a controller to flash mode.
+  + Add VerifyUpdate to update the device checksums server-side.
+  + Move the Option ROM parsing to the Udev plugin.
+  + Move the device add delay to shared code.
+  + Add initial skeleton for Intel Thunderbolt support.
+  + unifying: Use the actual bootloader VID/PIDs when in firmware
+  + mode.
+  + Allow the metadata to match a version of fwupd and the existing
+  + fw version.
+  + Add fwupd_result_get_device_version_bootloader().
+  + Fix the appstream-glib version guards.
+  + dell: Add coldplug methods to let other plugins turn on
+  + TBT/GPIO.
+  + libdfu: Don't read data from some DfuSe targets.
+  + Add the ability to run a prepare->exec->cleanup on coldplug.
+  + Allow plugins to request that all plugins re-coldplug.
+  + thunderbolt: Detecting new devices and add an actual device to
+  + the daemon.
+  + Add support for flashing the ChaosKey.
+  + thunderbolt: add some guards around empty arrays.
+  + dell: Adjust the coldplug preparation and cleanup sequence.
+  + dell: Fix possible linker problem.
+  + Revert "thunderbolt: add some guards around empty arrays".
+  + Add fu_plugin_set_coldplug_delay() to allow hardware to
+  + initialize if required.
+  + altos: Add error checking when using termios.
+  + ebitdo: Subclass FuDevice like the altos plugin.
+  + altos: Set the flags in the init_real so they work for the
+  + cmdline tool.
+  + unifying: Subclass FuDevice like the altos plugin.
+  + Include all debug messages when run with --verbose.
+  + dell: introduce a standalone (noinst) tool to force mode
+  + flashes.
+  + Introduce plugin for Synaptics MST hubs.
+  + synapticsmst: Add cascade support.
+  + Only register the D-Bus service when all devices have been
+  + added.
+  + synapticsmst: Refactor away the global state.
+  + synapticsmst: fix cascade support in the plugin.
+  + Updates for thunderbolt plugin.
+  + thunderbolt: Add special handling for safe mode on Dell systems
+  + (gh#hughsie/fwupd#84).
+  + synapticsmst: Iterate all nodes rather than hardcoding to 3.
+  + synapticsmst: build GUID using dock type.
+  + Add a new function fu_dell_supported to fu-dell-common.
+  + synapticsmst: add a test suite.
+  + synapticsmst: Fix up some trivial whitespace issues.
+  + Fix a refcounting issue in the udev plugin.
+- Add rpmlintrc untill security review is resolved
+Mon Jan 30 10:13:01 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.7.5:
+  + Clean up PO files
+  + Verify devices support updating in mode they are called.
+  + Fix an assert when unlocking the dummy ESRT device
+  + Don't create the UEFI dummy device if the unlock will happen on
+  + next boot
+  + dell: Match on TB16 as well
+  + Fix a -fstack-protector-strong crash when uploading firmware
+  + Enable the stack protection in local builds
+  + dell: If running in test suite, don't try to get product ID
+  + from sysfs
+  + libfdfu: Show a warning when getting the alt-name failed
+  + dfu: Fix listing devices using the ST reference bootloader
+  + Show the nicely formatted target name for DfuSe devices
+  + libdfu: Fix two possible critical warnings for corrupt USB
+  + descriptors
+  + libdfu: Correctly offset addresses when one zone has multiple
+  + sectors
+  + libdfu: Do not do GetStatus on dfuse upload
+  + libdfu: Fix uploading from DfuSe devices
+  + libdfu: Use the device offset when writing DfuSe firmware
+  + libdfu: Add DfuAction enumerated value to represent a device
+  + action
+  + libdfu: Use an animated progress bar when performing DFU
+  + operations
+  + libdfu: Do not do a zero-byte download when in DfuSe mode
+  + libdfu: Fix verification of written DfuSe firmware
+  + libdfu: Ensure the device is open before claiming the interface
+  + libdfu: Ensure the mode is set correctly when faking a runtime
+  + libdfu: Re-get the quirks when the DfuDevice gets a new
+  + GUsbDevice
+  + libdfu: Add quirks for HydraBus as it does not have a DFU
+  + runtime
+  + libdfu: Match the device booloader or runtime VID and PID when
+  + checking firmware
+  + Add a 'replace-data' command to dfu-tool
+  + string
+  + libdfu: Add dfu_sector_get_zone() to get the continuous memory
+  + zone number
+  + libdfu: Wait for DNBUSY to be cleared when checking the DfuSe
+  + status
+  + libdfu: Correctly erase DfuSe devices
+  + Enable hardening flags on more binaries
+  + libdfu: Correctly set the element address when uploading from
+  + DfuSe devices
+- Add pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0) BuildRequires: Align with what
+  + configure checks for.
+- Add pkgconfig(libsmbios_c) BuildRequires: Support dell bios.
+  + Unfortunatly, until we have fwup packaged and enabled, this will
+  + not work.
+- Add disabled pkgconfig(libtbtfwu): For future thunderbolt
+  + support.
+Mon Jan 30 10:12:47 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.7.4:
+  + Add a fallback for older appstream-glib releases
+  + Write the ELF files with the correct section type
+  + Fix libfwupd self tests when a host-provided fwupd is not
+  + available
+  + Add dfu_firmware_add_symbol()
+  + Add the Altos symbol table to the DfuFirmware
+  + Use the symtab to set the VID/PID from Altos IHEX firmware
+  + images
+  + Show the human-readable version in the 'dfu-tool dump' output
+  + Allow specifying the argument to 'dfu-tool set-release' in
+  + major.minor format.
+  + sections
+  + Support writing the IHEX symbol table
+  + call
+  + Load the symbol table from ELF firmware
+  + Load the Altos USB descriptor from ELF files
+  + Fix a possible crash when uploading firmware files using libdfu
+Mon Jan 30 10:12:28 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.7.3:
+  + build: Fix gtk-doc build when srcdir != builddir
+  + In get-details output, display the blob filename
+  + Ensure the update ID is set when getting local firmware details
+  + Use a private gnupg key store
+  + Add support for installing against multiple devices from a CAB
+  + file
+  + Use the correct firmware blob when installing a composite
+  + device update
+  + in get-details output, display update_name rather than Unknown
+  + Device
+  + statements
+  + Don't make failures critical while checking versions or locked
+  + state
+  + Show a more detailed error when installing firmware on the
+  + wildcard
+  + Add Dell TPM and TB15/WD15 support via new Dell provider.
+  + file
+  + Allow blacklisting devices by their GUID
+  + header file
+  + Add XPS 9250 to Dell TPM modeswitch blacklist
+  + Only display flashes left in results output when it gets low.
+  + Add a small library for talking with 0bitdo hardware
+  + Add another compile warning and fix up any build failures
+  + Embed fwupd version in generated libfwupd and libdfu
+  + documentation
+  + Update fwupdmgr manpage for new commands and arguments
+  + build: Fix gtk-doc build when srcdir != builddir
+  + online not offline
+  + Get the firmware version correctly from 0Bitdo gamepads
+  + Switch to the Amazon S3 CDN for firmware metadata
+  + Fix writing 8Bitdo device firmware
+  + be updated
+  + Show the vendor flashing instructions when installing
+  + Split out the DFU file formats to separate files
+  + Add fwupd_result_remove_device_flag()
+  + get-updates output
+  + Allow providers to export percentage completion
+  + Add fwupd_client_get_status()
+  + Handle the 8Bitdo bootloader in a better way
+  + Show a progress notification when installing firmware
+  + Add fwupd_result_get_unique_id()
+  + Use the SHA1 hash of the local file data as the component
+  + origin
+  + Use the correct define prefix for FwupdDeviceFlags
+  + libdfu: Fix hang when parsing corrupt IHEX files
+  + Add a set-target-size command to dfu-tool
+  + Support the 'DEVO' cipher kind in libdfu
+  + Add a set-address command to dfu-util
+  + Disable the Dell specific code by default
+  + Conditionally enable all providers based upon what's installed
+  + Add a summary of providers that are enabled from configure
+  + Do not use the deprecated GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS
+  + Ignore devices that do not add at least one GUID
+  + Do not attempt to add DFU devices not in runtime mode
+  + Save the unique ID in the pending database
+  + libdfu: Add initial ELF reading and writing support
+  + Add dfu_firmware_format_from_string()
+  + Normalize the DfuFirmwareFormat enums
+Mon Jan 30 10:12:16 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.7.2:
+  + Allow devices to have multiple assigned GUIDs
+  + Only return updatable devices from GetDevices()
+  + Add fu_device_get_alternate()
+  + Allow metainfo files to match only specific revisions of
+  + devices
+  + Re-read flags for a device after a provider's unlock routine is
+  + done
+  + Test for a locked device when trying to install firmware update
+  + Enforce allowing providers to take away flash abilities
+  + Support returning multiple GUIDs from GetDetails
+  + Add a GetDetailsLocal() method to eventually replace
+  + GetDetails()
+  + break
+  + libdfu: Add DfuVersion enumerated values
+  + libdfu: Show the DFU protocol version in 'dfu-tool list'
+  + Only claim the DFU interface when required
+Mon Jan 30 10:11:59 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.7.1:
+  + Fix libdfu CRC check for big endian architectures
+  + Add dfu_image_get_element_default()
+  + Fix libdfu CRC check for big endian architectures
+  + Fix big endian issues when reading and writing DFU and DfuSe
+  + files
+  + Remove non-interactive pinentry setting from fu-keyring
+  + Set the system's DMI product name as the DisplayName for UEFI
+  + Re-order output of get-devices to be easier to read
+  + Make the device display name nicer
+  + update version
+  + Return all update descriptions newer than the installed version
+  + Add summary and name field for Rival SteelSeries
+  + Fix a critical warning when restarting the daemon
+  + Add a 'supported' flag to the FuDevice
+  + Add fwupd_client_connect()
+  + Add a 'monitor' debugging command for fwupdmgr
+  + Add device-added, device-removed and device-changed signals
+  + Match the AppStream metadata after a device has been adedd
+  + Re-match devices when the AppStream metadata is updated
+  + Show 'Unknow Device' in fwupdmgr when a device name is not set
+  + Set the device description when parsing local firmware files
+  + Add support for a new device field "Flashes Left".
+  + src/ reshuffle so enableable bits are only
+  + referenced when on
+  + Add support for a --force flag to override provider warnings
+Mon Jan 30 10:11:48 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.7.0:
+  + Use g_usb_context_wait_for_replug()
+  + Run vendor plugins as required
+  + Add a plugin for SteelSeries hardware
+  + Add fwupd_device_flag_to_string()
+  + Return the device flags when getting firmware details
+  + Show device flags in 'fwupdmgr get-devices'
+  + Add fwupd_trust_flag_to_string()
+  + Export FwupdUpdateState in libfwupd
+  + Export FwupdUpdateFlags in libfwupd
+  + Add FwupdResult to libfwupd
+  + Add a self test framework for libfwupd
+  + Add FwupdClient to libfwupd
+  + Use FwupdClient from libfwupd in fwupdmgr
+  + Use libfwupd inside the daemon
+  + Emit a FwupdClient::changed when the daemon emits this signal
+  + Rename some of the new libfwupd API to align with the D-Bus
+  + names
+  + libdfu: Fix up some NULL/FALSE confusion
+  + libfwup: Fix up some NULL/FALSE confusion
+  + FwupdClient
+  + Allow other checksum kinds in FwupdResult
+  + Allow SHA-256 hashes when verifying
+  + Show the checksum kind in the fwupdmgr output
+  + Add Alienware to the version quirk table
+  + Do not use /tmp for downloaded files
+  + Add fwupd_result_has_device_flag()
+  + Do not return updates that require AC when on battery
+  + Connect to UPower at startup
+  + Test that GPG key import actually was successful (or didn't
+  + change a key already in the keyring)
+  + Use g_auto() in FuKeyring
+  + Return errors of the correct type when using libfwupd
+  + Allow overridding the location of the pending database for
+  + test suite
+  + Allow overriding the location of the provider offline files for
+  + test suite
+  + Validate that the dbus system bus is available before running
+  + libfwupd tests
+  + Update for changes that have happened in the project
+  + Add some basic explanation of how to use fwupd with various
+  + frontends
+  + Split out the libdfu-devel package
+  + Revert "Allow overridding the location of the pending database
+  + for test suite"
+  + Revert "Allow overriding the location of the provider offline
+  + files for test suite"
+  + Allow the test suite to run in %check
+  + Generate gtk-doc documentation for libfwupd
+Mon Jan 30 10:11:29 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.6.3:
+  + Require AC power before scheduling some types of firmware
+  + update
+  + Install the hardcoded firmware AppStream file
+  + Correct the BCD version number for DFU 1.1
+  + Add an unlock method for devices
+  + Add ESRT enable method into UEFI provider.
+  + Only read PCI OptionROM firmware when devices are manually
+  + unlocked
+  + Do not use deprecated API from libappstream-glib
+  + Ignore the DFU runtime on the DW1820A
+  + Export the attribute and quirk values in libdfu
+  + Show ignored DFU devices in dfu-util, but not in fwupd
+  + Allow defining update vfuncs with no runtime support
+  + Revert "Allow defining update vfuncs with no runtime support"
+  + Add a simple plugin infrastructure
+Mon Jan 30 10:10:00 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.6.2:
+  + Add 'Created' and 'Modified' properties on managed devices
+  + Fix get-results for UEFI provider.
+  + Support vendor-specific UEFI version encodings
+  + Move quirks directly into a single table and file.
+Mon Jan 30 10:09:48 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.6.1:
+  + Only dump the profiling data when run with --verbose
+  + Always persist ColorHug devices after replug
+  + Do not misdetect different ColorHug devices
+Thu Dec 10 15:44:25 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.6.0:
+  + Add support for updating USB devices with DFU
+  + libdfu: Add support for DfuSe firmware
+  + libdfu: Generate gtk-doc documentation
+  + libdfu: Don't rely on specific hardware to be present
+  + libdfu: Move the VID:PID checks from the tool to DfuDevice
+  + libdfu: Use a custom error domain
+  + Use the same device identification string format as Microsoft
+  + libdfu: Fix crash when setting a target size
+  + libdfu: Allow setting the alternate settings in DfuSe firmware
+  + libdfu: Add a merge command to dfu-tool
+  + libdfu: Allow choosing a different alt-setting when downloading
+  + libdfu: Fix a crash when setting a NULL image name
+  + libdfu: Correctly implement auto-boot in dfu_device_download()
+  + libdfu: Check for extra args to dfu-tool convert
+  + libdfu: Call the progress callback when doing detach
+  + Ignore the DFU device detach:attach when verifying
+  + libdfu: Require a --force flag to flash wildcard firmware
+  + Use new API available in fwup 0.5
+  + libdfu: Make the element address 32 bits in size
+  + libdfu: Support the ST-specific bitCanAccelerate
+  + libdfu: Only do a Detach notification if we're actually doing
+    to do it
+  + libdfu: Use the progress bar for all uploads and downloads
+  + libdfu: Improve the output of 'dfu-util list'
+  + libdfu: Support download and upload to ST DfuSe devices
+  + libdfu: Fix multi-interface devices like the Neo Freerunner
+  + libdfu: Add a pkgconfig file
+  + libdfu: Use signals to propagate device state
+  + libdfu: Add a context object to handle device hotplug
+  + libdfu: Add an example showing GObject Introspection
+  + libdfu: Do not ref DfuDevice in DfuTarget so the auto-close
+  + logic works
+  + Close DFU devices as soon as possible after the transfer has
+    completed
+  + Emit the changed signal after doing an update
+  + Rescan the DFU device after replug to get the new version
+  + libdfu: Add dfu_context_get_device_by_platform_id()
+  + libdfu: Add dfu_device_get_runtime_release()
+  + libdfu: Add dfu_device_get_display_name()
+  + libdfu: Fix self tests after recent API change
+  + Split out the DFU provider as a new file
+  + libdfu: Copy the platform ID and invalidate the GUsbDevice when
+    removed
+  + libdfu: Accept multiple spaces after the DfuSe sector name
+  + libdfu: Verify the GUsbDevice is set before using it
+  + libdfu: Remove the weak pointer when destroying the DfuTarget
+  + libdfu: Fix dfu_device_wait_for_replug() so it can work with a
+    DfuContext
+  + Export the AppStream ID when returning device results
+  + Rescan the DFU device after firmware has been updated
+  + libdfu: Handle cancellation with ctrl+c in dfu-tool
+  + libdfu: Add a quirk to support DFU runtime-less devices
+  + libdfu: Add an explicit 'attach' method
+  + libdfu: Add dfu_firmware_get_image_by_name()
+  + libdfu: Make reading and writing to targets easier to
+  + understand
+  + Fix compile with --disable-shared
+  + libdfu: Display all the files shown with 'dfu-tool dump'
+  + libdfu: Fix a few crashers found using afl
+  + libdfu: Fix another bug discovered by the fuzzer
+  + libdfu: Add commands to encrypt and decrypt firmware images
+  + libdfu: Show better device errors
+  + libdfu: Add DfuCipher which is a property on a target and a
+  + firmware file
+  + libdfu: Add support for the draft 'DFU Metadata Table
+  + Specification'
+  + libdfu: Only enumerate the DfuContext when required
+  + libdfu: Fix several reported crashes in the inhex32 import code
+  + Release fwupd 0.6.0
+Thu Dec 10 15:44:17 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.5.4:
+  + Fix compile error against fwupdate git due to dropped
+  + functions.
+  + Use strerror() when printing errors from libfwupdate
+  + Use new API available in fwup 0.5
+  + Release fwupd 0.5.4
+Thu Dec 10 15:44:11 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.5.3:
+  + Avoid seeking when reading the file magic during refresh
+  + Do not assume that the compressed XML data will be NUL
+  + terminated
+  + debugging
+  + Use the correct user agent string for fwupdmgr
+  + Release fwupd 0.5.3
+Thu Dec 10 15:44:05 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.5.2:
+  + Ensure D-Bus remote errors are registered at fwupdmgr startup
+  + Show the dotted-decimal representation of the UEFI version
+  + number
+  + require appstream-glib 0.5.1
+  + not found
+  + When the version is from the 'FW' extension do not cache the
+  + device
+  + Support cabinet archives files with more than one firmware
+  + Add the update description to the GetDetails results
+  + Add profiling data to debug slow startup times
+  + Fix verify-update to produce components with the correct
+  + provide values
+  + Clear the in-memory firmware store only after parsing a valid
+  + XML file
+  + Release fwupd 0.5.2
+Thu Dec 10 15:43:57 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.5.1:
+  + Fix the error message when no devices can be updated
+  + offline update: Use glib api for for reading symlinks
+  + Release fwupd 0.5.1
+Thu Dec 10 15:43:51 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.5.0:
+  + Do not merge the existing firmware metadata with the submitted
+  + files
+  + Raise the dep on GLib to support and use g_autoptr()
+  + Do not reboot if racing with the PackageKit offline update
+  + mechanism
+  + Release fwupd 0.5.0
+Thu Dec 10 15:43:31 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.1.6:
+  + Install fwupd and fwsignd into /usr/lib/$(triplet)/fwupd
+  + instead.
+  + Use the new secure metadata URI
+  + Update the offline update service to invoke right command
+  + Don't apply firmware if something else is processing the
+  + offline update
+  + Remove fwsignd, we have the LVFS now
+  + Depend on appstream-glib >= 0.5.0
+  + Add application metadata when getting the updates list
+  + Simplify the version properties on devices to avoid complexity
+  + and bugs
+  + Release fwupd 0.1.6
+Thu Dec 10 15:43:03 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.1.5:
+  + Allow fwupd to be autostarted by systemd
+  + Sign the test binary with the correct key
+  + Do not pre-convert the update description from AppStream XML
+  + Devices with option ROM are always internal
+  + Prefer the GUID from the firmware than the device
+  + Allow no arguments to 'fwupdmgr verify-update' and use sane
+  + defaults
+  + Add the ability to remove a vendor on the LVFS site
+  + Fix validation of written firmware
+  + Move the verification and metadata matching phase to the daemon
+  + Add a simple config file to store the correct LVFS download URI
+  + Make parsing the option ROM runtime optional
+  + Add a Raspberry Pi firmware provider
+  + Use the AppStream 0.9 firmware specification by default
+  + Generate the ColorHug test files at runtime
+  + Release fwupd 0.1.5
+Thu Dec 10 15:42:07 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.1.4:
+  + man/ Add --sgml to docbook2man invocation
+  + Make statements about storing private keys stronger.
+  + Provide a way for clients to add new firmware metadata to the
+  + system cache
+  + Fix fwupd-offline-update.service
+  + Revert "man/ Add --sgml to docbook2man invocation"
+  + Add a Udev firmware provider
+  + Extract the version string from the ROM in PCI devices
+  + Add a 'verify' command that verifies the cryptographic hash of
+  + device firmware
+  + Make the ROM parsing more robust and add self tests
+  + Get the version number out from Intel VBIOS too
+  + Provide a way to dump the option ROM using the command line
+  + build: gusb is required even without colorhug
+  + remove unused variables
+  + Do not return NULL as a gboolean
+  + Fix Intel VBIOS detection on Dell hardware
+  + Do not use the subsystem information when constructing the fake
+  + GUID
+  + Actually parse the PCI option ROM
+  + Accept multiple files at one time when using fwupdmgr dump-rom
+  + verify run
+  + Add a 'verify-update' command to fwupdmgr
+  + Fix trivial bug when parsing firmware versions
+  + Keep hitting the hardware until it gives us enough ROM
+  + Make the version parsing more resilient to corrupt firmware
+  + Fix the example .inf file to reflect reality
+  + Fix ROM PPID searching to work for all ROMs
+  + Move the LVFS website to the fwupd project
+  + Add the ability to create detached signatures
+  + Allow cab files to be saved
+  + Add a simple signing server that operates on .cab files
+  + Automatically download metadata using fwupdmgr if required
+  + Don't call efibootmgr after fwupdate.
+  + Associate the contact email address directly with the vendor
+  + key
+  + Use the actual LVFS GPG key
+  + Allow running fwsignd as the non-root user
+  + metadata
+  + Do not merge existing LVFS metadata
+  + Do not use the file hash when storing the LVFS submitted
+  + firmwares
+  + Move GetUpdates to the daemon
+  + Change the DBus method for installing firmware to 'Install'
+  + Allow installing an offline UEFI update without --offline
+  + Add a 'fwupdmgr update' command to update all devices to latest
+  + versions
+  + 'update' command
+  + Increase the size limit of firmware to 50Mb
+  + Only sign files when the entire file has been copied
+  + Fallback to offline install when calling the update argument.
+  + Reload appstream data after refreshing.
+  + Release fwupd 0.1.4
+Thu Dec 10 15:41:38 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.1.3:
+  + Coldplug the devices before acquiring the well known name
+  + Add an UNKNOWN status so we can return meaningful enum values
+  + Run the offline actions using systemd when required
+  + Get the firmware version from the device descriptors
+  + Added syntax highlighting
+  + More markup
+  + Support OpenHardware devices using the fwupd vendor extensions
+  + Move boolean properties on the device to a set of flags
+  + Release fwupd 0.1.3
+Wed May 27 11:12:03 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.1.2:
+  + More markup
+  + Fixed typos and markup for executable
+  + Add slovak translation
+  + Add helper code to validate public key signatures
+  + Decompress any firmware signatures in the .cab file
+  + Verify firmware if a detached signature is present
+  + Show the firmware trust status when doing GetDetails()
+  + Only allow signed firmware to be upgraded without a password
+  + Add some guidelines for vendors to README
+  + Small grammar fix
+  + Extract the .cat file alongside the firmware
+  + Release fwupd 0.1.2
+Mon Apr 13 17:54:58 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version fwupd_0_1_1:
+  + Do not crash when there are no devices to return
+  + Add a 'get-updates' command to fwupdmgr
+  + Add and document the offline-update lifecycle
+  + Create runtime directories if they do not exist
+  + Create a libfwupd shared library
+  + Export the status as an enumerated value rather than a string
+  + Release fwupd 0.1.1
+Mon Apr 13 17:53:40 UTC 2015 -
+- Initial package.
diff --git a/fwupd.obsinfo b/fwupd.obsinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c98bdb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd.obsinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: fwupd
+version: 2.0.5
+mtime: 1738588410
+commit: 0ec55fb157eb97b481e9e20c5bb29e6c5d5bb323
diff --git a/fwupd.spec b/fwupd.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f61415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fwupd.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# spec file for package fwupd
+# Copyright (c) 2025 SUSE LLC
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64 riscv64
+%bcond_without efi_fw_update
+%bcond_with efi_fw_update
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+%bcond_without msr_support
+%bcond_without dell_support
+%bcond_with msr_support
+%bcond_with dell_support
+%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
+%bcond_without fish_support
+%bcond_with fish_support
+%define shlib_sover  3
+%define docs 0
+Name:           fwupd
+Version:        2.0.5
+Release:        0
+Summary:        Device firmware updater daemon
+License:        GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later
+Group:          System/Management
+Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE fwupd-bsc1130056-shim-path.patch bsc#1130056
+Patch1:         fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch
+BuildRequires:  dejavu-fonts
+BuildRequires:  fdupes
+%if %{with fish_support}
+BuildRequires:  fish
+BuildRequires:  gcab
+# for certtool
+BuildRequires:  gnutls
+BuildRequires:  gobject-introspection
+BuildRequires:  gobject-introspection-devel
+BuildRequires:  gpgme-devel
+BuildRequires:  help2man
+BuildRequires:  intltool
+BuildRequires:  libelf-devel
+BuildRequires:  meson >= 0.62.0
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
+BuildRequires:  procps
+BuildRequires:  python3-Pillow
+BuildRequires:  python3-cairo
+BuildRequires:  python3-dbusmock
+BuildRequires:  python3-gobject-Gdk
+BuildRequires:  python3-setuptools
+BuildRequires:  python3-xml
+BuildRequires:  vala
+BuildRequires:  xz-devel
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(appstream-glib) >= 0.5.10
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(bash-completion)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cairo)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(colorhug) >= 1.2.12
+%ifnarch s390x ppc64le
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(flashrom)
+%if 0%{?docs}
+BuildRequires:  pandoc
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gi-docgen)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gio-2.0) >= 2.45.8
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0) >= 2.48.8
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.45.8
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gnutls)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gudev-1.0) >= 232
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gusb) >= 0.2.9
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(jcat) >= 0.1.3
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) >= 1.1.1
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libarchive)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcbor)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcurl) >= 7.62.0
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libdrm_amdgpu)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libelf)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libgcab-1.0) >= 1.0
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libprotobuf-c)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libsystemd)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(mbim-glib)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(mm-glib)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1) >= 0.103
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(protobuf)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(qmi-glib)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(sqlite3)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(tss2-esys) >= 2.0
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(udev)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(umockdev-1.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(xmlb) >= 0.1.13
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(efiboot)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(efivar) >= 33
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libsmbios_c) >= 2.3.0
+Obsoletes:      dbxtool <= 8
+Provides:       dbxtool
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+Obsoletes:      fwupdate <= 12
+%ifarch x86_64 aarch64
+Requires:       shim >= 11
+Requires:       udisks2
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+Requires:       fwupd-efi
+fwupd is a daemon to allows session software to update device firmware on
+the local machine.
+You can either use a GUI software manager like GNOME Software to view and apply
+updates, the command line tool or the system D-Bus interface directly.
+%package -n libfwupd%{shlib_sover}
+Summary:        Allow session software to update device firmware
+Group:          System/Libraries
+Requires:       %{name} >= %{version}
+%description -n libfwupd%{shlib_sover}
+fwupd is a daemon to allows session software to update device firmware on
+the local machine.
+%package -n typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0
+Summary:        GObject-introspection bindings for libfwupd
+Group:          System/Libraries
+%description -n typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0
+fwupd is a daemon to allows session software to update device firmware on
+the local machine.
+%package -n dfu-tool
+Summary:        Generic tool Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) tool
+Group:          Development/Tools/Other
+%description -n dfu-tool
+A generic tool to upload firmware to USB Devices based on Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU).
+%package devel
+Summary:        Allow session software to update device firmware
+Group:          Development/Languages/C and C++
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
+Requires:       libfwupd%{shlib_sover} = %{version}
+Requires:       typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0 = %{version}
+%description devel
+fwupd is a daemon to allows session software to update device firmware on
+the local machine.
+%package doc
+Summary:        Developer documentation for %{name}
+BuildArch:      noarch
+%description doc
+Developer documentation for %{name}.
+%package bash-completion
+Summary:        Bash completion for fwupd
+Group:          System/Management
+Requires:       %{name}
+Requires:       bash-completion
+Supplements:    (%{name} and bash-completion)
+BuildArch:      noarch
+%description bash-completion
+This package contain the bash completion command for the device firmware updater daemon.
+%if %{with fish_support}
+%package fish-completion
+Summary:        Fish completion for fwupd
+Group:          System/Management
+Requires:       %{name}
+Requires:       fish
+Supplements:    (%{name} and fish)
+BuildArch:      noarch
+%description fish-completion
+This package contain the fish completion command for the device firmware updater daemon.
+%autosetup -p1
+for file in $(grep -l %{_bindir}/env . -r); do
+  sed -i "s|%{_bindir}/env python3|%{_bindir}/python3|" $file
+# for F_OFD_SETLK detection
+export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -D_GNU_SOURCE"
+# Dell support requires direct SMBIOS access,
+# Synaptics requires Dell support, i.e. x86 only
+%meson \
+  -Dlaunchd=disabled \
+  -Dplugin_amdgpu=enabled \
+  -Dpassim=disabled \
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+  -Dplugin_uefi_capsule=enabled \
+  -Dplugin_uefi_pk=enabled \
+  -Defi_binary=false \
+  -Dplugin_uefi_capsule=false \
+  -Dplugin_uefi_pk=false \
+%if %{with msr_support}
+  -Dplugin_msr=enabled \
+  -Dplugin_msr=disabled \
+%if %{with dell_support}
+  -Dplugin_synaptics_mst=enabled \
+  -Dplugin_synaptics_mst=disabled \
+%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
+  -Dplugin_synaptics_rmi=disabled \
+  -Dplugin_nvme=enabled \
+  -Dplugin_redfish=enabled \
+  -Ddocs=enabled \
+  -Dsupported_build=enabled \
+  -Dtests=false \
+  -Dvalgrind=disabled \
+  -Dvendor_ids_dir=/usr/share/hwdata \
+%ifarch s390x ppc64le
+  -Dplugin_flashrom=disabled \
+%if 0%{?docs}
+  -Dman=true \
+  -Dman=false \
+  %{nil}
+%find_lang %{name}
+%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc
+# Do not ship default polkit .rules - openSUSE overrides them anyway - boo#1125428
+rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/polkit-1/rules.d/org.freedesktop.fwupd.rules
+# do not package tests
+rm -fr %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/installed-tests
+%if %{without fish_support}
+rm -fr %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/fish
+%if %{suse_version} >= 1600
+%python3_fix_shebang_path %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/*
+%ldconfig_scriptlets -n libfwupd%{shlib_sover}
+%service_del_preun %{name}.service fwupd-refresh.service
+%service_add_pre %{name}.service fwupd-refresh.service
+%service_add_post %{name}.service fwupd-refresh.service
+%service_del_postun %{name}.service fwupd-refresh.service
+%license COPYING
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/metainfo
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/quirks.d
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/remotes.d
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/remotes.d/vendor
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/remotes.d/vendor/firmware
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+%if 0%{?docs}
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+%if %{with msr_support}
+%dir %{_modulesloaddir}
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/fwupd
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/fwupd-metadata
+%if %{with efi_fw_update}
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/grub.d
+%dir %{_datadir}/metainfo
+%dir %{_libdir}/fwupd-*
+%ifnarch s390x ppc64le
+%files -n libfwupd%{shlib_sover}
+%files -n typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0
+%files devel
+%files doc
+%doc %{_datadir}/doc/fwupd/
+%doc %{_datadir}/doc/libfwupd/
+%doc %{_datadir}/doc/libfwupdplugin/
+%files bash-completion
+%if %{with fish_support}
+%files fish-completion
+%files lang -f %{name}.lang
diff --git a/harden_fwupd-offline-update.service.patch b/harden_fwupd-offline-update.service.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49bb60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/harden_fwupd-offline-update.service.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Index: fwupd-1.7.2/data/
+--- fwupd-1.7.2.orig/data/
++++ fwupd-1.7.2/data/
+@@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ system-update-pre.t
+ [Service]
++# added automatically, for details please see
++# end of automatic additions 
+ Type=oneshot
+ ExecStart=@libexecdir@/fwupd/fwupdoffline
+ FailureAction=reboot
diff --git a/harden_fwupd-refresh.service.patch b/harden_fwupd-refresh.service.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49e9ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/harden_fwupd-refresh.service.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Index: fwupd-1.9.10/data/motd/
+--- fwupd-1.9.10.orig/data/motd/
++++ fwupd-1.9.10/data/motd/
+@@ -14,5 +14,13 @@ SystemCallFilter=~@mount
+ ProtectKernelModules=yes
+ ProtectControlGroups=yes
+ RestrictRealtime=yes
++# added automatically, for details please see
++# end of automatic additions 
+ SuccessExitStatus=2
+ ExecStart=@bindir@/fwupdmgr refresh