OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/science/gap-digraphs?expand=0&rev=4
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74 lines
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Fri Sep 8 16:51:28 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 0.10.1
* This release contains new features, bugfixes, and minor
improvements to the documentation. There is a new method for
`ChromaticNumber`, which has better performance than the
previous method.
* A bug in the code for calculating homomorphisms of digraphs,
which could cause a crash, was resolved.
* Vertex labelled digraphs can now be visualised in a way that
displays vertex labels, by using the new operation
* The attribute `CliqueNumber` is introduced.
* The following new attributes for Cayley digraphs are
introduced: `GroupOfCayleyDigraph`,
`SemigroupOfCayleyDigraph`, `GeneratorsOfCayleyDigraph`.
* New features introduced in 0.9.0: `ArticulationPoints` (and
its synonym `CutVertices`), `IsBiconnectedDigraph`
`IsCycleDigraph`, `IsMatching`, `IsPerfectMatching`,
* New features introduced in 0.8.0: `DigraphClosure`,
`BooleanAdjacencyMatrixMutableCopy`, `IsPartialOrderDigraph`,
`IsMeetSemilatticeDigraph`, `IsJoinSemilatticeDigraph`,
`IsLatticeDigraph`, `PartialOrderDigraphMeetOfVertices`,
Sat Apr 29 18:47:03 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 0.7.1
* This release contains a new technique for encoding a
vertex-coloured `multidigraph` as a vertex-coloured
(undirected) graph while preserving the automorphism group,
in order to calculate the automorphism group and canonical
labelling using bliss. This enables the following
** the operations `AutomorphismGroup` and
`DigraphCanonicalLabelling` for a digraph and a
vertex-colouring now accept a multidigraph as their first
** the operations `IsIsomorphicDigraph` and
`IsomorphismDigraphs` now accept multidigraphs, and they
also accept vertex-colourings as optional arguments.
* This release add new functionality related to undirected
spanning trees and undirected spanning forests:
** The property `IsUndirectedForest` is introduced;
** The attributes `UndirectedSpanningTree` and
`UndirectedSpanningForest` are introduced; and
** The operations `IsUndirectedSpanningTree` and
`IsUndirectedSpanningForest` are introduced.
Sun Oct 16 18:44:35 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 0.5.2
* Digraphs now works when it and GAP are built in 32-bit mode.
- Update to new upstream release 0.5.1
* This release contains a new technique for encoding a
vertex-coloured digraph as a vertex-coloured (undirected) graph
while preserving the automorphism group, in order to calculate
the automorphism group using bliss.
Sun Jun 19 10:47:26 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 0.5
* Unspecified bugfixes
Fri Mar 11 22:16:54 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de
- Initial packages (version 0.4.2) for build.opensuse.org