* Fix read heap-buffer-overflow on nested /vsitar/ calls (ossfuzz
* fix cppcheck nullPointerOutOfMemory
### Core
* GDALGCPsToGeoTransform(): return FALSE when invalid
geotransform is generated (#11618)
### Utilities
* gdal_rasterize: Also accept doubles for -ts (#11829)
### Raster drivers
#### PLMOSAIC driver:
* Use a unique user-agent string to isolate usage of driver
#### SNAP_TIFF driver:
* third_party/libertiff: avoid issue with invalid offline tags
with value offset at zero (ossfuzz #388571282)
#### STACIT driver:
* add STAC 1.1 support (#11753)
* Identify(): accept if at least 2 of 'proj:transform',
'proj:bbox' or 'proj:shape' are present
#### WMS driver:
* Update ESRI WMS links in documentation
- OGR 3.10.2
### Core
* Fix GeodesicLength() that was quite severely broken as working
only on closed linestrings (3.10.0 regression)
### Vector utilities
* ogr2ogr: fix -clipsrc/-clipdst when a input geometry is within
the envelope of a non-rectangle clip geometry, but doesn't
intersect it (3.10.0 regression) (#11652, #10341)
* ogrtindex: fix error message when specifying incorrect output
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Application:Geo/gdal?expand=0&rev=205