------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 27 16:51:31 UTC 2017 - tchvatal@suse.com - Run just autoreconf and intltoolize, to avoid double configure run - Add deps for post/postun scriptlets - Remove dep on lcms and depend on lcms2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 7 11:59:13 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Add README.lirc explicitly to doc packages, now needed due to rpm 4.13 no longer implicitly packages those files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 16 17:56:03 UTC 2016 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.3 (boo#985090): + Sort by creation date. + Enhancements in mouse less operation. + Rotation invariant duplication search. + Better zoom steps. + Easy access to working directory when copying ('.'). + Updated documentation. + Speed improvements. + Stability improvements. + Many bugfixes. - Enable source signature verification (geeqie.keyring plus corresponding .asc file). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 18 14:30:31 UTC 2016 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.2.3: + Support for GTK+ 3. + Support for lcms2. + Basic support for lua scripting. + Several bugfixes. - Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) for pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildReqiures following upstreams port to gtk3. - Add disabled pkgconfig(lua-5.1) BuildRequires, configure does not find our lua. - Replace libchamplain-devel for pkgconfig(champlain-0.12) BuildRequires, align with what configure looks for, but keep it disabled, since upstream deams libchamplain support experimental, and it's not the champlain we have in Tumbleweed. - Add libtool BuildRequires and pass autogen.sh as the tarball is not bootstrapped. - Update package descriptions. - Update source and Url to new home. - Drop geeqie-bigendian.patch and geeqie-1.1-fix-bashisms.patch: Fixed upstream. - Remove conditionals for obsolete versions of openSUSE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 17 13:55:36 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Rebase patch to match what upstream actually have commited. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 16 18:07:00 UTC 2014 - Led - Add geeqie-1.1-fix-bashisms.patch: Fix bashisms in geeqie-rotate script. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 28 11:53:06 UTC 2012 - dvaleev@suse.com - Add geeqie-bigendian.patch: fix bigendian build. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 16 13:05:05 UTC 2012 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.1: + Support for stereoscopic images. + input: side-by-side (JPS) and MPO format. + output: single image, anaglyph, SBS, mirror, SBS half size (3DTV). + Custom tiff loader - better handling of large tiff files. + Rewritten file grouping. - Add libjpeg-devel and libtiff-devel BuildReqiuires, support jpg, and tiff loader. - Add FIXME entry for champlain support. - Pass enable-gps to configure, even if this is not taken into accout at the moment, libchamplain is not an active BuildRequires. - Change configure switch --with-helpdir to --with-html dir, upstream does not support --with-helpdir anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 27 14:31:48 UTC 2011 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Initial package of this gqview fork (version 1.0).