New upstream release, needed for new gimp rel OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
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Thu Aug 23 20:46:55 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.4.8:
+ Core/GeglBuffer: Fixes to races during buffer/tile storage
destruction, improve swap usage for stored empty tiles.
+ Operations
- motion-blur-circular - improve/clarify property ui
- median-blur - added abyss-policy property
- long-shadow - new operation
- little-planet - adapt reference composition
- Changes from version 0.4.6:
+ Up until now GEGL has been using a color space corresponding to
scRGB as an unbounded device independent/possibly
scene-referred HDR color space - with a similar approach to to
how ACEScg works but with a worse set of RGB primaries. babl
formats, represented by a pointer and a corresponding
encoding/format string have been used to specify the specific
encoding of pixel values. The encoding including component
order, data type and TRC encoding. Where "RGBA float" means
32bit float data and "R'G'B' u8" the ' indicates non-linear,
and thus this is sRGB. "RaGaBaA half" gives premultiplied
linear half data. Other encodings and conversions are also
provided through these formats including "CIE Lab float" and
"HSV float".
+ As a color management workflow for scene-referred imaging the
above could be sufficient, but GIMP needs data in the 0.0-1.0
range for some display referred blending modes to work
properly. As a consequence of this recognized short-coming GIMP
has been passing the pixels of for instance ProPhoto "R'G'B'A
float" off as "R'G'B'A float" and linear ProPhoto "RGBA float"
as "RGBA float" this works for single operations, but falls
apart when the colors are converted to CIE Lab. This is the
good enough state where the other benefits of having a stable
release powered by GEGL outweighed not being entirely correct.
+ Since babl 0.1.32 of october 2017, all babl formats have an
associated unchangable space associated with them, and since
then GeglBuffer has worked correctly with it - since
GeglBuffers use of babl API did not change. GIMP is already
using these parts of babl for ICC matrix based conversions
since using babl for ICC profile transforms is an order of
magnitude faster than using the lcms2 library. It took time to
come up with the above scheme of integrating arbitrary
primaries and curves for spaces with babl in a maintainable
manner, and it has taken until the last month to come up with a
full plan for the rest of GEGL to be aware of and handling
arbirary parametric ICC v2/v4 based color spaces for
operations; without limiting the ability to extend and use the
code for a wide range of scenarios.
+ A space can be constructed from a preferenced
name/specification, loaded/saved from ICC matrix profiles or
constructed and serialized to whitepoint + rgb chromaticities /
xyz matrix. More recently an additional trc mark has been added
'~', giving this vocabulary for RGB formats, in addition to
variants with alpha and pre-multiplied alpha variants of the
- "RGB" linear primaries from space, linear data
- "R'G'B'" non-linear primaries from space, TRCs from space
- "R~G~B~" perceptual primaries from space, sRGB TRC
+ When creating device independent CIE based spaces they also get
passed a space, this means that we can convert CIE Lab to RGB
float, keeping track of which space / ICC profile the data
correspond to.
+ GEGL operations now construct their desired encodings of
formats by taking the space of buffers on input pads into
account. By default, for composers "input" wins over "aux" to
determine ops space. If an operation is not ported, data will
be converted to sRGB on input and sRGB will come out of the
+ Buffer loaders PNG, JPG, TIFF and EXR generate custom spaces
based on ICC profiles/primaries. The corresponding savers saves
color space information. A new save handler for the .icc
extension, acts like an image storer but only saves the ICC
profile of the buffer it gets on input.
+ With no additional operations inserted, this now means that
GEGL graphs operate on linear / non-linear variants of the
color space used in the input images without conversion. The
new operations gegl:cast-space and gegl:convert-space provide
means of overriding this behavior, see the new section about
color management in the gegl-chain syntax documentation at
+ Initial work has started on making GIMP also use of and
propagate color space information along with encoding in babl
formats, changes which also will be integrated in the 2.10
+ Other changes to operations: vignette: fixes to gamma property
+ New operations:
- cast-space: assign/override color space
- convert-space: convert to a different color space
- litte-planet: stereographic-mapping split out of the
+ New operation in workshop: acrs-rrt: ACES RRT based HDR to SDR
proof/preview point-filter tonemapping op.
Thu Jul 5 11:01:31 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.4.4:
+ Core:
- Point filters with need for format conversion of input are
now parallel.
- Added swap-reading, swap-writing, swap-read-total and
swap-write-total properties to GeglStats.
+ Buffer:
- Trim tile-cache when shrinking.
- Added reading locks to tiles further improving concurrent
access tolerance of GeglBuffer.
+ Operations:
- threshold: operating format changed from linear to
- unsharp-mask: add rename standard-deviation and scale
properties to 'Radius' and 'Amount', add 'Threshold'
- recursive-transform now supports applying multiple
transformations simultanously.
- Fixed integer overflow due to logic error in pixelize.
- New operation: gegl:abs which negates negative values.
- New operation in workshop: selective-hue-saturation.
Wed May 16 18:12:54 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.4.2:
+ Build: Abort early if autoreconf fails, remove unused bits,
default to -Ofast as CFLAGS.
+ GeglBuffer:
- Improve concurrency for trimming and destruction of tile
caches. Improve cache invalidation during partial mipmap
- Do new cheap clones of buffers with new internal gegl-buffer
backed tile-backend.
- Do not keep cached sampler in buffer it makes cache
invalidation hard, and for performance/threading it is better
to create ones own samplers anyways. The old API still
exists, though parts of it is now deprecated. The single
special case where gegl_buffer_sample remains somewhat
performant is with the NEAREST sampler, for all other
samplers creating a caching sampler is better.
+ Operations:
- operation: add GeglOperationAreaFilter::get_abyss_policy()
vfunc Copyright notice improvements to spherize,
color-overlay. ff-save: implement defines handling
compilation with ffmpeg 2.3-2.7, 4.0 compat.
- Improved multi-threaded performance of panorama-projection
and other transformation operations through optimizations in
buffer and base-classes.
- Drop gegl-port-ffmpeg4.patch: Fixed upstream.
Wed May 9 19:12:51 UTC 2018 -
- Add gegl-port-ffmpeg4.patch: Fix build with ffmpeg4 (bgo#795625).
Tue May 8 18:42:14 UTC 2018 -
- Add baselibs.conf, build 32-bit support.
Fri Apr 27 18:11:11 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.4.0:
+ GEGL 0.4.x is a stable release series of GEGL to have a stable
API and ABI to go with GIMP-2.10. When the need arises to break
API or ABI compatibility the 0.4.x series will get its own
branch and unstable API experiments and development, 0.5.x will
happen in master. For now though master will track the 0.4.x
+ Core: Change GeglParamSpecSeed from int to uint to match the
value range of GeglRandom's seed.
+ Operations:
- Ripple fixed remaining issues needed to remove legacy GIMP
plug-in in GIMP.
- Spherize, requrise transform and color-overlay moved out of
- Ppm-load ported to GIO.
- Rename subpackages following upstreams soname bump.
Thu Apr 26 13:44:38 UTC 2018 -
- Do not buildrequires lensfun-devel, it would be only used when
building workshop, if Makefile was really compiling relevant
Sun Apr 22 23:46:51 UTC 2018 -
- Explicitly version pkgconfig(libavcodec), pkgconfig(libavformat)
and pkgconfig(libswscale) BuildRequires to less than the symbol
versions provided by ffmpeg4 branch until upstream catches up.
Currently provided by new ffmpeg3 compatability package.
Wed Apr 18 21:05:59 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.3.34 (CVE-2018-10114):
+ Core: Change GeglParamSpecSeed from int to uint to match the
value range of GeglRandom's seed.
+ Operations: Limit allocations in ppm-load to 2GB
- Changes from version 0.3.32:
+ Operations:
- panorama-projection: added reverse transform, which permits
using GIMP for retouching zenith, nadir or other arbitrary
gaze directions in equirectangular, also known as 360x180
- Added abyss-policy to base class for scale ops, making it
possible to achieve hard edges on rescaled buffers.
+ GeglBuffer:
- Improved performance and correctness, avoid incorrectly
gamma/ungamma correcting alpha in u8 formats, for a tiny 2-3%
performance boost.
- Keep track of valid/invalid areas on smaller granularity than
tiles in mipmap.
- Various micro-optimizations in display paths, with minuscle
performance impact.
Sun Apr 1 02:25:38 UTC 2018 -
- Add cairo and glib-2.0 BuildRequires to avoid implicit
Thu Mar 29 07:49:46 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.3.30:
+ GeglBuffer:
- gegl_buffer_get now treats the final argument;
- All scaling is now done on linear data, making future results
of mipmap computations more valid as well as providing
correct results for scaled down thumbnails in user
- The scaling code paths has also been instrumented and
optimized for performance;
- Improvements to logic switching to boxfiltering behavior and
improve cubic samplers box filtering by using a linear
sampler and a nearest sampler for the boxfiltering for the
linear sampler;
- gegl_buffer_copy gegl_buffer_clear and gegl_buffer_set color
now only emit a single changed signal on the buffer.
+ Operations:
- c2g and stress have gained the ability to toggle the
influence of the shadow neighborhood or not, the new default
is to not improve shadow detail; yielding a bit more natural
- color-to-alpha now contains improvements from experiment
in workshop which is gone;
- Fixed crashes in median-blur.
+ Transform ops: Only rasterize inside the transformed polygon,
saving cpu;
+ New ops: Mean-curvature blur.
+ News ops in workshop: color-overlay, enlarge, inpaint, domain-\
transform, recursive=transform.
- Now minimum build requirement for GIMP 2.10.0
Tue Mar 13 00:18:49 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.3.28:
+ New stable branch, long packaged as gegl-unstable in openSUSE,
changes far to many to list, please see NEWS packaged in
docs sub-package.
- Lots of BuildRequires, Requires and sub-package changes.
- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+ gegl-UF_long.patch.
+ gegl-lua52.patch.
+ gegl-0.2.0-CVE-2012-4433.patch.
+ gegl-ruby19.patch.
+ gegl-0.2.0-linker-flags.patch
Wed Mar 7 10:35:17 UTC 2018 -
- Fix SRPM group. Update descriptions. Remove idempotent
%if..%endif around %package.
Wed Feb 28 16:26:18 UTC 2018 -
- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
Wed Jan 24 12:59:26 UTC 2018 -
- require liberation-fonts instead of liberation2-fonts, it is dead
[bsc#1077375] [rh#856239]
Fri Jan 12 16:44:12 UTC 2018 -
- Replace liberation-fonts BuildRequires with liberation2-fonts:
the new set works as well.
Sun Feb 5 22:25:15 UTC 2017 -
- Fix CVE-2012-4433 (bsc#789835):
+ Add gegl-0.2.0-CVE-2012-4433.patch: Fix buffer overflow in and
add plausibility checks to ppm-load op.
Sat Apr 16 22:01:17 UTC 2016 -
- Use pkgconfig instead of libffmpeg-devel
Tue Jan 26 14:00:45 UTC 2016 -
- Add gegl-0.2.0-linker-flags.patch to add -lm to linker flags.
Sat Oct 25 19:46:46 UTC 2014 -
- fix build for factory
* add patch: gegl-UF_long.patch
* newer suitesparse abandoned UF_long in favor for SuiteSparse_long
- fix build for graphics repo
* ugly fix, multiple provides of gd by gd and gd-tools from libgd2
Mon Feb 4 14:31:22 UTC 2013 -
- update license to new format
Fri May 18 09:50:52 UTC 2012 -
- Add gegl-ruby19.patch: Fix build with ruby 1.9.
- Add liberation-fonts: the documentation references bitstream
vera sans font, so we need to provide it for the build.
Tue Apr 3 08:45:42 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 0.2.0:
+ OpenCL support
+ Build improvements.
+ High level API to apply ops directly to buffers with arguments.
+ Final bits of translation infrastructure.
+ Invalidate regions when disconnecting input pads.
+ Operations:
- New operation: global-matting
- Allow transform core to do perspective transforms.
- Added string based key/value pairs to operations.
- Added arguments for dealing with scaled down preview
+ Added human interaction ranges and non-linear mapping to
+ Buffer:
- Removed broken lanczos sampler.
- Add gegl_buffer_set_color and gegl_buffer_set_pattern
- Added ability to drop cached tiles.
- Added API for handling abyss policy (not implemented yet)
- Avoid iterating global tile cache when flushing/destroying
buffers that have no tiles in the cache.
- Add intltool BuildRequires: new dependency upstream, for
- Add lensfun-devel BuildRequires to build with lensfun support.
- Add libexiv2-devel BuildRequires to build with libexiv2 support.
- Add libjasper-devel BuildRequires to build with Jasper support.
- Add libspiro-devel BuildRequires to build with SPIRO support.
- Add suitesparse-devel BuildRequires to build with UMFPACK
- Uncomment ruby BuildRequires: it was commented out because a file
was missing in a earlier tarball.
- Rename subpackages from gegl-0_1/libgegl-0_1-0 to
gegl-0_2/libgegl-0_2-0 following the upstream soname change.
- Create a gegl-0_2-lang subpackage for new translations.
Wed Jan 11 08:57:36 UTC 2012 -
- Add gegl-lua52.patch: fix build with lua 5.2, while still being
compatible with lua 5.1.
Sun Nov 27 14:39:21 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.1.8:
+ New operations: spread, vignette, map-relative,
noise-reduction, plasma, fractal-trace, exr-save, lens-correct,
emboss, cubism, ripple, color-to-alpha, color-rotate,
red-eye-removal, convolution-matrix, deinterlace,
polar-coordinates, lens-distortion, pixelise.
+ Split GeglView GTK Widget into separate utility library
+ build/test improvements.
+ Buffer:
- Added lohalo resampler, API and infrastructure for doing non
affine resamplings.
- Clean spec-file using spec-cleaner.
- Drop docs-build-fix.diff: fixed upstream.
Mon Jun 20 09:42:30 UTC 2011 -
- update to 0.1.6 (see NEWS)
• New operations: max-rgb, pixelise, motion blur.
• Fixed a bugs in matting-levin that made GEGL halt due to errors
detected by babl sanity code, this made 0.1.4 be unusable if you had
all dependendency when building.
• build/test improvements.
• Buffer:
Added API to use external tile backends, allowing to plug-in alien
tilebackends, for GIMP/Krita/OSM or similar.
- remove upstreamed patches bgo609706 bgo610680 (thanks, Vincent)
Thu May 5 13:46:33 UTC 2011 -
- BuildRequire graphviz-gd instead of graphviz: we do require png
capabilities, which are split out of the main package.
Theoretically, we should require graphviz-devel, but this package
also does not drag in -gd.
Mon Feb 22 12:59:17 CET 2010 -
- Add gegl-fix-overflow.patch to fix overflow found by gcc 4.5.
Wed Feb 10 23:42:49 CET 2010 -
- Update to version 0.1.2:
+ GeglLookup, configurable floating point lookup tables for lazy
+ Use GFileIOStream in GeglTileBackendFile.
+ Optimizations: in-place processing for point filters/composers,
SIMD version of gegl:opacity, avoid making unneccesary
sub-buffers, removed some manual instrumentation from critical
paths, improved speed of samplers.
+ Added xml composition/reference image based regression tests.
+ Added performance tracking framework.
+ Syntactic sugar using varargs for constructing gegl graphs from
+ Build fixes on cygwin.
+ Gegl# fixes.
+ Initial, but unstable code towards multithreading.
+ Improvements to lua op in workshop.
+ Added new resamplers upsize, upsharp, upsmooth, downsize,
downsharp and downsmooth.
+ Removed gegl:tonemap and gegl:normal ops.
- Drop gegl-new-babl.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add gegl-fix-build.patch: remove printf that breaks build because
of missing include.
- Rename package from gegl-0_0 and libgegl-0_0-0 to gegl-0_1 and
libgegl-0_1-0 following soname bump.
Thu Jan 28 15:31:28 CET 2010 -
- Add gegl-new-babl.patch to fix build with babl 0.1.2.
Mon Jul 20 13:24:19 CEST 2009 -
- Update to version 0.1.0:
+ Renamed gegl:load-buffer to gegl:buffer-source and
gegl:save-buffer to gegl:buffer-sink (but the old names still
+ Represent colors using doubles instead of floats (this change
is independent from internal processing)
+ Removed the GTK+ UI parts of the gegl binary and turned gegl
into a pure command line tool (which can still visualize stuff
with help help the SDL based display operation)
+ Consider {x=G_MININT/2, y=G_MININT/2, width=G_MAXINT,
height=G_MAXINT} as the only valid region wichin processing
may occur. Processing outside of this region is undefined
+ Added support for storing allocation stack traces for
GeglBuffers so that debuging buffer leaks becomes much easier
+ Made small changes and cleanups of the public API, e.g.
- Removed gegl_node_adapt_child()
- Made GeglConfig an explicit object
- Removed most of the ifdeffed stuff to mask away internal
- Added gegl_rectangle_infinite_plane() and
+ Added new sampler GeglSamplerSharp
+ Added format property go gegl:buffer-sink
+ Cleaned up and made gegl:introspect work again
+ Add a bunch of test cases using the automake test sytem (make
check) and also port buffer tests to automake
+ General cleanups, bug fixes, increased robustness and improved
- Drop gegl-babl_api_change.patch: fixed upstream.
- Temporarly remove ruby BuildRequires as the build is broken when
it's there right now.
Thu Jun 11 04:04:07 CEST 2009 -
- Add gegl-babl_api_change.patch to make gegl build with babl
0.1.0. Patch taken from Fedora.
- Remove autoreconf call.
- Do not make gegl0_0 explicitly Requires libbabl-0_0-0.
Wed Dec 31 16:29:21 EST 2008 -
- Update to 0.0.22
* GeglOperation
- operation names are now prefixed, the ops in GEGL use 'gegl:' as prefix.
- gegl:opacity - combine value and aux mask input when both are available.
- gegl:src-in - deal correctly with extens.
- gegl:path - new op covering the stroke/fill needs of SVG.
- deprecated gegl:shift, the affine familiy of operations now
uses the same fast code paths for integer translations.
* GeglBuffer
- Profiling motivated speed ups in data reading/writing.
- Remove left-over swapfiles from dead processes at startup.
* GeglNode
- made gegl_node_add_child and gegl_node_remove_child public API. (bgo#507298)
* GeglPath: Vector path representation infrastructure,
- Remove gegl-64bit-warning.diff
Sun Oct 5 23:49:54 EDT 2008 -
- Update to 0.0.20
* libopenraw support
* Linear buffer support, amongst other things enabling GeglBuffer API access
to external linear buffers in memory.
* Reworked samplers using a shared caching neighbourhood infrastructure.
* YAFR - a new resampler contributed by Nicolas Robidoux.
* Marked user visible strings for translation.
* Added a fill operation (might be a bit fragile) that allows rendering
SVG like paths backed by a GeglVector.
- Remove gegl-strict-compile-fix.diff
- Added gegl-64bit-warning.diff
* Address a fatal warning on 64bits
Wed Oct 1 12:49:31 EDT 2008 -
- Add patch gegl-strict-compile-fix.diff:
*Fix header for stricter compilation
- enable workshop at compile time
Mon Sep 29 17:49:46 CEST 2008 -
- Fixed dependencies.
- Fixed permissions of documentation.
Mon Jul 21 14:25:07 CEST 2008 -
- New SuSE package.