------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 13 20:52:19 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.1.6: + Correct binary path is demo's desktop file. + Move demo apps from /usr/share to /usr/libexec. - Changes from version 2.1.5: + Add a NULL check to fix a crasher. + Setup D-Bus policy to be able to access NetworManager API. + Expected agent object path now static. This breaks agent interface but it was needed to fix the D-Bus policy. + Fix issue of us giving every connection access to every property on the system bus. - Changes from version 2.1.4: + Don't depend on unreleased libnm-glib. - No longer use sed to lower libnm-glib requirement, fixed upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 23 06:34:19 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Add pkgconfig(systemd) BuildRequires and add relevant systemdmacros to pre/post/preun/postun. - Create softlink /usr/sbin/rcgeoclue to /usr/sbin/service. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 21 11:59:35 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.1.3: + Agents can now dictate maximum accuracy level allowed for all clients through a D-Bus property. The next version of gnome-shell will make use of that and provide an option to enable/disable geolocation in topbar menu. + Add D-Bus property to specify available accuracy level. For now we just hardcode it to report that we can provide exact accuracy. + Give agents time to register themselves on startup before processing client requests. + Move configuration file under geoclue subdir so that in future we can easily add more configuration files if needed. + Fixes to build. + Some internal clean-ups. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 4 18:44:50 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.1.2: + Fix some crashing bugs. + Ignore WiFis with '_nomap' suffix. + Configure options for disabling WiFi, 3G and GPS modem sources. + Avoid spaming the network resources for ignorable changes to network setup. + Add some required files to distribution that we forgot in last release. - Changes from version 2.1.1: + 3GPP-based geolocation source. + Uses ModemManager to get cell tower info from 3GPP modem and uses opencellid.org's public API to translate that into a location. + GPS modem-based geolocation source: If your 3GPP modem has a GPS, geoclue can now make use of it. + WiFi-based geolocation source. + Uses Mozilla Location Service to find location based on nearby WiFi networks. + Refresh location on changes in WiFi networks. + Option in configuration file to make geoclue use Google Maps Geolocation API rather than Mozilla Location Service. + Option in configuration file to enable submission of wifi data to Mozilla Location Service. If this option is enabled, the data is submitted each time geoclue gets a GPS lock. That means, its not completely autonomous and data is only submitted if an application, e.g gnome-maps requests current location with exact accuracy. + API for clients to specify what level of geolocation accuracy they need, e.g city-level, street-level or exact etc. + API to check if geolocation service is in use. Next version of gnome-shell will make use of that to show an icon in the panel to indicate to user that their location is being accessed. + Application authorization agent. + Make agent completely optional. We will revert this once we have a reliable mechanism to identify applications. + Identify agent and client applications by their desktop IDs rather than paths of their binaries. + Ability for agents to dictate the accuracy level allowed for clients. + Maintain a whitelist of clients in configuration that do not need agent authorization. + Avoid redundant queries to web services. + Install demo applications and provide a desktop file for them. + Many more internal fixes and clean-ups. - Add pkgconfig(libnm-glib), pkgconfig(mm-glib) and pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: new dependencies. - Lower NetworkManager dependency to 0.9.8 in configure. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 19 10:44:30 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.1.0: + Application authentication agents support: - API for agents to register themselves. - API that agents need to implement. - Configure option to enable requirement of authorization from agent. Until there is at least one agent out there, this requirement is disabled by default. - A demo agent. - Option in ${sysconfdir}/geoclue.conf containing whitelist of all our agents. + Don't use proxy. Seems proxy settings are per-user and system users (which geoclue is supposed to run as) do not have access to them. + Add support for bus-activation via systemd service unit. + Add mandatory 'DesktopId' property to Client interface. + Use HTTPS to connect to geoip.fedoraproject.org. The actual resource is behind HTTPS so using HTTP leads to redirections and thefore redundant TCP packets. + Fixes to build system. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 7 18:16:11 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Create and package %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{dbus_user} (the dbus user's home directory). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 24 17:27:49 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.0.0: + Generate docs for D-Bus interface. + Fix build against Automake 1.13. + Two minor fixes/cleanups. - Changes from version 1.99.4: + Correct check for whether db needs update in geoip-update. + Fix geoip-update by direct usage of libsoup for HTTP GET. + Don't inhibit compiler warnings in build. + Fix various potential crashers. + Take 'DistanceThreshold' property into account. + Watch for and signal out location changes. + Add configure option to specify service user. + Add documentation comments to D-Bus interface XML. + Fix various compiler warnings. + Switch to Fedora's geoip server until we've our server setup. + Minor fixes to pkgconfig file. + Setup a glib log domain. + Some optimizations. + More debug logging. - Drop geoclue2-no-root.patch: fixed upstream. - Drop libtool BuildRequires and call to autoreconf, as we do no longer carry any patch requiring to bootstrap. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 15 10:58:11 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Provide dbus(org.freedesktop.GeoClue2) instead of dbus(GeoClue2), as this is much closer to reality. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 11 14:06:00 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Re-enable the D-Bus service, as the services have been white- listed for Factory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 10 08:41:47 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add COPYING to the package as %doc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 9 08:58:12 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Do not package the D-Bus service for now. This makes the package 'broken', but allows us to build against the D-Bus interface and not block inclusion of other packages any furhter (bnc#838360). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 3 20:37:16 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.99.3: + All D-Bus prop names capitalized as per general conventions. + Expose D-Bus specification XML file in pkg-config file. + Fix some potential crashes in error handling code. + Remove unused build-time yelp dependency. + Correct the libsoup dependency in pkg-config (although it doesn't affect any applications at the moment). + Fix some compiler warnings. - Changes from version 1.99.2: + Drop client-side library. + Add COPYING file. + Install geoip-lookup with make install. This makes life easier for binary distributions that can then ship geoip-lookup in a package. + Distribute server documentation. + Distribute & install interface XML file. + Add/update forgotten copyright headers. - Changes from version 1.99.1: + Move to system D-Bus. + Import geoip code from geocode-glib. + Add option to automatically exit on inactivity. By default it: - Runs indefinitely when launched manually. - Exits after 5 seconds of inactivity when (auto)launched by D-Bus. + Relicense from LGPLv2+ to GPLv2+. + Some build/installation related fixes. + Correctly version pkg-config file. + Fix crash on error. + Add --version cmdline option. - Changes from version 1.99.0: + Bump the version number. - Drop typelib-1_0-GeoClue-1_0 and libgeoclue-1_0-0 subpackages: the client-side library was dropped with version 1.99.2. - Add geoclue2-no-root.patch: Add configure option to specify service user. - Add call to autoreconf in build phase, as above patch touches the buildsystem. - Define dbus_user: srvGeoClue. - Pass --with-dbus-service-user=%{dbus_user} to configure. - Create %dbus_user during pre phase if the user does not yet exist. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 5 20:51:34 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add ldconfig call to post/postun. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 5 19:18:52 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Initial package, version 0.0.1.