Name: fsnotify Version: x-revision: 1 Author: Mark Dittmer Maintainer: Greg Weber , Roman Cheplyaka License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Synopsis: Cross platform library for file change notification. Description: Cross platform library for file creation, modification, and deletion notification. This library builds upon existing libraries for platform-specific Windows, Mac, and Linux filesystem event notification. Category: Filesystem Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Build-Type: Simple Homepage: Extra-Source-Files: test/test.hs test/EventUtils.hs Library Build-Depends: base >= 4.3.1 && < 5 , containers >= 0.4 , directory >= , filepath >= , text >= 0.11.0 , time >= 1.1 , async >= 2.0.1 , unix-compat >= 0.2 Exposed-Modules: System.FSNotify , System.FSNotify.Devel Other-Modules: System.FSNotify.Listener , System.FSNotify.Path , System.FSNotify.Polling , System.FSNotify.Types Hs-Source-Dirs: src GHC-Options: -Wall if os(linux) CPP-Options: -DOS_Linux Other-Modules: System.FSNotify.Linux Build-Depends: hinotify >= 0.3.7 && < 0.3.10 else if os(windows) CPP-Options: -DOS_Win32 Other-Modules: System.FSNotify.Win32 Build-Depends: Win32-notify >= 0.3 else if os(darwin) CPP-Options: -DOS_Mac Other-Modules: System.FSNotify.OSX Build-Depends: hfsevents >= 0.1.3 Test-Suite test Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Main-Is: test.hs Other-modules: EventUtils Hs-Source-Dirs: test GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded Build-depends: base >= , tasty >= 0.5 , tasty-hunit , directory , filepath , unix-compat , fsnotify , async >= 2 , temporary Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git://