Peter Trommler 3f6dc53c3d Accepting request 198332 from home:ptrommler:ppc
- Patch ghc for llvm 3.3.
- explicitly configure gcc location in bootstrap builds too
- allow ppc builds (ppc64 build gets stuck)

2013-09-10 16:09:04 +00:00

46 lines
2.0 KiB

git-author: Geoffrey Mainland <gmainlan@…> (06/12/13 13:31:49)
git-committer: Geoffrey Mainland <gmainlan@…> (06/12/13 13:31:49)
Avoid generating empty llvm.used definitions.
LLVM 3.3rc3 complains when the llvm.used global is an empty array, so don't
define llvm.used at all when it would be empty.
Index: ghc-7.6.3/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
--- ghc-7.6.3.orig/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
+++ ghc-7.6.3/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
@@ -112,19 +112,19 @@ cmmProcLlvmGens :: DynFlags -> BufHandle
-> [[LlvmVar]] -- ^ info tables that need to be marked as 'used'
-> IO ()
-cmmProcLlvmGens _ _ _ _ [] _ []
- = return ()
cmmProcLlvmGens dflags h _ _ [] _ ivars
- = let ivars' = concat ivars
- cast x = LMBitc (LMStaticPointer (pVarLift x)) i8Ptr
- ty = (LMArray (length ivars') i8Ptr)
- usedArray = LMStaticArray (map cast ivars') ty
- lmUsed = (LMGlobalVar (fsLit "llvm.used") ty Appending
- (Just $ fsLit "llvm.metadata") Nothing False, Just usedArray)
- in Prt.bufLeftRender h $ {-# SCC "llvm_used_ppr" #-}
- withPprStyleDoc dflags (mkCodeStyle CStyle) $
- pprLlvmData ([lmUsed], [])
+ | null ivars' = return ()
+ | otherwise = Prt.bufLeftRender h $
+ {-# SCC "llvm_used_ppr" #-}
+ withPprStyleDoc dflags (mkCodeStyle CStyle) $
+ pprLlvmData ([lmUsed], [])
+ where
+ ivars' = concat ivars
+ cast x = LMBitc (LMStaticPointer (pVarLift x)) i8Ptr
+ ty = (LMArray (length ivars') i8Ptr)
+ usedArray = LMStaticArray (map cast ivars') ty
+ lmUsed = (LMGlobalVar (fsLit "llvm.used") ty Appending
+ (Just $ fsLit "llvm.metadata") Nothing False, Just usedArray)
cmmProcLlvmGens dflags h us env ((CmmData _ _) : cmms) count ivars
= cmmProcLlvmGens dflags h us env cmms count ivars