#!/bin/bash firstMSG() { #Insert Welcome message here zenity --info --icon=distributor-logo-Aeon-symbolic --no-wrap --title 'Welcome to openSUSE Aeon' \ --text 'Almost done, there is one last step\n\nWe need perform some checks to make\nsure your migration has gone smoothly\n\nPlease click OK to Continue' \ --width 300 --height 300 } show_progress() { ( sleep 1 echo "# Waiting for Internet connection" waitforNet while /usr/bin/pgrep -f '/usr/bin/flatpak|/usr/sbin/transactional-update|/usr/bin/pkexec' >/dev/null; do echo "# Tuning Installation" sleep 1 done )| zenity --progress --title="Final Setup" --width=300 --pulsate --auto-close --no-cancel } installFlatpakRepo(){ waitforNet /usr/bin/flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub /usr/share/aeon/flathub.flatpakrepo if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then zenity --error \ --text="Adding Flathub Repo Failed" exit 1 fi } install_locale() { waitforNet pkexec sh -c "/usr/sbin/transactional-update -n run zypper -n aloc ${LANG} && /usr/sbin/transactional-update -n apply" if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then zenity --error \ --text="Installing Locales Failed" exit 1 fi } lastMSG() { #Insert Welcome message here zenity --info --icon=distributor-logo-Aeon-symbolic --no-wrap --title 'Welcome to openSUSE Aeon' \ --text 'Congratulations!\n\nYour system is ready to be used\n\nWe hope you enjoy using openSUSE Aeon' \ --width 300 --height 300 rm ~/.config/autostart/aeon-mig-firstboot.desktop } waitforNet(){ until /usr/bin/curl -s --max-time 5 https://flathub.org > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done } firstMSG installFlatpakRepo & if [[ ! "${LANG}" =~ ^en_ ]]; then install_locale & fi show_progress lastMSG