------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 8 00:41:08 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20141122 * Remote systems can be divided into hostgroups (e.g. web and db) by prepending '@groupname/' to the sshlogin. Multiple groups can be given by separating groups with '+'. E.g. @web/www1 @web+db/www2 @db/mariadb * Remote execution can be restricted to servers that are part of one or more groups by '@groupname' as an sshlogin. Multiple groups can be given by separating groups with '+'. E.g. -S @web or -S @db+web ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 6 04:28:53 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20140722 * {= perl expression =} can be used as replacement string. The expression should modify $_. E.g. {= s/\.gz$// =} to remove .gz from the string. This makes replacement strings extremely flexible. * Positional perl expressions (similar to {2}) are given as {=2 perl expression=} where 2 is the position. * One small backwards incompatability: {1}_{2} will replace {2} with the empty string if there is only one argument. Previously, {2} would have been left untouched. * Replacement strings can be defined using --rpl. E.g. parallel --rpl '{.gz} s/\.gz$//' echo {.gz} ::: *.gz * --tmux will direct the output to a tmux session instead of files. Each running jobs will be in its own window. * --halt 10% will stop spawning new jobs if 10% failed so far. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 28 21:05:51 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20140622 * The "--pipepart" option works with "--header", "--regexp", "--cat" and "--fifo". * "{%}" works as job slot. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 26 08:31:42 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20130522 * --tollef has been retired. The format of --eta and --joblog has changed slightly. * added --pipepart, a highly efficient alternative to --pipe if the input is a real file and not a pipe. If using --cat or --fifo with --pipe, the {} in the command will be replaced with the name of a physical file and a fifo respectively containing the block from --pipe. * --controlmaster is no longer experimental. * --env is now copied when determining CPUs on remote system. It is useful for copying $PATH if parallel is not in the normal path. * --results now chops the argument if the argument is longer than the allowed path length. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 23 10:23:17 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20131122 * A citation notice is printed on stderr only if stderr is a terminal, the user has not specified --no-notice, and the user has not run --bibtex once. * --compress will compress temporary files. * --compress-program controls which program to use for compressing temporary files. * --bar shows progress as a progress bar compatible with zenity. * --resume can now be used with --result: jobs already run will be skipped. * --transfer and --basefile support paths relative to the --workdir by inserting /./ into the path. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 28 11:35:36 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20131022 * Using --transfer with files containing /./ in the path will copy the files relative to the --workdir. The maximal command length is now cached in a file, halving the startup time. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 30 23:34:39 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20130922 * PDF-files of documentation is now included. Bugfixes and man page updates have been made. - Remove fix-pod-syntax.diff (merged upstream) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 7 17:36:39 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20130722 * --round-robin with --pipe will now write all blocks to already-running jobs. * --env can now transfer the Bash function for remote execution. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 23 05:41:30 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20130522 * --ctrlc is now the default if --pipe is not used, making it possible to kill remotely-started jobs simply by pressing Ctrl-C. * --timeout 200% now means "kill jobs which take more than twice the time of the median runtime of a job". * Jobs are now distributed round-robin when having mulitiple --sshlogin, instead of filling up one --sshlogin at a time. - Update to new upstream release 20130622 * --xapply now recycles arguments if an input source has more arguments than others. * The sleep time between jobs is now both increased and decreased exponentially. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 20 11:36:03 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - add fix-pod-syntax.diff to fix build with perl 5.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 8 17:30:12 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 20130422 * --ctrlc will send SIGINT to tasks running on remote computers and thus killing them. * --load now uses `ps` to see immediately see the number of running processes instead of `uptime` thus making --load react much faster. * --retries works with --onall. * --nice works under tcsh. - Ship license file and do tarball signature verification ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 27 15:46:58 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Initial package (version 20130222) for build.opensuse.org