351 lines
14 KiB
351 lines
14 KiB
Wed May 30 16:12:19 CEST 2007 - werner@suse.de
- Overwrite empty default font for UTF-8 locale (bug #277876)
- Get html docs fully build and installed
- Correct datadir
- The patent of gif is expired
Fri May 11 16:52:57 CEST 2007 - werner@suse.de
- Use setlocale(..,NULL) instead of gentenv() (bug #272915)
Tue Apr 24 12:32:31 CEST 2007 - werner@suse.de
- Enable new but experimental wxt terminal (bug #266693)
Fri Apr 20 09:51:29 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de
- Use texlive for Building.
Thu Apr 5 18:18:15 CEST 2007 - werner@suse.de
- Update to gnuplot 4.2.0
* NEW autogenerated read-only variables prefixed GPVAL_ and "show variables all"
* NEW Japanese language documentation - FAQ and User Manual
* NEW multi-platform and interactive wxWidgets terminal
* NEW windows terminal supports enhanced text mode
* NEW support for placement of individual rectangles within plot or canvas
* NEW command "set style increment user" allows customization of default lines
* NEW commands raise and lower
* NEW y and y2 axis label rotation can be explicitly controlled (2D plots only)
* NEW {no}enhanced flag can be applied to individual labels
* NEW suboption 'set pm3d interpolate' for bilinear interpolation of surfaces
* NEW 3D plots can read RGB color triples as part of input data
* NEW write command history file also for gnuplot's readline
* NEW more versatile key placement and arrangement
* NEW 'splot x*y with pm3d' no longer requires prior 'set pm3d'
* NEW store a sequence of plots to an animated gif (requires libgd > 2.0.28)
* NEW multi-byte font support in x11, controlled by the locale setting LC_CTYPE
* NEW control decimal sign conventions using locale setting LC_NUMERIC
* NEW pstex, pslatex and epslatex terminals share functionality with postscript
* NEW suboptions "set pm3d corners2color min|max"
* NEW suboption "set pm3d depthorder" does hidden-surface removal (sort of)
* NEW linetype colors via "lt {palette {frac <val> | cb <val>}}"
* NEW linetype colors via "lt {rgbcolor {"name" | "#RRGGBB"}}"
* NEW palette and rgb linetype colors apply to all 2D and 3D plot elements
* NEW user defined variables can contain strings
* NEW expression evaluation can manipulate and return strings
* NEW built-in string functions sprintf, gprintf, substr, strstrt, word, words
* NEW built-in string function system("shell command")
* NEW command line macro expansion @<stringvariablename>
* NEW automatic variable $# expanded to number of arguments after "call"
* NEW reading of (almost) arbitrary image binary files
* NEW plot styles "with image" and "with rgbimage"
* NEW plot style "with labels" reads text data along with X/Y/Z coordinates
* NEW plot style "with histograms" creates clustered or stacked histograms
* NEW auto-layout of multiplot using "set multiplot layout <rows>, <cols>"
* NEW variant of plot "with filledcurves" that fills the area between two curves
* NEW variant of "with filledcurves" that fills only above or below the curve
* NEW using options {x|y|z}ticlabels(<col>)
* NEW option to read plot title from data file: set key autotitle columnheader
* NEW command 'set termoption <foo>' changes single property of current terminal
* NEW png driver supports antialiasing and TrueColor images
* NEW encoding koi8-u
* NEW plot style "with vectors" applies to both 2D and 3D plots
* NEW plot style "with points" can read variable point size from input file
* NEW "set tics" can change most settings for {x|y|z|cb}tics at once
* NEW tic scale can be set per axis using "set {x|y|z|cb}tics scale"
* CHANGE history file is written by default
* CHANGE PostScript prolog and character encoding files now maintained separately
* CHANGE Placement of z-axis label in 3D plots is now equivalent to x and y axes
* CHANGE "set ticsscale" is deprecated, use "set tics scale" instead
* CHANGE gnuplot on x11 has mousing always enabled on startup
* CHANGE 'set datafile fortran' is now required in order to read D or Q constants
* CHANGE let the string in '{s}plot ... notitle "string"' be silently ignored
* CHANGE libgd versions 2.0.28+ support GIF images as well as PNG/JPEG
* CHANGE remove old (non-libgd) GIF and PNG drivers
* CHANGE X-resource gnuplot*ctrlq:on requires <ctrl>q to kill plot window
* CHANGE X-resource gnuplot*exportselection:off disables plot->clipboard export
* CHANGE prefer use of offset keyword in 'set [xyz]label "foo" offset -1,-1'
* CHANGE 'set table "outfile"; ...; unset table' replaces 'set term table'
* CHANGE 'defined(foo)' is deprecated; new syntax is 'exists("foo")'
* FIXED empty datafiles are not a fatal error
* FIXED setenv GNUTERM now works for png, jpeg, and gif drivers
* FIXED PostScript output can be restricted to Level 1 compatible features
* FIXED emf output is compatible with MSWin XP SP 2
* FIXED limit size of X11 requests to half the maximum allowed by the X display
* FIXED arrowheads drawn in solid lines even if the shaft is dotted (PostScript)
* FIXED estimate true effective length of strings in enhanced text mode
* FIXED clipping of filled curves
Wed Aug 16 05:37:39 CEST 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de
- gnuplot-4.0.0-fonts.dif: fixed font paths for X.Org 7
Tue Jan 31 12:13:21 CET 2006 - werner@suse.de
- Fix stupid buffer overflow in x11 display program (bug #146870)
Wed Jan 25 21:36:16 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
Thu Jul 21 18:30:36 CEST 2005 - werner@suse.de
- Re-use libgd because we get jpeg/png support with truetype font
and gif dummy support which is png output for term gif (#97208)
Thu Feb 10 02:34:43 CET 2005 - ro@suse.de
- remove dropped tetex subpackages from nfb
Thu Apr 29 11:17:28 CEST 2004 - werner@suse.de
- Use GNU readline library
- Enable thin splines for 3D
Tue Apr 27 18:39:09 CEST 2004 - werner@suse.de
- Update to gnuplot 4.0.0
Tue Apr 20 09:57:36 CEST 2004 - meissner@suse.de
- aliasing fixes.
Thu Oct 16 15:53:25 CEST 2003 - meissner@suse.de
- Do not build as root.
- Fixed lib64 handling to be more correct, since 32bit systems
can now have /lib64/ too.
Fri Jun 13 13:29:01 CEST 2003 - coolo@suse.de
- fixing docs installation
Thu Jun 12 16:41:31 CEST 2003 - coolo@suse.de
- use BuildRoot
Thu Apr 24 12:20:23 CEST 2003 - ro@suse.de
- fix install_info --delete call and move from preun to postun
Tue Mar 25 17:05:21 CET 2003 - werner@suse.de
- Make mouse patch work as it should
Mon Mar 24 19:19:58 CET 2003 - werner@suse.de
- Update to gnuplot 3.7.3
- Port patches (if needed) to 3.7.3
Fri Feb 28 17:20:29 CET 2003 - werner@suse.de
- Fix bug #23417: use intall-info for info file
Fri Nov 22 18:14:40 CET 2002 - werner@suse.de
- Fix buffer overflow
- Fix svgalib handling for secure svgalibs
Tue Sep 17 17:34:28 CEST 2002 - ro@suse.de
- removed bogus self-provides
Fri Jul 26 21:23:27 CEST 2002 - adrian@suse.de
- fix neededforbuild
Mon May 6 18:16:37 CEST 2002 - werner@suse.de
- Do some lib64 stuff
Thu Apr 4 14:44:54 CEST 2002 - ro@suse.de
- more brackets for autoconf
Sun Feb 10 16:52:05 CET 2002 - ro@suse.de
- tar option for bz2 is now "j"
Fri Feb 1 00:26:13 CET 2002 - ro@suse.de
- changed neededforbuild <libpng> to <libpng-devel-packages>
Wed Jan 9 12:48:20 CET 2002 - ro@suse.de
- fixed to compile (don't include fcntl when building the help)
Sat Jan 5 13:16:04 CET 2002 - kukuk@suse.de
- fix neededforbuild (plotutil -> plotutils)
Tue Dec 18 13:26:01 CET 2001 - werner@suse.de
- Be sure that the waitforinput function is called even if real
readline library is used or none interactive mode is on. Be sure
that the buffered token will be handles even if there is no
activity on stdin and set a time out to be not blocked (#12625)
Mon Nov 12 09:56:49 CET 2001 - ro@suse.de
- no svgalib
Tue Jun 12 16:16:05 CEST 2001 - schwab@suse.de
- Fix for new autoconf.
Tue May 8 22:51:41 CEST 2001 - mfabian@suse.de
- bzip2 sources
Thu Mar 29 16:56:17 MEST 2001 - garloff@suse.de
- Prevent stupid rounding errors 10*10^23 instead of 10^24
in graphics.c: mant_exp()
Fri Feb 23 00:10:25 CET 2001 - ro@suse.de
- added readline/readline-devel to neededforbuild (split from bash)
Sun Dec 3 18:21:11 CET 2000 - schwab@suse.de
- Fix resource leak in X11 terminal driver.
Wed Jun 21 19:34:58 CEST 2000 - werner@suse.de
- Add French doc (somewhat out of date)
Wed Jun 7 14:18:22 MEST 2000 - werner@suse.de
- New version 3.7.1 with many bug fixes included
Tue Jun 6 15:15:35 CEST 2000 - uli@suse.de
- moved docs to /usr/share/doc
Fri Feb 25 17:56:31 CET 2000 - kukuk@suse.de
- Move /usr/{info,man} -> /usr/share/{info,man}
Mon Oct 11 23:26:00 CEST 1999 - ro@suse.de
- disabled gdlib support (we have png anyway and gd doesn't support
gif any more)
Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 - bs@suse.de
- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.
Mon May 3 16:35:25 CEST 1999 - werner@suse.de
- Do not use system time because gnuplot interface isn't able
to handle summer time
- Use /tmp/ for temporaray files of demos
Wed Mar 10 12:27:23 MET 1999 - werner@suse.de
- Fix from one of the authors (HBB) to avoid buffer overflow
Tue Mar 9 18:19:17 MET 1999 - werner@suse.de
- New patchlevel 0.1 with patch gnuplot.990304 for security
Tue Mar 2 20:27:11 MET 1999 - werner@suse.de
- New version: 3.7
* add some official fixes
* fix the official fix of fit.c
* add gif and unixplot for output
Sun Aug 23 10:51:12 MEST 1998 - bs@suse.de
- fixed "neededforbuild"
Mon Jul 13 17:32:27 MET DST 1998 - werner@suse.de
- New version: 3.5beta6.347
* Security fix for svga linux driver call
* Some enhancements
* Some bug fixes
Thu Oct 23 13:59:59 MET DST 1997 - werner@suse.de
- New version: 3.5beta6.336
Mon Feb 3 23:03:09 MET 1997 - werner@suse.de
- Update auf Version 3.5-beta-3.6pl319
- Diese Version hat splines und bezier zum Fit f<>r
von Messdaten.
- verschoben von ap1 -> xap1
Wed Nov 13 23:06:41 MET 1996 - werner@suse.de
- Neu Erstellen des Paketes:
Mit vollst<73>ndiger Dokumentation und Beispielen
unter /usr/doc/packages/gnuplot/
- fig und bfig (xfig-Format 2.1)
wird von xfig in xfig-Format 3.2 konvertiert.