#!/bin/sh # Automatically find Provides and Requires for typelib() gobject-introspection bindings. # can be started with -R (Requires) and -P (Provides) # Copyright 2011 by Dominique Leuenberger, Amsterdam, Netherlands (dimstar [at] opensuse.org) # This file is released under the GPLv2 or later. function split_name_version { base=$1 tsymbol=${base%-*} # Sometimes we get a Requires on Gdk.Settings.foo, bebause you can directly use imports.gi.Gdk.Settings.Foo in Javascript. # We know that the symbol in this case is called Gdk, so we cut everything after the . away. symbol=$(echo $tsymbol | awk -F. '{print $1}') version=${base#*-} # In case there is no '-' in the filename, then the split above 'fails' and version == symbol (thus: no version specified) if [ "$tsymbol" = "$version" ]; then unset version fi } function print_req_prov { echo -n "typelib($symbol)" if [ ! -z "$version" ]; then echo " = ${version}" else echo "" fi } function find_provides { while read file; do case $file in *.typelib) split_name_version $(basename $file | sed 's,.typelib$,,') print_req_prov ;; esac done } function python_requires { for module in $(grep -h -P "from gi\.repository import (\w+)" $1 | sed -e 's:#.*::' -e 's:raise ImportError.*::' -e 's:.*"from gi.repository import Foo".*::' | sed -e 's,from gi.repository import,,' -r -e 's:\s+$::g' -e 's:\s+as\s+\w+::g' -e 's:,: :g'); do split_name_version $module print_req_prov # Temporarly disabled... this is not true if the python code is written for python3... And there seems no real 'way' to identify this. # echo "python-gobject >= 2.21.4" done for module in $(grep -h -P -o "(gi\.require_version\(['\"][^'\"]+['\"],\s*['\"][^'\"]+['\"]\))" $1 | sed -e 's:gi.require_version::' -e "s:[()\"' ]::g" -e 's:,:-:'); do split_name_version $module print_req_prov done } function javascript_requires { for module in $(grep -h -P -o "imports\.gi\.([^\s'\";]+)" $1 | grep -v "imports\.gi\.version" | sed -r -e 's,\s+$,,g' -e 's,imports.gi.,,'); do split_name_version $module print_req_prov done for module in $(grep -h -P -o "imports\.gi\.versions.([^\s'\";]+)\s*=\s*['\"].+['\"]" $1 | \ sed -e 's:imports.gi.versions.::' -e "s:['\"]::g" -e 's:=:-:' -e 's: ::g'); do split_name_version $module print_req_prov done } function typelib_requires { split_name_version $(basename $1 | sed 's,.typelib$,,') oldIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for req in $(g-ir-dep-tool $symbol $version); do case $req in typelib:*) module=${req#typelib: } split_name_version $module print_req_prov ;; shlib:*) echo "${req#shlib: }${shlib_64}" ;; esac done IFS=$oldIFS } function find_requires { # Currently, we detect: # - in python: # . from gi.repository import foo [Unversioned requirement of 'foo'] # . from gi.repository import foo-1.0 [versioned requirement] # . gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') (To specify a version.. there is still an import needed) # . And we do not stumble over: # from gi.repository import foo as _bar # from gi.repository import foo, bar # - in JS: # . imports.gi.foo; [unversioned requirement of 'foo'] # . imports.gi.goo-1.0; [versioned requirement] # . imports.gi.versions.Gtk = '3.0'; # . The imports can be listed on one line, and we catch them. while read file; do case $file in *.js) javascript_requires "$file" ;; *.py) python_requires "$file" ;; *.typelib) typelib_requires "$file" ;; *) case $(file -b $file) in Python\ script*) python_requires "$file" ;; esac ;; esac done } function inList() { for word in $1; do [[ "$word" = "$2" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } x64bitarch="x86_64 ppc64 s390x ia64 aarch64" for path in \ $(for tlpath in \ $(find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib64 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/lib -name '*.typelib' 2>/dev/null); do dirname $tlpath; done | uniq ); do export GI_TYPELIB_PATH=$GI_TYPELIB_PATH:$path done if inList "$x64bitarch" "${HOSTTYPE}"; then shlib_64="()(64bit)" fi case $1 in -P) find_provides ;; -R) find_requires ;; esac