Accepting request 492903 from M17N:fonts

Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit

This commit is contained in:
Dominique Leuenberger 2017-05-10 18:34:21 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit 54d5e7ee65
5 changed files with 188 additions and 263 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:05b34d65aecd5c66c4dd8864b0a30aa2a5e02228a69ecac38a84cdcd50c83475
size 93278397

View File

@ -6,87 +6,67 @@ for a in *.zip; do
unzip -o -d $pkg_name $a
rm $pkg_name/LICENSE*.txt
# remove draft fonts for now
rm -f $pkg_name/*Draft.*tf
# use otc file for CJK
rm -f $pkg_name/NotoSans*CJK*.otf
rm $pkg_name/LICENSE_OFL.txt
# remove cjk
rm $pkg_name/*CJK*.?tf
cp -f $ $pkg_name.spec
for h in hinted; do
ls $pkg_name/ | sed -e 's:Noto::' -e 's:-.*\' -e 's:\' -e 's:\.ttc::' | sort -f | uniq | while read font; do
ui=`(echo $font | grep -q UI) && echo UI`
serif=`echo $font | sed 's:\(Sans\|Serif\).*:\1:'`
script=`echo $font | sed "s:$serif\(.*\):\1:"`
if [ ! -z $script ]; then
if [ ! -z $ui ]; then
packagename=`echo "$packagename" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`
if [ $serif == "Sans" ]; then
serif_dsc="Sans Serif "
if [ "$script" == "CJK" ]; then
for l in jp kr sc tc ; do
obsoletes="$obsoletes noto-sans-cjk$l noto-sans-cjk$l-fonts "
for j in zh-CN zh-SG zh-TW zh-HK zh-MO ja ko ; do
scalables="$scalables scalable-font-$j"
if [ ! -z "$script" ]; then
summary=`echo "Noto $script ${serif_dsc}Font" | sed 's:\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\):\1 \2:g'`
summary=`echo "Noto $serif Font" | sed 's:\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\):\1 \2:g'`
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%package -n $packagename\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Summary: $summary\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s;@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@;Group: System/X11/Fonts\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@;" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Requires: $pkg_name-doc\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
for i in $obsoletes ; do
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Obsoletes: $i\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Provides: $i\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
if [ "$script" == "CJK" ]; then
for i in $scalables ; do
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Provides: $i\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Provides: locale(zh_CN;zh_SG;zh_TW;zh_HK;zh_MO)\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%reconfigure_fonts_prereq\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%description -n $packagename\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
if [ ! -z "$script" ]; then
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/$script ${serif_dsc}font, $h.\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/$serif font, $h.\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@/%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n $packagename\n\n@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%files -n $packagename\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%defattr(0644,root,root,755)\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%dir %{_ttfontsdir}\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name.spec
if [ $serif == "ColorEmoji" ]; then
sed -i "s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto$serif$script$ui\*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:" $pkg_name.spec
elif [ "$script" == "CJK" ]; then
sed -i "s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto$serif$script$ui\*.ttc\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto$serif$script$ui-\*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:" $pkg_name.spec
ls $pkg_name/ | sed -e 's:Noto::' -e 's:-.*\' -e 's:\' -e 's:\.ttc::' | sort -f | uniq | while read font; do
ui=`(echo $font | grep -q UI) && echo UI`
serif=`echo $font | sed 's:\(Sans\|Serif\).*:\1:'`
script=`echo $font | sed "s:$serif\(.*\):\1:"`
if [ ! -z $script ]; then
if [ ! -z $ui ]; then
packagename=`echo "$packagename" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`
if [ $serif == "Sans" ]; then
serif_dsc="Sans Serif "
if [ ! -z "$script" ]; then
summary=`echo "Noto $script ${serif_dsc}Font" | sed 's:\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\):\1 \2:g'`
summary=`echo "Noto $serif Font" | sed 's:\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\):\1 \2:g'`
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%package -n $packagename\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Summary: $summary\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s;@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@;Group: System/X11/Fonts\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@;" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Requires: $pkg_name-doc\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
for i in $obsoletes ; do
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Obsoletes: $i\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Provides: $i\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%reconfigure_fonts_prereq\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%description -n $packagename\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
if [ ! -z "$script" ]; then
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/$script ${serif_dsc}font, hinted.\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/$serif font, hinted.\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@/%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n $packagename\n\n@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%files -n $packagename\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%defattr(0644,root,root,755)\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%dir %{_ttfontsdir}\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name.spec
if [ $serif == "ColorEmoji" ]; then
sed -i "s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto$serif$script$ui\*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i "s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto$serif$script$ui-\*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:" $pkg_name.spec
sed -i 's/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@//' $pkg_name.spec

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
Sat Apr 8 05:18:08 UTC 2017 -
- remove CJK from google-noto-fonts. they follow a different release
schedule and they need to be handled separately
Tue Feb 28 16:22:22 UTC 2017 -

View File

@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
%define hmonth 10
%define hday 25
%define src_name NotoFonts
Name: google-noto-fonts
Version: %{hyear}%{hmonth}%{hday}
Release: 0
@ -31,11 +29,9 @@ License: OFL-1.1
Group: System/X11/Fonts
BuildRequires: fontpackages-devel
BuildRequires: unzip
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildArch: noarch
@ -165,7 +161,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-armenian
%description -n noto-sans-armenian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Armenian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Armenian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-avestan-fonts
Summary: Noto Avestan Sans Serif Font
@ -178,7 +174,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-avestan
%description -n noto-sans-avestan-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Avestan Sans Serif font, hinted.
Avestan Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-balinese-fonts
Summary: Noto Balinese Sans Serif Font
@ -191,7 +187,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-balinese
%description -n noto-sans-balinese-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Balinese Sans Serif font, hinted.
Balinese Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-bamum-fonts
Summary: Noto Bamum Sans Serif Font
@ -204,7 +200,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-bamum
%description -n noto-sans-bamum-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Bamum Sans Serif font, hinted.
Bamum Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-batak-fonts
Summary: Noto Batak Sans Serif Font
@ -217,7 +213,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-batak
%description -n noto-sans-batak-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Batak Sans Serif font, hinted.
Batak Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-bengali-fonts
Summary: Noto Bengali Sans Serif Font
@ -230,7 +226,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-bengali
%description -n noto-sans-bengali-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Bengali Sans Serif font, hinted.
Bengali Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-bengali-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Bengali Sans Serif Font
@ -243,7 +239,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-bengali-ui
%description -n noto-sans-bengali-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Bengali Sans Serif font, hinted.
Bengali Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-brahmi-fonts
Summary: Noto Brahmi Sans Serif Font
@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-brahmi
%description -n noto-sans-brahmi-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Brahmi Sans Serif font, hinted.
Brahmi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-buginese-fonts
Summary: Noto Buginese Sans Serif Font
@ -269,7 +265,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-buginese
%description -n noto-sans-buginese-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Buginese Sans Serif font, hinted.
Buginese Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-buhid-fonts
Summary: Noto Buhid Sans Serif Font
@ -282,7 +278,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-buhid
%description -n noto-sans-buhid-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Buhid Sans Serif font, hinted.
Buhid Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-canadianaboriginal-fonts
Summary: Noto Canadian Aboriginal Sans Serif Font
@ -295,7 +291,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-canadianaboriginal
%description -n noto-sans-canadianaboriginal-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
CanadianAboriginal Sans Serif font, hinted.
CanadianAboriginal Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-carian-fonts
Summary: Noto Carian Sans Serif Font
@ -308,7 +304,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-carian
%description -n noto-sans-carian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Carian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Carian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-cham-fonts
Summary: Noto Cham Sans Serif Font
@ -321,7 +317,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-cham
%description -n noto-sans-cham-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Cham Sans Serif font, hinted.
Cham Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-cherokee-fonts
Summary: Noto Cherokee Sans Serif Font
@ -334,44 +330,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-cherokee
%description -n noto-sans-cherokee-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Cherokee Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-cjk-fonts
Summary: Noto CJK Sans Serif Font
Group: System/X11/Fonts
Requires: google-noto-fonts-doc
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjk
Provides: noto-sans-cjk
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkjp
Provides: noto-sans-cjkjp
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkjp-fonts
Provides: noto-sans-cjkjp-fonts
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkkr
Provides: noto-sans-cjkkr
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkkr-fonts
Provides: noto-sans-cjkkr-fonts
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjksc
Provides: noto-sans-cjksc
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjksc-fonts
Provides: noto-sans-cjksc-fonts
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjktc
Provides: noto-sans-cjktc
Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjktc-fonts
Provides: noto-sans-cjktc-fonts
Provides: scalable-font-ja
Provides: scalable-font-ko
Provides: scalable-font-zh-CN
Provides: scalable-font-zh-HK
Provides: scalable-font-zh-MO
Provides: scalable-font-zh-SG
Provides: scalable-font-zh-TW
Provides: locale(zh_CN;zh_SG;zh_TW;zh_HK;zh_MO)
%description -n noto-sans-cjk-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
CJK Sans Serif font, hinted.
Cherokee Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-coptic-fonts
Summary: Noto Coptic Sans Serif Font
@ -384,7 +343,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-coptic
%description -n noto-sans-coptic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Coptic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Coptic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-cuneiform-fonts
Summary: Noto Cuneiform Sans Serif Font
@ -397,7 +356,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-cuneiform
%description -n noto-sans-cuneiform-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Cuneiform Sans Serif font, hinted.
Cuneiform Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-cypriot-fonts
Summary: Noto Cypriot Sans Serif Font
@ -410,7 +369,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-cypriot
%description -n noto-sans-cypriot-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Cypriot Sans Serif font, hinted.
Cypriot Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-deseret-fonts
Summary: Noto Deseret Sans Serif Font
@ -423,7 +382,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-deseret
%description -n noto-sans-deseret-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Deseret Sans Serif font, hinted.
Deseret Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-devanagari-fonts
Summary: Noto Devanagari Sans Serif Font
@ -436,7 +395,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-devanagari
%description -n noto-sans-devanagari-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Devanagari Sans Serif font, hinted.
Devanagari Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-devanagari-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Devanagari Sans Serif Font
@ -449,7 +408,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-devanagari-ui
%description -n noto-sans-devanagari-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Devanagari Sans Serif font, hinted.
Devanagari Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-egyptianhieroglyphs-fonts
Summary: Noto Egyptian Hieroglyphs Sans Serif Font
@ -462,7 +421,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-egyptianhieroglyphs
%description -n noto-sans-egyptianhieroglyphs-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
EgyptianHieroglyphs Sans Serif font, hinted.
EgyptianHieroglyphs Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-ethiopic-fonts
Summary: Noto Ethiopic Sans Serif Font
@ -475,7 +434,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-ethiopic
%description -n noto-sans-ethiopic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Ethiopic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Ethiopic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-georgian-fonts
Summary: Noto Georgian Sans Serif Font
@ -488,7 +447,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-georgian
%description -n noto-sans-georgian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Georgian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Georgian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-glagolitic-fonts
Summary: Noto Glagolitic Sans Serif Font
@ -501,7 +460,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-glagolitic
%description -n noto-sans-glagolitic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Glagolitic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Glagolitic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-gothic-fonts
Summary: Noto Gothic Sans Serif Font
@ -514,7 +473,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-gothic
%description -n noto-sans-gothic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Gothic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Gothic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-gujarati-fonts
Summary: Noto Gujarati Sans Serif Font
@ -527,7 +486,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-gujarati
%description -n noto-sans-gujarati-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Gujarati Sans Serif font, hinted.
Gujarati Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-gujarati-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Gujarati Sans Serif Font
@ -540,7 +499,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-gujarati-ui
%description -n noto-sans-gujarati-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Gujarati Sans Serif font, hinted.
Gujarati Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts
Summary: Noto Gurmukhi Sans Serif Font
@ -553,7 +512,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-gurmukhi
%description -n noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Gurmukhi Sans Serif font, hinted.
Gurmukhi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Gurmukhi Sans Serif Font
@ -566,7 +525,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui
%description -n noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Gurmukhi Sans Serif font, hinted.
Gurmukhi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-hanunoo-fonts
Summary: Noto Hanunoo Sans Serif Font
@ -579,7 +538,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-hanunoo
%description -n noto-sans-hanunoo-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Hanunoo Sans Serif font, hinted.
Hanunoo Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-hebrew-fonts
Summary: Noto Hebrew Sans Serif Font
@ -592,7 +551,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-hebrew
%description -n noto-sans-hebrew-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Hebrew Sans Serif font, hinted.
Hebrew Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-imperialaramaic-fonts
Summary: Noto Imperial Aramaic Sans Serif Font
@ -605,7 +564,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-imperialaramaic
%description -n noto-sans-imperialaramaic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
ImperialAramaic Sans Serif font, hinted.
ImperialAramaic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-inscriptionalpahlavi-fonts
Summary: Noto Inscriptional Pahlavi Sans Serif Font
@ -618,7 +577,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-inscriptionalpahlavi
%description -n noto-sans-inscriptionalpahlavi-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
InscriptionalPahlavi Sans Serif font, hinted.
InscriptionalPahlavi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-inscriptionalparthian-fonts
Summary: Noto Inscriptional Parthian Sans Serif Font
@ -631,7 +590,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-inscriptionalparthian
%description -n noto-sans-inscriptionalparthian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
InscriptionalParthian Sans Serif font, hinted.
InscriptionalParthian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-javanese-fonts
Summary: Noto Javanese Sans Serif Font
@ -644,7 +603,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-javanese
%description -n noto-sans-javanese-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Javanese Sans Serif font, hinted.
Javanese Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-kaithi-fonts
Summary: Noto Kaithi Sans Serif Font
@ -657,7 +616,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-kaithi
%description -n noto-sans-kaithi-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Kaithi Sans Serif font, hinted.
Kaithi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-kannada-fonts
Summary: Noto Kannada Sans Serif Font
@ -670,7 +629,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-kannada
%description -n noto-sans-kannada-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Kannada Sans Serif font, hinted.
Kannada Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-kannada-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Kannada Sans Serif Font
@ -683,7 +642,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-kannada-ui
%description -n noto-sans-kannada-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Kannada Sans Serif font, hinted.
Kannada Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-kayahli-fonts
Summary: Noto Kayah Li Sans Serif Font
@ -696,7 +655,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-kayahli
%description -n noto-sans-kayahli-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
KayahLi Sans Serif font, hinted.
KayahLi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-kharoshthi-fonts
Summary: Noto Kharoshthi Sans Serif Font
@ -709,7 +668,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-kharoshthi
%description -n noto-sans-kharoshthi-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Kharoshthi Sans Serif font, hinted.
Kharoshthi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-khmer-fonts
Summary: Noto Khmer Sans Serif Font
@ -722,7 +681,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-khmer
%description -n noto-sans-khmer-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Khmer Sans Serif font, hinted.
Khmer Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-khmer-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Khmer Sans Serif Font
@ -735,7 +694,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-khmer-ui
%description -n noto-sans-khmer-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Khmer Sans Serif font, hinted.
Khmer Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-lao-fonts
Summary: Noto Lao Sans Serif Font
@ -748,7 +707,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-lao
%description -n noto-sans-lao-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lao Sans Serif font, hinted.
Lao Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-lao-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Lao Sans Serif Font
@ -761,7 +720,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-lao-ui
%description -n noto-sans-lao-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lao Sans Serif font, hinted.
Lao Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-lepcha-fonts
Summary: Noto Lepcha Sans Serif Font
@ -774,7 +733,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-lepcha
%description -n noto-sans-lepcha-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lepcha Sans Serif font, hinted.
Lepcha Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-limbu-fonts
Summary: Noto Limbu Sans Serif Font
@ -787,7 +746,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-limbu
%description -n noto-sans-limbu-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Limbu Sans Serif font, hinted.
Limbu Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-linearb-fonts
Summary: Noto Linear B Sans Serif Font
@ -800,7 +759,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-linearb
%description -n noto-sans-linearb-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
LinearB Sans Serif font, hinted.
LinearB Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-lisu-fonts
Summary: Noto Lisu Sans Serif Font
@ -813,7 +772,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-lisu
%description -n noto-sans-lisu-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lisu Sans Serif font, hinted.
Lisu Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-lycian-fonts
Summary: Noto Lycian Sans Serif Font
@ -826,7 +785,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-lycian
%description -n noto-sans-lycian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lycian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Lycian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-lydian-fonts
Summary: Noto Lydian Sans Serif Font
@ -839,7 +798,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-lydian
%description -n noto-sans-lydian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lydian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Lydian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-malayalam-fonts
Summary: Noto Malayalam Sans Serif Font
@ -852,7 +811,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-malayalam
%description -n noto-sans-malayalam-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Malayalam Sans Serif font, hinted.
Malayalam Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-malayalam-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Malayalam Sans Serif Font
@ -865,7 +824,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-malayalam-ui
%description -n noto-sans-malayalam-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Malayalam Sans Serif font, hinted.
Malayalam Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-mandaic-fonts
Summary: Noto Mandaic Sans Serif Font
@ -878,7 +837,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-mandaic
%description -n noto-sans-mandaic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Mandaic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Mandaic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-meeteimayek-fonts
Summary: Noto Meetei Mayek Sans Serif Font
@ -891,7 +850,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-meeteimayek
%description -n noto-sans-meeteimayek-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
MeeteiMayek Sans Serif font, hinted.
MeeteiMayek Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-mongolian-fonts
Summary: Noto Mongolian Sans Serif Font
@ -904,7 +863,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-mongolian
%description -n noto-sans-mongolian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Mongolian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Mongolian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-myanmar-fonts
Summary: Noto Myanmar Sans Serif Font
@ -917,7 +876,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-myanmar
%description -n noto-sans-myanmar-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Myanmar Sans Serif font, hinted.
Myanmar Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-myanmar-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Myanmar Sans Serif Font
@ -930,10 +889,10 @@ Provides: noto-sans-myanmar-ui
%description -n noto-sans-myanmar-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Myanmar Sans Serif font, hinted.
Myanmar Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-newtailue-fonts
Summary: Noto New TaiLue Sans Serif Font
Summary: Noto New Tai Lue Sans Serif Font
Group: System/X11/Fonts
Requires: google-noto-fonts-doc
Obsoletes: noto-sans-newtailue
@ -943,7 +902,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-newtailue
%description -n noto-sans-newtailue-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
NewTaiLue Sans Serif font, hinted.
NewTaiLue Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-nko-fonts
Summary: Noto NKo Sans Serif Font
@ -956,7 +915,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-nko
%description -n noto-sans-nko-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
NKo Sans Serif font, hinted.
NKo Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-ogham-fonts
Summary: Noto Ogham Sans Serif Font
@ -969,7 +928,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-ogham
%description -n noto-sans-ogham-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Ogham Sans Serif font, hinted.
Ogham Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-olchiki-fonts
Summary: Noto Ol Chiki Sans Serif Font
@ -982,7 +941,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-olchiki
%description -n noto-sans-olchiki-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
OlChiki Sans Serif font, hinted.
OlChiki Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-olditalic-fonts
Summary: Noto Old Italic Sans Serif Font
@ -995,7 +954,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-olditalic
%description -n noto-sans-olditalic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
OldItalic Sans Serif font, hinted.
OldItalic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-oldpersian-fonts
Summary: Noto Old Persian Sans Serif Font
@ -1008,10 +967,10 @@ Provides: noto-sans-oldpersian
%description -n noto-sans-oldpersian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
OldPersian Sans Serif font, hinted.
OldPersian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-oldsoutharabian-fonts
Summary: Noto Old SouthArabian Sans Serif Font
Summary: Noto Old South Arabian Sans Serif Font
Group: System/X11/Fonts
Requires: google-noto-fonts-doc
Obsoletes: noto-sans-oldsoutharabian
@ -1021,7 +980,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-oldsoutharabian
%description -n noto-sans-oldsoutharabian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
OldSouthArabian Sans Serif font, hinted.
OldSouthArabian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-oldturkic-fonts
Summary: Noto Old Turkic Sans Serif Font
@ -1034,7 +993,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-oldturkic
%description -n noto-sans-oldturkic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
OldTurkic Sans Serif font, hinted.
OldTurkic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-oriya-fonts
Summary: Noto Oriya Sans Serif Font
@ -1047,7 +1006,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-oriya
%description -n noto-sans-oriya-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Oriya Sans Serif font, hinted.
Oriya Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-oriya-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Oriya Sans Serif Font
@ -1060,7 +1019,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-oriya-ui
%description -n noto-sans-oriya-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Oriya Sans Serif font, hinted.
Oriya Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-osmanya-fonts
Summary: Noto Osmanya Sans Serif Font
@ -1073,7 +1032,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-osmanya
%description -n noto-sans-osmanya-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Osmanya Sans Serif font, hinted.
Osmanya Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-phagspa-fonts
Summary: Noto Phags Pa Sans Serif Font
@ -1086,7 +1045,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-phagspa
%description -n noto-sans-phagspa-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
PhagsPa Sans Serif font, hinted.
PhagsPa Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-phoenician-fonts
Summary: Noto Phoenician Sans Serif Font
@ -1099,7 +1058,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-phoenician
%description -n noto-sans-phoenician-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Phoenician Sans Serif font, hinted.
Phoenician Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-rejang-fonts
Summary: Noto Rejang Sans Serif Font
@ -1112,7 +1071,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-rejang
%description -n noto-sans-rejang-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Rejang Sans Serif font, hinted.
Rejang Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-runic-fonts
Summary: Noto Runic Sans Serif Font
@ -1125,7 +1084,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-runic
%description -n noto-sans-runic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Runic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Runic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-samaritan-fonts
Summary: Noto Samaritan Sans Serif Font
@ -1138,7 +1097,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-samaritan
%description -n noto-sans-samaritan-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Samaritan Sans Serif font, hinted.
Samaritan Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-saurashtra-fonts
Summary: Noto Saurashtra Sans Serif Font
@ -1151,7 +1110,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-saurashtra
%description -n noto-sans-saurashtra-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Saurashtra Sans Serif font, hinted.
Saurashtra Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-shavian-fonts
Summary: Noto Shavian Sans Serif Font
@ -1164,7 +1123,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-shavian
%description -n noto-sans-shavian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Shavian Sans Serif font, hinted.
Shavian Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-sinhala-fonts
Summary: Noto Sinhala Sans Serif Font
@ -1177,7 +1136,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-sinhala
%description -n noto-sans-sinhala-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Sinhala Sans Serif font, hinted.
Sinhala Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-sundanese-fonts
Summary: Noto Sundanese Sans Serif Font
@ -1190,7 +1149,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-sundanese
%description -n noto-sans-sundanese-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Sundanese Sans Serif font, hinted.
Sundanese Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-sylotinagri-fonts
Summary: Noto Syloti Nagri Sans Serif Font
@ -1203,7 +1162,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-sylotinagri
%description -n noto-sans-sylotinagri-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
SylotiNagri Sans Serif font, hinted.
SylotiNagri Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-symbols-fonts
Summary: Noto Symbols Sans Serif Font
@ -1216,7 +1175,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-symbols
%description -n noto-sans-symbols-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Symbols Sans Serif font, hinted.
Symbols Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-syriaceastern-fonts
Summary: Noto Syriac Eastern Sans Serif Font
@ -1229,7 +1188,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-syriaceastern
%description -n noto-sans-syriaceastern-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
SyriacEastern Sans Serif font, hinted.
SyriacEastern Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-syriacestrangela-fonts
Summary: Noto Syriac Estrangela Sans Serif Font
@ -1242,7 +1201,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-syriacestrangela
%description -n noto-sans-syriacestrangela-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
SyriacEstrangela Sans Serif font, hinted.
SyriacEstrangela Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-syriacwestern-fonts
Summary: Noto Syriac Western Sans Serif Font
@ -1255,7 +1214,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-syriacwestern
%description -n noto-sans-syriacwestern-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
SyriacWestern Sans Serif font, hinted.
SyriacWestern Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-tagalog-fonts
Summary: Noto Tagalog Sans Serif Font
@ -1268,7 +1227,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-tagalog
%description -n noto-sans-tagalog-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tagalog Sans Serif font, hinted.
Tagalog Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-tagbanwa-fonts
Summary: Noto Tagbanwa Sans Serif Font
@ -1281,7 +1240,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-tagbanwa
%description -n noto-sans-tagbanwa-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tagbanwa Sans Serif font, hinted.
Tagbanwa Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-taile-fonts
Summary: Noto Tai Le Sans Serif Font
@ -1294,7 +1253,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-taile
%description -n noto-sans-taile-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
TaiLe Sans Serif font, hinted.
TaiLe Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-taitham-fonts
Summary: Noto Tai Tham Sans Serif Font
@ -1307,7 +1266,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-taitham
%description -n noto-sans-taitham-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
TaiTham Sans Serif font, hinted.
TaiTham Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-taiviet-fonts
Summary: Noto Tai Viet Sans Serif Font
@ -1320,7 +1279,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-taiviet
%description -n noto-sans-taiviet-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
TaiViet Sans Serif font, hinted.
TaiViet Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-tamil-fonts
Summary: Noto Tamil Sans Serif Font
@ -1333,7 +1292,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-tamil
%description -n noto-sans-tamil-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tamil Sans Serif font, hinted.
Tamil Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-tamil-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Tamil Sans Serif Font
@ -1346,7 +1305,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-tamil-ui
%description -n noto-sans-tamil-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tamil Sans Serif font, hinted.
Tamil Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-telugu-fonts
Summary: Noto Telugu Sans Serif Font
@ -1359,7 +1318,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-telugu
%description -n noto-sans-telugu-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Telugu Sans Serif font, hinted.
Telugu Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-telugu-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Telugu Sans Serif Font
@ -1372,7 +1331,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-telugu-ui
%description -n noto-sans-telugu-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Telugu Sans Serif font, hinted.
Telugu Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-thaana-fonts
Summary: Noto Thaana Sans Serif Font
@ -1385,7 +1344,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-thaana
%description -n noto-sans-thaana-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Thaana Sans Serif font, hinted.
Thaana Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-thai-fonts
Summary: Noto Thai Sans Serif Font
@ -1398,7 +1357,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-thai
%description -n noto-sans-thai-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Thai Sans Serif font, hinted.
Thai Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-thai-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Thai Sans Serif Font
@ -1411,7 +1370,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-thai-ui
%description -n noto-sans-thai-ui-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Thai Sans Serif font, hinted.
Thai Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-tibetan-fonts
Summary: Noto Tibetan Sans Serif Font
@ -1424,7 +1383,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-tibetan
%description -n noto-sans-tibetan-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tibetan Sans Serif font, hinted.
Tibetan Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-tifinagh-fonts
Summary: Noto Tifinagh Sans Serif Font
@ -1437,7 +1396,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-tifinagh
%description -n noto-sans-tifinagh-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tifinagh Sans Serif font, hinted.
Tifinagh Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-ugaritic-fonts
Summary: Noto Ugaritic Sans Serif Font
@ -1450,7 +1409,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-ugaritic
%description -n noto-sans-ugaritic-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Ugaritic Sans Serif font, hinted.
Ugaritic Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-ui-fonts
Summary: Noto Sans Font
@ -1476,7 +1435,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-vai
%description -n noto-sans-vai-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Vai Sans Serif font, hinted.
Vai Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-sans-yi-fonts
Summary: Noto Yi Sans Serif Font
@ -1489,7 +1448,7 @@ Provides: noto-sans-yi
%description -n noto-sans-yi-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Yi Sans Serif font, hinted.
Yi Sans Serif font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-fonts
Summary: Noto Serif Font
@ -1515,7 +1474,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-armenian
%description -n noto-serif-armenian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Armenian font, hinted.
Armenian font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-bengali-fonts
Summary: Noto Bengali Font
@ -1528,7 +1487,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-bengali
%description -n noto-serif-bengali-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Bengali font, hinted.
Bengali font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-devanagari-fonts
Summary: Noto Devanagari Font
@ -1541,7 +1500,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-devanagari
%description -n noto-serif-devanagari-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Devanagari font, hinted.
Devanagari font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-georgian-fonts
Summary: Noto Georgian Font
@ -1554,7 +1513,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-georgian
%description -n noto-serif-georgian-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Georgian font, hinted.
Georgian font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-gujarati-fonts
Summary: Noto Gujarati Font
@ -1567,7 +1526,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-gujarati
%description -n noto-serif-gujarati-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Gujarati font, hinted.
Gujarati font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-kannada-fonts
Summary: Noto Kannada Font
@ -1580,7 +1539,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-kannada
%description -n noto-serif-kannada-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Kannada font, hinted.
Kannada font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-khmer-fonts
Summary: Noto Khmer Font
@ -1593,7 +1552,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-khmer
%description -n noto-serif-khmer-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Khmer font, hinted.
Khmer font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-lao-fonts
Summary: Noto Lao Font
@ -1606,7 +1565,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-lao
%description -n noto-serif-lao-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Lao font, hinted.
Lao font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-malayalam-fonts
Summary: Noto Malayalam Font
@ -1619,7 +1578,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-malayalam
%description -n noto-serif-malayalam-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Malayalam font, hinted.
Malayalam font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-tamil-fonts
Summary: Noto Tamil Font
@ -1632,7 +1591,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-tamil
%description -n noto-serif-tamil-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Tamil font, hinted.
Tamil font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-telugu-fonts
Summary: Noto Telugu Font
@ -1645,7 +1604,7 @@ Provides: noto-serif-telugu
%description -n noto-serif-telugu-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Telugu font, hinted.
Telugu font, hinted.
%package -n noto-serif-thai-fonts
Summary: Noto Thai Font
@ -1658,23 +1617,18 @@ Provides: noto-serif-thai
%description -n noto-serif-thai-fonts
Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible
heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains
Thai font, hinted.
Thai font, hinted.
%setup -q -c -n %{name}-%{version}
rm -f *Draft.*tf
# use otc file for CJK
rm -f NotoSans*CJK*.otf
unzip -o %{S:1}
%setup -q -c
# remove cjk
rm -rf *CJK*.?tf
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}
cp *.ttf %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
cp *.ttc %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
cp *.?tf %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n noto-coloremoji-fonts
@ -1720,8 +1674,6 @@ cp *.ttc %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n noto-sans-cherokee-fonts
%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n noto-sans-cjk-fonts
%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n noto-sans-coptic-fonts
%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n noto-sans-cuneiform-fonts
@ -2034,11 +1986,6 @@ cp *.ttc %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
%dir %{_ttfontsdir}
%files -n noto-sans-cjk-fonts
%dir %{_ttfontsdir}
%files -n noto-sans-coptic-fonts
%dir %{_ttfontsdir}

View File

@ -30,11 +30,9 @@ License: OFL-1.1
Group: System/X11/Fonts
BuildRequires: fontpackages-devel
BuildRequires: unzip
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildArch: noarch
@ -53,17 +51,14 @@ License for Google's Noto fonts.
%setup -q -c -n %{name}-%{version}
rm -f *Draft.*tf
# use otc file for CJK
rm -f NotoSans*CJK*.otf
unzip -o %{S:1}
# remove cjk
rm -rf *CJK*.?tf
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}
cp *.ttf %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
cp *.ttc %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/
cp *.?tf %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/