* InfluxDB/Graphite/Postgres: Prevent cross site scripting (XSS) in query editor
* Postgres: Fix template variables error
* Cloudwatch: Fix service panic because of race conditions
* Cloudwatch: Fix check for invalid percentile statistics
* Stackdriver/Cloudwatch: Allow user to change unit in graph panel if cloudwatch/stackdriver datasource response doesn't include unit
* Stackdriver: stackdriver user-metrics duplicated response when multiple resource types
* Variables: Fix text box template variable doesn't work properly without a default value
* Variables: Fix variable dependency check when using ${var} format
* Dashboard: Fix kiosk=1 url parameter should put dashboard in kiosk mode
* LDAP: Fix super admins can also be admins of orgs
* Provisioning: Fix deleting provisioned dashboard folder should cleanup provisioning meta data
* Docker: adds curl back into the docker image for utility
- Update to version 5.3.1
* Render: Fix PhantomJS render of graph panel when legend displayed as table to the right
* Stackdriver: Filter option disappears after removing initial filter
* Elasticsearch: Fix no limit size in terms aggregation for alerting queries
* InfluxDB: Fix for annotation issue that caused text to be shown twice
* Variables: Fix nesting variables leads to exception and missing refresh
* Variables: Prometheus: Single letter labels are not supported
* Graph: Fix graph time formatting for Last 24h ranges
* Playlist: Fix cannot add dashboards with long names to playlist
* HTTP API: Fix /api/org/users so that query and limit querystrings works
- Update to version 5.3.0
* Stackdriver: Filter wildcards and regex matching are not yet supported
* Stackdriver: Support the distribution metric type for heatmaps
* Cloudwatch: Automatically set graph yaxis unit
- Update to version 5.3.0-beta3
* Stackdriver: Fix for missing ngInject
* Permissions: Fix for broken permissions selector
* Alerting: Alert reminders deduping not working as expected when running multiple Grafana instances
- Update to version 5.3.0-beta2
+ New Features
* Annotations: Enable template variables in tagged annotations queries
* Stackdriver: Support for Google Stackdriver Datasource
+ Minor
* Provisioning: Dashboard Provisioning now support symlinks that changes target
* OAuth: Allow oauth email attribute name to be configurable
* Tags: Default sort order for GetDashboardTags
* Prometheus: Label completion queries respect dashboard time range
* Prometheus: Allow to display annotations based on Prometheus series value
* Prometheus: Adhoc-filtering for Prometheus dashboards
* Singlestat: Fix gauge display accuracy for percents
* Dashboard: Prevent auto refresh from starting when loading dashboard with absolute time range
* Templating: New templating variable type Text box that allows free text input
* Alerting: Link to view full size image in Microsoft Teams alert notifier
* Alerting: Fixes a bug where all alerts would send reminders after upgrade & restart
* Alerting: Concurrent render limit for graphs used in notifications
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add support for replacing $__interval and $__interval_ms in alert queries
- Update to version 5.3.0-beta1
+ New Major Features
* Alerting: Notification reminders
* Dashboard: TV & Kiosk mode changes, new cycle view mode button in dashboard toolbar
* OAuth: Gitlab OAuth with support for filter by groups
* Postgres: Graphical query builder
+ New Features
* LDAP: Define Grafana Admin permission in ldap group mappings, PR
* LDAP: Client certificates support
* Profile: List teams that the user is member of in current/active organization
* Configuration: Allow auto-assigning users to specific organization (other than Main. Org) and
* Dataproxy: Pass configured/auth headers to a Datasource
* CloudWatch: GetMetricData support
* Postgres: TimescaleDB support, e.g. use time_bucket for grouping by time when option enabled
* Cleanup: Make temp file time to live configurable
+ Minor
* Alerting: Its now possible to configure the default value for how to handle errors and no data in alerting
* Alerting: Fix diff and percent_diff reducers
* Alerting: Fix rendering timeout which could cause notifications to not be sent due to rendering timing out
* Docker: Make it possible to set a specific plugin url
* GrafanaCli: Fixed issue with grafana-cli install plugin resulting in corrupt http response from source error
* Provisioning: Should allow one default datasource per organisation
* Github OAuth: Allow changes of user info at Github to be synched to Grafana when signing in
* OAuth: Fix overriding tls_skip_verify_insecure using environment variable
* Prometheus: Fix graph panel bar width issue in aligned prometheus queries
* Prometheus: Heatmap - fix unhandled error when some points are missing
* Prometheus: Add $__interval, $__interval_ms, $__range, $__range_s & $__range_ms support for dashboard and template queries
* Elasticsearch: For alerting/backend, support having index name to the right of pattern in index pattern
* Graphite: Fix for quoting of int function parameters (when using variables)
* InfluxDB: Support timeFilter in query templating for InfluxDB
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: New $__unixEpochGroup and $__unixEpochGroupAlias macros
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add previous fill mode to $__timeGroup macro which will fill in previously seen value when point is missing
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Use floor rounding in $__timeGroup macro function
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Use metric column as prefix when returning multiple value columns
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: New $__timeGroupAlias macro. Postgres $__timeGroup no longer automatically adds time column alias
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Escape single quotes in variables
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Min time interval support
* MySQL/MSSQL: Use datetime format instead of epoch for $__timeFilter, $__timeFrom and $__timeTo macros
* Postgres: Escape ssl mode parameter in connectionstring
* Cloudwatch: Improved error handling
* Cloudwatch: AppSync metrics and dimensions
* Cloudwatch: Direct Connect metrics and dimensions
* Cloudwatch: Added BurstBalance metric to list of AWS RDS metrics
* Cloudwatch: Add new Redshift metrics and dimensions
* Dashboard: Fix selecting current dashboard from search should not reload dashboard
* Dashboard: Use uid when linking to dashboards internally in a dashboard
* Graph: Option to hide series from tooltip
* Singlestat: Make colorization of prefix and postfix optional in singlestat
* Table: Adjust header contrast for the light theme
* Table: Fix link color when using light theme and thresholds in use
* Table: Fix for useless horizontal scrollbar for table panel
* Table: Make table sorting stable when null values exist
* Heatmap: Fix broken tooltip and crosshair on Firefox
* Datasource: Fix UI issue with secret fields after updating datasource
* Variables: Skip unneeded extra query request when de-selecting variable values used for repeated panels
* Variables: Limit amount of queries executed when updating variable that other variable(s) are dependent on
* Variables: Support query variable refresh when another variable referenced in Regex field change its value
* Variables: Support variables in query variable Custom all value field
* Units: Change units to include characters for power of 2 and 3
* Units: Polish złoty currency
* Units: Adds bitcoin axes unit
* Api: Delete nonexistent datasource should return 404
* Logging: Reopen log files after receiving a SIGHUP signal
* Login: Show loading animation while waiting for authentication response on login
* UI: Fix iOS home screen "app" icon and Windows 10 app experience
* Plugins: Convert URL-like text to links in plugins readme
+ Breaking changes
* Postgres datasource no longer automatically adds time column alias when using the $__timeGroup alias. However, there's code in place which should make this change backward compatible and shouldn't create any issues
* Kiosk mode now also hides submenu (variables)
* ?inactive url parameter no longer supported, replaced with kiosk=tv url parameter
+ New experimental features
* Dashboard: Auto fit dashboard panels to optimize space used for current TV / Monitor
+ Tech
* Frontend: Convert all Frontend Karma tests to Jest tests
* Backend: Upgrade to golang 1.11
- Update to version 5.2.4
* GrafanaCli: Fixed issue with grafana-cli install plugin resulting in corrupt http response from source error
- Update to version 5.2.3
* Important fix for LDAP & OAuth login vulnerability
- Update to version 5.2.2
* Prometheus: Fix graph panel bar width issue in aligned prometheus queries
* Dashboard: Dashboard links not updated when changing variables
* Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix connection leak
* Plugins: Fix loading of external plugins
* Dashboard: Remove unwanted scrollbars in embedded panels
* Prometheus: Prevent error using $__interval_ms in query
- Update to version 5.2.1
* Auth Proxy: Important security fix for whitelist of IP address feature
* UI: Fix - Grafana footer overlapping page
* Logging: Errors should be reported before crashing
- Update to version 5.2.0-stable
* Plugins: Handle errors correctly when loading datasource plugin thx
* Render: Enhance error message if phantomjs executable is not found
* Dashboard: Set correct text in drop down when variable is present in url
* LDAP: Handle "dn" ldap attribute more gracefully
- Update to version 5.2.0-beta3
* Build: All rpm packages should be signed
- Update to version 5.2.0-beta2
+ New Features
* Dashboard: Import dashboard to folder
+ Minor
* Permissions: Important security fix for API keys with viewer role
* Dashboard: Fix so panel titles doesn't wrap
* Dashboard: Prevent double-click when saving dashboard
* Dashboard: AutoFocus the add-panel search filter thx
* Units: W/m2 (energy), l/h (flow) and kPa (pressure)
* Units: Litre/min (flow) and milliLitre/min (flow)
* Alerting: Fix mobile notifications for Microsoft Teams alert notifier
* Influxdb: Add support for mode function
* Cloudwatch: Fixes panic caused by bad timerange settings
* Auth Proxy: Whitelist proxy IP address instead of client IP address
* User Management: Make sure that a user always has a current org assigned
* Snapshots: Fix: annotations not properly extracted leading to incorrect rendering of annotations
* LDAP: Allow use of DN in group_search_filter_user_attribute and member_of