Accepting request 1105873 from home:mkittler:branches:server:monitoring
- Update to version 10.1.0: * Features and enhancements - Usage stats: Tune collector execution startup and interval. - Prometheus: Add support for day_of_year. - Transforms: Add Alpha Format Time Transform. - Prometheus: Add present_over_time syntax highlighting. - Login: Show oauth error messages inline. - Geomap: Promote route + photos layer to beta, promote geojson layer to stable. - Dashboards: Add Angular deprecation alert in data source query editor. - Auth: Lock organization roles for users who are managed through an external auth provider. - Tranformations: True OUTER JOIN in the join by field transformation used for tabular data . - NestedFolders: Enable new nested folder picker by default for nested folders. - Alerting: Add dashboardUID and panelID query parameters for loki state history. - Feature toggles management: Define get feature toggles api. - Prometheus: Turn browser resource cache on by default. - Alerting: Improve alerts names visibility on narrow panels. - Data Sources: Remove Admin/Data sources page in favour of Connections/Data sources. - Loki: Enable Query Splitting by default. - AuthN: Lock down manual role updates for users synced through Grafana Com portal. - Tempo: Remove traceqlSearch feature toggle. - Alerting: Keep legacy alert rule maxDataPoints and intervalMs during migration. - Alerting: Add min interval option to alert rule query creation. - Alerting: Add View YAML button for Grafana/provisioned rules. - Plugin: Remove error on invalid version. - Traces: Enable showing trace ids. - RBAC: Split non-empty scopes into kind, attribute and identifier fields for better search performance. - Adminstration: Feature toggle for feature toggle admin page. - Alerting: Improve performance of matching captures. - CommandPalette: Remove parent search and fuzzy search for pages. - Tracing: Remove newTraceViewHeader feature toggle. - FlameGraph: Add column in table with buttons to filter and sandwich a symbol. - Units: Added support for Candela (cd). - Alerting: Add contact point provisioning file export. - Redshift: Support caching async aws queries. - Alerting: Save and restore condition reference while switching type. - Explore: Remove exploreMixedDatasource feature toggle. - OAuth: Introduce user_refresh_token setting and make it default for the selected providers. - Alerting: Adds support for toggling common labels. - Plugin: Validate plugin version on installation. - Explore: Replaced deprecated 'query' property with 'queries' in splitOpen. - Plugins: Remove logs button instead of disabling it. - Traces: Add inline validation and greater precision to duration fields in span filters. - Alert: Change error icon to exclamation-circle. - Field Config: Add new units (mΩ, kHz, MHz, GHz, ac, ha). - Plugins: Fail plugins installation on wrong args provided. - Logs: Display log row menu cell on displayed fields. - Auth: Move LDAP debug to Authentication menu. - AzureMonitor: Add switch to control time-range for Logs queries. - Alerting: Changes to evaluation group step. - PanelInspect: Clean table display settings from field config. - QueryBuilder: Preserve queries when switching from Mixed. - Public Dashboard: Redesign modal (v2). - Tracing: Add services, depth to span filters metadata. - PluginExtensions: Add category to link extensions. - Alerting: Add smart type selection when creating a new alert rule. - Alerting: Keep rule form buttons always on top. - Feat: Match allowed cookies with optional character. - Plugins: Add feature toggle for Temporary Credentials. - Tracing: Show next/prev buttons when span filters are collapsed. - Heatmap: Add datalink support. - Table: Add custom cell rendering option. - Alerting: Use new "Label" components for alert instance labels. - Prometheus: Add disableRecordingRules datasource config. - Alerting: Use ToggleTip instead of Hovercard in the info popup on Math expressions. - Alerting: Improve time range and max data points info in QueryEditor. - A11y: Do not force colors in the color swatch and icon series. - A11y: Add support for toggle buttons in high contrast mode. - LogContext: Make centered row unsticky on click. - LogContext: Add button to scroll to center. - Alerting: Render folder selector in options for Alert List Panel only when having Grafana datasource. - Connections console: Add Angular badge for Angular plugins. - Flamegraph: Add switch for color scheme by value or by package. - Auth: Enforce role sync except if skip org role sync is enabled. - AuthZ: Extend /api/search to work with self-contained permissions. - Login: Adjust error message when user exceed login attempts. - Nested folders: Paginate child folder items. - Units: Add events/messages/records/rows throughput units. - Plugins: Enable feature toggles for long running queries by deafult. - I18n: Translate phrases for new Browse Dashboards. - Flamegraph: Prevent cropping of tooltip by bottom of the viewport. - Pyroscope: Preselect default profile type or app in the query editor dropdown. - Trend: Support disconnect values and connect nulls options. - StateTimeline: Add disconnect value option. - DSPicker: Use new DS picker everywhere. - Alerting: Reduce number of unnecessary request in the alert list panel in case …. - Docs: Update query and resource caching documentation to improve clarity and add additional context. - Alerting: Adds in-app documentation for Classic Conditions. - Alerting: Display a warning when a contact point is not in use. - Dashboards: Support an auto refresh interval that is based on the query range. - Loki: Preserve pipeline stages in context query. - Logs: Link anchored logline when opening context in split view. - Prometheus: Add capability to filter label names by metric in template variable editor. - Alerting: Expression card improvements. - Logs: Show active state of "filter for value" buttons in Logs Details. - Loki: Deprecate resolution. - PanelPlugin: Allow hiding standard field config from defaults. - InteractiveTable: Add pagination and header tooltips. - FlameGraph: Add sandwich view. - Login: Show error messages inline in form instead of in toasts. - Elasticsearch: Enable logs samples for metric queries. - Geomap: Add network layer. - Alerting: Bump grafana/alerting and refactor the ImageStore/Provider to provide image URL/bytes. - Auth: Support google OIDC and group fetching. - Alerting: Make QueryEditor not collapsable. - TimeSeries: Add option to disconnect values. - Logs: Add toggle behavior support for "filter for" and "filter out" label within Logs Details. - Plugins: Periodically update public signing key. - Navigation: Add navigation customization options to config documentation. - Config: Add configuration option to define custom user-facing general error message for certain error types. - Alerting: Add notification policy provisioning file export. - CloudWatch: Add missing EventBridge Pipe metrics. - SSE: Support for ML query node. - Database: Make dialects independent of xorm Engine. - Mysql Tests: For mysql5.7 integration tests use utf8mb4 charset. - Alerting: Show disabled provisioned evaluation group. - Auth: Support Gitlab OIDC scopes. - InfluxDB: Backend parser compatibility with frontend parser. - PublicDashboards: Audit table pagination. - CloudWatch: Add missing AWS/FSx metrics. - Variables: Show description instead of definition in table. - Alerting: Repurpose rule testing endpoint to return potential alerts. - NestedFolders: Move New folder into a drawer. - Loki: Implement step editor. - DataFrame: Align frame ( and field naming ( - Auth: Use auth broker by default. - Dashboards: Add dashboard embed route. - Nested folders: Improve loading states. - Alerting: Use monaco editor for admin page. - Legend: Sort by name. - QueryField: Set default value for onBlur prop. - Tempo: TraceQL editor - Match type of new values with values in dropdown. - Logs: Add permalink to log lines. - Logs: Implement "infinite" scrolling in log context. - Tracing: Use new DataSourceDescription component. - Plugin Extensions: Custom limits for extensions-per-plugin. - Alerting: Display error if repeat interval is lower than group interval. - Tracing: Move upload trace to button. - I18n: Add server config to detect browser language. - Tempo: Represent OTLP Span Intrinsics correctly. - News: Expose config option to disable News feed. - Alerting: Change how we display annotations in the rule form. - Azure: AzureMonitorMetrics - change response to be dataplane compliant. - JoinDataFrames: Keep field name if possible. - Dashboards: Data source template variable options now specify a current value using uid. - Alerting: Add more context to delete modals. - Plugins: Forbid loading Angular plugins when Angular is disabled. - Tempo: TraceQL query response streaming. - Catalog: Display badges for Angular plugins and disable install if Angular is disabled. - Chore: Adding "allowed_groups" Configuration Parameter to Generic OAuth Method. - Loki: Add support for distinct operation in autocomplete and query builder. - Chore: Avoid unnecessary byte/string conversions. - Loki: Implement decolorize logql operation. - CloudWatch: Wrap VariableEditor dimension fields. - TimeSeries: Add zoom-out functionality on double click. - Plugins: Bump Plugin SDK version and address instance management breaking changes. - FlameGraph: Add option to align text left or right. - Logs: Added copy-to-clipboard fallback support and visual feedback after copying. - Auth: Respect cache control for JWKS in auth.jwt. - Pyroscope: Rename phlare to grafana-pyroscope-datasource. - Alerting: Add notification policies preview in alert creation. - Page: Add inline rename functionality. - Tracing: Rename reset to clear for consistency. - Alerting: Adds support for timezones in mute timings. - Datasources: Deprecate and log creating/updating datasources with invalid UIDs. - Tracing: Upgrade tracing data source configuration editors. - Loki: Preserve pre-selected labels in the log context UI. - NestedFolders: Improve performance of Browse Dashboards by loading one page at a time. - Plugins: Add a new UI Extension type. - StateTimeline: Support hideFrom field config. - Chore: Remove alpha icon panel. - PublicDashboards: Support timezone on query API. - API: Add deprecation notice for updating folder UID. - Accessibility: Make QueryOptions in Phlare and Parca accessible. - Chore: Test datasource to support template $seriesIndex in label values. - Loki: Add functionality to revert to initial query in log context. - Alerting: Reorder new alert and export buttons. - Accessibility: Prevent TimePickerContent overflowing page height. - Build: Update plugin installation in custom Dockerfile. - Alerting: Enable alerts preview on notification policies page. - Accessibility: Adds aria tags to VizTooltip so screen readers announce them. - Breadcrumbs: Don't add breadcrumb for the current tab. - NewsDrawer: Add grot to news drawer (after news items). - Tempo: Integrate scoped tags API. - Auth: Use PKCE by default (If OAuth provider supports PKCE). - Accessibility: Add Skip to content link. - Auth: Add alpha version of the Extended JWT client. - Alerting: Add option for memberlist label. - Breadcrumbs: Improve responsiveness. - PluginExtensions: Expose scopedVars via the context to plugins that extends the dashboard panel menu. - Trace View: Rename span detail attribute sections. - Correlations: Add links to prometheus dataframe where labels are split out. - Theme: Change dark theme borders to improve contrast on primary background. - Alerting: Refactor the ImageStore/Provider to provide image URL/bytes. - Alerting: Allow to tab onto elements for a11y. - Grafana: Upgrades mysql images from 5.7 to 8. - Frontend logging: Remove Sentry javascript agent support. - HTTP: Add TLS version configurability for grafana server. - NestedFolders: Use new Browse Dashboards UI behind feature flag. - CloudWatch: Remove dynamic labels feature toggle. - Suggestions: Prioritize preferred visualizations for suggestion list. - Explore: Allow the use of plugin panels. - Grafana/ui: Add UserIcon and UsersIndicator components. - Connections: Simplify connections nav. - Variables: Add support for $__timezone template variable. - Design System: Refactor IconButton and update documentation. - CloudWatch: Update metric stat editor to match aws statistics. - Chore: Replace go-multierror with errors package. - Explore: Make toolbar action extendable by plugins. - Loki: Add the ability to prettify logql queries. - TimeSeries / StateTimeline: Add support for rendering enum fields. - Elasticsearch: Improve query type selection. - Metrics: Update Help to mention active viewers. - MySQL: Add option to allow cleartext passwords. - Platform: Add support for Postgresql pgpass file. - ServiceAccounts: Add secret scan service docs. - Azure: Configuration for user identity authentication in datasources (Experimental). * Bug fixes - DataSourceProxy: Fix url validation error handling. - AzureMonitor: Allow serviceTags and tags to be empty for trace results. - UserSync: Avoid UpdateLastSeenAt with invalid user ids. - Nested folders: Fix search query for empty self-contained permissions. - Auth: Lock down Grafana admin role updates if the role is externally synced. - DS Picker: Ignore capitalization when sorting dropdown list. - Logs: Fix ui getting stuck when removing fields. - Data sources: Dashboards page now loads correctly from direct url. - Provisioning: Fix overwrite SecureJSONData on provisioning. - Loki: Run logs volume for query when switching from trace to logs. - Alerting: Fix refetching grafana rules on alert list panel. - Alerting: Fix contact point testing with secure settings. - Alerting: Exclude expression refIDs from NoData state. - Alerting: Fix state manager to not keep datasource_uid and ref_id labels in state after Error. - Dashboards: Fix small drop target for importing dashboards. - TimeSeries: Fix zoom not working after editing panel. - Dashboard: New Datasource picker link is keyboard accessible. - CloudMonitoring: Correctly set title and text fields for annotations. - AzureMonitor: Fix ResourcePicker hanging. - Fix: Hide Forward OAuth Identity toggle when azure auth is enabled. - Flamegraph: Fix wrong positioning of tooltip in dashboards. - Dashboards: Save tags on dashboard creation. - A11y: Fix keyboard accessibility in LayerDragDropList. - DataLinks: Fix bug where links which used built in variables could be hidden. - LogContext: Fix a bug where multiple logs with similar nanosecond timestamps were loaded too often. - Dashboard: Slider overlapping with right input field. - Alerting: Support spaces in alert names for creating silence links. - Swagger: Fix response for the search users endpoint. - Auth: Fix US gov azure ad oauth URL parsing. - SSE: DSNode to update result with names to make each value identifiable by labels (only Graphite and TestData). - PanelChrome: Fixes issues with hover header and resizing panel above. - Dashboard: Add suggestion box for Flame Graph. - Slug: Use urlencoding to support non-ASCII characters. - Checkbox: Fix alignment in Safari. - Alerting: Fixes clone url for instances hosted on sub path. - Alerting: Support concurrent queries for saving alert instances. - Dashboards: Allow dashboards with same name in different folders. - Query: Fix concurrency handling for mixed datasource queries. - Alerting: Allow executing "hidden" queries. - EchoBackend: Make EchoSrvTransport batched. - CodeEditor: Ensure suggestions only apply to the instance of the editor that registered them. - NestedFolders: Ensure New dashboard page has the correct breadcrumb hierarchy. - Transformations: Config overrides being lost when config from query transform is applied. - Azure: Fix Kusto auto-completion for Azure datasources. - Loki: Fix parsing of escaped quotes in LogQL. - Loki: Fix showing of correct line limit in options. - Alerting: Fix notification policies inheritance algorithm. - Checkbox: Fix extraneous right hand margin when no label is present. - Preferences: Can reset timezone preference back to default correctly. - Azuremonitor: Multi resource fix. - AzureMonitor: Support multi-resource aliases and subscription aliases. - Revert: Allow editors to access GET /datasources. - MySQL: Use transaction_isolation instead of tx_isolation. - Logs: Change logic creating uid in LogRowModel. - Dashboard: Re-align Save form. - Elasticsearch: Implement filter query to not run hidden queries trough backend. - Elasticsearch: Fix passing of limit and datalinks to logs data frame. - Dashboards: Improve delete dashboard performance due to slow annotations query. - Elasticsearch: Handle no-index case in backend mode. - GrafanaUI: Support Tooltip as Dropdown child. - Node graph: Fix req/s in value. - FlameGraph: Debounce search update preventing too frequent rerenders. - Settings: Add ability to override skip_org_role_sync with Env variables. - DarkTheme: Fix dark theme shadows. - Heatmap: Fix color rendering for value ranges < 1. - AzureMonitor: Clear queries if header value changes. - AzureMonitor: Fix logs query multi-resource and timespan values. - CloudWatch: Use grafana-aws-sdk v0.15.0. - Datasource: Fix missing raw SQL query in Query Inspector when query returns zero rows. - LibraryPanels: Don't include ScopedVars with persisted model. - Elasticsearch: Fix processing of logs with not-recognized time format. - Google Cloud Monitor: Fix mem usage for dropdown. - Cloudwatch Logs: Ignore non-time grouping fields in expressions and alerts. - Correlations: Enable traceView formatted links. - SQL Datasources: Reinstate SQL data source behavior around database selection when default configured databases already exist. - API: Fix status code when starring already starred dashboard. - Dashboard: Update query group options. * Breaking changes - This change impacts all instances that use external authentication providers to manage users and organization role assignments. From Grafana 10.1, it will no longer be possible to manually update organization roles (Viewer, Editor and Admin) that are managed by an external auth provider. We are making this change to clearly separate between roles managed by an external auth provider and manually assigned roles, which increases security and clarity around role management. If you prefer to manually set user organization roles, use skip_org_role_sync option in the Grafana configuration file of your OAuth provider. Refer to the release notes of Grafana 9.5 for context on the previous work done to build up to this change. - This change impacts GitHub OAuth, Gitlab OAuth, Okta OAuth and Generic OAuth Currently if no organization role mapping is found for a user when connecting via OAuth, Grafana doesn’t update the user’s organization role. With Grafana 10.1, on every login, if the role_attribute_path property does not return a role, then the user is assigned the role specified by the auto_assign_org_role option. To avoid overriding manually set roles, enable the skip_org_role_sync option in the Grafana configuration for your OAuth provider. - InfluxDB backend parser returns incompatible data with frontend. The data was being parsed by frontend and we moving towards migrating InfluxDB fully backend. One caveat is Frontend is generating data frames with fields Time and Value. The backend parser, however, generates time and value. This is causing issues and inconsistencies for the features (i.e. transformations) relying on those. In order to have a unique approach we choose to support what most of the users already have. Existing Transformations that depend on time fields have to be updated to use Time fields. - For accessibility reasons tooltip or aria-label are now required properties for IconButton. In order to continue to use IconButton, you must ensure all IconButton components have a corresponding tooltip or aria-label text. The tooltip text will also be used as the aria-label if you didn't set one separately. In case you add an aria-label the IconButton will not show a tooltip. - The implementation for template macro ${} was not always correct, resulting in an interpolation that was very different from the series name displayed in the visualization. We have now fixed this issue so that it does show the same name. Depending on how ${} is used this could result in a minor breaking change. - The data source template variable type has changed the way it represents its options. The text field still represents the data source name, but the value has been changed to the uid of the data source. This allows dashboards to declare the currently selected option by uid, however it changes how a datasource template variable value will be rendered by default. If the name of the data source is expected, the variable syntax will have to be changed to specify the text format. - We are changing the logic that creates uid in LogRowModel. Previously, for uid we used id field from log's data frame. Unfortunately, when users run multiple queries that returned duplicate logs data, uid was not unique which was causing bugs. To make uid unique across multiple queries that return duplicate logs data, we are now prepending uid with refId of query that produced the log line. We recommend not to rely on LogRowModel uid and instead use dataFrame id field. - The deprecated support for monitoring Grafana frontend using Sentry javascript agent has been removed in this release. If you have frontend logging enabled and are sending telemetry to Sentry by setting sentry_dsn configuration property, this will no longer work. Otherwise, if frontend logging is enabled, it will now automatically use Grafana Faro agent. * Deprecations - The query parameter of Explore's SplitOpen function is deprecated (passed in mapInternalLinkToExplore). Please use the queries parameter instead, which allows passing multiple queries to SplitOpen function. To pass a single query to SplitOpen function, set the queries parameter to an array containing that single query. - Starting with 10.0, changing the folder UID is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. Please avoid using it because it can result in folder losing its permissions. * Plugin development fixes & changes - GrafanaUI: Define tooltip or aria-label as required for IconButton. - Select: Performance improvements when opening menu and when hovering over options. - ConfirmModal: Ignore case for confirmation text. - Grafana/ui: Fix margin in RadioButtonGroup option when only icon is present. OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<param name="exclude">.git</param>
<param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@</param>
<param name="versionrewrite-pattern">v(.*)</param>
<param name="revision">v10.0.3</param>
<param name="revision">v10.1.0</param>
<param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
<service name="recompress" mode="disabled">
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<service name="tar_scm">
<param name="url"></param>
<param name="changesrevision">eb8dd7263774270427606573496c748c8c1fec2d</param>
<param name="changesrevision">ff85ec33c56ffe567e6bde27473d9493eb70c743</param>
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:bb7dae9dfe0b4d24c1a404f3cf57e575547bd2d15b8968e2394ad36eb30a2711
size 73581682
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:00a22910aba724892a34168c703da5305b66f55d68712737e22df95465f1667a
size 74830919
@ -1,3 +1,499 @@
Thu Aug 24 14:00:45 UTC 2023 -
- Update to version 10.1.0:
* Features and enhancements
- Usage stats: Tune collector execution startup and interval.
- Prometheus: Add support for day_of_year.
- Transforms: Add Alpha Format Time Transform.
- Prometheus: Add present_over_time syntax highlighting.
- Login: Show oauth error messages inline.
- Geomap: Promote route + photos layer to beta, promote geojson
layer to stable.
- Dashboards: Add Angular deprecation alert in data source
query editor.
- Auth: Lock organization roles for users who are managed
through an external auth provider.
- Tranformations: True OUTER JOIN in the join by field
transformation used for tabular data .
- NestedFolders: Enable new nested folder picker by default for
nested folders.
- Alerting: Add dashboardUID and panelID query parameters for
loki state history.
- Feature toggles management: Define get feature toggles api.
- Prometheus: Turn browser resource cache on by default.
- Alerting: Improve alerts names visibility on narrow panels.
- Data Sources: Remove Admin/Data sources page in favour of
Connections/Data sources.
- Loki: Enable Query Splitting by default.
- AuthN: Lock down manual role updates for users synced through
Grafana Com portal.
- Tempo: Remove traceqlSearch feature toggle.
- Alerting: Keep legacy alert rule maxDataPoints and intervalMs
during migration.
- Alerting: Add min interval option to alert rule query
- Alerting: Add View YAML button for Grafana/provisioned rules.
- Plugin: Remove error on invalid version.
- Traces: Enable showing trace ids.
- RBAC: Split non-empty scopes into kind, attribute and
identifier fields for better search performance.
- Adminstration: Feature toggle for feature toggle admin page.
- Alerting: Improve performance of matching captures.
- CommandPalette: Remove parent search and fuzzy search for
- Tracing: Remove newTraceViewHeader feature toggle.
- FlameGraph: Add column in table with buttons to filter and
sandwich a symbol.
- Units: Added support for Candela (cd).
- Alerting: Add contact point provisioning file export.
- Redshift: Support caching async aws queries.
- Alerting: Save and restore condition reference while
switching type.
- Explore: Remove exploreMixedDatasource feature toggle.
- OAuth: Introduce user_refresh_token setting and make it
default for the selected providers.
- Alerting: Adds support for toggling common labels.
- Plugin: Validate plugin version on installation.
- Explore: Replaced deprecated 'query' property with 'queries'
in splitOpen.
- Plugins: Remove logs button instead of disabling it.
- Traces: Add inline validation and greater precision to
duration fields in span filters.
- Alert: Change error icon to exclamation-circle.
- Field Config: Add new units (mΩ, kHz, MHz, GHz, ac, ha).
- Plugins: Fail plugins installation on wrong args provided.
- Logs: Display log row menu cell on displayed fields.
- Auth: Move LDAP debug to Authentication menu.
- AzureMonitor: Add switch to control time-range for Logs
- Alerting: Changes to evaluation group step.
- PanelInspect: Clean table display settings from field config.
- QueryBuilder: Preserve queries when switching from Mixed.
- Public Dashboard: Redesign modal (v2).
- Tracing: Add services, depth to span filters metadata.
- PluginExtensions: Add category to link extensions.
- Alerting: Add smart type selection when creating a new alert
- Alerting: Keep rule form buttons always on top.
- Feat: Match allowed cookies with optional character.
- Plugins: Add feature toggle for Temporary Credentials.
- Tracing: Show next/prev buttons when span filters are
- Heatmap: Add datalink support.
- Table: Add custom cell rendering option.
- Alerting: Use new "Label" components for alert instance
- Prometheus: Add disableRecordingRules datasource config.
- Alerting: Use ToggleTip instead of Hovercard in the info
popup on Math expressions.
- Alerting: Improve time range and max data points info in
- A11y: Do not force colors in the color swatch and icon
- A11y: Add support for toggle buttons in high contrast mode.
- LogContext: Make centered row unsticky on click.
- LogContext: Add button to scroll to center.
- Alerting: Render folder selector in options for Alert List
Panel only when having Grafana datasource.
- Connections console: Add Angular badge for Angular plugins.
- Flamegraph: Add switch for color scheme by value or by
- Auth: Enforce role sync except if skip org role sync is
- AuthZ: Extend /api/search to work with self-contained
- Login: Adjust error message when user exceed login attempts.
- Nested folders: Paginate child folder items.
- Units: Add events/messages/records/rows throughput units.
- Plugins: Enable feature toggles for long running queries by
- I18n: Translate phrases for new Browse Dashboards.
- Flamegraph: Prevent cropping of tooltip by bottom of the
- Pyroscope: Preselect default profile type or app in the query
editor dropdown.
- Trend: Support disconnect values and connect nulls options.
- StateTimeline: Add disconnect value option.
- DSPicker: Use new DS picker everywhere.
- Alerting: Reduce number of unnecessary request in the alert
list panel in case ….
- Docs: Update query and resource caching documentation to
improve clarity and add additional context.
- Alerting: Adds in-app documentation for Classic Conditions.
- Alerting: Display a warning when a contact point is not in
- Dashboards: Support an auto refresh interval that is based on
the query range.
- Loki: Preserve pipeline stages in context query.
- Logs: Link anchored logline when opening context in split
- Prometheus: Add capability to filter label names by metric in
template variable editor.
- Alerting: Expression card improvements.
- Logs: Show active state of "filter for value" buttons in Logs
- Loki: Deprecate resolution.
- PanelPlugin: Allow hiding standard field config from
- InteractiveTable: Add pagination and header tooltips.
- FlameGraph: Add sandwich view.
- Login: Show error messages inline in form instead of in
- Elasticsearch: Enable logs samples for metric queries.
- Geomap: Add network layer.
- Alerting: Bump grafana/alerting and refactor the
ImageStore/Provider to provide image URL/bytes.
- Auth: Support google OIDC and group fetching.
- Alerting: Make QueryEditor not collapsable.
- TimeSeries: Add option to disconnect values.
- Logs: Add toggle behavior support for "filter for" and
"filter out" label within Logs Details.
- Plugins: Periodically update public signing key.
- Navigation: Add navigation customization options to config
- Config: Add configuration option to define custom user-facing
general error message for certain error types.
- Alerting: Add notification policy provisioning file export.
- CloudWatch: Add missing EventBridge Pipe metrics.
- SSE: Support for ML query node.
- Database: Make dialects independent of xorm Engine.
- Mysql Tests: For mysql5.7 integration tests use utf8mb4
- Alerting: Show disabled provisioned evaluation group.
- Auth: Support Gitlab OIDC scopes.
- InfluxDB: Backend parser compatibility with frontend parser.
- PublicDashboards: Audit table pagination.
- CloudWatch: Add missing AWS/FSx metrics.
- Variables: Show description instead of definition in table.
- Alerting: Repurpose rule testing endpoint to return potential
- NestedFolders: Move New folder into a drawer.
- Loki: Implement step editor.
- DataFrame: Align frame ( and field naming
- Auth: Use auth broker by default.
- Dashboards: Add dashboard embed route.
- Nested folders: Improve loading states.
- Alerting: Use monaco editor for admin page.
- Legend: Sort by name.
- QueryField: Set default value for onBlur prop.
- Tempo: TraceQL editor - Match type of new values with values
in dropdown.
- Logs: Add permalink to log lines.
- Logs: Implement "infinite" scrolling in log context.
- Tracing: Use new DataSourceDescription component.
- Plugin Extensions: Custom limits for extensions-per-plugin.
- Alerting: Display error if repeat interval is lower than
group interval.
- Tracing: Move upload trace to button.
- I18n: Add server config to detect browser language.
- Tempo: Represent OTLP Span Intrinsics correctly.
- News: Expose config option to disable News feed.
- Alerting: Change how we display annotations in the rule form.
- Azure: AzureMonitorMetrics - change response to be dataplane
- JoinDataFrames: Keep field name if possible.
- Dashboards: Data source template variable options now specify
a current value using uid.
- Alerting: Add more context to delete modals.
- Plugins: Forbid loading Angular plugins when Angular is
- Tempo: TraceQL query response streaming.
- Catalog: Display badges for Angular plugins and disable
install if Angular is disabled.
- Chore: Adding "allowed_groups" Configuration Parameter to
Generic OAuth Method.
- Loki: Add support for distinct operation in autocomplete and
query builder.
- Chore: Avoid unnecessary byte/string conversions.
- Loki: Implement decolorize logql operation.
- CloudWatch: Wrap VariableEditor dimension fields.
- TimeSeries: Add zoom-out functionality on double click.
- Plugins: Bump Plugin SDK version and address instance
management breaking changes.
- FlameGraph: Add option to align text left or right.
- Logs: Added copy-to-clipboard fallback support and visual
feedback after copying.
- Auth: Respect cache control for JWKS in auth.jwt.
- Pyroscope: Rename phlare to grafana-pyroscope-datasource.
- Alerting: Add notification policies preview in alert
- Page: Add inline rename functionality.
- Tracing: Rename reset to clear for consistency.
- Alerting: Adds support for timezones in mute timings.
- Datasources: Deprecate and log creating/updating datasources
with invalid UIDs.
- Tracing: Upgrade tracing data source configuration editors.
- Loki: Preserve pre-selected labels in the log context UI.
- NestedFolders: Improve performance of Browse Dashboards by
loading one page at a time.
- Plugins: Add a new UI Extension type.
- StateTimeline: Support hideFrom field config.
- Chore: Remove alpha icon panel.
- PublicDashboards: Support timezone on query API.
- API: Add deprecation notice for updating folder UID.
- Accessibility: Make QueryOptions in Phlare and Parca
- Chore: Test datasource to support template $seriesIndex in
label values.
- Loki: Add functionality to revert to initial query in log
- Alerting: Reorder new alert and export buttons.
- Accessibility: Prevent TimePickerContent overflowing page
- Build: Update plugin installation in custom Dockerfile.
- Alerting: Enable alerts preview on notification policies
- Accessibility: Adds aria tags to VizTooltip so screen readers
announce them.
- Breadcrumbs: Don't add breadcrumb for the current tab.
- NewsDrawer: Add grot to news drawer (after news items).
- Tempo: Integrate scoped tags API.
- Auth: Use PKCE by default (If OAuth provider supports PKCE).
- Accessibility: Add Skip to content link.
- Auth: Add alpha version of the Extended JWT client.
- Alerting: Add option for memberlist label.
- Breadcrumbs: Improve responsiveness.
- PluginExtensions: Expose scopedVars via the context to
plugins that extends the dashboard panel menu.
- Trace View: Rename span detail attribute sections.
- Correlations: Add links to prometheus dataframe where labels
are split out.
- Theme: Change dark theme borders to improve contrast on
primary background.
- Alerting: Refactor the ImageStore/Provider to provide image
- Alerting: Allow to tab onto elements for a11y.
- Grafana: Upgrades mysql images from 5.7 to 8.
- Frontend logging: Remove Sentry javascript agent support.
- HTTP: Add TLS version configurability for grafana server.
- NestedFolders: Use new Browse Dashboards UI behind feature
- CloudWatch: Remove dynamic labels feature toggle.
- Suggestions: Prioritize preferred visualizations for
suggestion list.
- Explore: Allow the use of plugin panels.
- Grafana/ui: Add UserIcon and UsersIndicator components.
- Connections: Simplify connections nav.
- Variables: Add support for $__timezone template variable.
- Design System: Refactor IconButton and update documentation.
- CloudWatch: Update metric stat editor to match aws
- Chore: Replace go-multierror with errors package.
- Explore: Make toolbar action extendable by plugins.
- Loki: Add the ability to prettify logql queries.
- TimeSeries / StateTimeline: Add support for rendering enum
- Elasticsearch: Improve query type selection.
- Metrics: Update Help to mention active viewers.
- MySQL: Add option to allow cleartext passwords.
- Platform: Add support for Postgresql pgpass file.
- ServiceAccounts: Add secret scan service docs.
- Azure: Configuration for user identity authentication in
datasources (Experimental).
* Bug fixes
- DataSourceProxy: Fix url validation error handling.
- AzureMonitor: Allow serviceTags and tags to be empty for
trace results.
- UserSync: Avoid UpdateLastSeenAt with invalid user ids.
- Nested folders: Fix search query for empty self-contained
- Auth: Lock down Grafana admin role updates if the role is
externally synced.
- DS Picker: Ignore capitalization when sorting dropdown list.
- Logs: Fix ui getting stuck when removing fields.
- Data sources: Dashboards page now loads correctly from direct
- Provisioning: Fix overwrite SecureJSONData on provisioning.
- Loki: Run logs volume for query when switching from trace to
- Alerting: Fix refetching grafana rules on alert list panel.
- Alerting: Fix contact point testing with secure settings.
- Alerting: Exclude expression refIDs from NoData state.
- Alerting: Fix state manager to not keep datasource_uid and
ref_id labels in state after Error.
- Dashboards: Fix small drop target for importing dashboards.
- TimeSeries: Fix zoom not working after editing panel.
- Dashboard: New Datasource picker link is keyboard accessible.
- CloudMonitoring: Correctly set title and text fields for
- AzureMonitor: Fix ResourcePicker hanging.
- Fix: Hide Forward OAuth Identity toggle when azure auth is
- Flamegraph: Fix wrong positioning of tooltip in dashboards.
- Dashboards: Save tags on dashboard creation.
- A11y: Fix keyboard accessibility in LayerDragDropList.
- DataLinks: Fix bug where links which used built in variables
could be hidden.
- LogContext: Fix a bug where multiple logs with similar
nanosecond timestamps were loaded too often.
- Dashboard: Slider overlapping with right input field.
- Alerting: Support spaces in alert names for creating silence
- Swagger: Fix response for the search users endpoint.
- Auth: Fix US gov azure ad oauth URL parsing.
- SSE: DSNode to update result with names to make each value
identifiable by labels (only Graphite and TestData).
- PanelChrome: Fixes issues with hover header and resizing
panel above.
- Dashboard: Add suggestion box for Flame Graph.
- Slug: Use urlencoding to support non-ASCII characters.
- Checkbox: Fix alignment in Safari.
- Alerting: Fixes clone url for instances hosted on sub path.
- Alerting: Support concurrent queries for saving alert
- Dashboards: Allow dashboards with same name in different
- Query: Fix concurrency handling for mixed datasource queries.
- Alerting: Allow executing "hidden" queries.
- EchoBackend: Make EchoSrvTransport batched.
- CodeEditor: Ensure suggestions only apply to the instance of
the editor that registered them.
- NestedFolders: Ensure New dashboard page has the correct
breadcrumb hierarchy.
- Transformations: Config overrides being lost when config from
query transform is applied.
- Azure: Fix Kusto auto-completion for Azure datasources.
- Loki: Fix parsing of escaped quotes in LogQL.
- Loki: Fix showing of correct line limit in options.
- Alerting: Fix notification policies inheritance algorithm.
- Checkbox: Fix extraneous right hand margin when no label is
- Preferences: Can reset timezone preference back to default
- Azuremonitor: Multi resource fix.
- AzureMonitor: Support multi-resource aliases and subscription
- Revert: Allow editors to access GET /datasources.
- MySQL: Use transaction_isolation instead of tx_isolation.
- Logs: Change logic creating uid in LogRowModel.
- Dashboard: Re-align Save form.
- Elasticsearch: Implement filter query to not run hidden
queries trough backend.
- Elasticsearch: Fix passing of limit and datalinks to logs
data frame.
- Dashboards: Improve delete dashboard performance due to slow
annotations query.
- Elasticsearch: Handle no-index case in backend mode.
- GrafanaUI: Support Tooltip as Dropdown child.
- Node graph: Fix req/s in value.
- FlameGraph: Debounce search update preventing too frequent
- Settings: Add ability to override skip_org_role_sync with Env
- DarkTheme: Fix dark theme shadows.
- Heatmap: Fix color rendering for value ranges < 1.
- AzureMonitor: Clear queries if header value changes.
- AzureMonitor: Fix logs query multi-resource and timespan
- CloudWatch: Use grafana-aws-sdk v0.15.0.
- Datasource: Fix missing raw SQL query in Query Inspector when
query returns zero rows.
- LibraryPanels: Don't include ScopedVars with persisted model.
- Elasticsearch: Fix processing of logs with not-recognized
time format.
- Google Cloud Monitor: Fix mem usage for dropdown.
- Cloudwatch Logs: Ignore non-time grouping fields in
expressions and alerts.
- Correlations: Enable traceView formatted links.
- SQL Datasources: Reinstate SQL data source behavior around
database selection when default configured databases already
- API: Fix status code when starring already starred dashboard.
- Dashboard: Update query group options.
* Breaking changes
- This change impacts all instances that use external
authentication providers to manage users and organization
role assignments.
From Grafana 10.1, it will no longer be possible to manually
update organization roles (Viewer, Editor and Admin) that are
managed by an external auth provider. We are making this
change to clearly separate between roles managed by an
external auth provider and manually assigned roles, which
increases security and clarity around role management.
If you prefer to manually set user organization roles, use
skip_org_role_sync option in the Grafana configuration file
of your OAuth provider.
Refer to the release notes of Grafana 9.5 for context on the
previous work done to build up to this change.
- This change impacts GitHub OAuth, Gitlab OAuth, Okta OAuth
and Generic OAuth
Currently if no organization role mapping is found for a
user when connecting via OAuth, Grafana doesn’t update the
user’s organization role.
With Grafana 10.1, on every login, if the
role_attribute_path property does not return a role, then
the user is assigned the role specified by the
auto_assign_org_role option.
To avoid overriding manually set roles, enable the
skip_org_role_sync option in the Grafana configuration for
your OAuth provider.
- InfluxDB backend parser returns incompatible data with
frontend. The data was being parsed by frontend and we
moving towards migrating InfluxDB fully backend. One caveat
is Frontend is generating data frames with fields Time and
Value. The backend parser, however, generates time and
value. This is causing issues and inconsistencies for the
features (i.e. transformations) relying on those. In order
to have a unique approach we choose to support what most of
the users already have. Existing Transformations that depend
on time fields have to be updated to use Time fields.
- For accessibility reasons tooltip or aria-label are now
required properties for IconButton. In order to continue to
use IconButton, you must ensure all IconButton components
have a corresponding tooltip or aria-label text. The tooltip
text will also be used as the aria-label if you didn't set
one separately. In case you add an aria-label the IconButton
will not show a tooltip.
- The implementation for template macro ${} was
not always correct, resulting in an interpolation that was
very different from the series name displayed in the
visualization. We have now fixed this issue so that it does
show the same name. Depending on how ${} is
used this could result in a minor breaking change.
- The data source template variable type has changed the way
it represents its options. The text field still represents
the data source name, but the value has been changed to the
uid of the data source. This allows dashboards to declare
the currently selected option by uid, however it changes how
a datasource template variable value will be rendered by
default. If the name of the data source is expected, the
variable syntax will have to be changed to specify the text
- We are changing the logic that creates uid in LogRowModel.
Previously, for uid we used id field from log's data frame.
Unfortunately, when users run multiple queries that returned
duplicate logs data, uid was not unique which was causing
bugs. To make uid unique across multiple queries that return
duplicate logs data, we are now prepending uid with refId of
query that produced the log line. We recommend not to rely
on LogRowModel uid and instead use dataFrame id field.
- The deprecated support for monitoring Grafana frontend using
Sentry javascript agent has been removed in this release. If
you have frontend logging enabled and are sending telemetry
to Sentry by setting sentry_dsn configuration property, this
will no longer work. Otherwise, if frontend logging is
enabled, it will now automatically use Grafana Faro agent.
* Deprecations
- The query parameter of Explore's SplitOpen function is
deprecated (passed in mapInternalLinkToExplore). Please use
the queries parameter instead, which allows passing multiple
queries to SplitOpen function. To pass a single query to
SplitOpen function, set the queries parameter to an array
containing that single query.
- Starting with 10.0, changing the folder UID is deprecated. It
will be removed in a future release. Please avoid using it
because it can result in folder losing its permissions.
* Plugin development fixes & changes
- GrafanaUI: Define tooltip or aria-label as required for
- Select: Performance improvements when opening menu and when
hovering over options.
- ConfirmModal: Ignore case for confirmation text.
- Grafana/ui: Fix margin in RadioButtonGroup option when only
icon is present.
Wed Jul 26 09:02:02 UTC 2023 -
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
Name: grafana
Version: 10.0.3
Version: 10.1.0
Release: 0
Summary: The open-source platform for monitoring and observability
License: AGPL-3.0-only
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:04ca60cfce14f0f98e353428a1bbdcc7783cca042267b233ff9de66a7859219d
size 22840484
oid sha256:e12dba43ac224eb5b1da78781b224c9d051f85482353ece11a90606e57fc7e72
size 29428691
Reference in New Issue
Block a user