- Update to 9.3.6 (2023-01-26) * Bug fixes - **QueryEditorRow:** Fixes issue loading query editor when data source variable selected. - Update to 9.3.4 (2023-01-25) * Features and enhancements - **Prometheus:** Add default editor configuration. - **TextPanel:** Refactor to functional component. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix webhook to use correct key for decrypting token. - **Alerting:** Set error annotation on EvaluationError regardless of underlying error type. - **Datasources:** Fix Proxy by UID Failing for UIDs with a Hyphen. - **Elasticsearch:** Fix creating of span link with no tags. - **Elasticsearch:** Fix failing requests when using SigV4. - **Elasticsearch:** Fix toggle-settings are not shown correctly. - **Explore:** Be sure time range key bindings are mounted after clear. - **Explore:** Unsync time ranges when a pane is closed. - **Logs:** Lines with long words do not break properly. - **Loki:** Fix misaligned derived fields settings. - **Query Builder:** Fix max width of input component to prevent overflows. - **Search:** Auto focus input elements. - **Search:** Fix empty folder message showing when by starred dashboards. - **Table Panel:** Fix image of image cell overflowing table cell and cells ignoring text alignment setting when a data link is added. - Update to 9.3.2 (2023-12-13) * Features and enhancements - **Graphite:** Process multiple queries to Graphite plugin. * Bug fixes - **API:** Fix delete user failure due to quota not enabled. - **Accessibility:** Improved keyboard accessibility in BarGauge. - **Accessibility:** Improved keyboard accessibility in BigValue. - **Alerting:** Use the QuotaTargetSrv instead of the QuotaTarget in quota check. - **AzureMonitor:** Automate location retrieval. - **AzureMonitor:** Fix bad request when setting dimensions. - **BarChart:** Fix value mappings. - **Build:** Streamline and sync dockerfiles. - **Build:** Unified dockerfile for all builds. - **CloudWatch:** Fix - make sure dimensions are propagated to alert query editor. - **Cloudwatch:** Fix deeplink with default region. - **Command Palette:** Fix not being able to type if triggered whilst another modal is open. - **Command Palette:** Maintain page state when changing theme. - **Dashboards:** Fix 'Make Editable' button not working in Dashboard Settings. - **Dashboards:** Show error when data source is missing. - **Datasource:** Fix - apply default query also to queries in new panels. - **Dropdown:** Menu now closes correctly when selecting options on touch devices. - **Influx:** Query segment menus now position correctly near the bottom of the screen. - **Login:** Fix failure to login a new user via an external provider if quota are enabled. - **Loki/Prometheus:** Fix wrong queries executed in split view. - **Loki:** Fix wrongly escaped label values when using LabelFilter. - **Navigation:** Prevent app crash when importing a dashboard with a uid of `home`. - **Panel Edit:** Fix data links edit icons being off screen when provided title is too long. - **Prometheus:** Fix exemplar fill color to match series color in time series. - **Prometheus:** Fix exemplars not respecting corresponding series display status. - **StateTimeline:** Fix negative infinity legend/tooltip from thresholds. - **Table:** Fixes row border style not showing and colored rows blending together. - **Tempo:** Fix TraceQL autocomplete issues. - **TimePicker:** Prevent TimePicker overflowing viewport on small screens. - **TimeRangePicker:** Fix recently ranges only not showing all recent ranges. - **TimeZonePicker:** Scroll menu correctly when using keyboard controls. - Update to 9.3.1 (2022-11-30) * Features and enhancements - **Connections:** Update "Your connections/Data sources" page. * Bug fixes - **Accessibility:** Increase badge constrast to be WCAG AA compliant. - Update to 9.3.0 (2022-11-30) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Enable interpolation for notification policies in file provisioning. - **Azure Monitor Logs:** Avoid warning when the response is empty. - **Azure Monitor:** Add support to customized routes. - **Canvas:** Add icon value mapping. - **CloudWatch:** Cross-account querying support. - **Docs:** Update `merge-pull-request.md` regarding backport policies. - **GaugePanel:** Setting the neutral-point of a gauge. - **Geomap:** Improve location editor. - **Internationalization:** Enable internationalization by default. - **Logs:** Add `Download logs` button to log log-browser. - **Loki:** Add `gzip` compression to resource calls. - **Loki:** Add improvements to loki label browser. - **Loki:** Make label browser accessible in query builder. - **Loki:** Remove raw query toggle. - **Middleware:** Add CSP Report Only support. - **Navigation:** Prevent viewer role accessing dashboard creation, import and folder creation. - **OAuth:** Refactor OAuth parameters handling to support obtaining refresh tokens for Google OAuth. - **Oauth:** Display friendly error message when role_attribute_strict=true and no valid role found. - **Preferences:** Add confirmation modal when saving org preferences. - **PublicDashboards:** Orphaned public dashboard deletion script added. - **Query Editor:** Hide overflow for long query names. - **Reports:** Configurable timezone. (Enterprise) - **Solo Panel:** Configurable timezone. - **TablePanel:** Add support for Count calculation per column or per entire dataset. - **Tempo:** Send the correct start time when making a TraceQL query. - **Various Panels:** Remove beta label from Bar Chart, Candlestick, Histogram, State Timeline, & Status History Panels. * Bug fixes - **Access Control:** Clear user's permission cache after resource creation. - **Access Control:** Clear user's permission cache after resource creation. - **Accessibility:** Improve keyboard accessibility in `AnnoListPanel`. - **Accessibility:** Improve keyboard accessibility in `Collapse`. - **Accessibility:** Improve keyboard accessibility in `GettingStarted` panel. - **Accessibility:** Improve keyboard accessibility of `FilterPill`. - **Admin:** Fix broken links to image assets in email templates. - **Azure Monitor:** Fix namespace selection for storageaccounts. - **Calcs:** Fix difference percent in legend. - **DataLinks:** Improve Data-Links AutoComplete Logic. - **Explore:** Fix a11y issue with logs navigation buttons. - **Heatmap:** Fix blurry text & rendering. - **Heatmap:** Fix tooltip y range of top and bottom buckets in calculated heatmaps. - **Logs:** Fix misalignment of LogRows. - **Navigation:** Stop clearing search state when opening a result in a new tab. - **OptionsUI:** SliderValueEditor does not get auto focused on slider change. - **PanelEdit:** Fixes bug with not remembering panel options pane collapse/expand state. - **Query Caching:** Skip 207 status codes. (Enterprise) - **Quota:** Fix failure in store due to missing scope parameters. - **Quota:** Fix failure when checking session limits. - **Reports:** Fix time preview. (Enterprise) - **StateTimeline:** Prevent label text from overflowing state rects. - **Tempo:** Fix search table duration unit. - **TraceView:** Fix broken rendering when scrolling in Dashboard panel in Firefox. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **GrafanaUI:** Add disabled option for menu items. - Update to 9.2.4 (2022-11-07) * Features and enhancements - **Access Control:** Add an endpoint for setting several managed resource permissions. - **Accessibility:** Increase `Select` placeholder contrast to be WCAG AA compliant. - **Alerting:** Append org ID to alert notification URLs. - **Alerting:** Make the Grouped view the default one for Rules. - **Build:** Remove unnecessary alpine package updates. - **Chore:** Upgrade Go to 1.19.3. - **Google Cloud Monitoring:** Set frame interval to draw null values. - **Instrumentation:** Expose when the binary was built as a gauge. - **Loki:** Preserve `X-ID-Token` header. - **Search:** Reduce requests in folder view. - **TimeSeries:** More thorough detection of negative values for auto-stacking direction. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Attempt to preserve UID from migrated legacy channel. - **Alerting:** Fix response is not returned for invalid Duration in Provisioning API. - **Alerting:** Fix screenshot is not taken for stale series. - **Auth:** Fix admins not seeing pending invites. - **MSSQL/Postgres:** Fix visual query editor filter disappearing. - **Tempo:** Fix dropdown issue on tag field focus. - **Timeseries:** Fix null pointer when matching fill below to field. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **Toolkit:** Fix Webpack less-loader config. - Update to 9.2.3 (2022-10-31) * Features and enhancements - **Docs:** Add information about DB version support to upgrade guide. - **Footer:** Update footer release notes link to Github changelog. - **Prometheus:** Do not drop errors in streaming parser. - **Prometheus:** Flavor/version configuration. - **Prometheus:** Provide label values match parameter API when supported prometheus instance is configured. - **Security:** Upgrade x/text to version unaffected by CVE-2022-32149. * Bug fixes - **Access control:** Fix a bug with argument order for data source managed permission updates. (Enterprise) - **Auth:** Fix GF_AUTH_JWT_URL_LOGIN env variable doesn't work. - **Live:** Explicitly reply with http 200. - **Prometheus:** Fix builder operation mode changing multiselect to single select behaviour. - **Prometheus:** Fix builder operation mode changing multiselect to single select behaviour. - **Security:** Fix vulnerabilities in webpack loader-utils. - Update to 9.2.2 (2022-10-25) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Add support for wecom apiapp. - **Canvas:** Improve resource picker initialization. - **Canvas:** Improve text element readability. - **CloudWatch:** Make sure adoption tracking is done on valid, migrated queries. - **Dashboard:** Alerts user to incorrect tag format for JSON import. - **MSSQL:** Support tables from all schemas. - **Opentsdb:** Allow template variables for filter keys. - **Prometheus:** Provide label values match parameter API when supported prometheus instance is configured. - **QueryEditor:** Revert components from grafana-ui. - **TeamSync:** Allow team sync when external organization mapping returns no organization role. (Enterprise) * Bug fixes - **Browse:** Fix General folder not showing in FolderPicker. - **Elasticsearch:** Fix calculation of trimEdges in alert mode. - **Elasticsearch:** Fix trimEdges delete logic in alert mode. - **GoogleOAuth:** Unlock User Admin UI. - **LogContext:** Fix wrong color of `show context` icon in light theme. - **Loki:** Fix adding of adhoc filters to stream selector when query with empty stream selector. - **Loki:** Fix double stringified log-lines when copied via Copy button. - **Loki:** Fix explain section about $\_\_interval variable. - **Loki:** Remove already selected options from next label filter options in builder. - **NodeGraph:** Fix rendering issues when values of arc are over 1. - **PublicDashboards:** Fix hidden queries execution. - **PublicDashboards:** Fix hidden queries execution. - **Tempo:** Fix Node Graph visualization type in dashboard. - **TimeSeries:** Fix stacking when first value is negative zero. - **TimeseriesPanel:** Fix variables in data links. - **User:** Fix externalUserId not being populated. * Breaking changes We added some components a bit too early to @grafana/ui in 9.2 so we are moving them back to @grafana/experimental. If you used any of these components - AccessoryButton - EditorFieldGroup - EditorHeader - EditorField - EditorRow - EditorList - EditorRows - EditorSwitch - FlexItem - Stack - InlineSelect - InputGroup - Space Please use them from grafana/experimental from now on. - Update to 9.2.1 (2022-10-18) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Improve notification policies created during migration. - **AzureAD:** Add option to force fetch the groups from the Graph API. - **AzureAD:** Add option to force fetch the groups from the Graph API. - **Docs:** Note end of release notes publication. - **Inspect:** Handle JSON tab crash when the provided object is too big to stringify. - **TablePanel:** Footer now updates values on column filtering. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix email image embedding on Windows. - **Alerting:** Fix mathexp.NoData for ConditionsCmd. - **Legacy Alerting:** Fix duration calculation when testing a rule. - **Loki:** Propagate additional headers from Grafana to Loki when querying data. - **Search:** Sort alphabetically in the folder view, increase the limit of the folder search from 50 to 1000. - **TablePanel:** Fix last table column to be centered. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **Grafana UI:** Export prop types for queryfield, modal and field components. - **Toolkit:** Fix `Cannot use import statement outside...` error in tests. - Update to 9.2.0 (2022-10-11) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Add Notification error feedback on contact points view. - **Alerting:** Allow created by to be manually set when there's no creator for silences. - **Alerting:** Expose info about notification delivery errors in a new /receivers endpoint. - **Alerting:** Update imported prometheus alertmanager version. - **Alerting:** Update imported prometheus alertmanager version. Backport. - **Alerting:** Write and Delete multiple alert instances. - **Core:** Implement aria attributes for query rows, improve a11y. - **Custom Branding:** Remove custom branding service. (Enterprise) - **Custom branding:** Remove UI. (Enterprise) - **DevEnv:** Adds docker block for clickhouse. - **Docker:** removes unneccesary use of edge repo. - **Explore:** Revert split pane resize feature. - **Frontend:** Make local storage items propagate to different tabs immediately. - **PublicDashboards:** Allow disabling an existent public dashboard if it …. - **QueryEditorRow:** Only pass error to query editor if panel is not in a loading state. - **Reports:** Refresh query variables on time range change. (Enterprise) - **XYChart:** Beta release. - **[9.2.x] Alerting:** Start ticker only when scheduler starts. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix pq: missing FROM-clause for table "a". - **AzureMonitor:** Correctly update subscriptions value in ARG editor. - **Chore:** Fix swagger validation failures. (Enterprise) - **Chore:** Regenerate swagger specification and fix validation failures. - **Correlations:** Only return correlation for which both source and target datasources exist. - **Explore:** Prevent panes from disappearing when resizing window in split view. - **Links:** Fix opening links from different orgs on the same tab. - **LogContext:** Fix scroll position in upper context group. - **Logs:** Show copy button independently from context. - **Loki/Prometheus:** Fix adding of ad hoc filters when jumping from dashboard to explore. - **Loki:** Add support for range aggregations with by grouping. - **Loki:** Fix label-value escaping in context query. - **Loki:** Fix redundant escaping in adhoc filter with regex match. - **PanelEdit:** Fixes resize pane border and spacing issues. - **PublicDashboards:** Fix dashboard insights query when Public Dashboard feature is enabled. (Enterprise) - **PublicDashboards:** Fix dashboard insights query when Public Dashboard feature is enabled. (Enterprise) - **RBAC:** Redirect to /login when forceLogin is set. - **SAML:** Fix RelayState generation function. (Enterprise) - **Security:** Fix CVE-2022-27664. - **StateTimeline:** Fix tooltip showing erroneously in shared crosshair dashboards. - **Tempo:** Fix unexpected trimming of leading zeroes in traceID. - **Tracing:** Fix bug where errors are not reported to OpenTelemetry. - Update to 9.1.8 (2022-10-11) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Update imported prometheus alertmanager version. Backport. - **Chore:** Upgrade Go to 1.19.2. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix evaluation interval validation. - **Alerting:** Fix migration to create rules with group index 1. - **Alerting:** Fix migration to not add label "alertname". - **Azure Monitor:** Fix empty Logs response for Alerting. - **Azure Monitor:** Fix subscription selector when changing data sources. - **Caching:** Fix wrong memcached setting name in defaults. (Enterprise) - **Google Cloud Monitoring:** Fix bucket bound for distributions. - Update to 9.1.7 (2022-10-04) * Features and enhancements - **Chore:** Upgrade Go version to 1.19.1 (backport). - **CloudWatch:** Add missing AWS/Prometheus metrics. - **Explore:** Add feature tracking events. - **Graphite:** Add error information to graphite queries tracing. - **Prometheus:** Restore FromAlert header. - **SAML:** Account for all orgs in org_mapping. (Enterprise) - **Search:** Add search index configuration options. - **Thresholds:** Add option for dashed line style. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix default query's data source when no default datasource specified. - **Alerting:** Fix mathexp.NoData cannot be reduced. - **Alerting:** Skip unsupported file types on provisioning. - **AzureMonitor:** Ensure resourceURI template variable is migrated. - **Dashboard:** Fix plugin dashboard save as button. - **Docs:** Fix decimals: auto docs for panel edit. - **Fix:** RBAC handle `error no resolver` found. - **Fix:** RBAC handle `error no resolver` found. (Enterprise) - **LibraryPanelSearch:** Refactor and fix hyphen issue. - **Live:** Fix live streaming with `live-service-web-worker` feature flag enabled. - **QueryField:** Fix wrong cursor position on autocomplete. - Update to 9.1.6 (2022-09-20) * Features and enhancements - **Auth:** Trigger auth token cleanup job. (Enterprise) - **DataSource:** Adding possibility to hide queries from the inspector. - **Inspect:** Hide Actions tab when it is empty. - **PanelMenu:** Remove hide legend action as it was showing on all panel types. - **Provisioning Contact points:** Support disableResolveMessage via YAML. - **PublicDashboards:** Support subpaths when generating pubdash url. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix legacy migration crash when rule name is too long. - **Alerting:** Fix send resolved notifications. - **Azure Monitor:** Fix migration issue with MetricDefinitionsQuery template variable query types. - **Browse:** Hide dashboard actions if user does not have enough permission. - **ElasticSearch:** Fix dispatching queries at a wrong time. - **Panel:** Disable legends when showLegend is false prior to schema v37. - **Prometheus:** Fix metadata requests for browser access mode. - **Search:** Avoid requesting all dashboards when in Folder View. - **TablePanel/StatPanel:** Fix values not being visible when background transparent. - Update to 9.1.5 (2022-09-12) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Sanitize invalid label/annotation names for external alertmanagers. - **Alerting:** Telegram: Truncate long messages to avoid send error. - **DisplayProcessor:** Handle reverse-ordered data when auto-showing millis. - **Heatmap:** Add option to reverse color scheme. - **PluginLoader:** Alias slate-react as @grafana/slate-react. - **Search:** Add substring matcher, to bring back the old dashboard search behavior. - **Traces:** More visible span colors. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix incorrect propagation of org ID and other fields in rule provisioning endpoints. - **Alerting:** Resetting the notification policy tree to the default policy will also restore default contact points. - **AzureMonitor:** Fix custom namespaces. - **AzureMonitor:** Fix issue where custom metric namespaces are not included in the metric namespace list. - **CloudWatch:** Fix display name of metric and namespace. - **Cloudwatch:** Fix annotation query serialization issue. - **Dashboard:** Fix issue where unsaved changes warning would appear even after save, and not being able to change library panels. - **Dashboard:** Hide overflow content for single left pane. - **Loki:** Fix a bug where adding adhoc filters was not possible. - **Reports:** Fix handling expired state. (Enterprise) - Update to 9.1.4 (2022-09-09) * Bug fixes - **GrafanaUI:** Fixes Chrome issue for various query fields. - Update to 9.1.3 (2022-09-05) * Features and enhancements - **API:** Do not expose user input in datasource error responses. - **Alerting:** Write and Delete multiple alert instances. - **Library Panel:** Allow to delete them when deprecated. - **Plugins Catalog:** Allow to filter plugins using special characters. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix UI bug when setting custom notification policy group by. - **AppRootPage:** Fix issue navigating between two app plugin pages. - **Correlations:** Use correct fallback handlers. - **FIX:** RBAC prevents deleting empty snapshots. - **LibraryElements:** Fix inability to delete library panels under MySQL. - **Metrics:** fix `grafana_database_conn_*` metrics, and add new `go_sql_stats_*` metrics as eventual replacement. - **TestData DB:** Fix node graph not showing when the `Data type` field is set to `random`. * Deprecations The `grafana_database_conn_*` metrics are deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of Grafana. Use the `go_sql_stats_*` metrics instead. - Update to 9.1.2 (2022-08-30) * Features and enhancements - **AdHoc variable:** Correctly preselect datasource when provisioning. - **AzureMonitor:** Added ARG query function for template variables. - **Dashboard save:** Persist details message when navigating through dashboard save drawer's tabs. - **Dashboards:** Correctly migrate mixed data source targets. - **Elasticsearch:** Use millisecond intervals for alerting. - **Elasticsearch:** Use millisecond intervals in frontend. - **Geomap:** Local color range. - **Plugins Catalog:** Use appSubUrl to generate plugins catalog urls. - **Rendering:** Add support for renderer token. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix saving of screenshots uploaded with a signed url. - **AngularPanels:** Fixing changing angular panel options not taking having affect when coming back from panel edit. - **Explore:** Improve a11y of query row collapse button. - **Geomap:** Fix tooltip display. - **QueryEditorRow:** Filter data on mount. - **Search:** Show all dashboards in the folder view. - **Tracing:** Fix the event attributes in opentelemetry tracing. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **GrafanaUI:** Fix styles for invalid selects & DataSourcePicker. - Update to 9.1.1 (2022-08-23) * Features and enhancements - **Cloud Monitoring:** Support SLO burn rate. - **Schema:** Restore "hidden" in LegendDisplayMode. - **Timeseries:** Revert the timezone(s) property name change back to singular. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix links in Microsoft Teams notifications. - **Alerting:** Fix notifications for Microsoft Teams. - **Alerting:** Fix width of Adaptive Cards in Teams notifications. - **ColorPickerInput:** Fix popover in disabled state. - **Decimals:** Fixes auto decimals to behave the same for positive and negative values. - **Loki:** Fix unique log row id generation. - **Plugins:** Fix file extension in development authentication guide. - **TimeSeries:** Fix jumping legend issue. - **TimeSeries:** Fix memory leak on viz re-init caused by KeyboardPlugin. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **TimePicker:** Fixes relative timerange of less than a day not displaying. - **GrafanaUI:** Fixes ClipboardButton to always keep multi line content. - Update to 9.1.0 (2022-08-16) * Features and enhancements - **API:** Allow creating teams with a user defined identifier. - **Alerting:** Adds interval and For to alert rule details. - **Alerting:** Extend PUT rule-group route to write the entire rule group rather than top-level fields only. - **Alerting:** Use Adaptive Cards in Teams notifications. - **Azure Monitor:** Add Network Insights Dashboard. - **Chore:** Improve logging of unrecoverable errors. - **Correlations:** Add UpdateCorrelation HTTP API. - **Dashboard:** Reverted the changes of hiding multi-select and all variable in the datasource picker. - **Geomap:** Add alpha day/night layer. - **Geomap:** Add measuring tools. - **GrafanaUI:** Add success state to ClipboardButton. - **Heatmap:** Replace the heatmap panel with new implementation. - **KVStore:** Allow empty value in kv_store. - **Prometheus:** Promote Azure auth flag to configuration. - **Reports:** Save and update in reports should be transactional. (Enterprise) - **Reports:** Set uid when we don't receive it in the query. (Enterprise) - **Search:** Display only dashboards in General folder of Search Folder View. - **Status history/State timeline:** Support datalinks. - **Transform:** Add a limit transform. - **Transformations:** Add standard deviation and variance reducers. * Bug fixes - **API:** Fix snapshot responses. - **Access Control:** Fix permission error during dashboard creation flow. - **Access Control:** Set permissions for Grafana's test data source. - **Alerting:** Fix migration failure. - **BarGauge:** Show empty bar when value, minValue and maxValue are all equal. - **Dashboard:** Fix color of bold and italics text in panel description tooltip. - **Loki:** Fix passing of query with defaults to code mode. - **Loki:** Fix producing correct log volume query for query with comments. - **Loki:** Fix showing of unusable labels field in detected fields. - **Reports:** Fix inconsistency reports. (Enterprise) - **Tracing:** Fix OpenTelemetry Jaeger context propagation. - **Tracing:** Fix OpenTelemetry Jaeger context propagation. - **[9.1.x] Alerting:** AlertingProxy to elevate permissions for request forwarded to data proxy when RBAC enabled. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **Plugins:** Only pass `rootUrls` field in request when not empty. * Breaking changes - Alert notifications to Microsoft Teams now use Adaptive Cards instead of Office 365 Connector Cards. - Starting at 9.1.0, existing heatmap panels will start using a new implementation. This can be disabled by setting the `useLegacyHeatmapPanel` feature flag to true. It can be tested on a single dashbobard by adding `?__feature.useLegacyHeatmapPanel=true` to any dashboard URL. The most notable changes are: - Significantly improved rendering performance - When calculating heatmaps, the buckets are now placed on reasonable borders (1m, 5m, 30s etc) - Round cells are no longer supported - Update to 9.0.9 (2022-09-20) * Bug fixes - **AngularPanels:** Fixing changing angular panel options not taking having affect when coming back from panel edit. - **AuthNZ:** Security fixes for CVE-2022-35957 and CVE-2022-36062. - **FIX:** RBAC prevents deleting empty snapshots. - Update to 9.0.8 (2022-08-30) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Hide "no rules" message when we are fetching from data sources. - **Rendering:** Add support for renderer token. - **Reports:** Title is showing under panels. (Enterprise) - **Alerting:** AlertingProxy to elevate permissions for request forwarded to data proxy when RBAC enabled. - Update to 9.0.7 (2022-08-10) * Features and enhancements - **CloudMonitoring:** Remove link setting for SLO queries. * Bug fixes - **GrafanaUI:** Render PageToolbar's leftItems regardless of title's presence. - Update to 9.0.6 (2022-08-01) * Features and enhancements - **Access Control:** Allow org admins to invite new users to their organization. * Bug fixes - **Grafana/toolkit:** Fix incorrect image and font generation for plugin builds. - **Prometheus:** Fix adding of multiple values for regex operator. - **UI/Card:** Fix card items always having pointer cursor. - Update to 9.0.5 (2022-07-26) * Features and enhancements - **Access control:** Show dashboard settings to users who can edit dashboard. - **Alerting:** Allow the webhook notifier to support a custom Authorization header. - **Chore:** Upgrade to Go version 1.17.12. - **Plugins:** Add signature wildcard globbing for dedicated private plugin type. - **Prometheus:** Don't show errors from unsuccessful API checks like rules or exemplar checks. * Bug fixes - **Access control:** Allow organisation admins to add existing users to org (#51668). - **Alerting:** Fix alert panel instance-based rules filtering. - **Apps:** Fixes navigation between different app plugin pages. - **Cloudwatch:** Upgrade grafana-aws-sdk to fix auth issue with secret keys. - **Grafana/toolkit:** Fix incorrect image and font generation for plugin builds. - **Loki:** Fix `show context` not working in some occasions. - **RBAC:** Fix permissions on dashboards and folders created by anonymous users. - Update to 9.0.4 (2022-07-20) * Features and enhancements - **Browse/Search:** Make browser back work properly when visiting Browse or search. - **Logs:** Improve getLogRowContext API. - **Loki:** Improve handling of empty responses. - **Plugins:** Always validate root URL if specified in signature manfiest. - **Preferences:** Get home dashboard from teams. - **SQLStore:** Support Upserting multiple rows. - **Traces:** Add more template variables in Tempo & Zipkin. - **Traces:** Remove serviceMap feature flag. * Bug fixes - **Access Control:** Fix missing folder permissions. - **Access control:** Fix org user removal for OSS users. - **Alerting:** Fix Slack notification preview. - **Alerting:** Fix Slack push notifications. - **Alerting:** Fixes slack push notifications. - **Alerting:** Preserve new-lines from custom email templates in rendered email. - **Insights:** Fix dashboard and data source insights pages. (Enterprise) - **Log:** Fix text logging for unsupported types. - **Loki:** Fix incorrect TopK value type in query builder. - Update to 9.0.3 (2022-07-14) * Features and enhancements - **Access Control:** Allow dashboard admins to query org users. - **Access control:** Allow organisation admins to add existing users to org. - **Alerting:** Add method to provisioning API for obtaining a group and its rules. - **Alerting:** Add method to provisioning API for obtaining a group and its rules. - **Alerting:** Allow filtering of contact points by name. - **Alerting:** Disable /api/admin/pause-all-alerts with Unified Alerting. - **Analytics:** Add total queries and cached queries in usage insights logs. (Enterprise) - **Annotations:** Use point marker for short time range annotations. - **AzureMonitor:** Update UI to experimental package. - **AzureMonitor:** Update resource and namespace metadata. - **CloudWatch:** Remove simplejson in favor of 'encoding/json'. - **DashboardRow:** Collapse shortcut prevent to move the collapsed rows. - **Insights:** Add dashboard UID to exported logs. (Enterprise) - **Navigation:** Highlight active nav item when Grafana is served from subpath. - **Plugins:** InfluxDB datasource - set epoch query param value as "ms". - **Plugins:** InfluxDB update time range query. - **StateTimeline:** Try to sort time field. * Bug fixes - **API:** Do not validate/save legacy alerts when saving a dashboard if legacy alerting is disabled. - **Access Control:** Fix missing folder permissions. - **Alerting:** Add method to reset notification policy tree back to the default. - **Alerting:** Fix Teams notifier not failing on 200 response with error. - **Alerting:** Fix bug where state did not change between Alerting and Error. - **Alerting:** Fix consistency errors in OpenAPI documentation. - **Alerting:** Fix normalization of alert states for panel annotations. - **Alerting:** Provisioning API respects global rule quota. - **CSRF:** Fix additional headers option. - **Chore:** Bump parse-url to 6.0.2 to fix security vulnerabilities. - **Chore:** Fix CVE-2020-7753. - **Chore:** Fix CVE-2021-3807. - **Chore:** Fix CVE-2021-3918. - **Chore:** Fix CVE-2021-43138. - **Chore:** Fix CVE-2022-0155. - **Custom Branding:** Fix login logo size. (Enterprise) - **Dashboard:** Fixes tooltip issue with TimePicker and Setting buttons. - **Dashboard:** Prevent unnecessary scrollbar when viewing single panel. - **Logs:** Fixed wrapping log lines from detected fields. - **Loki:** Add missing operators in label filter expression. - **Loki:** Fix error when changing operations with different parameters. - **Loki:** Fix suggesting of correct operations in query builder. - **Plugins:** InfluxDB variable interpolation fix. - **Plugins:** InfluxDB variable interpolation fix for influxdbBackendMigration feature flag. - **Reports:** Fix line breaks in message. (Enterprise) - **Reports:** Fix saving report formats. (Enterprise) - **SQLstore:** Fix fetching an inexistent playlist. - **Security:** Fixes for CVE-2022-31107 and CVE-2022-31097. - **Snapshots:** Fix deleting external snapshots when using RBAC. - **Table:** Fix scrollbar being hidden by pagination. - **Templating:** Changing between variables with the same name now correctly triggers a dashboard refresh. - **Time series panel:** Fix an issue with stacks being not complete due to the incorrect data frame length. - **[v9.0.x] Snapshots:** Fix deleting external snapshots when using RBAC. - Update to 9.0.2 (2022-06-28) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Add support for images in Pushover alerts. - **Alerting:** Don't stop the migration when alert rule tags are invalid. - **Alerting:** Don't stop the migration when alert rule tags are invalid. - **Alerting:** Skip the default data source if incompatible. - **AzureMonitor:** Parse non-fatal errors for Logs. - **OAuth:** Restore debug log behavior. - **Plugins:** Improved handling of symlinks. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Code-gen parsing of URL parameters and fix related bugs. - **Alerting:** Code-gen parsing of URL parameters and fix related bugs. - **Annotations:** Fix annotation autocomplete causing panels to crash. - **Barchart:** Fix warning not showing. - **CloudWatch:** Enable custom session duration in AWS plugin auth. - **Dashboards:** Fixes issue with the initial panel layout counting as an unsaved change. - **Plugins:** Use a Grafana specific SDK logger implementation for core plugins. - **Search:** Fix pagination in the new search page. - Update to 9.0.1 (2022-06-21) * Features and enhancements - **Alerting:** Add support for image annotation in Alertmanager alerts. - **Alerting:** Add support for images in SensuGo alerts. - **Alerting:** Add support for images in Threema alerts. - **Alerting:** Adds Mimir to Alertmanager data source implementation. - **Alerting:** Invalid setting of enabled for unified alerting should return error. - **AzureMonitor:** Clean namespace when changing the resource. - **AzureMonitor:** Update supported namespaces and filter resources by the right type. - **CLI:** Allow relative symlinks in zip archives when installing plugins. - **Dashboard:** Don't show unsaved changes modal for automatic schema changes. - **Dashboard:** Unsaved changes warning should not trigger when only pluginVersion has changed. - **Expression:** Execute hidden expressions. - **Geomap:** Support showing tooltip content on click (not just hover). - **Heatmap:** Remove alpha flag from new heatmap panel. - **Instrumentation:** Define handlers for requests that are not handled with named handlers. - **Log Panel:** Improve log row hover contrast and visibility. - **Logs:** Handle backend-mode errors in histogram. - **Loki:** Do not show histogram for instant queries. - **Loki:** Handle data source configs with path in the url. - **Loki:** Handle invalid query type values. - **OAuth:** Redirect to login if no oauth module is found or if module is not configured. - **OptionsUI:** Move internal options editors out of @grafana/ui. - **Prometheus:** Don't show undefined for step in collapsed options in query editor when value is "auto". - **Prometheus:** Show query patterns in all editor modes for Prometheus and Loki. - **Tempo:** Add link to Tempo Search with node service selected. - **Time Series Panel:** Add Null Filling and "No Value" Support. - **TimeSeries:** Add an option to set legend width. - **Timeseries:** Improve cursor Y sync behavior. - **Traces:** Do not use red in span colors as this looks like an error. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix AM config overwrite when SQLite db is locked during sync. - **Alerting:** Fix alert instances filtering for prom rules. - **Alerting:** Fix alert rule page crashing when datasource contained URL unsafe characters. - **Alerting:** Fix automatically select newly created folder option. - **Alerting:** Fix removal of notification policy without labels matchers. - **CloudWatch:** Allow hidden queries to be executed in case an ID is provided. - **Dashboard:** Prevent non-repeating panels being dropped from repeated rows when collapsed/expanded. - **Dashboards:** Fix folder picker not showing correct results when typing too fast. - **Datasource:** Prevent panic when proxying for non-existing data source. - **Explore:** Fix log context scroll to bottom. - **Explore:** Revert "Remove support for compact format URLs". - **Expressions:** Fixes dashboard schema migration issue that casued Expression datasource to be set on panel level. - **Formatting:** Fixes valueFormats for a value of 0. - **GrafanaData:** Fix week start for non-English browsers. - **LibraryPanel:** Resizing a library panel to 6x3 no longer crashes the dashboard on startup. - **LogRow:** Fix placement of icon. - **Loki:** Fix bug in labels framing. - **Loki:** Fix issues with using query patterns. - **Loki:** Fix showing of duplicated label values in dropdown in query builder. - **MSSQL:** Fix ParseFloat error. - **Panels:** Fixes issue with showing 'Cannot visualize data' when query returned 0 rows. - **Playlists:** Disable Create Playlist buttons for users with viewer role. - **Plugins:** Fix typo in plugin data frames documentation. - **Prometheus:** Fix body not being included in resource calls if they are POST. - **RolePicker:** Fix submenu position on horizontal space overflow. - **Tracing:** Fix trace links in traces panel. * Deprecations - Support for compact Explore URLs is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Until then, when navigating to Explore using the deprecated format the URLs are automatically converted. If you have existing links pointing to Explore update them using the format generated by Explore upon navigation. You can identify a compact URL by its format. Compact URLs have the left (and optionally right) url parameter as an array of strings, for example `&left=["now-1h","now"...]`. The standard explore URLs follow a key/value pattern, for example `&left={"datasource":"test"...}`. Please be sure to check your dashboards for any hardcoded links to Explore and update them to the standard URL pattern. - Update to 9.0.0 (2022-06-10) * Features and enhancements - **API:** Add GET /api/annotations/:annotationId endpoint. - **API:** Add endpoint for updating a data source by its UID. - **AccessControl:** Add enterprise only setting for rbac permission cache. - **AccessControl:** Document basic roles changes and provisioning V2. - **AccessControl:** Enable RBAC by default. - **AddDataSourceConfig:** Remove deprecated checkHealth prop. - **Alerting:** Add Image URLs to Microsoft Teams notifier. - **Alerting:** Add RBAC actions and role for provisioning API routes. - **Alerting:** Add Screenshot URLs to Pagerduty Notifier. - **Alerting:** Add a "Reason" to Alert Instances to show underlying cause of state. - **Alerting:** Add a general screenshot service and alerting-specific image service. - **Alerting:** Add image url or file attachment to email notifications. - **Alerting:** Add image_urls to OpsGenie notification details. - **Alerting:** Add notification policy flow chart. - **Alerting:** Attach image URL to alerts in Webhook notifier format. - **Alerting:** Attach image URLs or upload files to Discord notifications. - **Alerting:** Attach image URLs to Google Chat notifications. - **Alerting:** Attach screenshot data to Unified Alerting notifications. - **Alerting:** Create folder for alerting when start from the scratch. - **Alerting:** Modify alertmanager endpoints for proxying using the datasource UID. - **Alerting:** Modify endpoint for testing a datasource rule using the UID. - **Alerting:** Modify prometheus endpoints for proxying using the datasource UID. - **Alerting:** State Manager takes screenshots. - **Alerting:** Use UID scope for folders authorization. - **Alerting:** modify ruler endpoints for proxying using the datasource UID. - **Angular:** Adds back two angular directives that are still used by remaining angular bits and plugins. - **Azure Monitor:** Add Resource Picker to Metrics Queries. - **Azure Monitor:** Add search feature to resource picker. - **AzureMonitor:** Add support for selecting multiple options when using the equals and not equals dimension filters. - **AzureMonitor:** Remove deprecated code. - **Build:** Change names to PascalCase to match. - **Chore:** Remove deprecated DataSourceAPI methods. - **Chore:** Upgrade typescript to 4.6.4. - **Cloud Monitoring:** Use new annotation API. - **CloudMonitoring:** Allow to set a custom value or disable graph_period. - **CloudWatch:** Add generic filter component to variable editor. - **CloudWatch:** Added missing AWS/AppRunner metrics. - **CloudWatch:** Enable support for dynamic labels with migrated alias patterns. - **Cloudwatch:** Pass label in deep link. - **Cloudwatch:** Use new annotation API. - **Dashboard:** Validate dashboards against schema on save. - **DashboardPickerByID:** Add option to exclude dashboards. - **DashboardPickerById:** Add optionLabel prop. - **Dashboards:** Display values of 0 with the configured decimal places. - **Data:** Remove deprecated types and functions from valueMappings. - **Elasticsearch:** Remove browser access mode. - **Elasticsearch:** Remove support for versions after their end of the life (<7.10.0). - **Encryption:** Add support for multiple data keys per day. - **Encryption:** Enable envelope encryption by default. - **Explore:** Remove support for legacy, compact format URLs. - **Explore:** Skip Angular error handling when Angular support is disabled. - **Explore:** simplify support for multiple query editors. - **FeatureToggles:** Support changing feature toggles with URL parameters. - **FileUpload:** Make component accessible by keyboard navigation. - **Formatting:** Make SI number formats more robust. - **Graph:** Deprecate Graph (old) and make it no longer a visualization option for new panels. - **IconButton:** IconButtons are now correctly aligned in Safari. - **Logger:** Enable new logging format by default. - **Loki:** Add more query patterns. - **Loki:** Enable new visual query builder by default. - **Loki:** use the same dataframe-format for both live and normal queries. - **OAuth:** Make allowed email domain case insensitive. - **Panels:** Use the No value option when showing the no data message. - **Plugins:** Remove plugin list panel. - **Query History:** Enable new query history by default. - **QueryEditorRow:** Show query errors next to query in a consistent way across Grafana. - **SAML:** Implement Name Templates for assertion_attribute_name option. - **Service accounts:** Do not display service accounts assigned to team. - **Settings:** Use Grafana Azure SDK to pass Azure env vars for external plugins. - **Shortcuts:** Add shortcut to show shortcuts to the list of shortcuts. - **Traces Panel:** Add new Traces Panel visualization. - **Traces:** Filter by service/span name and operation in Tempo and Jaeger. - **Transformations:** Allow more complex regex expressions in `Rename by regex`. - **grafana/ui:** Add default type="button" to <Button>. * Bug fixes - **Alerting:** Fix database unavailable removes rules from scheduler. - **AzureMonitor:** Fix auto-selection of time-grain for metrics. - **DataSources:** Fixes issue with expressions not being queried. - **GraphNG:** Fix thresholds by color not following data update. - **Jaeger:** Update operations dropdown. - **Login:** Fix mismatching label on auth_module in user list. - **Playlists:** Save button now correctly creates a new playlist. - **RBAC:** Fix migrations running in the wrong order causing inheritance problem in enterprise. - **RBAC:** Fix migrations running into the wrong order. (Enterprise) - **ServiceAccounts:** Add identifiable token prefix to service account tokens. - **Traces:** Fix missing CopyButton on KeyValueTables and overlapping of panels. * Deprecations `setExploreQueryField`, `setExploreMetricsQueryField` and `setExploreLogsQueryField` are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. If you need to set a different query editor for Explore, conditionally render based on `props.app` in your regular query editor. * Plugin development fixes & changes - **Chore:** Remove react-testing-lib from bundles. - **Select:** Portal menu by default. * Breaking changes - The `@grafana/ui` package helper function `selectOptionInTest` used in frontend tests has been removed as it caused testing libraries to be bundled in the production code of Grafana. If you were using this helper function in your tests please update your code accordingly: ```js // before import { selectOptionInTest } from '@grafana/ui'; // ...test usage await selectOptionInTest(selectEl, 'Option 2'); // after import { select } from 'react-select-event'; // ...test usage await select(selectEl, 'Option 2', { container: document.body }); ``` - Removed deprecated `checkHealth` prop from the `@grafana/e2e` `addDataSource` config. Previously this value defaulted to `false`, and has not been used in end-to-end tests since Grafana 8.0.3. - Removes the deprecated `LegacyBaseMap`, `LegacyValueMapping`, `LegacyValueMap`, and `LegacyRangeMap` types, and `getMappedValue` function from grafana-data. Migration is as follows: | Old | New | | -------------------- | ----------------------- | | `LegacyBaseMap` | `MappingType` | | `LegacyValueMapping` | `ValueMapping` | | `LegacyValueMap` | `ValueMap` | | `LegacyRangeMap` | `RangeMap` | | `getMappedValue` | `getValueMappingResult` | This change fixes a bug in Grafana where intermittent failure of database, network between Grafana and the database, or error in querying the database would cause all alert rules to be unscheduled in Grafana. Following this change scheduled alert rules are not updated unless the query is successful. - The `get_alert_rules_duration_seconds` metric has been renamed to `schedule_query_alert_rules_duration_seconds`. - Any secret (data sources credential, alert manager credential, etc, etc) created or modified with Grafana v9.0 won't be decryptable from any previous version (by default) because the way encrypted secrets are stored into the database has changed. Although secrets created or modified with previous versions will still be decryptable by Grafana v9.0. - If required, although generally discouraged, the `disableEnvelopeEncryption` feature toggle can be enabled to keep envelope encryption disabled once updating to Grafana v9.0. - In case of need to rollback to an earlier version of Grafana (i.e. Grafana v8.x) for any reason, after being created or modified any secret with Grafana v9.0, the `envelopeEncryption` feature toggle will need to be enabled to keep backwards compatibility (only from `v8.3.x` a bit unstable, from `8.5.x` stable). - As a final attempt to deal with issues related with the aforementioned situations, the `grafana-cli admin secrets-migration rollback` command has been designed to move back all the Grafana secrets encrypted with envelope encryption to legacy encryption. So, after running that command it should be safe to disable envelope encryption and/or roll back to a previous version of Grafana. - Alternatively or complementarily to all the points above, backing up the Grafana database before updating could be a good idea to prevent disasters (although the risk of getting some secrets corrupted only applies to those updates/created with after updating to Grafana v9.0). - According to the dynamic labels documentation, you can use up to five dynamic values per label. There’s currently no such restriction in the alias pattern system, so if more than 5 patterns are being used the GetMetricData API will return an error. - Dynamic labels only allow \${LABEL} to be used once per query. There’s no such restriction in the alias pattern system, so in case more than 1 is being used the GetMetricData API will return an error. - When no alias is provided by the user, Grafana will no longer fallback with custom rules for naming the legend. - In case a search expression is being used and no data is returned, Grafana will no longer expand dimension values, for instance when using a multi-valued template variable or star wildcard `*` in the dimension value field. - Time series might be displayed in a different order. Using for example the dynamic label `${PROP('MetricName')}`, might have the consequence that the time series are returned in a different order compared to when the alias pattern `{{metric}}` is used - In Elasticsearch, browser access mode was deprecated in grafana 7.4.0 and removed in 9.0.0. If you used this mode, please switch to server access mode on the datasource configuration page. - Environment variables passed from Grafana to external Azure plugins have been renamed: - `AZURE_CLOUD` renamed to `GFAZPL_AZURE_CLOUD` - `AZURE_MANAGED_IDENTITY_ENABLED` renamed to `GFAZPL_MANAGED_IDENTITY_ENABLED` - `AZURE_MANAGED_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID` renamed to `GFAZPL_MANAGED_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID` - There are no known plugins which were relying on these variables. Moving forward plugins should read Azure settings only via Grafana Azure SDK which properly handles old and new environment variables. - Removes support for for ElasticSearch versions after their end-of-life, currently versions < 7.10.0. To continue to use ElasticSearch data source, upgrade ElasticSearch to version 7.10.0+. - Application Insights and Insight Analytics queries in Azure Monitor were deprecated in Grafana 8.0 and finally removed in 9.0. Deprecated queries will no longer be executed. - **grafana/ui: Button now specifies a default type="button"** The `Button` component provided by @grafana/ui now specifies a default `type="button"` when no type is provided. In previous versions, if the attribute was not specified for buttons associated with a `<form>` the default value was `submit` per the specification. You can preserve the old behavior by explicitly setting the type attribute: `<Button type="submit" />` - The `Rename by regex` transformation has been improved to allow global patterns of the form `/<stringToReplace>/g`. Depending on the regex match used, this may cause some transformations to behave slightly differently. You can guarantee the same behaviour as before by wrapping the `match` string in forward slashes (`/`), e.g. `(.*)` would become `/(.*)/` - `<Select />` menus will now portal to the document body by default. This is to give more consistent behaviour when positioning and overlaying. If you were setting `menuShouldPortal={true}` before you can safely remove that prop and behaviour will be the same. If you weren't explicitly setting that prop, there should be no visible changes in behaviour but your tests may need updating. If you were setting `menuShouldPortal={false}` this will continue to prevent the menu from portalling. - Grafana alerting endpoint prefixed with `api/v1/rule/test` that tests a rule against a Corte/Loki data source now expects the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. - Grafana alerting endpoints prefixed with `api/prometheus/` that proxy requests to a Cortex/Loki data source now expect the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. - Grafana alerting endpoints prefixed with `api/ruler/` that proxy requests to a Cortex/Loki data source now expect the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. - Grafana alerting endpoints prefixed with `api/alertmanager/` that proxy requests to an Alertmanager now expect the data source UID as a path parameter instead of the data source numeric identifier. - The format of log messages have been updated, `lvl` is now `level` and `eror`and `dbug` has been replaced with `error` and `debug`. The precision of timestamps has been increased. To smooth the transition, it is possible to opt-out of the new log format by enabling the feature toggle `oldlog`. This option will be removed in a future minor release. - In the Loki data source, the dataframe format used to represent Loki logs-data has been changed to a more efficient format. The query-result is represented by a single dataframe with a "labels" column, instead of the separate dataframes for every labels-value. When displaying such data in explore, or in a logs-panel in the dashboard will continue to work without changes, but if the data was loaded into a different dashboard-panel, or Transforms were used, adjustments may be necessary. For example, if you used the "labels to fields" transformation with the logs data, please switch to the "extract fields" transformation. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1066405 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/server:monitoring/grafana?expand=0&rev=97
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