- Update to version 10.1.1: * Features and enhancements - Loki: Remove distinct operation. - Whitelabeling: Add a config option to hide the Grafana edition from the footer. - Alerting: Optimize rule details page data fetching. - Alerting: Optimize external Loki queries. * Bug fixes - Alerting: Limit redis pool size to 5 and make configurable. - Elasticsearch: Fix respecting of precision in geo hash grid. - Dashboard: Fix Variable Dropdown to Enforce Minimum One Selection when 'All' Option is Configured. - Chore: Fix Random Walk scenario for Grafana DS. - AuthProxy: Fix user retrieval through cache. - Alerting: Fix auto-completion snippets for KV properties. - Alerting: Fix incorrect timing meta information for policy. - Alerting: Add new Recording Rule button when the list is empty. - Drawer: Clicking a Select arrow within a Drawer no longer causes it to close. - Logs: Fix log samples not present with empty first frame. - Alerting: Fix Recording Rule QueryEditor builder view. - Transforms: Catch errors while running transforms. - Dashboard: Fix version restore. - Logs: Fix permalinks not scrolling into view. - SqlDataSources: Update metricFindQuery to pass on scopedVars to templateSrv. - Rendering: Fix dashboard screenshot. - Loki: Fix validation of step values to also allow e.g. ms values. - Dashboard: Fix repeated row panel placement with larger number of rows. - CodeEditor: Correctly fires onChange handler. - Drawer: Fix scrolling drawer content on Safari. - Alerting: Remove dump wrapper for yaml config. - Alerting: Always invalidate the AM config after mutation. - Slug: Combine various slugify fixes for special character handling. - Logs: Fix displaying the wrong field as body. - Alerting: Fix "see graph button" for cloud rules. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1108401 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/server:monitoring/grafana?expand=0&rev=119
The tarball is generated via the OBS source service, but Grafana needs to ship the compiled frontend assets as well, which have to be built by running yarn inside the source tree (see https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/master/contribute/developer-guide.md#frontend). This can't be done at build time on OBS, because it involves downloading and installing packages from the internet, so instead we have a Makefile which does the following: - Runs `osc service disabledrun` to get the latest source tarball - Unpacks the tarball to a temporary directory - Runs `yarn install --pure-lockfile && yarn build` - Adds the generated "vendor" and "public" content to the tarball, then compresses it with xz. - The tarball can then be used by OBS to build an RPM. In order for this to work you need to have npm >= 14 and yarn installed. # zypper in npm14 # zypper in obs-service-download_files obs-service-go_modules \ obs-service-obs_scm # npm install -g yarn Then, to package a new release of Grafana, run `make` then `osc ci` and you should be good. If you have a patch for the Javascript frontend to apply you need to do the following: - Create the patch and add it with `osc add <PATCH>` to the repo - Open the Makefile - Add after the `cd $$basename && \` the patch with: `patch -p1 < ../../000x-<NAME>.patch && \` - Do NOT add the patch to the Specfile. - Then use the process of building Grafana as described above. Please direct any questions to Tim Serong <tserong@suse.com> If Tim is not available you may also contact Enno Gotthold <egotthold@suse.de>