Tue Oct  8 20:01:18 CEST 2013 - pth@suse.de

- Don't apply graphviz-fix-pkgIndex.patch twice.
- Remove Buildrequires for libqt4-devel.

Thu Sep 12 17:56:06 CEST 2013 - pth@suse.de

- Add graphviz-python3_version.patch that put the call to print in

Mon Sep  9 13:45:47 CEST 2013 - pth@suse.de

- Update to 2.34.0 (see changes for graphviz),
- Remove patches accepted upstream:
  graphviz-missing_headers.patch, graphviz-aarch64_lib64_support.patch,
  graphviz-type_punning.patch, graphviz-buffer_overflow.patch,
  graphviz-proper_prototypes.patch, graphviz-python_version.patch,
  graphviz-guile.patch, graphviz-java_in_lib64.patch
- Add graphviz-type_punning.patch which compiles the vmalloc sources
  with -fno-strict-aliasing.

Thu Sep  5 15:46:47 CEST 2013 - pth@suse.de

- Update to 2.32.0. Changes since 2.28.0:
  - New version of xdot format, annotating gradient color schemes
  - Support for reading pdf images using poppler
  - Lefty/dotty/lneato now accept anonymous graphs
  - Add star node shape
  - Add two-tone (non-gradient) fill
  - various build fixes
  - Replaced libgraph with libcgraph; use of libgraph is now deprecated
  - New ranking algorithm that allows multiple subgraph constraints
  - Support edges using curved arcs.
  - Added new shapes used by the synthetic biology community.
  - For HTML-like labels, provide rounded cells, and dashed or dotted borders.
  - Add lcurve and rcurve arrowheads.
  - Add prototype pie chart and striped fills.
  - Support insets in treemaps to make containment clear
  - Add random rooted tree generation to gvgen
  - Allow GVPRPATH to specify that the default path be prepended or
    appended to it.
  - Support arbitrary lists of layers; allow the user to specify arbitrary
    layers for output.
  - A collection of gvpr scripts, which were part of the source package,
    are now installed in <prefix>/share/graphviz/gvpr, and the that path
    is used as part of th default built-in path for gvpr.
  - Update libexpr to reflect Glenn Fowler's changes including scopes for
  - Add next graph variable to gvpr
  - Modify dot and fdp so that a cluster's margin attribute will affect
    the space between the bounding box and nodes
  - Modify the dijkstra tool to use only directed edges
  - Output numbers without quotes if quotes are not needed on input
  - Support gradient fill
  - Provide support for webp images
  - Fix tapered edges to use the dir attribute and arrowhead
  - Add imagepath attribute
  - Add help functionality to Graphviz.app
  - Add <B>,<I>,<U> to html strings via svg
  - Add tapered edges
  - Add support for external labels
  - Add initial implementation of graphml2gv
  - Add basic horizontal and vertical rules to html tables

- Remove graphviz-gd_png_check_sig.patch as the file to patch doesn't
  exist anymore.
- Add graphviz-buffer_overflow.patch to fix a buffer ovderflow in
  lib/common/shapes.c(round_corners) by increasing the number of
  elements in the array.
- Add graphviz-proper_prototypes.patch that changes dthdr.h to
  include ast_common.h to get __STD_C defined, which in turn
  enables proper prototypes.
- Run autoreconf to use -fno-strict-aliasing for libvmalloc sources
- Remove graphviz-2.18-do_not_use_ocamlopt.patch as it's not needed
- Adapt graphviz-guile.patch, graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch
  and graphviz-python_version.patch to the new sources.
- Add graphviz-java_in_lib64.patch to search in /usr/lib64/jvm for
  the java headers on platforms using lib64.
- Add graphviz-proper_use_of_qw.patch to put the use of qw in
  config/config_perl.pl in brackets.
- Add graphviz-useless_warnings.patch to make gcc not warn about
  harmless issues that arise from code generated by swig.
- Add patch tags in the spec files
- Upstreamed all patches that aren't SUSE specific.

Fri May 31 08:08:44 UTC 2013 - mhrusecky@suse.com

- use %rb_ver to decide correct ruby version

Thu Mar 28 11:51:09 CET 2013 - pth@suse.de

- Rename aarch64-lib64-support.diff to graphviz-aarch64_lib64_support.patch.
- Compile the code in lib/vmalloc with -fno-strict-aliasing
  as it does type punning.

Sat Mar 16 22:27:10 UTC 2013 - dmueller@suse.com

- add build conditionals for java, ocaml and mono (needed for
  aarch64 port for now)
- add aarch64-lib64-support.diff:
  add aarch64 to the list of lib64 architectures

Mon Sep  3 12:11:26 CEST 2012 - pth@suse.de

- Reinstate the dependency on gtkglext-devel but guarded by an
  'if suse_version > 1220'.

Mon Sep  3 09:18:31 UTC 2012 - idonmez@suse.com

- Remove dependency on gtkglext-devel, package no longer exists
  in openSUSE > 12.2

Mon Jun 11 14:55:13 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com

- survive new ruby without autoreconf

Wed Apr  4 10:58:25 UTC 2012 - reddwarf@opensuse.org

- Force lua 5.1 to fix Factory build

Tue Feb 28 09:43:45 CET 2012 - jsmeix@suse.de

- BuildRequire "ghostscript" instead of outdated "ghostscript-mini"
  (related to Ghostscript package clean-up, see bnc#735824).

Wed Oct 19 18:36:48 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com

- /usr/bin/php5 does not exist

Tue Oct  4 18:41:12 CEST 2011 - pth@suse.de

- Rename and prefix patch for uniformity within the package.

Wed Sep 28 14:01:13 UTC 2011 - idonmez@suse.com

- Fix compilation with new guile
- Update to version 2.28.0
    - incremented library api version:
        libcdt, libgraph, libcgraph, libgvpr, libgvc
    - Add gvmap, cluster and gvmap.sh
    - Deprecate dotty; prefer gvedit
    - Add patchwork supporting squarified tree maps
    - Add ordering as a node attribute
    - Fix problems with font resolution
    - Fix problems with text placement
    - Fix twopi to set root attribute
    - Make available layouts and formats available via the API
    - Fix error message system so that an application can capture the messages
    - New attributes and features for sfdp
    - gvgen now allows the user to specify graph name and node name template
    - Make overlap=false denote overlap=prism
    - More efficient xdot library
    - HTML-like labels provide ID
    - Fixed bugs: 1480 1980 2044 2087 2088 2089 2091 2093 2094 
        2095 2101 2102 2103 2104 2112 2113 2118 2128 2129 2139 2149 
        2157 2113 2159 2160 2161 2163
    - Add scale attribute to twopi
    - Add <B>,<I>,<U> to html strings
    - migrated to 2005 version of cdt 

Fri Mar 11 12:25:36 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com

- fix conflict with libltdl (http://bugs.gentoo.org/339298)

Fri Jun 18 15:02:39 CEST 2010 - pth@suse.de

- Fix CPPFLAGS for real.

Tue Jun 15 11:39:04 CEST 2010 - pth@suse.de

- Readd AM_CPPFLAGS for libgv_perl.

Fri Jun 11 12:12:20 CEST 2010 - pth@suse.de

- Set rpath for libperl (bnc#612766).

Wed Jun  2 14:05:46 CEST 2010 - pth@suse.de

- Dot requires fonts when using pango for output (bnc#610873).

Fri May 28 15:15:48 CEST 2010 - meissner@suse.de

- remove a powerpc hack for Darwin that failed our PowerPC build.

Fri Nov 13 23:37:02 CET 2009 - dmueller@suse.de

- require the exact perl version it was build against, otherwise
  libperl.so can not be found

Wed Aug 26 12:53:54 CEST 2009 - mls@suse.de

- make patch0 usage consistent

Fri Oct 24 16:05:18 CEST 2008 - mrueckert@suse.de

- fix build with newer libtool
- fix debug package requires

Mon Oct 13 15:04:23 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Fix vulnerability that allowed overflowing gstack (bnc#433747)

Wed Sep 17 10:09:10 CEST 2008 - dmueller@suse.de

- fix python version detection

Thu Aug 14 16:51:30 CEST 2008 - ro@suse.de

- drop get_release_number script
- remove release requires in plugins package, require just
  the same version 

Thu Aug  7 15:53:42 CEST 2008 - ro@suse.de

- drop nodebug, require main graphviz package from debuginfo

Thu Jul 10 12:11:47 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Update to 2.20.2. Changes since 2.18:

  - Fix bug in HTML-like labels

  - Fix bug in ccomps related to conversion to cgraph

  - Fixed bugs (see http://www.graphviz.org/bugs/buglist.html for
    - 1315: Different/error output for *.os and *.pdf
    - 1317: Graphviz fails to open more than 512 files.
    - 1324: Graphviz crashes in atexit().
    - 1336: Plain format label delimiters change randomly.
    - 1343: Layouts other than 'dot' seem broken in tcldot due to
            documentation error.
    - 1364: Dot fails with failed assertion.
  - Add new "folder" shape for nodes.
  - Migration of gvpr tools to libcgraph.
  - New output format -Teps  (encapsulated postscript)
  - Various NetBSD and SuSE fixes incorporated
  - ./configure now provides a summary

Tue Apr 29 19:30:23 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Disable the use of ocamlopt as the archive turns up empty (bnc#384855).

Sun Apr 27 14:41:08 CEST 2008 - coolo@suse.de

- fix build

Tue Apr 22 14:37:18 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Move all GTK/GNOME related stuff to plugins package.

Thu Apr 17 13:08:40 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Switch off strict aliasing until swig produces code that plays
  by the rules.

Mon Apr  7 13:32:38 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Fix paths for lua and php interpreter in examples.

Thu Apr  3 16:31:10 CEST 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Fix package and filelist correctly.
- Install tcl specific libraries to %_libdir
- Properly package language specific demo code

Mon Mar 31 00:47:40 CEST 2008 - ro@suse.de

- fix build (added directories to filelist) 

Fri Mar 28 12:53:29 CET 2008 - pth@suse.de

- Update to 2.18. Changes since 2.12:
  - Lots of bugs fixed, see ChangeLog for detailed list.
  - in -Tps use a new number formatter that suppresses trailing 0.
  - support tcl/tk-8.5
  - support gcc-4.3
  - support for node usershapes/images in svg format
  - install: perl, php, python, ruby, tcl, bindings in
    language-specified directories
  - add arrowhead scaling with edge penwidth
  - add "folder" node shape
  - add "smyna" large graph view (thanks Arif) (not yet included
    in binary distros)
  * 2.16.1
  - Improvements to PHP binding
  - Improvements to OCAML binding
  - Make regression tests run from the build tree, rather than require
  - Repair freetype detection on RedHat-7 (Yes, people still use it!!)
  - Fix zoom-at-mouse-location in -Txlib and -Tgtk
  - Fix some dotty regressions
  * 2.15
  - new regression test suite
  - new cgraph library (will eventually replace graph and agraph)
  - add "image" and "imagescale" for simpler support for images in nodes
  - add "tab" "box3d" and "component" shapes.  - Diomidis Spinellis
  - replace arith.h in distro
  - add functions to access version info to avoid need for gvcint.h
  - Fix problem with irregular character spacing at 96dpi in pango/cairo
    output formats.
  - Add gdk_pixbuf plugin providing: .bmp .ico .jpg .png .tif 
  - Add DevIL plugin providing: .bmp .jpg .png .tif .tga
  - Extend GD plugin to provide a backend to cairo for: .gif .jpg .png .gd
    .gd2 .wbmp  <- gifs are now antialiased
  - Rework plugin framework to separate device from renderer, and to
    autoload load dependendent plugins
  - show defaults in output from: ./configure --help
  - add more info to dot -v  and dot -v2 debug outputs
  - various issues with CR/LF in windows, but not in binary outputs.

  * 2.14.1
  - Add xdot parsing library to source distros
  - graphviz.spec fixes for rpm distros from Gareth Armstrong
  - moved language binding man pages to mann
    (gv_php.n, gv_ocaml.n, etc.)
  - New access functions for version info in GVC_t - permits
    gvcint.h to be private.

  * 2.14:  
  - Using system version of libgd if gd-2.0.34 or later.
    internal copy of gd updated to gd-2.0.35.
  - Updated GVGUI viewer for Windows
  - Added support for selection of edge routing types:
    line, polyline, orthogonal, spline
  - Added -Tvml support
- Adapt the patch to allow ^LT_(CURRENT|REVISION|AGE)$ in
  configure script and reenable the use of these variables.
Thu Mar 13 17:47:28 CET 2008 - schwab@suse.de

- Allow ^LT_(CURRENT|REVISION|AGE)$ in configure script.
- Remove broken autoconf macros.

Fri Oct 26 17:34:08 CEST 2007 - pth@suse.de

- Add missing includes.

Thu Aug 16 12:32:06 CEST 2007 - pth@suse.de

- Add missing BuildRequires for fdupes
- Guard fdupes by check for suse_version

Mon Aug 13 19:23:50 CEST 2007 - pth@suse.de

- lib/sfio/sfhdr.h(SFSETLOCALE): fix test for null pointer.
- Fix include paths for php5
- Move gv_php man page to where man searches for it.
- Use %%fdupes
- Add rpmlintrc
- use -fno-strict-aliasing for gv_php

Mon Jun 11 18:13:15 CEST 2007 - ro@suse.de

- no main package, no debuginfo

Wed Jun  6 19:02:17 CEST 2007 - pth@suse.de

- Move man pages to _mandir (bugzilla #281398)

Fri May 11 10:32:51 CEST 2007 - ro@suse.de

- added get_release_number.sh to sync rel-number between
  graphviz and graphviz-plugins

Thu May 10 01:42:44 CEST 2007 - ro@suse.de

- create own specfile for all plugins to reduce build dependencies
  of main package (and break various build cycles)