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Sat Oct 15 04:47:11 UTC 2011 -
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
Mon Sep 19 07:35:50 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.8:
+ Fix bug where the transaction is not transferred to the new
account when Edit menu is used
+ Fix the name of the International Russian currency RUB -> RUR
+ Fix some bugs in the navigation in the left panel
+ Fix a crash when the number of recently used files = 0
+ Remove the display of the build date for stable versions
- Drop grisbi-no_date_time.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add grisbi-fix-linking.patch: fix build with strict linker, as in
- Add call to autoreconf, needed for above patch.
Tue Jun 7 10:02:14 CEST 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.7:
+ Fix a problem of gtk version under Windows.
- Add grisbi-no_date_time.patch: Do not add build date and time to
Mon May 23 23:33:43 CEST 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.6:
+ Fix a problem of calculating the balance after deletion of two
+ Simplification of the function for parsing dates, fixing a
crash on Windows
+ Add support for the variance for the planned transactions
+ Fix various bugs
Tue May 3 10:10:42 CEST 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.5:
+ Added cloning of scheduled operations
+ Fixed a bug of calculating balances with different currencies
in the table estimates
+ Fixed a bug in creation of payees and creation of a
sub-budgetary line
+ Don't update the tree view when it's not here while making an
+ Typo in function name. Don't repeat twice the same by Mokona
+ Fixed bug: Grisbi crashes when Importing a QIF file with a list
of categories
+ Adding of Data_Path variable to debug
- Changes from version 0.8.4:
+ Fixes a bug that corrupts the file of accounts when saving in
certain circumstances.
+ Minor corrections in the management of the logo of Grisbi
- Changes from version 0.8.3:
+ Fixed a bug export csv files on Windows
+ Fixed a potential crash
+ Fixed bug: The box of restoration of the sub-transactions
appears again if the operation is no longer a split transaction
+ Adding the XDG directories in the printed variables and fix
memory leaks
+ Fixed bug: Problem of updating of the pointing balance
+ Fixed a crash when importing a file without extension
+ Fixed bug: Filtering problem by amount
- Changes from version 0.8.2:
+ Fixed bug: Unable to delete third, category, or budget item
- Changes from version 0.8.1:
+ Fixed bug: Unable to enter a debit or credit
- Changes from version 0.8.0:
+ Integration of the budget module in the basic version of Grisbi
+ Integration of a simulator credits with the ability to print or
export the data into a spreadsheet
+ Management of local settings (date format, decimal separator
and thousands separator)
+ Addition of the amortization schedule for liability accounts
+ Addition of custom icons in the accounts file
+ Colorization of debits in the scheduler
+ Rewrite of gtk_combofix for payees to remove delays
+ Rewritten import of QIF files
+ Use gint64 to expand the fields of numbers up to 9 223 372 036
854 775 807
+ Many bugs fixed
Fri Apr 29 01:31:44 CEST 2011 -
- Cleanup for inclusion in Factory.
Fri Apr 8 10:57:00 UTC 2011 -
- Cleaned grisbi.spec file
Tue Aug 31 06:26:59 UTC 2010 -
- update to 0.6.0:
* file encryption support
* new and improved print system
+ LaTeX no more needed, printing has never been so straightforward
+ transaction list can be printed as well as reports
* improved user interface
+ tabs deprecated in favor of a navigation tree
+ redesigned categories/payees/budgetary lines trees
+ totally redesigned transaction list with native GTK2 widgets
+ split of transactions displayed directly in transaction list
+ optional grid in transaction list
+ new "view" menu
+ use of assistants to ease some operations
+ custom sort for transaction list columns
+ reconcile now shows togglable buttons
+ use of + and - in amount entry to increment/decrement values
+ quick import of recurrent files
+ pre-built category sets dependent of the locale
+ all colors can be customized
+ astonishing icons ... can't ask for more!
* Greek translation thanks to Achilleas
* archival of old transactions, possibly into separate files
* form structure defined by user
* end of the obligation to use Euro
* Gnucash and CSV files import
* HBCI support through the aqbanking plugin
* reconciled transactions are "archived" by default
* huge work on localization :
+ Grisbi suggests a default currency according to the locale
+ dates are now displayed and parsed according to the locale, no more unbearable european dates for overseas folks!
+ amounts are displayed according to locale
* it is now possible to omit decimal separator in numerical fields
* custom mathematics engine that do not rely on float anymore
* plugin system
* new english file format
* tool management for the payees
* automatic association of third parties and categories for import files
* ability to create a partial balance in the main view
Sat Mar 8 00:00:00 UTC 2008 -
- moved to openSUSE Build Service
Wed Jan 2 00:00:00 UTC 2008 -
- fixed prefix on 10.3
- rebuild against latest libofx
Mon Oct 8 00:00:00 UTC 2007 -
- moved to Packman
- fixed build on openSUSE 10.3
Fri Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2006 -
- new upstream version
Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 UTC 2006 -
- pass -j flag to make
- added binary stripping on SUSE < 9.3
- removed Packager and Distribution, injected by rpmmacros
Tue Dec 27 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- new upstream version
Sun Oct 16 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- changed to configure macro
- added debuginfo support
Sun Jun 5 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- added suse_update_config
- added suse_update_desktop_file
- version 0.5.7
Thu Jan 13 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- version 0.5.5
Thu Dec 2 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- version 0.5.3
Wed Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- now uses libofx shipped with SUSE on 9.1 and my very own libofx packages for SUSE <= 9.0
- added desktop file
- switched to find_lang
- forced use of libofx at ./configure
- changed release tag to include .guru.
- revamped the spec file a little
- version 0.5.2
Mon Aug 2 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- added libofx support
- version 0.5.1
Thu Jun 17 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- version 0.5.0
Sun Jan 4 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- added untested support for Redhat and Mandrake
- french translation
- first RPM for SUSE