#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import re import syslog split_dev = re.compile('([a-z/]*)(\d*)') mounts = open('/proc/mounts' ,'r').readlines() def get_mount_point(device): for mount in mounts: if mount.startswith(device): return mount.split(' ')[1] def resize_fs(fs_type, device): if fs_type.startswith('ext'): cmd = 'resize2fs %s' % device syslog.syslog( syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Resizing: "%s"' %cmd ) os.system(cmd) elif fs_type == 'xfs': mnt_point = get_mount_point(device) cmd = 'xfs_growfs %s' % mnt_point syslog.syslog( syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Resizing: "%s"' %cmd ) os.system(cmd) for mount in mounts: if ' / ' in mount: mount_dev = mount.split(' ')[0] fs = mount.split(' ')[2] try: dev, partition = split_dev.match(mount_dev).groups() except: syslog.syslog( syslog.LOG_ERR, 'match exception for "%s"' % mount ) break if dev and partition: cmd = '/usr/sbin/growpart %s %s' %(dev, partition) syslog.syslog( syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Executing: "%s"' % cmd ) os.system(cmd) resize_fs(fs, mount_dev) else: syslog.syslog( syslog.LOG_ERR, 'could not match device and partition in "%s"' % mount )