------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 3 16:27:33 CEST 2008 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 2.8.4: One more supported LaserJet ZJStream printers (M1120), one OfficeJet (J6400), and two Photosmart (C4340, B8800) where the latter has a new printer device class (PSB9100). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 21 14:57:24 CET 2008 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 2.8.2: Updated the krgb patch for gpl ghostscript 8.61. Changed margins to 0.125 inch from 0. Several more supported printers (some more ZJStream printers). - Updated to version 2.7.12: Several more supported LaserJet printers, one ZJStream printer, one LJm1005 printer with binary-only plugin (LaserJet M1005 MFP). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 23 14:45:08 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 2.7.10: New LJZjsMono printer device class for ZJStream printers. ZJStream printers require JBIG which has issues (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#263181). Therefore the support for ZJStream printers is provided only via a binary-only plugin which is downloaded by "hp-setup" from the HP web-site only after the user has accepted the license terms. The "hp-setup" utility is provided by the "hplip" main package. Several bug fixes (no Suse bugs). Two more supported Photosmart and Officejet printers. - Updated to version 2.7.9: Many bug fixes (no Suse bugs). Some more supported Photosmart and Officejet printers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 2 12:07:27 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 2.7.7: Some more supported Photosmart printers. - fix-printing-white-spaces-and-empty-lines.diff is no longer needed because the bug is now fixed in the source. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 6 10:27:35 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - fix-printing-white-spaces-and-empty-lines.diff fixes printing white spaces and empty lines according to a mail from HP on the hplip-help@lists.sourceforge.net list. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 3 12:11:34 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 2.7.6: Some more supported Photosmart, Color LaserJet, and DeskJet printers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 27 14:30:51 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 1.7.4a: Resolved a build issue that caused a couple missing files in the 1.7.4 release (no Suse bug). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 23 14:02:00 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 1.7.4: Many bug fixes (no Suse bugs). Some more supported DeskJet printers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 26 09:00:01 CEST 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 1.7.3: Many bug fixes (no Suse bugs). No new supported models but enhancements for some models. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 1 13:35:18 CET 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Updated to version 1.7.2: Several more supported Officejet Pro devices. New OJProKx50 device class (derived from DJGenericVIP). Many bug fixes (no Suse bugs). fix-buffer-overflow.patch and hplip-1.7.1-1.patch are no longer needed because the bugs are now fixed in the sources. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 16 13:02:45 CET 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Re-enabled "Supplements: ghostscript_any" because bnc#243595 is fixed now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 12 10:10:15 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de - Do not add supplements to temporary workaround bnc#243595. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 5 14:25:21 CET 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - fix-buffer-overflow.patch fixes a too small string buffer which overflows in line 310 in ljcolor.cpp. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 1 15:08:48 CET 2007 - jsmeix@suse.de - Created new package hpijs-standalone and hpijs-standalone.spec for a special version of /usr/bin/hpijs which neither needs a HPLIP library nor a CUPS library to run it.