------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 22 04:13:13 UTC 2021 - kh Lai - Add autoconf and automake as dependencies - Switch the url to the Github release page - Update to 3.1.0: * Updated COPYING file to remove the PLPA exemption (appendix 2) With this change the license is now GPLv2 without any additional wording. * Improved default sort ordering Note for users: This may lead to an inverted sort order on startup of htop 3.1.0 compared to previous versions. This is due to what is stored in your htoprc file. Solution: Press I (to invert sort order). This changed setting will be saved by htop on exit as long as it can write to your htoprc file. * The compile-time option to cater specifically for running htop as setuid has been removed * Add read-only option This allows htop to be run in an non-intrusive fashion where it acts only as a process viewer disabling all functions to manipulate system state. Note: This is not a security feature! * Move the code for handling the command line formatting related tasks to be shared across all platforms This means important features like stale binary/library highlighting can now be available on all supported platforms. * Make the EXE and COMM columns available on all platforms All supported platforms have the name of the executable (EXE) and a self-chosen thread/command name (COMM) available one way or the other. Moving this column to be handled as a platform-independently available information simplifies the markup of the command line. * Introduce configuration file versioning and config_reader_min_version Starting with this version the configuration file contains a version identifying the minimum version of the configuration parser needed to fully understand the configuration file format. Old configuration file formats are automatically upgraded when saving the config file (htoprc). * Make the configuration parser friendlier to users (thanks to Bart Bakker) With this change only settings that cannot be parsed properly are reset to their defaults. * Improve default display for systems with many CPUs * Add the process ELAPSED time column * Improve the process STATE column sorting * Reworked handling resize and redrawing of the UI * Fixed an issue where the LED meter mode could overflow allotted space * Allow text mode Meters to span empty neighbors to the right * Rescale graph meters when value of total changes (thanks to Michael Schönitzer) * Update generic process field display Usually "uninteresting" values in columns like 1 thread, nice value of 0, CPU and memory of 0%, idle/sleeping state, etc. are shown with reduced intensity (dark grey) * Option and key ("*") to collapse / expand all branches under PID 1 (and PID 2 if kernel threads are shown) (thanks to Krishna Chaitanya) * Keep following a process when inverting the sort order, displaying the help screen or hiding/unhiding userland threads. If a thread is currently selected the selection is updated to point to the thread's parent process. (thanks to Gonzalo, et.al.) * Reorder process scanning to be performed before updating the display of the meters in the header * Always check the user for a process for any changes. This affects multiple platforms that previously didn't correctly handle the user field for a process to change at runtime (e.g. due to seteuid or similar syscalls). * Disable mouse option when support is unavailable * Support curses libraries without ncurses mouse support (thanks to Santhosh Raju) * Support offline and hot-swapping of CPUs on all platforms * Fix the CPU Meter for machines with more than 256 CPUs * Supplemented the "show updated/deleted executables" feature (red basename) to indicate when linked libraries were updated (yellow basename) * Apply the stale binary highlighting for the EXE column in addition to the command line field * Add new combined Memory and Swap meter * Implement bar and graph mode for NetworkIO Meter (thanks to Michael F. Schönitzer) * Rework TTY column to be more consistent across platforms * Make the CWD column generally available on all platforms (thanks to Santhosh Raju et. al.) * Add Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) platform support This is added via a separate pcp-htop(1) binary which provides remote host analysis, new Meters for any PCP metric and new Columns for any PCP process metric - see the pcp-htop(5) man page for further details. (thanks to Sohaib Mohamed) * Add Linux columns and key bindings for process autogroup identifier and nice value * Change available and used memory reporting on Linux to be based on MemAvailable (Kernel 3.14+) (thanks to Chris Cheney and Tomas Wido) * Add a new SysArchMeter showing kernel and platform information (thanks to ahgamut) * Linux memory usage explicitly treats tmpfs memory usage as shared memory This is to make memory used by tmpfs visible as this cannot be freed unlike normal filesystem cache data. * Exclude zram devices when calculating DiskIO on Linux * Use PATH lookup for systemctl in systemd meter (thanks to Scott Olson) * Add native platform support for NetBSD This allows htop to run on NetBSD without the need for active Linux emulation of the procfs filesystem. (thanks to Santhosh Raju and Nia Alarie) * Add NetworkIO, DiskIO, CPU frequency, and battery meter support on NetBSD (thanks to Nia Alarie) * Fix NetBSD display of in-use and cached memory (thanks to Nia Alarie) * Rework NetBSD CPU and memory accounting (thanks to Santhosh Raju) * Fix NetBSD accounting of user and kernel threads (thanks to Santhosh Raju) * Initial work to allow building with default libcurses on NetBSD (thanks to Santhosh Raju) * FreeBSD updates - implement process majflt and processor column values * Add FreeBSD support for CPU frequency and temperature * Fixes and cleanups for ZFS Meters and metrics * Correctly color the ZFS ARC ratio (thanks to Ross Williams) * Bugfixes related to CPU time display/calculations for darwin on M1 systems (thanks to Alexander Momchilov) * Harmonize the handling of multiple batteries across different platforms. The system is now considered to run on AC if at least one power supply marked as AC is found in the system. Battery capacity is summed up over all batteries found. This also changes the old behavior that batteries reported by the system after the first AC adapter where sometimes ignored. * Correctly handle multiple batteries on Darwin. Resolves a possible memory leak on systems with multiple batteries. * Handle Linux Shmem being part of Cached in the MemoryMeter * Add SwapCached to the Linux swap meter (thanks to David Zarzycki) * Convert process time to days if applicable (thanks to David Zarzycki) * Always show the number of threads in the TaskMeter, even when threads are not shown in the process list * Fix Linux --drop-capabilities option handling * Correctly detect failure to initialize Linux boottime * Overhaul the Linux memory fields to partition them like free(1) now does * Improve the Linux process I/O column values * Rework the libsensors parsing on Linux * Update the MemoryMeter to display shared memory * Update OpenBSD platform - implement additional columns, scan LWP, proper markup for STATE, show CPU frequency * Fix the tree view on OpenBSD when hiding kernel threads * Remove old InfoScreen lines before re-scanning (thanks to Øystein Hiåsen) * Document historic naming of Light-Weight Processes column aka threads * Improve user interaction when the last process entry is selected * Draw the panel header on the TraceScreen (thanks to Youngjae Lee) * Add mouse wheel scroll and fix mouse selection on the InfoScreen (thanks to Youngjae Lee) * Add a HugepageMeter and subtract hugepages from normal memory * Display wide characters in LED meters and restore non-wide ncurses support * Add command line option to drop Linux capabilities * Support scheduler affinity on platforms beyond Linux * Report on any failure to write the configuration file * Cache stderr to be able to print assert messages. These messages are shown in case htop terminates unexpectedly. * Print current settings on crash * Reset signal handlers on program exit * Add configure script option to create a static htop binary * Resolved longer-standing compilation issues on Solaris/Illumos * Check for availability of set_escdelay in configure (thanks to Stefan Polluks) * Build system updates for autotools 2.70 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 12 08:47:23 UTC 2021 - Martin Pluskal - Update to version 3.0.5: * InfoScreen: fix uncontrolled format string * Improve white text in the Light Terminal colour scheme * Enable the function bar on the main screen to be hidden (see Setup -> Display options) * Reduce layout issues esp. around printing wide characters (not complete yet) * Make the follow function exit cleanly after followed process died * Update help and man page for improved -t / -s options * Drop usage of formatted error messages from * Show arrow indicating order of sorted process column * Lots of plumbing around the internal Hashtable, hardening and code cleanups * LibSensors: add support for Ryzen CPUs * Fix CPU percentage on M1 silicon Macs * LoadMeter: dynamically adjust color and total of bar * Find libsensors.so.4 for Fedora and friends * Enable going back to previous search matches (Shift-F3) * Added keybind 'N' for sorting by PID (drops 'n'/'N' as not used before much) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 23 08:42:18 UTC 2020 - Andreas Stieger - htop 3.0.4: * Separate tree and list sort orders * PSI Meter: constant width and only print ten-duration as bar * Sort in paused mode after inverting sort order * Handle absence of package CPU temperature * Document dynamic bindings and assumed external configuration * Update key mapping documentation for sorting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 7 09:19:09 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder - Update to version 3.0.3 * Process sorting in 'tree' mode * Improved command display/sort functionality * Add screen for active file locks * Calculate library size (M_LRS column) from maps file * Add a Zram meter * Add Linux cwd process column * Dynamically load libsensors at runtime * Improve PressureStall Meter display strings * Hide process selection on ESC * Fully support non-ascii characters in Meter-Bar * Add support to change numeric options in settings screen * Rename virtual memory column from M_SIZE to M_VIRT * Add process column for normalized CPU usage * Show CPU temperature in CPU meter * Drop hideThreads Setting * Add a systemd meter * Add a network IO meter * Add a SELinux meter * Compress size of default FunctionBar * Updates to the OpenFiles screen * Continue updating header data in paused mode * BUGFIX: Handle data wraparounds in IO meters * BUGFIX: Update InfoScreen content on resize * Add security attribute process column * Add DiskIOMeter for IO read/write usage * Read CPU frequency from sysfs by default * Add Linux process column for context switches * Several FreeBSD and Mac OS X platform updates * Add process environment for FreeBSD * Parse POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY for Linux Battery meter * Add octuple-column CPU meters. * BUGFIX: On Linux consider ZFS ARC to be cache * BUGFIX: Limit screen title length to window width * Show selected command wrapped in a separate window * Allow to pass '/' for item search * Document implicit incremental search * Handle 'q' as quit if first character * Avoid expensive build of process tree when not using it * Include documentation for COMM and EXE * Distinguish display of no permissions for reading M_LRS * Only calculate M_LRS size every 2 seconds * Improvements to comm / cmdline display functionality * Merged view for COMM, EXE and cmdline (thanks to Narendran Gopalakrishnan and Benny Baumann) * Consistent kernel thread display for COMM/EXE columns * Central fault handling for all platforms * Handle parsing envID & VPid from process status file * Use threshold for display of guest/steal/irq meters * Enhance highlighting of semi-large and large numbers * Documentation on the repository style guide * Align processor identifier to the right * Document M_PSS, M_PSSWP, M_SWAP in man page * Add Date and DateTime meters * BUGFIX: Fix Solaris 11.4 due to missing ZFS ARC kstats * Code hardening, speedups, fd and memory leak fixes * Number CPUs from zero by default * Remove residual python checks during the build process ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 15 21:46:04 UTC 2020 - Avindra Goolcharan - Update to version 3.0.2 * BUGFIX: Drop 'vim_mode' - several issues, needs rethink * BUGFIX: fix regression in -u optional-argument handling * Build system rework to remove python, header generation * CI, code quality improvements - Switch to new official bintray tarball to remove automake deps ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 6 19:55:05 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke - Update to version 3.0.1 * BUGFIX: Fix early exit with longer sysfs battery paths * BUGFIX: Improve OOM output, fix sorting * Rework check buttons and tree open/closed * Add -U/--no-unicode option to disable unicode * Improvements to the affinity panel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Aug 29 19:17:23 UTC 2020 - Avindra Goolcharan - Update to version 3.0.0 * Add simple, optional vim key mapping mode * Support more than 2 smaller CPU meter columns * Support Linux proportional set size metrics * Support Linux pressure stall information metrics * New display option to show CPU frequency in CPU meters * Update Linux sysfs battery discovery for recent kernels * Add hardware topology information in the affinity panel * Add timestamp reporting to the strace screen * Added an option to disable the mouse * Without an argument -u uses $USER value automatically * Support less(1) search navigation shortcuts * Support ZFS ARC statistics * Report values larger than 100 terabytes * Widen ST_UID (UID) column to allow for UIDs > 9999 * BUGFIX: fix makefiles for building with clang * BUGFIX: fix major() usage * BUGFIX: correctly identify other types of zombie process * BUGFIX: improve follow-process handling in some situations * BUGFIX: fix custom meters reverting to unexpected setting * BUGFIX: close pipe after running lsof(1) * BUGFIX: meters honour setting of counting CPUs from 0/1 - Drop htop-2.2.0.tar.gz.asc - no sig provided - Upstreamed patches removed: * Drop htop-2.2.0-fix-linux-process-ordering.patch * Drop htop-2.2.0-fix-option-string.patch * Drop htop-2.2.0-gcc10.patch * Drop htop-desktop-file-fix-thoenig-01.patch * Drop htop-script-python3.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 5 07:07:31 UTC 2020 - Martin Pluskal - Fix building with gcc10: * htop-2.2.0-gcc10.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 23 05:46:54 UTC 2020 - Martin Pluskal - Add patches: * htop-2.2.0-fix-linux-process-ordering.patch * htop-2.2.0-fix-option-string.patch (fixes boo#1165352) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 12 12:09:09 UTC 2018 - mpluskal@suse.com - Simplify spec file * Drop support for building on older distros * Trim describtion - Enable delayacct ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 10 22:48:06 UTC 2018 - avindra@opensuse.org - Update to version 2.2.0 * -t/--tree flag for starting in tree-view mode * Various automake and build improvements * Check for pkg-config when building with --enable-delayacct * Avoid some bashisms in configure script * Use CFLAGS from ncurses*-config if present * Header generator supports non-UTF-8 environments * Changed detection of kernel threads * Collapse current subtree pressing Backspace * BUGFIX: fix behavior of SYSCR column * BUGFIX: obtain exit code of lsof correctly * BUGFIX: fix crash with particular keycodes * BUGFIX: fix issue with small terminals * BUGFIX: fix terminal color issues * BUGFIX: preserve LDFLAGS when building * BUGFIX: fixed overflow for systems with >= 100 signals - cleanup with spec-cleaner - rebase htop-script-python3.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 23 11:08:31 UTC 2018 - ecsos@opensuse.org - fix build error for Leap 42.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 6 13:44:23 UTC 2018 - mpluskal@suse.com - Small cleanup with spec-clener ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 5 14:44:35 UTC 2018 - aloisio@gmx.com - Update to version 2.1.0 * Linux: Delay accounting metrics (thanks to André Carvalho) * Support for real-time signals (thanks to Kang-Che Sung) * 'c' key now works with threads as well * Session column renamed from SESN to SID (thanks to Kamyar Rasta) * Improved UI for meter style selection (thanks to Kang-Che Sung) * Improved code for constructing process tree (thanks to wangqr) * Compile-time option to disable setuid * Error checking of various standard library operations * Replacement of sprintf with snprintf (thanks to Tomasz Kramkowski) * Linux: performance improvements in battery meter * Linux: update process TTY device * Linux: add support for sorting TASK_IDLE (thanks to Vladimir Panteleev) * Linux: add upper-bound to running process counter (thanks to Lucas Correia Villa Real) * BUGFIX: avoid crash when battery is removed (thanks to Jan Chren) - Refreshed htop-desktop-file-fix-thoenig-01.patch - Added htop-script-python3.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 2 15:32:27 UTC 2017 - mpluskal@suse.com - Add gpg signature ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 24 07:43:11 UTC 2016 - mpluskal@suse.com - Small spec file cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 23 08:06:45 UTC 2016 - mpluskal@suse.com - Update to version 2.0.2: * Mac OS X: stop trying when task_for_pid fails for a process, stops spamming logs with errors. * Add Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E to go to beginning and end of line * FreeBSD: fixes for CPU calculation * Usability: auto-follow process after a search. * Use Linux backend on GNU Hurd * Improvement for reproducible builds. * BUGFIX: Fix behavior of Alt-key combinations * Various code tweaks and cleanups - Drop htop-2.0.1-fix-escdelay-usage.patch - Update htop-desktop-file-fix-thoenig-01.patch - Drop some build dependencies - Enable taskstats ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 22 15:23:24 UTC 2016 - develop7@develop7.info - added upstream patch fixing ESCDELAY-related build failure on modern ncurses (htop-2.0.1-fix-escdelay-usage.patch) - updated configure script parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 13 18:15:43 UTC 2016 - develop7@develop7.info - Update to v2.0.1 * OpenBSD: Various fixes and improvements (thanks to Michael McConville and Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado) * FreeBSD: fix CPU and memory readings (thanks to Tim Creech, Hung-Yi Chen, Bernard Spil, Greg V) * FreeBSD: add battery support (thanks to Greg V) * Linux: Retain last-obtained name of a zombie process * Mac OS X: Improve portability for OS X versions (thanks to Michael Klein) * Mac OS X: Fix reading command-line arguments and basename * Mac OS X: Fix process state information * Mac OS X: Fix tree view collapsing/expanding * Mac OS X: Fix tree organization * Mac OS X: Fix memory accounting * Fix crash when emptying a column of meters * Make Esc key more responsive - removed htop-2.0.0-fix-buffer-reuse.patch and htop-stdgnu.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 3 17:25:17 UTC 2016 - develop7@develop7.info - htop-2.0.0-fix-buffer-reuse.patch: upstream fix for crash with SIGABRT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 11 18:29:47 UTC 2016 - jimmy@boombatower.com - Update to version 2.0.0. * Platform abstraction layer * Initial FreeBSD support * Initial Mac OS X support (thanks to David Hunt) * Swap meter for Mac OSX (thanks to Ștefan Rusu) * OpenBSD port (thanks to Michael McConville) * FreeBSD support improvements (thanks to Martin Misuth) * Support for NCurses 6 ABI, including mouse wheel support * Much improved mouse responsiveness * Process environment variables screen (thanks to Michael Klein) * Higher-resolution UTF-8 based Graph mode (Thanks to James Hall from vtop for the idea!) * Show program path settings (thanks to Tobias Geerinckx-Rice) * BUGFIX: Fix crash when scrolling an empty filtered list. * Use dynamic units for text display, and several fixes (thanks to Christian Hesse) * BUGFIX: fix error caused by overflow in usertime calculation. (thanks to Patrick Marlier) * Catch all memory allocation errors (thanks to Michael McConville for the push) * Several tweaks and bugfixes (See the Git log for details and contributors!) - Rerolled both patches for compatibility with 2.0.0. - Fix ncurses 6 incompatibility during compile. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 2 16:21:35 UTC 2015 - mpluskal@suse.com - Add scriplets for desktop file handling ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 20 13:38:40 UTC 2015 - jhura@suse.com - Cleanup of spec file with spec-cleaner. - Enable oom score watching and native-affinity ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 19 18:57:58 UTC 2014 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.0.3 * Tag all children ('c' key) * Fixes in accounting of guest time when using virtualization * Performance improvements * Further performance improvements due to conditional parsing of IO data depending on selected fields. * Better consistency in coloring. * Increase limit of buffer when tracing a deep nested process tree. * Display pagefault stats. * BUGFIX: Fix crash when adding meters and toggling detailed CPU time. * Add column to track the OOM-killer score of processes * Rebase htop-stdgnu.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 26 21:02:27 UTC 2013 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org - improve autools build, we do not want packages using, for example std=c99, instead determine the latest C standard with gnu extensions using autoconf macros. (htop-stdgnu.patch) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 26 13:28:46 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Better make install, remove %clean ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 12 12:11:20 UTC 2012 - puzel@suse.com - update to htop-1.0.2 * Add IO priority support ('i' key) * Avoid deleting .htoprc if it is a symlink * Fail gracefully when /proc is not mounted (thanks to Philipp Hagemeister) * Option to update process names on every refresh (thanks to Rob Hoelz) * BUGFIX: Fix crashes when process list is empty ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 17 06:37:59 UTC 2012 - puzel@suse.com - update to htop-1.0.1 (bugfix release) * respecting $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (thanks to Hadzhimurad Ustarkhan for the suggestion.) * Safer behavior on the kill screen, to make it harder to kill the wrong process. * BUGFIX: behavior of 'F' (follow) key was broken, also affecting the persistence of mouse selections. * BUGFIX: keep main panel up-to-date when running the screen manager, to fix crash when processes die while on the F9/Kill screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 24 16:27:15 UTC 2011 - puzel@suse.com - update to htop-1.0 * Performance improvements * Support for splitting CPU meters into two or four columns * Switch from PLPA, which is now deprecated, to HWLOC. * Bring back support for native Linux sched_setaffinity, so we don't have to use HWLOC where we don't need to. * Support for typing in user names and column fields in selection panels. * Support for UTF-8 tree drawing * Option for counting CPUs from zero * Meters update in every screen (no longer halting while on Setup, etc.) * Stricter checks for command-line options * Incremental filtering * Try harder to find the ncurses header * Man page updates * BUGFIX: Support larger numbers for process times. * BUGFIX: Segfault in BarMeterMode_draw() for small terminal widths ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 30 17:25:43 UTC 2011 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Use --enable-unicode and switch to ncurses ABI v6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 29 09:54:23 UTC 2010 - puzel@novell.com - update to htop-0.9 * Add support for "steal"/guest CPU time measurement in virtualization environments * Expand and collapse subtrees using '+' and '-' when in tree-view * Support for cgroups * Show custom thread names * Add support for STARTTIME field * Upgrade PLPA to version 1.3.2 * Fix license terms with regard to PLPA * getopt-based long options and --no-color * BUGFIX: Fix display of nan% in CPU meters * BUGFIX: Fix memory leak * Add Bash/emacs style navigation keys * Improve battery meter support * BUGFIX: Fix IO-wait color in "Black on White" scheme * BUGFIX: Fix search by process name when list is filtered by user. * BUGFIX: Fix alignment for display of memory values above 100G - drop htop-non-printable-characters.patch (in upstream) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 31 12:37:02 UTC 2010 - jengelh@medozas.de - Use %_smp_mflags ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 15 00:13:43 CET 2009 - jengelh@medozas.de - enable parallel building ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 24 14:13:39 CEST 2009 - puzel@novell.com - update to htop-0.8.3 * BUGFIX: Fix crash on F6 key (thanks to Rainer Suhm) * BUGFIX: Fix a minor bug which affected the build process. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 2 12:54:34 CEST 2009 - puzel@suse.cz - update to 0.8.2 * Integrated lsof (press 'l') * Fix display of gigabyte-sized values * Option to display hostname in the meters area * Rename VEID to CTID in OpenVZ systems * Corrections to the desktop entry file * BUGFIX: Correct page size calculation for FreeBSD systems * Allow compilation without PLPA on systems that don't support it * BUGFIX: Fix missing tree view when userland threads are hidden * BUGFIX: Fix for VPID on OpenVZ systems - Recommends strace and lsof - use suse_update_desktop_file macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 21 10:57:51 CET 2008 - thoenig@suse.de - add python to build requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 21 09:45:29 CET 2008 - thoenig@suse.de - add patch htop-non-printable-characters.patch: Don't try to show non-printable charcaters (bnc#440951) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 23 19:15:12 CEST 2008 - thoenig@suse.de - Linux-VServer support - battery meter - fix collection of IO stats in multithreaded processes - remove assertion that fails on hardened kernels ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 31 13:57:32 CEST 2008 - puzel@suse.cz - configure with --enable-taskstats to enable per-processes IO statistics - use %configure and %makeinstall macros ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 11 17:29:45 CEST 2008 - bwalle@suse.de - update to htop 0.8 * Ability to change sort column with the mouse by clicking column titles (click again to invert order) * Add support for Linux per-process IO statistics, enabled with the --enable-taskstats flag, which requires a kernel compiled with taskstats support. * Add Unicode support, enabled with the --enable-unicode flag, which requires libncursesw. (thanks to Sergej Pupykin) * BUGFIX: Fix display of CPU count for threaded processes. When user threads are hidden, process now shows the sum of processor usage for all processors. When user threads are displayed, each thread shows its own processor usage, including the root thread. * BUGFIX: avoid crashing when using many meters - change source tarball format to bzip2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 26 11:18:29 CET 2007 - thoenig@suse.de - Update to htop 0.7 - Changes: * CPU affinity configuration ('a' key) * Improve display of tree view, properly nesting threads of the same app based on TGID. * IO-wait time now counts as idle time, which is a more accurate description. It is still available in split time, now called detailed CPU time. (thanks to Samuel Thibault for the report) * BUGFIX: Correct display of TPGID field * Add TGID field * BUGFIX: Don't crash with invalid command-line flags (thanks to Nico Golde for the report) * Fix GCC 4.3 compilation issues (thanks to Martin Michlmayr for the report) * OpenVZ support, enabled at compile-time with the --enable-openvz flag. (thanks to Sergey Lychko) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 2 16:34:51 CEST 2007 - thoenig@suse.de - Update to htop 0.6.6 - Changes: * Add support of NLWP field * BUGFIX: Fix use of configurable /proc location * Fix memory percentage calculation and make it saner * Added display of DRS, DT, LRS and TRS * BUGFIX: LRS and DRS memory values were flipped * BUGFIX: Don't crash on very high UIDs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 22 13:16:21 CEST 2007 - thoenig@suse.de - Initial package submission (htop 0.6.5) - Add patch htop-desktop-file-fix-thoenig-01.patch