2022-09-21 17:54:09 +00:00
Wed Sep 21 17:38:03 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.14.0beta:
+ Breaking changes
* main_mod has been deprecated.
new syntax for mouse binds: (example)
+ New features:
* Added monitor mirroring
* add default speed to hyprctl devices mice
* added misc:disable_autoreload
* added window pinning
* added wsbind
+ Fixes:
* Various subsurface handling fixes
* fix LS fading out on ws change
* fix an unholy memory safety issue
* fix animation issues with workspace silent
* fix decos on pinned
* fix fadeout on unmap fullscreen
* fix focus follows mouse 0 event sending on wrong window
* fix groupbar being wonk on scaled
* fix groups with fullscreen
* fix hyprland freeze when undocking from docking station
* fix misc fullscreen issues
* fix mouse binds being stuck
* fix moving between fullscreen workspaces
* fix pinned fade on fs
* fix refocus on same workspace
* fix special fullscreen
* fix special workspace dispatcher logic
* fix wonky focus on movetoworkspace
* fix ws switching with LS opacity
* minor code styling fixes
* minor mouse bind handling fixes
* minor swipe fixes
+ Other:
* accept any case in binds
* allow current in monitorfromstring
* better cycling in fullscreen with pinned
* better dwindle swapping with groups
* disable enabling groups on fullscreen windows
* disallow fullscreen pinned
* disallow move/resize dispatchers on fullscreen windows
* don't apply alpha to fadingOut on setWindowFullscreen
* don't iterate over subsurfaces in unmap
* export HYPRLAND_CMD for scripts
* fade control for fullscreen action on windows
* fullscreen animation en-nice-ment
* guard invalid FB allocs
* handle multi-ws swaps in layouts
* handle touch devices internally as objects
* hyprctl-nopoll
* introduce new mouse binds in default and example cfgs
* more forceRendering checks in shouldRenderWindow
* mouse binds overhaul
* only check for visible on xdg
* prevent assert killing Hyprland after reenabling monitor
* tick config after reload request
* verify visibility of new geom in floating creation
2022-09-09 13:59:55 +00:00
Fri Sep 9 13:51:45 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.13.1beta:
+ New features:
* consistent output of window addresses
* fix group decos on added windows
+ Fixes:
* fix addreserved lag
* fix group decos on added windows
* guard drag in destroyDrag to fix a crash
+ Other:
* more guarding in cleanup pid gathering
* prevent missed surface size updates on fullscreen window close
2022-08-24 07:54:45 +00:00
2022-09-07 19:05:38 +00:00
Wed Sep 7 18:39:03 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.13.0beta:
+ New features:
* Added Xwayland and floating props to windowrulev2
* Added windowrulev2
* add lastwindow info to hyprctl workspaces
* added a submap IPC event
* added closewindow dispatcher
+ Fixes:
* Fix some more crimes against humanity
* fix a damage issue with transformed blur
* fix a minor bug with no gaps when only and groups
* fix blur on transformed displays
* fix dwindle no gaps when only when dissolving a group
* fix mouse focus not returning from a LS on follow mouse 0
* fix no_gaps_when_only with a group
* fix some minor crimes against humanity
* fix splash positioning
* fix transformed blur on new optimizations
* fix up styling
* fix wonky behavior with silent workspace rule
+ Other:
* Update wlroots dep
* damage drag on destroy
* default rounding to 0
* don't accumulate from virtual
* escape json strings in workspaces lastwindow title
* guard pFoundWindow in CInputManager under fullscreen
* guard parent in X11TransientFor
* guard psurface in activateSurface
* guard unsafe state in unmap ls
* optimize calls in toggleSpecialWorkspace
* refocus on reserved area
* remember last window on workspace
* remove tiling node when invalid
* sanity check on last window
* send accumulated modifiers to surfaces
* set last monitor and dont refocus in some cases (changeworkspace)
* simplify code and update monitor on warp
* simplify config monitor reloads and rearrange layers
* unify monitor args
* use activateSurface in unconstrainMouse
* use lastMonitor in mapWindow
* warp only on another monitor in changeworkspace
* wrap lastwindow in quotes in hyprctl json
Tue Aug 30 19:23:22 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.12.1beta:
+ New features:
* Add HiDPI xwayland + wlroots patches (#591)
* Added window dimming
+ Fixes:
* finally fixed transformed snapshots
* fix LS popup damage
* fix dwindle groupbars
+ Other:
* disable fullscreen and floating dispatchers on special
* set last monitor on move focus dispatcher
2022-08-29 11:43:11 +00:00
Mon Aug 29 11:25:37 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.12.0beta:
+ New features:
* Add cleaninstall task
* Nix: add nixConfig
* add clean install for those who build from source
* added a forceinput rule
* added a specialWorkspace anim leaf
* added a swapactiveworkspaces dispatcher
* added an event for moving workspace
* added swapnext
* added swapnext and swapprev for master
+ Fixes:
* fix device closing
* fix fullscreen in moving ws
* fix fullscreen on workspace rule silent
* fix indents, change crit log to info
* fix internal keybinds
* fix logic in candidates on unmap
* fix more indents, im sorry vaxry
* fix parser in nested categories
* fix segfault in inactive sessions
* fix shadows on silent rule
* fix silent workspaces with back and forth
* fix styling in const ptrs
* fix subsurface UV handling on oversized windows
* fix window rules
* fix xwayland config option for nix (#587)
* fixes to swapnext logic on dwindle
* minor damage fixes
* minor fixes to the viewporter behavior
+ Other:
* Allow passing the mouse as well in pass
* Force wlroots to not send leave events in pass to XWayland
* Multiple improvements to the shutdown procedure
* Unfocus first on non-internal ws changes
* Viewporter implementaion (#585)
* allow specifying window for toggle floating
* better find device cats
* don't find a new candidate to refocus on unfocused unmap
* don't focus silent windows
* guard nullptr in unmap
* ignore oversized popups' dims in global coords
* implemented DRM leasing for VR headsets
* modify exit behaviour a bit
* move X11 transients to top on parent top
* optimize options in dwindle
* pass press and release events separately
* ratelimit setting cursor
* remove general:sensitivity from the default config
* reset uv on invalid buffer source box
2022-08-24 07:54:45 +00:00
Tue Aug 23 21:43:17 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.11.1beta:
+ New features:
* added HYPRLAND_LOG_WLR envvar
* added misc:float_switch_override_focus
+ Fixes:
* IME Popup damage fixes
* fix IME grab on multiple open native inputs
* fix LS snapshot rendering logic
* fix logic in fullscreen close candidates
* fix minor refocus issue
* fix oversized popup misalignment
* fix up hyprctl dispatch
* fix up keyword to accept spaced args
* fix wlr logging
* minor fix on unfocus on fullscreen workspace
* minor fixes to candidate finding
+ Other:
* always use /usr/share/ for wayland-sessions
* clean up temp logic in snapshots
* damage on force warp resize
* destroy monitor resources on exit
* doc: build man pages to repo
* doc: install mapages
* docs: install manpages with meson
* don't refocus if candidate is last window
* don't round popups
* dropped deprecated gethostbyname check
* fullscreen request only when mapped
* gha: build man pages
* improve compatability with older meson versions
* move monitor damage to separate funcs
* openSUSE patches
* remove unintuitive candidate behavior
* report sizes to all windows on fullscreen
* use a custom logging func for wlr
- Dropped gethostbyname.patch, included upstream.
- Dropped old-meson.patch, included upstream.
2022-08-22 10:35:26 +00:00
Mon Aug 22 10:24:52 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Update to version 0.11.0beta:
+ Breaking changes:
* The SHIFT modifying behaviour in the config has been removed
bind=SHIFT,exclam,movetoworkspace,1 # OLD
bind=SHIFT,1,movetoworkspace,1 # NEW
As an additional result of the above, for multi-layout users, see
+ New features:
* Add mapwindow, unmapwindow and movewindow IPC events
* Add switching to previous workspace
* add general:allow_workspace_cycles option
* add general:workspace_back_and_forth option
* add switching to previous workspace
+ Fixes:
* fix a minor border issue
* fix another edge case for fullscreen default windows
* fix bug which allowed a switch to workspace ID -1.
* fix crash
* fix incorrect popup handling on oversized
* fix retrieval of monitor
* fix special workspace windows being xray with new optim
* fix style conflicts and config + monitor retrieval
* fix warn
* minor activewindow and focus fixes
+ Other:
* handle fullscreen pre-map
* remove unused func
* set new optimizations for blur in example configs
* use a custom translation state in keybinds
* warn about outdated keybind cfg
2022-08-22 07:40:49 +00:00
Sat Aug 20 22:27:43 UTC 2022 - Florian "spirit" <packaging@sp1rit.anonaddy.me>
- Initial packaging