ibus README for SuSE How to start using ibus English: 0:Note: ibus don't support QT3 immodule, If you use qt3-base applications, modify your /etc/X11/xim.d/ibus to export QT_IM_MODULE=xim 1.openSUSE can start ibus automatically when your locale is set to en, zh_TW, zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_SG, ko_KR and ja_JP. The setup script is a link in /etc/X11/xim.d/YOUR-LOCALE/40-ibus which link to /etc/X11/xim.d/ibus. The number "40" makes ibus have priority over other input-method (e.g 50-scim or 90-xcin ). If you prefer not using ibus, mv 40-ibus to 80-ibus (for example). Or see 2. 2.If for some reason can't start ibus when login Xwindow There is another input-method who has higher priority then ibus (e.g 10-oxim) You can edit ~/.xim, see ~/.xim.template for more informations. Or edit ~/.profile, add export INPUT_METHOD="ibus" After installing ibus, there's a template for ibus: /usr/share/doc/packages/ibus/xim.ibus.suse.template copy this file to ~/.xim, then you can use ibus next login X. 3.You want to use your own input-method other than system setting (1)System setting: Edit /etc/sysconfig/language , set INPUT_METHOD="scim-bridge", or whatever you want,Make sure your start-up script is put in /etc/X11/xim.d/ with same name ypu mention. (2)For specific language setting: Link a start-up script in /etc/X11/xim.d/ to your locale with a higher priority (smaller number), eg ln -s /etc/X11/xim.d/scim-bridge /etc/X11/xim.d/zh_TW/20-scim-bridge (3)Personal setting: Edit ~/.profile add export INPUT_METHOD="scim-bridge" or whatever script in /etc/X11/xim.d/ or white your own ~/.xim, see ~/.xim.template for more informations. 4.Bug report or any suggestion to http://code.google.com/p/ibus/ Chinese: 0:注意:ibus 不支援 QT3 immodule, 若您使用 qt3-based 應用程式,請修改 /etc/X11/xim.d/ibus 設定 export QT_IM_MODULE=xim 1.當您使用的語系是en 或zh_*時,SuSE 會自動啟動ibus 啟動的script是/etc/X11/xim.d/YOUR-LOCALE/40-ibus,這是一個到上層目錄ibus的連結 "40"這個數字使他的優先順序高於90-xcin及50-scim 如果您不喜歡這個順序,修改連結的名稱為(例如:80-ibus),或參考2. 2.重新登入X後,如果不能用ibus...可能是: 有別的輸入法的優先順序高於ibus(例如:10-oxim) 您可以編輯~/.xim,請參考~/.xim.template 安裝ibus後,會有一個範本:/usr/share/doc/packages/ibus/xim.ibus.suse.template 將這個檔案複製到您的~/.xim,當您下次登入X時就可以使用ibus了 或編輯~/.profile,加入 export INPUT_METHOD="ibus" 3.如果您想要自己選擇輸入法而非使用系統設定 (1)全系統設定: 編輯 /etc/sysconfig/language, 設定 INPUT_METHOD="ibus" 或其他你想用的輸入法, 請注意你的啟動程序必須位於 /etc/X11/xim.d/,並和您指定的名稱相同 (2)針對特定語言: 將您的啟動程序連結到你的語系中,並前置較高的優先順序(較小數字),例如 ln -s /etc/X11/xim.d/ibus /etc/X11/xim.d/zh_TW/20-ibus (3)個人設定: 編輯 ~/.profile 加入 export INPUT_METHOD="ibus" 或其他在 /etc/X11/xim.d/ 的啟動程序 或自行編寫啟動程序 ~/.xim,請參考 ~/.xim.template 5.臭蟲回報或建議請至 http://code.google.com/p/ibus/