[Unit] Description=Mount initrd fstab entries for Ignition DefaultDependencies=false Before=ignition-complete.target # Make sure ExecStop= runs before we switch root Before=initrd-switch-root.target After=initrd-root-fs.target After=ignition-remount-sysroot.service # Run only after Ignition's mount stage - mount points configured by Ignition # itself will be skipped below, just mount the rest. Requires=ignition-mount.service After=ignition-mount.service Before=ignition-files.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'eval $(awk '"'"'$4 ~ /x-initrd.mount/ {print "if ! findmnt /sysroot" $2 " >/dev/null; then mount -t " $3 " -o " $4 " " $1 " /sysroot" $2 "; fi;" }'"'"' /sysroot/etc/fstab)' ExecStop=/usr/bin/umount -a -O "x-initrd.mount"