commit 5b106d529c0c891d78c652c19e840d7335f2949bd435627f2e0867ec163d708d
Author: Dirk Stoecker <>
Date:   Thu Nov 28 14:18:25 2024 +0000

    Fix .changes, pkgconfig(gdkmm-3.0) was mentioned twice....

diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b03811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+## Default LFS
+*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bsp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gem filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.rpm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.txz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57affb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/_constraints b/_constraints
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..597fa88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_constraints
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  <hardware>
+    <disk>
+      <size unit="G">5</size>
+    </disk>
+    <memory>
+      <size unit="M">4000</size>
+    </memory>
+    <memoryperjob>
+      <size unit="M">800</size>
+    </memoryperjob>
+  </hardware>
diff --git a/inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.tar.xz b/inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769ca29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.tar.xz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:dbd1844dc443fe5e10d3e9a887144e5fb7223852fff191cfb5ef7adeab0e086b
+size 44720944
diff --git a/inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.tar.xz.sig b/inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.tar.xz.sig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd828bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.tar.xz.sig differ
diff --git a/inkscape-1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100.tar.xz b/inkscape-1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dea64f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100.tar.xz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:c59a85453b699addebcd51c1dc07684dd96a10c8aec716b19551db50562e13f5
+size 46321868
diff --git a/inkscape-1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100.tar.xz.sig b/inkscape-1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100.tar.xz.sig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9a4f79
Binary files /dev/null and b/inkscape-1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100.tar.xz.sig differ
diff --git a/inkscape-libxml2.12.patch b/inkscape-libxml2.12.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..786a696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-libxml2.12.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 694d8ae43d06efff21adebf377ce614d660b24cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Christian Hesse <>
+Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 22:30:42 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] include missing header file
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+This fixes build error:
+/build/inkscape/src/inkscape/src/object/uri.cpp: In constructor ‘Inkscape::URI::URI(const gchar*, const char*)’:
+/build/inkscape/src/inkscape/src/object/uri.cpp:86:9: error: ‘xmlFree’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘xmlFreeURI’?
+   86 |         xmlFree(full);
+ src/object/uri.h | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/src/object/uri.h b/src/object/uri.h
+index 381adec58cf..d5b211fe2b2 100644
+--- a/src/object/uri.h
++++ b/src/object/uri.h
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #define INKSCAPE_URI_H
+ #include <libxml/uri.h>
++#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+ #include <memory>
+ #include <string>
diff --git a/inkscape-poppler-24.03.0.patch b/inkscape-poppler-24.03.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555d863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-poppler-24.03.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From 3dd9846ab99260134e11938f0e575be822507037 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andreas Sturmlechner <>
+Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 22:59:40 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with >=poppler-24.03.0
+Fixes build errors caused by:
+"Use an enum for Function getType"
+Upstream commit 6e3824d45d42cb806a28a2df84e4ab6bb3587083
+Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <>
+ src/extension/internal/pdfinput/svg-builder.cpp | 14 +++++++++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/svg-builder.cpp b/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/svg-builder.cpp
+index 525fbfec0a..bcd7b1f61b 100644
+--- a/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/svg-builder.cpp
++++ b/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/svg-builder.cpp
+@@ -1175,9 +1175,13 @@ static bool svgGetShadingColor(GfxShading *shading, double offset, GfxColor *res
+ #define INT_EPSILON 8
+ bool SvgBuilder::_addGradientStops(Inkscape::XML::Node *gradient, GfxShading *shading,
+                                    _POPPLER_CONST Function *func) {
+-    int type = func->getType();
++    auto type = func->getType();
+     auto space = shading->getColorSpace();
++    if ( type == Function::Type::Sampled || type == Function::Type::Exponential ) {  // Sampled or exponential function
+     if ( type == 0 || type == 2 ) {  // Sampled or exponential function
+         GfxColor stop1, stop2;
+         if (!svgGetShadingColor(shading, 0.0, &stop1) || !svgGetShadingColor(shading, 1.0, &stop2)) {
+             return false;
+@@ -1185,7 +1189,11 @@ bool SvgBuilder::_addGradientStops(Inkscape::XML::Node *gradient, GfxShading *sh
+             _addStopToGradient(gradient, 0.0, &stop1, space, 1.0);
+             _addStopToGradient(gradient, 1.0, &stop2, space, 1.0);
+         }
++    } else if ( type == Function::Type::Stitching ) { // Stitching
+     } else if ( type == 3 ) { // Stitching
+         auto stitchingFunc = static_cast<_POPPLER_CONST StitchingFunction*>(func);
+         const double *bounds = stitchingFunc->getBounds();
+         const double *encode = stitchingFunc->getEncode();
+@@ -1200,7 +1208,11 @@ bool SvgBuilder::_addGradientStops(Inkscape::XML::Node *gradient, GfxShading *sh
+         for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_funcs ; i++ ) {
+             svgGetShadingColor(shading, bounds[i + 1], &color);
+             // Add stops
++            if (stitchingFunc->getFunc(i)->getType() == Function::Type::Exponential) {    // process exponential fxn
+             if (stitchingFunc->getFunc(i)->getType() == 2) {    // process exponential fxn
+                 double expE = (static_cast<_POPPLER_CONST ExponentialFunction*>(stitchingFunc->getFunc(i)))->getE();
+                 if (expE > 1.0) {
+                     expE = (bounds[i + 1] - bounds[i])/expE;    // approximate exponential as a single straight line at x=1
diff --git a/inkscape-poppler-24.05.0.patch b/inkscape-poppler-24.05.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82fe07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-poppler-24.05.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h
+@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
+ #include <glib/poppler-features.h>
++#include <poppler/UTF.h>
++#define _POPPLER_HAS_UNICODE_BOM(value) (hasUnicodeByteOrderMark(value->toStr()))
++#define _POPPLER_HAS_UNICODE_BOMLE(value) (hasUnicodeByteOrderMarkLE(value->toStr()))
++#define _POPPLER_HAS_UNICODE_BOM(value) (value->hasUnicodeMarker())
++#define _POPPLER_HAS_UNICODE_BOMLE(value) (value->hasUnicodeMarkerLE())
+ #define _POPPLER_FONTPTR_TO_GFX8(font_ptr) ((Gfx8BitFont *)font_ptr.get())
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-utils.cpp
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-utils.cpp
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-utils.cpp
+@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
+ #include "poppler-utils.h"
++#include <poppler/UTF.h>
+ #include "2geom/affine.h"
+ #include "GfxFont.h"
+ #include "GfxState.h"
+@@ -563,10 +565,10 @@ std::string getDictString(Dict *dict, co
+  */
+ std::string getString(const GooString *value)
+ {
+-    if (value->hasUnicodeMarker()) {
++    if (_POPPLER_HAS_UNICODE_BOM(value)) {
+         return g_convert(value->getCString () + 2, value->getLength () - 2,
+                          "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-    } else if (value->hasUnicodeMarkerLE()) {
++    } else if (_POPPLER_HAS_UNICODE_BOMLE(value)) {
+         return g_convert(value->getCString () + 2, value->getLength () - 2,
+                          "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+     }
diff --git a/inkscape-poppler-c++20-2.patch b/inkscape-poppler-c++20-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b74c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-poppler-c++20-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/ui/dialog/filter-effects-dialog.cpp
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/src/ui/dialog/filter-effects-dialog.cpp
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/ui/dialog/filter-effects-dialog.cpp
+@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public:
+ template< typename T> class ComboWithTooltip : public Gtk::EventBox
+ {
+ public:
+-    ComboWithTooltip<T>(T default_value, const Util::EnumDataConverter<T>& c, const SPAttr a = SPAttr::INVALID, char* tip_text = nullptr)
++    ComboWithTooltip(T const default_value, Util::EnumDataConverter<T> const &c, SPAttr const a = SPAttr::INVALID, char* tip_text = nullptr)
+     {
+         if (tip_text) {
+             set_tooltip_text(tip_text);
diff --git a/inkscape-poppler-c++20.patch b/inkscape-poppler-c++20.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09be8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape-poppler-c++20.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/CMakeLists.txt
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/CMakeLists.txt
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ message("Binary Dir: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BIN
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # CMake Configuration
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-# set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # enforces -std=c++17 instead of -std=gnu++17
++# set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # enforces -std=c++20 instead of -std=gnu++20
+                                 # TODO: build currently fails with it as we actually depend on GNU compiler extensions...
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/_clang-format
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/_clang-format
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/_clang-format
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ SpacesInContainerLiterals: false
+ SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+ SpacesInParentheses: false
+ SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+-Standard:        c++17
++Standard:        c++20
+ StatementMacros: []
+ TypenameMacros: []
+ TabWidth: 4
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/ui/knot/knot-holder-entity.cpp
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/src/ui/knot/knot-holder-entity.cpp
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/ui/knot/knot-holder-entity.cpp
+@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ PatternKnotHolderEntityScale::knot_set(G
+     double scale_x = std::clamp(new_extent[X] / _cached_diagonal[X], _cached_min_scale, 1e9);
+     double scale_y = std::clamp(new_extent[Y] / _cached_diagonal[Y], _cached_min_scale, 1e9);
+-    Affine new_transform = (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) ? Scale(lerp(0.5, scale_x, scale_y))
++    Affine new_transform = (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) ? Scale((scale_x + scale_y) * 0.5)
+                                                       : Scale(scale_x, scale_y);
+     // 2. Calculate offset to keep pattern origin aligned
+Index: inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/ui/tools/pencil-tool.cpp
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f.orig/src/ui/tools/pencil-tool.cpp
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/src/ui/tools/pencil-tool.cpp
+@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@
+  * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
+  */
+-#include <numeric> // For std::accumulate
++#include "pencil-tool.h"
++#include <cmath>   // std::lerp
++#include <numeric> // std::accumulate
+ #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+ #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
+@@ -26,7 +30,6 @@
+ #include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h>
+ #include <2geom/svg-path-parser.h>
+-#include "pencil-tool.h"
+ #include "context-fns.h"
+ #include "desktop.h"
+@@ -814,7 +817,7 @@ void PencilTool::_addFreehandPoint(Geom:
+             min = max;
+         }
+         double dezoomify_factor = 0.05 * 1000 / _desktop->current_zoom();
+-        double const pressure_shrunk = pressure * (max - min) + min; // C++20 -> use std::lerp()
++        double const pressure_shrunk = std::lerp(min, max, pressure);
+         double pressure_computed = std::abs(pressure_shrunk * dezoomify_factor);
+         double pressure_computed_scaled = std::abs(pressure_computed * _desktop->getDocument()->getDocumentScale().inverse()[Geom::X]);
+         if (p != this->p[this->_npoints - 1]) {
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fdad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# List all files, that depend on base_extra_modules, explicitly or implicitly.
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sys
+# Search all .py files that are imported by mentioned modules.
+def make_deplist(inx_list, module_list):
+    modules = set()
+    inx_regex = re.compile(rf">(.+)\.py</(dependency|command)>")
+    for entry in inx_list:
+        with open(os.path.join(".", entry), encoding="utf-8") as file:
+            for line in file:
+                match =
+                if (match and
+                    and not in module_list):
+                    modules.add(
+    for module in module_list.union(modules):
+        name = os.path.join(".", f"{module}.py")
+        if os.path.isfile(name):
+            with open(name, encoding="utf-8") as file:
+                for line in file:
+                    match = re.match(r"from (.+) import", line)
+                    if not match:
+                        match = re.match(r"import ([^#]+).*? *", line)
+                    if match and
+                        needle = re.sub(r"as .+", "",
+                        if (needle not in module_list.union(modules)
+                            and os.path.isfile(f"{needle}.py")):
+                            modules.add(needle)
+    return modules
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    work_dir = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd())
+    os.chdir(sys.argv[1])
+    prefix = sys.argv[2]
+    base_extra_modules = set(["lxml", "numpy", "scour", "xml"])
+    extra_modules = set()
+    prev_modules = base_extra_modules
+    while True:
+        prev_module_regex = rf"({'|'.join(map(re.escape, prev_modules))})"
+        import_regex = re.compile(rf"(import|from).* {prev_module_regex}")
+        next_modules = set()
+        # Search all .py files importing one of the mentioned modules.
+        for entry in pathlib.Path(".").glob("**/*.py"):
+            with"utf-8") as file:
+                for line in file:
+                    if
+                        name = str(entry.as_posix())
+                        module = name.split(os.sep, 1)[0]
+                        if module.endswith(".py"):
+                            module = entry.stem
+                        if module not in next_modules:
+                            next_modules.add(module)
+        prev_modules = next_modules
+        if extra_modules.issuperset(prev_modules):
+            break
+        extra_modules.update(prev_modules)
+    std_inx = set()
+    extra_inx = set()
+    # We have a complete list of .py files dependent on base_extra_modules.
+    # Now we need a list of .inx module descriptors.
+    inx_regex = re.compile(rf'({"|".join(map(re.escape, extra_modules))})\.py')
+    for entry in pathlib.Path(".").iterdir():
+        if entry.is_file() and entry.suffix == ".inx":
+            with"utf-8") as file:
+                for line in file:
+                    if
+                        extra_inx.add(
+            # inx files that do not belong in extra_inx.
+            if not in extra_inx:
+                std_inx.add(
+    # Now create list of .py files that should belong in the std package.
+    std_modules = make_deplist(std_inx, set())
+    # Now create list of .py files that are required by extra modules
+    # (If no std module needs it, then they will belong in the extra package).
+    extradep_modules = make_deplist(extra_inx, extra_modules)
+    # And now verify everything and generate final list.
+    exclusion_regex = re.compile(r"^(cdr|fig|.*gimp|scribus)")
+    std_list = work_dir / "inkscape.lst"
+    extra_list = work_dir / "inkscape-extensions-extra.lst"
+    with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+        for inx in std_inx:
+            if not exclusion_regex.match(inx):
+                print(f"{prefix}{inx}", file=file)
+    with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+        for inx in extra_inx:
+            if not exclusion_regex.match(inx):
+                print(f"{prefix}{inx}", file=file)
+    with"a", encoding="utf-8") as std_file,"a", encoding="utf-8") as extra_file:
+        for entry in pathlib.Path(".").iterdir():
+            if entry.is_file() and entry.suffix == ".py":
+                name = str(entry.as_posix())
+                if exclusion_regex.match(name):
+                    pass
+                elif entry.is_file() and entry.stem in extra_modules:
+                    print(f"{prefix}{}", file=extra_file)
+                elif entry.is_file() and entry.stem in std_modules:
+                    print(f"{prefix}{}", file=std_file)
+                elif entry.is_file() and entry.stem in extradep_modules:
+                    print(f"{prefix}{}", file=extra_file)
+                else:
+                    print(f"ERROR: Undecided file {name}", file=sys.stderr)
+            elif entry.is_dir():
+                if in extra_modules:
+                    print(f"{prefix}{}/", file=extra_file)
+                elif in std_modules:
+                    print(f"{prefix}{}/", file=std_file)
+                elif in extradep_modules:
+                    print(f"{prefix}{}/", file=extra_file)
diff --git a/inkscape.changes b/inkscape.changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74aaaca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape.changes
@@ -0,0 +1,1442 @@
+Sun Nov 17 18:19:26 UTC 2024 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Drop obsolete and unused pkgconfig(gdl-3.0) BuildRequires.
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4), pkgconfig(gdkmm-3.0),
+  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) and pkgconfig(gdk-3.0) BuildRequires: Align
+  with what cmake checks for.
+Mon Oct 14 19:26:24 UTC 2024 -
+- Update to version 1.4:
+  + Filter Gallery
+  + Modular grids & improved axonometric grids
+  + Swatches dialog and palette file handling improved
+  + Unified font browser preview
+  + Customizable handles
+  + Fast image clipping with the Shape Builder
+  + Affinity Designer File Import
+  + Support for internal links in exported PDF files
+  + A whole new icon set
+  + See the full release notes
+- Drop inkscape-poppler-24.03.0.patch, inkscape-libxml2.12.patch,
+  inkscape-poppler-c++20.patch, inkscape-poppler-24.05.0.patch,
+  inkscape-poppler-c++20-2.patch, inkscape_1.3.2_fix_tiff.patch, fixed upstream
+Thu Sep 12 11:01:00 UTC 2024 - Dirk Stoecker <>
+- fix tiff output error ignored by upstream: inkscape_1.3.2_fix_tiff.patch
+Tue Jul  2 15:12:33 UTC 2024 -
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + inkscape-poppler-24.05.0.patch
+  fix
+  + inkscape-poppler-c++20-2.patch
+  fix
+  + inkscape-poppler-c++20.patch
+Thu Apr 18 14:13:05 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Add inkscape-libxml2.12.patch: Fix build with libxml 2.12.
+Fri Mar  8 09:14:00 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Add inkscape-poppler-24.03.0.patch: Fix build with poppler >=
+  24.03.0.
+Fri Dec  1 19:23:07 UTC 2023 -
+- Update to version 1.3.2:
+  + important bugfix release, fixes a data loss bug in 1.3.1
+  + Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly
+  + The data that was lost when saving these shapes, 
+    can be recovered in 1.3.2 if you manually make an edit:
+    To fix all missing shapes at once, you can select all elements
+    in all layers (Ctrl + Alt + A, need to unlock them first),
+    and move them right and back left again with a press on the arrow keys
+  + See the full release notes
+Sun Nov 19 08:29:07 UTC 2023 -
+- Update to version 1.3.1:
+  + more than 30 crash/freeze fixes
+  + a new feature to disable snapping to grid lines
+  + a new feature to split text into its letters
+  + the Shape Builder tool now creates an appropriate number of nodes
+  + PDF files that could not be opened with Inkscape 1.3 can now be opened / imported again
+  + See the full release notes
+Mon Jul 24 20:40:25 UTC 2023 -
+- Update to version 1.3:
+  + Shape Builder Tool for building up shapes on canvas
+  + Font Collections
+  + Pattern Editor
+  + Document Resources Dialog
+  + Improved performance thanks to fully asynchronous, multithreaded rendering
+  + LPE dialog redesigned
+  + Improved On-Canvas Pattern Editing
+  + Better PDF import
+  + Page margins & bleed
+  + Return of Search, opacity & blend modes in Layers & Objects dialog and of an optional persistent snap bar
+  + Syntax highlighting in XML Editor
+  + See the full release notes
+- Drop patch 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC13.patch, fixed upstream
+Tue May 23 11:52:02 UTC 2023 - Dirk Stoecker <>
+- Add Recommends for python3-imaging (python3-Pillow)
+Tue Mar 21 08:44:31 UTC 2023 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Add 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC13.patch: Fix build with GCC13.
+Sun Dec 18 14:02:37 UTC 2022 -
+- Update to version 1.2.2:
+  + 4 crash fixes, over 25 bug fixes, 5 fixes for extension bugs
+    and 13 improved user interface translations
+  + 2f3101417.patch merged upstream
+  + See the full release notes for Inkscape 1.2.2 at
+Wed Dec  7 15:25:33 UTC 2022 - Stefan Brüns <>
+- Retain RUNPATH also on Leap 15.4.
+Tue Sep 13 10:19:29 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Add 2f3101417.patch: Fix build with Poppler 22.09.0.
+Sat Jul 16 16:30:42 UTC 2022 -
+- Update to version 1.2.1:
+  + Important fix for a bug where a loss of data occurred
+  + Ensures that objects in multipage documents show up on all pages
+  + Fixes 5 crashes, over 25 bugs, 4 extension bugs, 15 improved
+    user interface translations, 3 improved documentation translations
+  + See the full release notes for Inkscape 1.2.1 at
+Thu Jun  9 13:08:07 UTC 2022 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Fix version: it's 1.2, not 1.2.0 (fixes download of upstream
+  assets referenced by URL).
+Sat Jun  4 16:30:50 UTC 2022 -
+- Update to version 1.2:
+  + Inkscape documents can now hold multiple pages
+  + Editable markers and dash patterns
+  + Layers and objects dialog merged
+  + On-canvas alignment snapping and Snap settings redesign
+  + New 'Tiling' Live Path Effect
+  + Redesigned Export dialog with preview
+  + Import SVG images from Open Clipart, Wikimedia Commons and others
+  + Selectable object origin for numerical scaling and moving
+  + All alignment options in a single dialog
+  + Gradient editing in the Fill and Stroke dialog
+  + Gradient dithering
+  + SVG Font Editor updated
+  + Flowing text around shapes and text padding
+  + Convenience Boolean operation for splitting paths
+  + Configurable Tool bar
+- Drop patches: Fixed upstream
+  * Fix_build_poppler_22030.patch
+  * Fix_build_poppler_22040.patch
+Fri Apr 22 09:08:10 UTC 2022 - Christophe Giboudeaux <>
+- Add poppler 22.04.0 compability fix:
+  * Fix_build_poppler_22040.patch
+- Update Fix_build_poppler_22030.patch
+Thu Mar  3 19:02:54 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Update to version 1.1.2:
+  + Dependencies updated, fixing bitmap exports
+  + Graphic tablet pens erasors switch to the correct tool
+  + Fix lost styling of text converted to path
+  + Fix relative position of clones pasted to a new document
+  + Fix various crashes
+- Drop ebc4de4bfe34d6c5f2e27da47f5d62e4de0394fd.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add Fix_build_poppler_22030.patch: Fix build with poppler 22.03.0
+Mon Jan 17 18:59:38 UTC 2022 - Mykola Krachkovsky <>
+- Fixed export to DXF14 (boo#1189514).
+  Added missing dxf14_*.txt files.
+- Removed redundant excludes
+Fri Dec  3 09:25:34 UTC 2021 - Yifan Jiang <>
+- Enable RPATH in cmake (bsc#1193183, bsc#1193261).
+Tue Nov 30 19:02:50 UTC 2021 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Ensure we download the same tarball every time. Also add sig and
+  keyring as sources and verify that we have the right one.
+Tue Nov 23 17:14:23 UTC 2021 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Add ebc4de4bfe34d6c5f2e27da47f5d62e4de0394fd.patch: Fix build
+  with poppler 21.11.0, patch from upstream git.
+Fri Sep 24 07:55:50 UTC 2021 - Paolo Stivanin <>
+- Update to 1.1.1:
+  * Pressure sensitivity should work again in Windows
+  * Stroke to path working on text again
+  * Startup time improved
+  * Fix various crashes
+Thu Jun 17 16:41:27 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>
+- Use gcc10-c++ to build in Leap. gcc7 is too old.
+Mon Jun 14 16:40:47 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>
+- Update to 1.1
+  * A Welcome dialog, where the look of Inkscape can be selected,
+    and some choices for the new document's size or file to open
+    are available
+  * A Command palette that opens when the ? key is pressed and
+    that allows to search and use many functions without having to
+    use a keyboard shortcut or going through the menus
+  * It is now possible to copy, cut and paste parts of paths with
+    the Node tool
+  * The dialog docking system has been rewritten, which resolves
+    many issues with Inkscape's docked dialogs and allows you to
+    dock dialogs on either side of the screen
+  * New Outline Overlay mode that displays object outlines while
+    also showing their real colors
+  * Preferences options are now easier to find by using the new
+    search field
+  * It is no longer necessary to remember to click on 'Export' in
+    the PNG Export dialog, as the exporting will already happen
+    after the click on 'Save' in the file selection dialog.
+  * Export as JPG, TIFF, optimized PNG and WebP directly from
+    Inkscape
+  * When pasting a copied object, Inkscape now pastes it directly
+    on top of the currently selected object by default
+  * An extension for updating extensions and installing additional
+    extensions, called the Extension Manager (currently in beta
+    stage)
+  * To learn more, see the full release notes for Inkscape 1.1 at
+- Move dependencies from gtkspell to gspell and from Magic++
+  (which was not used since inkscape requires an old version of
+  ImageMagick if that library is used) to GraphicsMagic++, also
+  add BuildRequires for dbus, readline, libcdr and
+  libboost_filesystem-devel
+- Drop patch which is already included by upstream:
+  * 2790.patch
+Fri Mar 26 08:27:20 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Add 2790.patch: fix build against glib 2.67.3.
+Mon Jan 25 12:43:45 UTC 2021 - Paolo Stivanin <>
+- Update to 1.0.2
+  * Zooming by middle mouse button click (pressing scroll wheel) can
+    now be deactivated in Edit → Preferences → Behavior → Steps:
+    Zoom with middle mouse click
+  * Canvas rotation by Ctrl + middle mouse drag or
+    Ctrl + Shift + Scroll can be prevented in two ways:
+    - from View → Canvas Orientation → Lock Rotation
+    - for all new Inkscape windows in Edit → Preferences → Interface:
+      Lock canvas rotation by default 
+  * fixed a long-standing, very annoying bug where, when copying
+    an object to the clipboard while also running certain other
+    programs on Linux desktops
+  * Stroke to Path: Converting an object's stroke to a path
+    no longer makes its clones vanish
+  * Performance: Improved rendering performance when zooming
+    through multiple zoom levels 
+  * CSS: CSS classes that start with a letter that isn't part of
+    the ASCII set are no longer ignored 
+  * User interface: Random actions should no longer cause sudden
+    scaling of the canvas
+  * Arcs from Inkscape files created with versions older than 1.0
+    are no longer rendered as slices
+  * A long-standing issue with the Eraser tool painting red lines
+    0instead of erasing as soon as the user has interacted with
+    a menu or dialog or another user interface element has been fixed
+  * Lots of other minor fixes
+- Drop inkscape-include-atomic.patch
+Mon Nov  2 16:41:50 UTC 2020 - Michael Gorse <>
+- Switch to ninja; probably fixes intermittent build failure
+  (bsc#1177208).
+Fri Oct  2 23:17:32 UTC 2020 - Stefan Brüns <>
+- Clean up constraints:
+  * Remove ppc64le specific memory bound, use global 4GB limit.
+  * Add memoryperjob constraint, some ppc64{,le} workers have
+    a high core-to-memory ratio.
+Tue Sep  8 11:58:49 UTC 2020 - Alexei Sorokin <>
+- Update to version 1.0.1:
+  * Selectors/CSS dialogue is now available.
+  * Experimental colour-managed PDF export through Scribus.
+  * Many crash fixes and bugs fixed.
+- Add a inkscape-extensions-scribus package with the new extension.
+Mon Aug 24 09:46:20 UTC 2020 - Martin Liška <>
+- Enable again LTO. It should work now.
+Mon Aug 24 08:45:25 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Add inkscape-include-atomic.patch: Fix build with Boost 1.74,
+  where we can no longer rely on boost bringing the atomic header
+  into the game.
+Thu Jun 11 09:17:36 UTC 2020 - Michel Normand <>
+- Add memory limit _constraints for ppc64le to avoid oom build failure
+Thu May  7 08:30:50 UTC 2020 -
+- Fix for older python versions.
+Tue May  4 15:29:43 UTC 2020 - Alexei Sorokin <>
+- Update to version 1.0:
+  * See
+- Re-enable ImageMagick support.
+- Replace with
+, adapting for 1.0.
+- Add python3-numpy and python3-scour to the list of extra
+  dependencies as only extra extensions need them.
+- Stop altering Name and GenericName from the .desktop file:
+  original values are fine.
+- Remove
+  0001-Run-python-script-for-translations-with-Python-3.patch:
+  merged upstream.
+- Remove build_internal_libraries_as_static.patch: merged upstream.
+- Remove f5e0ea893f34_extensions_python3_compatibility.patch:
+  merged upstream.
+- Remove fix_install_targets.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Remove inkscape-fix-for-poppler-0.76.patch: merged upstream.
+- Remove inkscape-fix-for-poppler-0.82.patch: merged upstream.
+- Remove inkscape-fix-for-poppler-0.83.patch: merged upstream.
+- Remove inkscape-packages.patch: no longer needed.
+- Remove mr_568_extensions_python3_compatibility.patch: merged
+  upstream.
+- Remove mr_582_extensions_python3_compatibility.patch: merged
+  upstream.
+- Remove obsolete hacks from the spec file and add new ones.
+- Remove the inkscape-extensions-dia and
+  inkscape-extensions-skencil packages: the extensions were
+  removed upstream.
+- Drop the python2 bcond, no practical use without skencil.
+- Drop openSUSE versions prior to Leap 15.x.
+Thu Apr 16 18:40:23 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Fixup files sections for sk1 exclusion.
+Wed Apr  8 12:44:46 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
+- Remove sk1 depending extension as sk1 is py2 only
+  * Keep conditioned so it will stay on Leap 15 if backported
+Thu Dec  5 18:13:25 UTC 2019 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Add inkscape-fix-for-poppler-0.83.patch: Fix build with poppler
+  0.83 and newer.
+- Update URL to new homepage.
+Sat Nov  2 11:46:16 UTC 2019 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Add backported inkscape-fix-for-poppler-0.82.patch: Fix build
+  with poppler 0.82 and newer.
+- Stop post(un) handling of desktop_database_post(un) and
+  icon_theme_cache_post(un) macros, no longer needed for any
+  supported version of openSUSE.
+Tue Jul 30 16:18:54 UTC 2019 - Stefan Brüns <>
+- Change Python dependencies to Python 3 as Python 2 will be EOL in 2020.
+- Use Python 3 to extract translations, add
+  0001-Run-python-script-for-translations-with-Python-3.patch
+- Make extensions compatible with Python 3
+  (
+  * Add mr_568_extensions_python3_compatibility.patch
+  * Add f5e0ea893f34_extensions_python3_compatibility.patch
+  * Add mr_582_extensions_python3_compatibility.patch
+- Some spec cleanups (buildroot, defattr)
+- Require extensions-extra for gimp extension
+Fri May 31 08:43:53 UTC 2019 - Bjørn Lie <>
+- Add inkscape-fix-for-poppler-0.76.patch: Fix build with poppler
+  0.76, patch from upstream git.
+Wed May 15 13:09:07 UTC 2019 - Martin Liška <>
+- Disable LTO (boo#1135211).
+Sun Jan 20 05:26:11 UTC 2019 -
+- Update to version 0.92.4
+  * Align multiple objects as a group relative to a single object
+  * Write image data to stdout and read from it
+  * Experience extensions working faster within complex docs
+  * See improved speed when deselecting a path with many nodes
+  * Ungroup text elements won't result in changed font size
+  * Able to print and/or print correct paper size with printers
+  * See improved perf of the measure tool when grids are visible
+  * See proper opacity of partially transparent embedded bmp imgs
+  * Able to Shift/Ctrl-click on control handles of shapes w/o crash
+  * Build Inkscape with up-todate- poppler library 0.72.0
+Tue Dec 18 23:33:00 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 0.92.3+20181214.6afa35c3d3:
+  * fix poppler 0.72.0 build
+  * Remove nullptr not used in some system
+  * Backport from trunk. Add filter render in 1 pass and remove
+    banding on filters
+Mon Dec 03 21:39:34 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to version 0.92.3+20181125.5aff6bad34:
+  * Backport from master, Fix bug 1804946: Measurement tool is very
+    slow when using grids This move from Namedview to a new
+    prefernes value of type point to not reload full namedvies/grid
+    on meassure
+  * CMake: Do not override CMAKE_<LANG>_LINK_EXECUTABLE variables
+  * CMake: Specifically enable Microsoft bit-field layout for
+    structs
+  * CMake/MSYS2: Add new dependency of libtiff (libzstd)
+  * Fix build with poppler-0.71.0
+  * Fix encoding of "title" label in win32 native file dialog
+  * ShapeEditor: Always keep KnotHolders in set_item()
+  * CI: Fix wrong path in docker registry for 14.04
+  * CI: Make ccache and -std=c++98 actually work with old CMake
+  * Fix code incompatible with old gcc / C++ < 11
+- Switch to source service checkout from stable branch.
+- Drop Fix-compilation-poppler-0_65.patch: Fixed upstream.
+Mon Jul  9 14:23:19 UTC 2018 -
+- Add yet a commit from upstream to fix build with new poppler.
+Mon Jul  9 12:38:09 UTC 2018 -
+- Add Fix-compilation-poppler-0_65.patch: Fix compilation with
+  poppler 0.65.0 and newer. Replace unused includes with one that
+  is actually used (lp#1772883).
+Sat Jun  2 21:34:36 UTC 2018 -
+- Drop optional gnome-vfs2-devel BuildRequires: No longer strickly
+  needed, and obsolete upstream.
+Mon Apr 30 15:06:12 UTC 2018 -
+- Update summaries. Trim filler words from descriptions.
+Wed Apr 25 02:38:43 UTC 2018 -
+- Omit translations from appdata on Leap 42.x/SLE12, merging
+  translations in XML requires msgfmt >= 0.19.7
+Tue Apr 24 17:41:35 UTC 2018 -
+- Update to 0.92.3, a stability and bugfix release
+  * new CLI options --export-area-{drawing,page}, --export-margin
+  * Text tool, switching between RTL/LTR writing
+  * Circle/Ellipse tool, toolbar fields for Rx, Ry radius
+  * PDF+LaTeX export, basic linespacing support
+  * Preferences option for number of rendering tiles
+  * Various bug fixes, for details see:
+- Drop obsolete inkscape-poppler058-fix.patch
+- Use cmake instead of autoconf
+  * Add build_internal_libraries_as_static.patch
+  * Add fix_install_targets.patch
+- Spec file cleanup
+  * Remove conditionals for EOLed distributions
+  * Remove ghostscript-fonts-std dependency
+  * Add libjpeg build dependency
+  * Do not package extension unittests
+  * Move all extensions with ghostscript or pstoedit dependency
+    to extensions-extra subpackage
+- Correct License, original inkscape code is GPL-2.0 or later, but 
+  the binary contains code from Gimp (GPL-3.0), see COPYING
+Wed Mar  7 11:41:05 UTC 2018 -
+- Add python-scour Recommends, used to clean up and minify SVG.
+Fri Dec  8 22:07:47 UTC 2017 -
+- Add explicit python2-xml BuildRequires: the ./ script,
+  executed during build, imports xml and we are thus responsible to
+  have the dependencies in place.
+Mon Oct  9 07:43:48 UTC 2017 -
+- remove env shebang from inkscape extensions subpackage
+Sat Sep 23 16:20:45 UTC 2017 -
+- Disable IM7 until upstream supports it
+- Resolves:
+Sat Sep 23 11:53:02 UTC 2017 -
+- Rebase inkscape-poppler058-fix.patch: Add yet an upstream commit.
+Fri Sep 15 19:15:32 UTC 2017 -
+- Add inkscape-poppler058-fix.patch: Adapt to poppler 0.58, patch
+  from upstream git (lp#1715820).
+Fri Aug 18 00:19:00 UTC 2017 -
+- drop inkscape-gcc7-buildfix.patch
+Fri Aug 11 09:44:53 UTC 2017 -
+- do not require aspell, require gtkspell [bsc#1052953]
+Mon Aug  7 23:08:09 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.92.2:
+  + Stability and bug fix release. Several crash bugs fixed.
+  + No change log, changes here: 
+Wed May 17 17:25:43 UTC 2017 -
+- Add inkscape-gcc7-buildfix.patch: Fix C++11 errors and warnings
+  with g++-7.
+Mon Mar 20 14:39:18 UTC 2017 -
+- Update to version 0.92.1:
+  + Text: baseline-spacing related issues with regular and flowed text in legacy Inkscape SVG files (Bug #1655483 and others)
+  + Text: Default baseline spacing stored in relative units is always converted to document units (Bug #1645016)
+  + Path effects: Crash on ungroup if group contains elements with path effects (Bug #1657591)
+  + Clipboard: Pasting a path effect from clipboard fails (Bug #1656093)
+  + Clipboard: Fix copy&pasting of groups which contain elements with path effects (Bug #1656527)
+  + Selection: Node tool can selected objects on locked layers (Bug #1656141)
+  + Clones: Critical warnings with clones and symbols (Bug #1653184)
+  + About screen missing for several UI languages (Bug #1659426)
+  + Selection: Missing transformation handles after reset of rotation center (Bug #1657874) 
+  + Bitmap images: Crash when opening files with invalid image links (Bug #1660142)
+  + Bitmap images: Fix path separators in relative image links (Windows) (Bug #1659347)
+  + File import: Failure to open CDR/Visio/WPG files from paths with special characters (Windows) (Bug #1656763)
+Tue Feb 14 06:51:51 UTC 2017 -
+- buildrequire potrace-devel for tracing bitmaps.
+Wed Feb  1 11:29:05 UTC 2017 -
+- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
+Mon Jan  9 21:08:34 UTC 2017 -
+- update to version 0.92:
+  + Mesh Gradients are now supported.
+  + Many SVG2 and CSS3 properties are now supported (e.g. paint-order, mix-blend-mode). Not all are available from the GUI.
+  + The new Object dialog allows to select, label, hide and lock any object in the drawing from a dialog that lists them all
+  + Selection sets make it possible to 'group' objects together regardless of document structure
+  + Several new path effects have been added, among them Envelope/Perspective, Lattice Deformation, Mirror and Rotate Copies
+  + There are several new extensions (e.g. a seamless pattern extension) and a new filter (colorblindness simulation) included in the release, many old extensions have been updated or got new features
+  + Spray tool and measure tool received a set of nifty new features
+  + Interactive smoothing for lines created with the Pencil tool
+  + BSplines (and more) are available for the Pen tool
+  + Checkerboard background can be used to more easily see object transparencies
+  + see for full changelog
+- Drop upstream included patches:
+  + inkscape-remove-datetime.patch
+  + inkscape-cache-fix.patch
+  + inkscape-appdata.patch
+- Rebased patch
+  + inkscape-packages.patch
+Tue Jul 26 07:00:52 UTC 2016 -
+- Add inkscape-appdata.patch to install a translated appdata file;
+  patch touches autotools build files, run autoreconf before
+  configure.
+Fri Jun 24 10:45:25 UTC 2016 -
+- Export -std=c++11 in CXXFLAGS, needed now after removal of patch
+  in libsig++ forcing the flag previously. May be removed when
+  lp#1488079 is fixed.
+Wed Mar 23 13:22:51 UTC 2016 -
+- Add inkscape-cache-fix.patch: Fix bnc#972343 
+Tue Mar  8 16:32:33 UTC 2016 -
+- Pass --disable-strict-build to configure: allow to build against
+  recent glibmm2 versions with deprecated symbols.
+Sat Jan 31 08:33:53 UTC 2015 -
+- Update to version 0.91:
+  + Improved performance. The new renderer is significantly faster
+    on most drawings.
+  + OpenMP multithreading for filters.
+  + Substantial memory savings.
+  + Responsiveness improvements.
+  + Rendering bug fixes. The following things now render correctly:
+    - Pattern fills (no more gaps between tiles, regardless of
+      transformation).
+    - Stroke of transformed objects in patterns.
+    - Patterns containing clipped objects.
+    - Nested clipping paths.
+    - Masked and clipped objects with large masks / clipping paths
+      in Outline view.
+    - Paths with wide strokes and long miters.
+    - Fonts.
+  + A grayscale display color mode has been added, that shows a
+    preview of your drawing in grayscale.
+  + The tool control bar for the Node Tool features a new dropdown
+    to insert new nodes on the selected segments extreme values.
+  + The Measurement tool is a new feature for the artist to measure
+    the elements in their drawing.
+  + Text size default unit is now points (pt) and is customizable
+    (px,pt,pc,mm,cm,in,em).
+  + Text toolbar shows full list of font style variants for that
+    font.
+  + Files with text in em units read correctly.
+  + Font substitution warning dialog.
+  + Gradient toolbar enhanced to select and modify gradient stops,
+    invert, repeat, and link gradients.
+  + On-canvas gradient editing fixes: double clicking to create
+    stops, correct focus on select.
+  + Gradients sortable by color, name and usage in Fill/Stroke.
+  + Gradients can be renamed in Fill/Stroke.
+  + New Find/Replace dialog can operate on text or any attribute.
+  + Drag and drop to reorder layers and create sublayers.
+  + Show/Hide All layers options in context menu.
+  + Inkscape has a new Symbols dialog.
+  + Visio Stencil files (.vss) can also be used by dropping them in
+    the same symbols directory.
+  + See
+    for a full list of changes.
+- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+  + inkscape-return-on-exit.patch
+  + inkscape-apply-invert-transform.patch
+  + inkscape-0.48.5-librevenge.patch
+  + inkscape-fix-build-with-poppler-0.29.patch (r13685)
+  + inkscape-gc-detection.patch (r12155)
+- Rebase inkscape-packages.patch.
+- Add pkgconfig(libexif) BuildRequires: enable EXIF support.
+- Add aspell-devel BuildRequires: enable spell checking support.
+- Add pkgconfig(libcdr-0.1) and pkgconfig(libvisio-0.1)
+  BuildRequires: support for more image formats.
+- Add pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Remove docbook-toys and sgml-skel BuildRequires: no longer
+  needed.
+Mon Jan  5 14:25:44 UTC 2015 -
+- Add inkscape-gc-detection.patch: Use pkg-config to detect bdw-gc.
+Mon Dec 29 08:31:27 UTC 2014 -
+- Add inkscape-fix-build-with-poppler-0.29.patch: Fix build with
+  poppler 0.29. Patch has been backported from
+Sat Nov 22 19:53:52 UTC 2014 -
+- make inkscape-split-extensions-extra script more robust
+  (comments, 'as' keyword, leading/trailing whitespace)
+Tue Jul 22 13:01:10 UTC 2014 -
+- Add inkscape-0.48.5-librevenge.patch:
+  + Port the WPG importer to librevenge framework based libwpg.
+- Add autoconf, automake and libtool BuildRequires and call
+  libtoolize and autorecof: regenerate the build system, as above
+  patch touches the build system.
+- Update BuildRequires, following the port:
+  + Remove libwpg-devel
+  + Add pkgconfig(libwpg-0.3) and pkgconfig(librevenge-0.0).
+- Run osc service localrun clean_spec_file on the package
+Tue Jul 22 12:04:55 UTC 2014 -
+- Add _constraints file to require at least 5G disk space to fix
+  spurious rebuild issues.
+Fri Jul 11 20:57:03 UTC 2014 -
+- Update to version 0.48.5:
+  + Adobe Illustrator SVG files containing entities can be loaded
+    again.
+  + Support for Poppler 0.26.
+  + Support for Boehm-GC 7.4.0 and later.
+  + Several crash bugs were fixed.
+  + 64-bit compilation is now possible on Windows.
+- Drop upstream included patches:
+  + inkscape-gcc48-buildfix.patch.
+  + inkscape-use-recommended-freetype-include.patch.
+  + bug-1315142-patch-src_extension_internal_pdfinput_pdf-parser_cpp-r13333-v2.diff.
+Tue May 13 19:44:15 UTC 2014 -
+- Pick
+  bug-1315142-patch-src_extension_internal_pdfinput_pdf-parser_cpp-r13333-v2.diff
+  Port to poppler-0.26 (lp#1315142).
+Mon Apr 28 09:11:03 UTC 2014 -
+- Don't strip '-g' from RPM_OPT_FLAGS on arm.
+Wed Dec 11 18:18:09 UTC 2013 -
+- Add inkscape-use-recommended-freetype-include.patch: Freetype
+  upstream recommends using their macros together with ft2build.h
+  include. Positive sideeffect is that this patch makes it build
+  with both freetype2 2.5.1, and older versions.
+Mon Jun 24 10:19:35 UTC 2013 -
+- Add inkscape-gcc48-buildfix.patch: Fix build with GCC 4.8
+  (lp#1095364).
+Mon Dec 17 23:11:27 UTC 2012 -
+- Update to version 0.48.4:
+  + Important bugfixes:
+    - A security bug was fixed.
+    - Some major bugs causing crashes when using extensions or the
+      filters editor were fixed.
+    - A bug affecting the outline mode was fixed.
+    - Inkscape can now be built on platforms with new versions of
+      the Poppler library (v0.20 and higher). (lp#1005565)
+    - Relative path names can be used again on the command line for
+      EPS/PS and other file types handled by script extensions
+      (lp#695120)
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop inkscape-poppler20.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Drop inkscape-libpng15.patch: fixed upstream.
+Wed Oct  3 19:59:49 UTC 2012 -
+- build also with libpng15
+  * libpng15.patch
+Fri Sep 14 15:49:03 UTC 2012 -
+- Reduce memory usage during linking on ARM to let the build
+  succeed.
+Wed Sep 12 15:40:36 UTC 2012 -
+- Add inkscape-apply-invert-transform.patch: Apply invert
+  transform to all image tags (bnc#779560 lp#840625).
+Wed Jul 18 17:51:12 UTC 2012 -
+- Explicitly add to the -extras package. This used to
+  be caught by the extras-split script, but due to the change of
+  this extensions to be a simple wrapper around ps2pdf from
+  ghostscript, it's missed (bnc#772085).
+- Add ghostscript Requires to the -extra package, as otherwise
+ won't work at all.
+Fri Jun 15 04:24:07 UTC 2012 -
+- yudit is in non-free now (due to openmotif requirement), so do
+  not require it
+Wed Jun  6 19:05:59 UTC 2012 -
+- Add inkscape-poppler20.patch for openSUSE > 12.1 to fix errors
+  when building with poppler = 0.20.0; fixes build failures in
+  Factory.
+Wed May 16 13:11:44 UTC 2012 -
+- Add inkscape-return-on-exit.patch: Return non-zero values in case
+  of errors. Patch has been accepted and merged by upstream.
+  [bnc#758275, lp#993500].
+Fri Feb 24 14:08:44 UTC 2012 -
+- Update to version
+  + Bug fixes.
+- Changes from version 0.48.3:
+  + Regression fixes:
+    - Pre-0.46 grids are now correctly imported (lp#221040)
+  + Important bugfixes:
+    - Clipped and masked objects are selected correctly (lp#365458)
+    - The units feet and picas are now correctly handled for grids
+      (lp#885500)
+    - The grid origin is moved when resizing the page (e.g. when
+      clicking clicking "Fit page to selection") (lp#240689)
+    - The emphasized grid lines of the axonometric grid now move
+      properly according to the origin of the grid.
+  + Other bugs fixed: lp#167419, lp#168417, lp#168942, lp#184341,
+    lp#239430, lp#298528, lp#340123, lp#341866, lp#386237,
+    lp#403421, lp#407394, lp#408566, lp#479644, lp#487144,
+    lp#494722, lp#496793, lp#602005, lp#612882, lp#623660,
+    lp#663667, lp#668895, lp#681262, lp#693010, lp#721424,
+    lp#721448, lp#725063, lp#786667, lp#788560, lp#789122,
+    lp#791709, lp#805095, lp#810503, lp#812413, lp#812497,
+    lp#819209, lp#821435, lp#824221, lp#829947, lp#834721,
+    lp#837603, lp#837799, lp#845354, lp#858369, lp#869019,
+    lp#884368, lp#885324, lp#887539, lp#888793, lp#889172,
+    lp#898538, lp#900854, lp#902054, lp#907157, lp#909783,
+    lp#909958, lp#910463, lp#910467, lp#910479, lp#911079,
+    lp#911123, lp#915329, lp#917544, lp#919728, lp#923241,
+    lp#933831.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Change liblcms-devel BuildRequires to liblcms2-devel, to build
+  against lcms2.
+- Drop inkscape-glib-2.31.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Add some automatic detection of localized man pages in %install,
+  so that we don't have to list all new translations manually.
+Mon Feb 13 10:47:52 UTC 2012 -
+- patch license to follow standard
+Thu Dec  1 09:14:47 UTC 2011 -
+- Add inkscape-glib-2.31.patch: Fix build with glib 2.31.
+Wed Jul 13 21:16:21 UTC 2011 -
+- Update to version 0.48.2:
+  + many crash/hang fixes
+  + DXF and tex export fixes
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop inkscape-0.48.0-gcc46.patch: fixed upstream.
+Tue Mar 22 08:00:15 UTC 2011 -
+- Add inkscape-0.48.0-gcc46.patch: fix compilation with gcc 4.6 
+Sat Feb 12 19:22:44 CET 2011 -
+- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+  + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
+    least one desktop file.
+  + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
+    icons.
+- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
+  can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
+- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
+  english documentation is not there anymore.
+Mon Jan 31 12:07:52 UTC 2011 -
+- Update to version 0.48.1:
+  0.48.1 is a stability and bugfix release. 	
+  + Many small regressions in the node tool were fixed.
+  + Exporting of masks has been substantially improved in all 
+    Cairo-based output formats.
+  + lp#544599, lp#591986, lp#605575: Several crash bugs in the node
+    tool have been fixed.
+  + lp#627134: Rulers are redrawn properly with recent versions of
+    GTK
+  + lp#675309: Unlinking an orphaned clone no longer causes a crash
+  + lp#482993: Problems with extensions sometimes not working at
+    all on Mac OS X.
+  + lp#651678: Inkscape should no longer crash due to missing icons
+    at startup  or when opening the document properties dialog.
+  + lp#680520: Shift-clicking on the top rounding handle of a
+    rectangle will no longer cause a crash.
+  + lp#676271: Inkscape builds correctly with recent Poppler.lp
+  + Bugs fixed: lp#658055, bnc#661370
+- drop inkscape-r9710-9712.patch: fixed upstream.
+- export CFLAGS, as inkscape is C and C++
+- Remove --enable-inkboard from configure: jessyink replaces it
+- Remove Obsoletes: sodipodi NLD9 is obsolete
+- Delete installed but useless header files
+- run spec-cleaner on the spec file
+Tue Dec 14 18:18:01 CET 2010 -
+- Fix the build again: the te_IN translation should simply be te,
+  so move the translation.
+Sat Dec 11 11:16:56 CET 2010 -
+- Add popt-devel BuildRequires to fix the build.
+Tue Dec  7 16:50:10 CET 2010 -
+- Tag localized man pages with the right language. We should
+  eventually move them to the lang subpackage, but at the moment,
+  they would create a file conflict between bundles and the lang
+  subpackage.
+Tue Nov 30 09:51:39 CET 2010 -
+- Make inkscape-extensions-extra depend on python-xml instead of
+  pyxml: pyxml will be removed, and we really wanted to use
+  python-xml anyway.
+- Update inkscape-packages.patch to mention python-xml instead of
+  pyxml: even if upstream mentions pyxml, python-xml is really okay
+  here.
+Sun Aug 15 22:27:48 CEST 2010 -
+- Update to version 0.48.0:
+  + multipath editing
+  + improved text tool: subscript, superscript,numerical input for
+    text kerning, tracking and more
+  + new Airbrush tool
+  + LaTeX export with PDF/PS/EPS
+  + JessyInk extension to create presentations
+  + numerous bugfixes
+- Rebase inkscape-remove-datetime.patch.
+- Drop inkscape-poppler-0.12.2.patch, inkscape-gcc45.patch and
+  inkscape-non_void.patch: upstream fixed.
+- Add inkscape-r9710-9712.patch to fix node editor crash when
+  dragging near the last node of a path.
+Mon Jun 14 12:04:30 CEST 2010 -
+- Do not add wrong categories to inkscape.desktop (Office,
+  FlowChart).
+Tue Mar  2 13:20:36 UTC 2010 -
+- Add inkscape-gcc45.patch to fix build with gcc 4.5. Patch
+  copied from upstream bug tracker, lp#522327.
+- Add inkscape-non_void.patch, cross-ported from gdl upstream,
+  commit 40b8cb7.
+Wed Dec 16 15:06:57 CET 2009 -
+- Add inkscape-poppler-0.12.2.patch to fix build with recent
+  poppler. This patch comes from Fedora, but was not committed
+  upstream. See lp#487038 for the discussion, and another patch.
+Fri Nov 27 14:50:21 CET 2009 -
+- Update to version 0.47:
+  + Timed autosave: no more lost work
+  + Spiro splines: an exciting new way to work with paths, fully
+    supported in Pen, Pencil, and Node tools
+  + Auto smooth nodes: a new type of node that keeps the path as
+    smooth as possible as you move it or its neighbors
+  + New modes in Tweak tool: pushing and jittering whole objects,
+    scaling/rotating objects, deleting and duplicating using the
+    "soft brush"
+  + Reworked, much more usable snapping system and a Snapping
+    toolbar
+  + New path effects, including sketch, hatching, envelope
+    deformation: effects can be stacked and assigned to groups
+  + A huge collection of preset filters in the new Filters menu
+  + New cairo-based PS and EPS export: improved quality, more
+    features supported, fallback rasterization for filters and
+    transparency
+  + Spell checker for text objects in a document
+  + Many new extensions: restacking, calendar, printing marks,
+    cartesian and polar grids, interpolating attributes
+  + Optimized SVG code options, now with their own Preferences page
+  + Many other improvements, usability tweaks, memleak stops, and
+    misc bugfixes
+- Drop patches: inkscape-automake111.patch, inkscape-gcc44.patch,
+  inkscape-gtk-clist.patch, inkscape-lp237574-poppler.patch,
+  inkscape-polyutil-newpoly.patch, inkscape-warnings.patch,
+- Rebased patches: inkscape-packages.patch and
+  inkscape-remove-datetime.patch.
+- No longer patch during %setup.
+- Add gsl-devel BuildRequires.
+- Added openSUSE palette file to the package (openSUSE.gpl).
+- Do not provide sodipodi; version Obsoletes for sodipodi.
+  Fixes a rpmlint warning.
+Tue Nov  3 19:09:21 UTC 2009 -
+- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
+Mon Jul 13 11:58:53 CEST 2009 -
+- remove dupliacted files (fix build with automake 1.11)
+Wed May 13 02:53:30 CEST 2009 -
+- Remove unneeded BuildRequires: libglade2-devel,
+  libgnomeprintui-devel, libgnomeui-devel, libwnck-devel,
+  loudmouth-devel
+- Add BuildRequires: gc-devel, gnome-vfs2-devel
+- Do not build gc inside this package and use the system-installed
+  one. Drop gc6.4.patch since we don't need to patch gc now :-)
+- Drop inkscape-boehm-gc.patch: we just use the system-installed gc
+  now.
+- Drop inkscape-swigfix.patch: I don't really see the point of
+  this.
+- Drop inkscape-bug-189159.patch: the change is actually wrong,
+  looking at the code...
+- Drop inkscape-configure.patch: not needed anymore.
+- Drop inkscape-buffer-overrun.patch: doesn't appear to be needed
+  anymore.
+- Tag inkscape-polyutil-newpoly.patch
+- Remove non-existing --enable-db2html, --enable-gnome,
+  --with-gnome-print and --with-gc configure options.
+- Use makeinstall.
+- Do not package some files twice.
+Tue Apr 28 13:14:17 CEST 2009 -
+- Add inkscape-gcc44.patch to fix build with gcc 4.4.
+Fri Apr  3 11:38:25 CEST 2009 -
+- Remove python-numeric Requires: there's no reference to it
+  anywhere in the code, so it wasn't needed.
+Sat Mar 28 00:40:10 CET 2009 -
+- Add inkscape-remove-datetime.patch to be more build-compare
+  friendly.
+Sun Jan 25 14:45:22 CET 2009 -
+- Use sr@latin instead of sr@Latn since it's what glibc upstream
+  uses.
+Fri Oct  3 21:01:44 CEST 2008 -
+- Add inkscape-lp237574-poppler.patch to compile with poppler in
+  Factory.
+Wed Sep 24 13:56:13 CEST 2008 -
+- Require and supplement correct resolvables for gimp.
+Tue Jul  1 11:15:28 CEST 2008 -
+- Added missing dependencies: libMagick++-devel, libwpg-devel,
+  gimp, transfig, yudit.
+- Packaged extensions using pyxml, lxml and yudit as an extra
+  package to shrink mandatory dependencies and not break plugins.
+  Uses an extra script for evaluation.
+- Packaged optional dia, fig, gimp and skencil plugins as separate
+  packages with extra dependencies.
+- Removed dependency on skencil, no more needed for EPS import
+  (bnc#394748).
+- Removed dependency on libwmf, no more needed for WMF import.
+- Tell user about pyxml and lxml packages instead of suggestinng of
+  compilation from source (however the message should not appear).
+Sat Jun 28 01:29:17 CEST 2008 -
+- Add inkscape-gtk-clist.patch, to enable building against
+  recent versions of gtk+.
+Thu May 15 19:58:44 CEST 2008 -
+- Recommend python-lxml (bnc#370334).
+Wed May  7 19:10:42 CEST 2008 -
+- Respin inkscape-warnings.patch.
+Thu Apr  3 19:42:45 CEST 2008 -
+- Buildrequire libpoppler-glib-devel, thereby enabling pdf import support
+  (bnc#376752).
+Fri Mar 28 23:18:56 CET 2008 -
+- Update to version 0.46:
+  + Many new features and bugfeatures
+  + For a detailed account of what's new, see the NEWS file
+- Remove stale patches: inkscape-invalid-conversion.patch,
+  inkscape-0.45.1-gcc43.patch, inkscape-g_assert.patch
+- Respin inkscape-bug-189159.patch
+- Add inkscape-warnings.patch
+- Rename sr@latin to sr@Latn.
+Thu Mar  6 19:27:48 CET 2008 -
+- Fix the build when against newer versions of intltool.
+Tue Feb  5 18:27:27 CET 2008 -
+- Disable perl support for now.
+Mon Jan 28 17:59:41 CST 2008 -
+- Add inkscape-g_assert.patch.
+Fri Jan 11 10:41:20 CET 2008 -
+- take more gcc43 patches from SVN
+Sat Nov 10 11:50:12 CET 2007 -
+- Added inkscape-0.45.1-gcc43.patch
+  + Fixes issues with gcc 4.3. 
+Wed Aug  8 00:03:52 CEST 2007 -
+- Use %fdupes
+- Split off a -lang subpackage.
+Thu May 10 12:10:58 CEST 2007 -
+- recommends pyxml [#271758]
+Wed Apr 18 08:38:14 CEST 2007 -
+- Fix spec list so that package builds again.
+Thu Mar 29 09:52:37 CST 2007 -
+- Update to version 0.45
+- Remove upstreamed inkscape-siox-max.patch
+- Remove now-unnecessary inkscape-session-manager-strcmp.patch and
+  inkscape-enable-perl.patch
+- Add inkscape-buffer-overrun.patch
+Wed Jan 31 14:23:33 CET 2007 -
+- Removed remaining references to /opt/gnome (#240571).
+Tue Jan 23 11:22:41 CET 2007 -
+- fixed build errors
+  * polyutil-newpoly.patch - uninitialized structure
+  * session-manager-strcmp.patch - comparing char* w/ string literal
+Mon Jan 22 18:01:04 CET 2007 -
+- Prefix changed to /usr.
+- Spec file cleanup.
+Thu Jan  4 12:46:30 CET 2007 -
+- fixed illegal comparison (siox-max.patch) [#231224]
+Mon Nov  6 17:11:05 CET 2006 -
+- applied a patch that fixes a problem where the package would not
+  compile with the --with-perl option. 
+Sat Oct 21 14:06:26 CEST 2006 -
+- Don't use obsolete macro.
+Fri Oct 13 22:24:29 CEST 2006 -
+- Remove dead patches
+Thu Oct  5 17:47:54 CEST 2006 -
+- added --datadir=%prefix/share as a configuration option.  This
+  is a work around for bug #204719 
+Fri Sep 29 23:04:34 CEST 2006 -
+- update to version 0.44.1
+- Layers dialog
+- Outline mode, many performance improvements
+- Native PDF export with transparency
+- Clipping and masking support
+- Configurable keyboard shortcuts
+- Docked color palette in the editing window
+- Interactive indicator of the style of selection in the statusbar
+- Innovative "node sculpting" and other improvements in Node tool
+- Better SVG support: <switch> element, ICC color profiles for images
+- Persistent rotation centers, Paste Size command
+- many bug fixes
+- removed the --with-perl option from configuration in the specfile
+Sat Sep  9 20:34:07 CEST 2006 -
+Wed Aug 16 16:26:35 CEST 2006 -
+- buildrequire python-gtk-devel instead of python-gtk
+Fri Jul  7 22:15:04 CEST 2006 -
+- add patch to not use freetype2 internals
+Sat Feb 18 08:36:44 CET 2006 -
+- fix typo .desktop file
+Sat Feb 18 01:19:27 CET 2006 -
+- fixup .desktop file for UI team
+Tue Jan 31 01:13:40 CET 2006 -
+- take fix from swig to swig-generated source file 
+Wed Jan 25 21:32:15 CET 2006 -
+- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
+Wed Nov 23 16:23:29 CET 2005 -
+- Updated to version 0.43 (#134655).
+- Enabled Inkboard Collaborative Editing.
+Mon Nov  7 18:18:03 CET 2005 -
+- Fixed qualification and type conversion errors.
+Thu Aug 25 15:37:14 CEST 2005 -
+- updated to bugfix release 0.42.2 [#112918]
+Mon Aug  1 18:54:39 CEST 2005 -
+- added dir to filelist /usr/share/man/fr/man1 
+Fri Jul 29 17:29:35 CEST 2005 -
+- Updated to version 0.42.
+Tue May 31 17:04:28 CEST 2005 -
+- Fix more invalid casts.
+Wed May 18 18:27:40 CEST 2005 -
+- fix build with current pkgconfig 
+Thu Apr 28 13:10:17 CEST 2005 -
+- Build boehm-gc with -fPIC and -fno-strict-aliasing.
+Wed Apr 27 17:32:44 CEST 2005 -
+- remove boehm-gc from nfb (dropped) 
+- use private copy of gc6.4
+Tue Apr 26 16:57:05 CEST 2005 -
+- Install missing translation files.
+Mon Apr 11 18:48:04 CEST 2005 -
+- Fixed invalid casts.
+Mon Mar 21 17:29:00 CET 2005 -
+- Bi-arch fix (#66780).
+- Require skencil needed for PS/EPS input (#66780).
+Mon Feb 28 17:34:41 CET 2005 -
+- Added needed Requires and triggers for optional extensions
+  (#66780).
+- Turned on perl, python and gnome-print support.
+Mon Feb 21 17:04:21 CET 2005 -
+- Updated to version 0.41.
+- Worked around problems with boehm-gc detection.
+Fri Feb 11 12:38:36 CET 2005 -
+- Updated to version 0.40.
+Fri Feb 11 01:55:21 CET 2005 -
+- change to libsigc++12 in neededforbuild 
+Tue Nov  2 21:24:58 CET 2004 -
+- Locale rename: no -> nb
+Thu Aug 12 13:27:48 CEST 2004 -
+- Obsolete and Provide sodipodi 
+Mon Aug  2 13:49:10 CEST 2004 -
+- initial SuSE package 
diff --git a/inkscape.keyring b/inkscape.keyring
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3927a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape.keyring
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
diff --git a/inkscape.spec b/inkscape.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9af39ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# spec file for package inkscape
+# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+%define _version 1.4_2024-10-09_e7c3feb100
+Name:           inkscape
+Version:        1.4
+Release:        0
+Summary:        Vector Illustration Program
+License:        GPL-3.0-only
+# openSUSE palette file
+Source1:        openSUSE.gpl
+BuildRequires:  cmake
+BuildRequires:  double-conversion-devel
+BuildRequires:  fdupes
+BuildRequires:  gc-devel
+%if 0%{suse_version} < 1550
+BuildRequires:  gcc10-c++
+BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
+BuildRequires:  intltool
+# boost/container_hash/hash.hpp >= 1.67
+BuildRequires:  libboost_filesystem-devel >= 1.67
+BuildRequires:  libboost_headers-devel >= 1.67
+BuildRequires:  libboost_stacktrace-devel >= 1.67
+BuildRequires:  liblcms2-devel
+BuildRequires:  libpoppler-glib-devel > 22.01.0
+BuildRequires:  libxslt-devel
+BuildRequires:  ninja
+BuildRequires:  perl
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
+BuildRequires:  popt-devel
+BuildRequires:  potrace-devel
+BuildRequires:  python3-devel
+BuildRequires:  python3-gobject-devel
+BuildRequires:  python3-xml
+BuildRequires:  readline-devel
+BuildRequires:  update-desktop-files
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(2geom) >= 1.4.0
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(GraphicsMagick++)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(dbus-1)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gdkmm-3.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gsl)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gspell-1)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcdr-0.1)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libexif)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libjpeg)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libpng)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(librevenge-0.0)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libvisio-0.1)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libwpg-0.3)
+# extensions use annotations which requires 3.7+
+Requires:       python(abi) >= 3.7
+Requires:       python3-gobject
+# python3-imaging is generic for python3-Pillow
+Recommends:     python3-imaging
+Recommends:     python3-lxml
+Recommends:     python3-numpy
+Recommends:     python3-scour
+Recommends:     python3-xml
+Obsoletes:      %{name}-extensions-dia < %{version}
+Obsoletes:      %{name}-extensions-skencil < %{version}
+Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.
+%package extensions-extra
+Summary:        Additional extensions for Inkscape
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
+# is a wrapper around ps2pdf, which lives in ghostscript package.
+Requires:       ghostscript
+Requires:       python3-lxml
+Requires:       python3-numpy
+Requires:       python3-scour
+Requires:       python3-xml
+Enhances:       %{name}
+Supplements:    (%{name} and python3-lxml and python3-numpy and python3-scour and python3-xml)
+%description extensions-extra
+Extra extensions for Inkscape. Recommended for everybody who wants to
+use Inkscape.
+Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.
+%package extensions-fig
+Summary:        Fig import extensions for Inkscape
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
+Requires:       %{name}-extensions-extra = %{version}
+Requires:       transfig
+Enhances:       %{name}
+Supplements:    (%{name} and transfig)
+%description extensions-fig
+Fig family (XFig, Figurine, JFig, WinFig,...) import extension for
+Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.
+%package extensions-gimp
+Summary:        GIMP extensions for Inkscape
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
+Requires:       %{name}-extensions-extra = %{version}
+Requires:       gimp
+Enhances:       %{name}
+Supplements:    (%{name} and gimp)
+%description extensions-gimp
+The GIMP import and export extensions for Inkscape.
+Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.
+%package extensions-scribus
+Summary:        Scribus extensions for Inkscape
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
+Requires:       %{name}-extensions-extra = %{version}
+Requires:       scribus
+Enhances:       %{name}
+Supplements:    (%{name} and scribus)
+%description extensions-scribus
+The Scribus-based PDF export extension for Inkscape.
+Inkscape is a vector graphics editor.
+%autosetup -n %{name}-%{_version} -p1
+%ifarch %{arm}
+export LDFLAGS+="-Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"
+%if 0%{suse_version} < 1550
+export CXX=g++-10
+%cmake \
+  -GNinja \
+  %{nil}
+%ninja_install -C build
+# Packaging/distribution info.
+rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/LICENSE.txt
+# Test framework.
+rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/.pytest_cache
+# extensions/doc
+rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/docs
+install -Dpm 0644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/inkscape/palettes/
+%find_lang %{name} %{?no_lang_C}
+sed -i -e "1 s|#! *%{_bindir}/env python|#!%{_bindir}/python3|" %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/*.py
+# Split extensions.
+python3 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions "%%{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/"
+%fdupes %{buildroot}
+%post -n %{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -n %{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%files -f inkscape.lst
+%dir %{_libdir}/inkscape
+%dir %{_datadir}/inkscape/
+%dir %{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/
+%dir %{_datadir}/inkscape/extensions/icons
+%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/
+%dir %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/
+# We can't really move the localized manpages to the lang package, since they'd
+# create a conflict between the lang subpackage and bundles
+%dir %{_mandir}/hr/
+%dir %{_mandir}/hr/man1/
+%dir %{_mandir}/ko/
+%dir %{_mandir}/ko/man1/
+%files extensions-extra -f inkscape-extensions-extra.lst
+%files extensions-fig
+%files extensions-gimp
+# NOTE: export_gimp_palette* does not depend on gimp, but belongs here logically:
+%files extensions-scribus
+%files lang -f %{name}.lang
diff --git a/inkscape_1.3.2_fix_tiff.patch b/inkscape_1.3.2_fix_tiff.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c01a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkscape_1.3.2_fix_tiff.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -ur inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/share/extensions/ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f_fix/share/extensions/
+--- inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f/share/extensions/	2023-03-26 19:12:31.000000000 +0200
++++ inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20ef0f_fix/share/extensions/	2024-09-12 13:02:36.671294086 +0200
+@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
+             format="tiff",
+             compression=(self.options.compression or None),
+   ["dpi"],
+-            quality=100,
+         )
+         stream.write(tempstream.getvalue())
+         # TODO: Add other fields such as copyright etc.
diff --git a/openSUSE.gpl b/openSUSE.gpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8edc8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openSUSE.gpl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+GIMP Palette
+Name: openSUSE
+Columns: 7
+252 177  28	Orange Light
+255 255 102	Butter Light
+145 208   7	Lemon Light
+212 196 255	Plum Light
+ 80 128 255	Sky Light
+186 189 182	Dust Light
+255  77  77	Blood Light
+227  83   2	Orange
+178 178  71	Butter
+ 33 120   8	Lemon
+ 77  68 102	Plum
+  0   0 116	Sky
+ 46  52  54	Dust 
+140   0   0	Blood
+115 186  37	SUSE Green