#!/usr/bin/env python3 # List all files, that depend on base_extra_modules, explicitly or implicitly. import os import pathlib import re import sys # Search all .py files that are imported by mentioned modules. def make_deplist(inx_list, module_list): modules = set() inx_regex = re.compile(rf">(.+)\.py") for entry in inx_list: with open(os.path.join(".", entry), encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: match = inx_regex.search(line) if (match and match.group(1) and match.group(1) not in module_list): modules.add(match.group(1)) for module in module_list.union(modules): name = os.path.join(".", f"{module}.py") if os.path.isfile(name): with open(name, encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: match = re.match(r"from (.+) import", line) if not match: match = re.match(r"import ([^#]+).*? *", line) if match and match.group(1): needle = re.sub(r"as .+", "", match.group(1)).strip() if (needle not in module_list.union(modules) and os.path.isfile(f"{needle}.py")): modules.add(needle) return modules if __name__ == "__main__": work_dir = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(sys.argv[1]) prefix = sys.argv[2] base_extra_modules = set(["lxml", "numpy", "scour", "xml"]) extra_modules = set() prev_modules = base_extra_modules while True: prev_module_regex = rf"({'|'.join(map(re.escape, prev_modules))})" import_regex = re.compile(rf"(import|from).* {prev_module_regex}") next_modules = set() # Search all .py files importing one of the mentioned modules. for entry in pathlib.Path(".").glob("**/*.py"): with entry.open(encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: if import_regex.search(line): name = str(entry.as_posix()) module = name.split(os.sep, 1)[0] if module.endswith(".py"): module = entry.stem if module not in next_modules: next_modules.add(module) prev_modules = next_modules if extra_modules.issuperset(prev_modules): break extra_modules.update(prev_modules) std_inx = set() extra_inx = set() # We have a complete list of .py files dependent on base_extra_modules. # Now we need a list of .inx module descriptors. inx_regex = re.compile(rf'({"|".join(map(re.escape, extra_modules))})\.py') for entry in pathlib.Path(".").iterdir(): if entry.is_file() and entry.suffix == ".inx": with entry.open(encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: if inx_regex.search(line): extra_inx.add(entry.name) # inx files that do not belong in extra_inx. if entry.name not in extra_inx: std_inx.add(entry.name) # Now create list of .py files that should belong in the std package. std_modules = make_deplist(std_inx, set()) # Now create list of .py files that are required by extra modules # (If no std module needs it, then they will belong in the extra package). extradep_modules = make_deplist(extra_inx, extra_modules) # And now verify everything and generate final list. exclusion_regex = re.compile(r"^(cdr|fig|.*gimp)") std_list = work_dir / "inkscape.lst" extra_list = work_dir / "inkscape-extensions-extra.lst" with std_list.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as file: for inx in std_inx: if not exclusion_regex.match(inx): print(f"{prefix}{inx}", file=file) with extra_list.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as file: for inx in extra_inx: if not exclusion_regex.match(inx): print(f"{prefix}{inx}", file=file) with std_list.open("a", encoding="utf-8") as std_file, extra_list.open("a", encoding="utf-8") as extra_file: for entry in pathlib.Path(".").iterdir(): if entry.is_file() and entry.suffix == ".py": name = str(entry.as_posix()) if exclusion_regex.match(name): pass elif entry.is_file() and entry.stem in extra_modules: print(f"{prefix}{entry.name}", file=extra_file) elif entry.is_file() and entry.stem in std_modules: print(f"{prefix}{entry.name}", file=std_file) elif entry.is_file() and entry.stem in extradep_modules: print(f"{prefix}{entry.name}", file=extra_file) else: print(f"ERROR: Undecided file {name}", file=sys.stderr) elif entry.is_dir(): if entry.name in extra_modules: print(f"{prefix}{entry.name}/", file=extra_file) elif entry.name in std_modules: print(f"{prefix}{entry.name}/", file=std_file) elif entry.name in extradep_modules: print(f"{prefix}{entry.name}/", file=extra_file)