------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 26 07:35:47 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b07 * Unstable snapshot in view of jdk8u40 release - Removed patch: aarch64-jni-update.patch * Upstreamed changes - Modified patch: aarch64-misc.patch * Do not patch generated-configure.sh that is anyway regenerated. - Modified patch: system-libjpeg.patch * Do not patch generated-configure.sh that is anyway regenerated. * Rediff to apply cleanly - Modified patches: link-with-as-needed.patch, system-giflib5.patch, system-lcms.patch, system-libpng.patch * Rediff to apply cleanly ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 23 08:16:11 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Add provides jre-32 on %{ix86} and ppc * This satisfies libreoffice's requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 8 07:46:47 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Add provides jre-64 on x86_64. bnc#895191 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 20 14:31:18 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u20-b26 * Tag corresponding to jdk8u20 public release - Do not include the build number in version information, since this is the official release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 23 08:00:09 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Use icedtea-sound-1.0.1 release tarball ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 18 07:21:20 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u20-b23 * Security updates from 15 July 2014 - Removed patch: voidreturn.patch * Integrated upstream - Re-diffed patch: java-atk-wrapper-security.patch * Re-diff to correspond to the new changes - Modify accessibility post script to actually create the corresponding symlinks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 15 08:03:53 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Initial package built from upstream OpenJDK * Version * Sources from http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u20/ tag jdk8u20-b22 - Initial bug-/build-fix patches * 1015432.patch * aarch64-jni-update.patch * aarch64-misc.patch * adlc-parser.patch * applet-hole.patch * compare-pointer-with-literal.patch * disable-doclint-by-default.patch * hotspot-build-j-directive.patch * implicit-pointer-decl.patch * include-all-srcs.patch * java-atk-wrapper-security.patch * link-with-as-needed.patch * memory-limits.patch * multiple-pkcs11-library-init.patch * ppc-zero-hotspot.patch * PStack-808293.patch * s390-java-opts.patch * s390-size_t.patch * system-giflib5.patch * system-lcms.patch * system-libjpeg.patch * system-libpng.patch * voidreturn.patch - Added aarch64 hotspot from the tip of http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch64-port/jdk8/hotspot - Added pulseaudio provider from the tip of http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea-sound/