------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 4 14:54:51 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update metadata (description, RPM groups), and remove .la file in %install, not %check. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 6 13:09:45 UTC 2014 - fstrba@suse.com - Upgrade to 0.11 version: - SONAME change. - Fix provides and obsoletes accordingly - symlink the .pc file to the oldname for software that needs it - Remove json-c-fix-headers.patch integrated upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 10 08:38:30 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - add json-c-fix-headers.patch from master branch to fix compilation of apps using the lib ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 7 09:43:30 UTC 2013 - bruno@ioda-net.ch - Update to 0.10 version : * Add a json_object_to_json_string_ext() function to allow output to be formatted in a more human readable form. * Add json_object_object_get_ex(), a NULL-safe get object method, to be able to distinguish between a key not present and the value being NULL. * Add an alternative iterator implementation, see json_object_iterator.h * Make json_object_iter public to enable external use of the json_object_object_foreachC macro. * Add a printbuf_memset() function to provide an effecient way to set and append things like whitespace indentation. * Adjust json_object_is_type and json_object_get_type so they return json_type_null for NULL objects and handle NULL passed to json_objct_object_get(). * Rename boolean type to json_bool. * Fix various compile issues for Visual Studio and MinGW. * Allow json_tokener_parse_ex() to be re-used to parse multiple object. Also, fix some parsing issues with capitalized hexadecimal numbers and number in E notation. * Add json_tokener_get_error() and json_tokener_error_desc() to better encapsulate the process of retrieving errors while parsing. * Various improvements to the documentation of many functions. * Add new json_object_array_sort() function. * Fix a bug in json_object_get_int(), which would incorrectly return 0 when called on a string type object. Eric Haszlakiewicz * Add a json_type_to_name() function. Eric Haszlakiewicz * Add a json_tokener_parse_verbose() function. Jehiah Czebotar * Improve support for null bytes within JSON strings. Jehiah Czebotar * Fix file descriptor leak if memory allocation fails in json_util Zachary Blair, zack_blair at hotmail dot com * Add int64 support. Two new functions json_object_net_int64 and json_object_get_int64. Binary compatibility preserved. Eric Haszlakiewicz, EHASZLA at transunion com Rui Miguel Silva Seabra, rms at 1407 dot org * Fix subtle bug in linkhash where lookup could hang after all slots were filled then successively freed. Spotted by Jean-Marc Naud, j dash m at newtraxtech dot com * Make json_object_from_file take const char *filename Spotted by Vikram Raj V, vsagar at attinteractive dot com * Add handling of surrogate pairs (json_tokener.c, test4.c, Makefile.am) Brent Miller, bdmiller at yahoo dash inc dot com * Correction to comment describing printbuf_memappend in printbuf.h Brent Miller, bdmiller at yahoo dash inc dot com - Packaging : * upgrade upstream location https://gitub.com/json-c/json-c/wiki * cleanup old patches included now upstream . json-c-0.9-linkhash.patch . json-c-0.9-json_tokener.patch . json-c-0.9-json_object_from_file.patch . json-c-0.9-base.patch * Redone lfs patch against new 0.10 release * Removed empty NEWS file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 22 00:34:03 UTC 2012 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org - Fix LFS support in x86. - Do not build with -Werror - Remove "la" files - tune up autotools scripts as well ensure config.h is included everywhere ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 13 13:50:27 UTC 2011 - jengelh@medozas.de - Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 13 09:11:46 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com - add libtool as explicit buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency from prjconf ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 29 08:01:40 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - add baselibs.conf for pulseaudio to use - use original sources ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 4 17:22:27 UTC 2010 - chris@computersalat.de - initial pkg 0.9