41 lines
1.8 KiB
41 lines
1.8 KiB
--- a/src/solvers/cholmod.jl.orig 2022-11-11 07:24:15.860939080 +0000
+++ b/src/solvers/cholmod.jl 2022-11-11 07:24:39.462357069 +0000
@@ -194,21 +194,6 @@
from www.julialang.org, which ship with the correct
versions of all dependencies.
- elseif BUILD_VERSION.major != current_version.major
- @warn """
- CHOLMOD version incompatibility
- Julia was compiled with CHOLMOD version $BUILD_VERSION. It is
- currently linked with version $current_version.
- This might cause Julia to terminate when working with
- sparse matrix factorizations, e.g. solving systems of
- equations with \\.
- It is recommended that you use Julia with the same major
- version of CHOLMOD as the one used during the build, or
- download the generic binaries from www.julialang.org,
- which ship with the correct versions of all dependencies.
- """
intsize = sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)
@@ -232,15 +232,6 @@ function __init__()
- # Register gc tracked allocator if CHOLMOD is new enough
- if current_version >= v"3.0.0"
- cnfg = cglobal((:SuiteSparse_config, :libsuitesparseconfig), Ptr{Cvoid})
- unsafe_store!(cnfg, cglobal(:jl_malloc, Ptr{Cvoid}), 1)
- unsafe_store!(cnfg, cglobal(:jl_calloc, Ptr{Cvoid}), 2)
- unsafe_store!(cnfg, cglobal(:jl_realloc, Ptr{Cvoid}), 3)
- unsafe_store!(cnfg, cglobal(:jl_free, Ptr{Cvoid}), 4)
- end
catch ex
@error "Error during initialization of module CHOLMOD" exception=ex,catch_backtrace()