Soc Virnyl Estela ab0813dc4d - Use bundled libunwind
- Add the following gmp patches
  * ./gmp-6.2.1-arm64-invert_limb.patch
  * ./apply-gmp-arm64-invert_limb.patch
- Add pp64le variants of the bundled deps
  * CompilerSupportLibraries.v1.1.1+0.powerpc64le-linux-gnu-libgfortran5.tar.gz
  * GMP.v6.2.1+6.powerpc64le-linux-gnu-cxx11.tar.gz
  * LLD.v15.0.7+10.powerpc64le-linux-gnu-cxx11-llvm_version+15.tar.gz
  * LibCURL.v8.4.0+0.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibGit2.v1.6.4+0.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibSSH2.v1.11.0+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibUV.v2.0.1+14.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibUnwind.v1.5.0+5.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * MPFR.v4.2.0+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * MbedTLS.v2.28.2+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * OpenBLAS.v0.3.23+4.powerpc64le-linux-gnu-libgfortran5.tar.gz
  * OpenLibm.v0.8.1+2.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * PCRE2.v10.42.0+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * SuiteSparse.v7.2.1+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * Zlib.v1.2.13+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * dSFMT.v2.2.4+4.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * julia.spec
  * libLLVM.v15.0.7+10.powerpc64le-linux-gnu-cxx11-llvm_version+15.tar.gz
  * libblastrampoline.v5.11.0+0.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * nghttp2.v1.52.0+1.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * p7zip.v17.4.0+2.powerpc64le-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Add the aarch64 variants of the bundled deps
  * CompilerSupportLibraries.v1.1.1+0.aarch64-linux-gnu-libgfortran5.tar.gz
  * GMP.v6.2.1+6.aarch64-linux-gnu-cxx11.tar.gz
  * LLD.v15.0.7+10.aarch64-linux-gnu-cxx11-llvm_version+15.tar.gz
  * LibCURL.v8.4.0+0.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibGit2.v1.6.4+0.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibSSH2.v1.11.0+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibUV.v2.0.1+14.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * LibUnwind.v1.5.0+5.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * MPFR.v4.2.0+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * MbedTLS.v2.28.2+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * OpenBLAS.v0.3.23+4.aarch64-linux-gnu-libgfortran5.tar.gz
  * OpenLibm.v0.8.1+2.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * PCRE2.v10.42.0+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * SuiteSparse.v7.2.1+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * Zlib.v1.2.13+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * dSFMT.v2.2.4+4.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * julia.spec
  * libLLVM.v15.0.7+10.aarch64-linux-gnu-cxx11-llvm_version+15.tar.gz
  * libblastrampoline.v5.11.0+0.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * nghttp2.v1.52.0+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * p7zip.v17.4.0+2.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Add ./libblastrampoline.v5.11.0+0.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Add ./deps-makefile.patch
- The full.tar.gz tarball is not a full.tar.gz tarball so we have to
  manually add the sources now.
  * add CompilerSupportLibraries.v1.1.1+0.x86_64-linux-gnu-libgfortran5.tar.gz
  * add dSFMT.v2.2.4+4.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add GMP.v6.2.1+6.x86_64-linux-gnu-cxx11.tar.gz
  * add LibCURL.v8.4.0+0.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add LibGit2.v1.6.4+0.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add libLLVM.v15.0.7+10.x86_64-linux-gnu-cxx11-llvm_version+15.tar.gz
  * add LibSSH2.v1.11.0+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add LibUnwind.v1.5.0+5.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add LibUV-v2.0.1+14.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add LLD.v15.0.7+10.x86_64-linux-gnu-cxx11-llvm_version+15.tar.gz
  * add MbedTLS.v2.28.2+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add MPFR.v4.2.0+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add nghttp2.v1.52.0+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add OpenBLAS.v0.3.23+4.x86_64-linux-gnu-libgfortran5.tar.gz
  * add OpenLibm.v0.8.1+2.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add p7zip.v17.4.0+2.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add PCRE2.v10.42.0+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add SuiteSparse.v7.2.1+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  * add Zlib.v1.2.13+1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Add -Wno-implicit-function-declaration for CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
  * this is an issue building with source-vendored GMP.
  * see https://discourse.julialang.org/t/building-julia-for-nix/115304/6.
    it might be a nix build issue but it affects all distros tbh.
- Adopt buildkite env from Julia's CI. See utilities/build_envs.sh.
- Update CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to %optflags macro
- Reenable other architectures for testing
- BUG-GCC-LLVM-UPSTREAM: Add -Wno-error=incompatible-pointer-types for aarch64.
  * already fixed but still affecting the vendored LLVM build. might be an openSUSE
    GCC issue (need to confirm but let's just by-pass the warning for now).
  * reference issue -> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/45400
- Update julia.specfile
  * remove allow_libssp_libatomic_and_libgomp_to_fail_as_they_are_not_available_on_all_systems.patch
- Update to version 1.10.5:
  * bump Pkg to latest 1.10
  * 🤖 [backports-release-1.10] Bump the Pkg stdlib from 45521a6e8 to a4f26cff6
  * 🤖 [backports-release-1.10] Bump the Pkg stdlib from 9cb6d35f8 to 45521a6e8
  * `stale_cachefile`: handle if the expected cache file is missing
  * bump Pkg to latest 1.10
  * Fix tr for block SymTridiagonal
  * [libblastrampoline] Bump to v5.11.0
  * Profile: Fix stdlib paths
  * Restrict argument to `isleapyear(::Integer)`
  * Add `lbt_forwarded_funcs()` to debug LBT forwarding issues
  * Fix a bug in `stack`'s DimensionMismatch error message
  * [docs] change docstring to match code
  * AllocOpt: Fix stack lowering where alloca continas boxed and unboxed data
  * [build] Some improvements to the LLVM build system
  * 🤖 [backports-release-1.10] Bump the Pkg stdlib from bf83c387b to ff18647d8
  * Add openlibm to sysimg link line on windows
  * Remove the WarnMissedTransformations pass from the 1.10 pipeline
  * Do not hide libssp.dll.a (Windows import library) in private library dir
  * fixup some casts in uv code, extraced from commit e5496e0
  * Fix calling LLVM_SIZE on windows
  * relax equality in trace test
  * Remove reference to memory attribute in llvm pass
  * Disable typed pointer tests for alloc-opt-pass since the base file is now using opaque pointers
  * bump Pkg to latest v1.10
  * Bump libblastrampoline to v5.10.1
  * add missing compat entry to edit
  * LinearAlgebra: LazyString in error messages for Diagonal/Bidiagonal
  * Use triple quotes in TOML.print when string contains newline
  * Fix assertion/crash when optimizing function with dead basic block
  * more precise aliasing checks for SubArray
  * document mutable struct const fields
  * correction to compat notice for a[begin]
  * compat notice for a[begin] indexing
  * Compat for `Base.@nospecializeinfer`
  * Update the aarch64 devdocs to reflect the current state of its support
  * Fix generic triangular solves with empty matrices
  * Profile: Improve module docstring
  * Remove boxing in pinv
  * `LazyString` in `LinearAlgebra.checksquare` error message
  * LinearAlgebra: use `≈` instead of `==` for `tr` tests in symmetric.jl
  * 🤖 [backports-release-1.10] Bump the Pkg stdlib from f487626b0 to 6d73ac1fc
  * [release-1.10] fix a race condition in jl_gc_realloc_string
  * Do not add type tag size to the `alloc_typed` lowering for GC allocations
  * add sticky task warning to `@task` and `schedule`
  * [LinearAlgebra] Improve resilience to unknown libblastrampoline flags
  * make: use `readelf` for LLVM symbol version detection
  * LazyString in reinterpretarray error messages
  * make: Fix `sed` command for LLVM libraries with no symbol versioning
  * Add boundscheck in bindingkey_eq to avoid OOB access due to data race
  * ensure we set the right value to gc_first_tid
  * Aggressive constprop in trevc! to stabilize triangular eigvec
  * Fix trampoline assembly for build on clang 18 on apple silicon
  * Allow libquadmath to also fail as it is not available on all systems

OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/science/julia?expand=0&rev=217
2024-09-27 10:40:00 +00:00

22 lines
1.2 KiB

# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/28564
addFilter("E: devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/usr/lib.*/julia/.*")
# Julia has sofiles that are not actually an issue
addFilter("E: arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share*")
# We should not unstrip sofiles or binaries generated from this package
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/17941
addFilter("W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.9/Pkg/test/test_packages/AugmentedPlatform/*")
# Julia is unique that rpm cant detect what it needs because
# it is dlopened
# Update alternatives does provide the binary
addFilter("W: desktopfile-without-binary /usr/share/applications/julia.desktop julia")
# We should not touch these
addFilter("W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/share/julia/base/JuliaSyntax/.mailmap")
addFilter("W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/test/test_packages/AugmentedPlatform/.pkg")
addFilter("W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Pkg/test/test_packages/AugmentedPlatform/.pkg")
# LibGit_jll test case
addFilter("W: pem-certificate /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/LibGit2/test/bad_ca_roots.pem")
addFilter("E: shlib-policy-name-error*")