This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<service name="tar_scm" mode="disabled">
<param name="scm">git</param>
<param name="url"></param>
<param name="revision">v2.7.3</param>
<param name="match-tag">v*</param>
<param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@</param>
<param name="versionrewrite-pattern">v(.*)</param>
<param name="exclude">**/*.jar</param>
<param name="exclude">**/*.zip</param>
<service name="recompress" mode="disabled">
<param name="file">*.tar</param>
<param name="compression">xz</param>
<service name="set_version" mode="disabled"/>
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# Generate a source drop for jython from SVN
# Usage message
usage="usage: $0 <project_name> <svn_root> <svn_tag>"
# Ensure we got all of the variables
if [ "x$project_name"x = "xx" ]
echo >&2 "$usage"
exit 1
if [ "x$svn_root"x = "xx" ]
echo >&2 "$usage"
exit 1
if [ "x$svn_tag"x = "xx" ]
echo >&2 "$usage"
exit 1
mkdir -p temp && cd temp
svn export --username guest --password "" $svn_root/$project_name/tags/$svn_tag
mv $svn_tag/$project_name $project_name-svn-$svn_tag
tar jcf $project_name-fetched-src-$svn_tag.tar.bz2 $project_name-svn-$svn_tag
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:8bbcc0f202babdcb0845c6755ac7ab2f59c9443bebbf532a9f4f577207062ff5
size 12406520
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -242,44 +242,14 @@ informix.jar = ../support/jdbc-4.10.12.jar
<filelist files="${informix.location} ${oracle.location}" />
<!-- Further database and Java EE-related JARs -->
- <filelist dir="${extlibs.dir}">
- <file name="servlet-api-2.5.jar" />
- <file name="mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar" />
- <file name="postgresql-42.1.1.jre7.jar" />
- </filelist>
+ <fileset dir="${extlibs.dir}">
+ <include name="**/*"/>
+ </fileset>
- <!-- Other JARs (alphabetical) -->
- <filelist dir="${extlibs.dir}">
- <file name="antlr-complete-3.5.2.jar" /> <!-- ANTLR 3 until we upgrade parsing -->
- <file name="asm-9.3.jar" />
- <file name="asm-commons-9.3.jar" />
- <file name="asm-util-9.3.jar" />
- <file name="commons-compress-1.21.jar"/>
- <file name="failureaccess-1.0.1.jar" />
- <file name="guava-31.0.1-jre.jar" />
- <file name="icu4j-71.1.jar" />
- <file name="jffi-1.3.9.jar"/>
- <file name="java-sizeof-0.0.5.jar"/>
- <file name="jnr-constants-0.10.3.jar"/>
- <file name="jnr-ffi-2.2.12.jar"/>
- <file name="jnr-netdb-1.2.0.jar"/>
- <file name="jnr-posix-3.1.15.jar"/>
- <file name="jline-2.14.5.jar"/>
- <file name="netty-buffer-4.1.73.Final.jar"/>
- <file name="netty-codec-4.1.73.Final.jar"/>
- <file name="netty-common-4.1.73.Final.jar"/>
- <file name="netty-handler-4.1.73.Final.jar"/>
- <file name="netty-resolver-4.1.73.Final.jar"/>
- <file name="netty-transport-4.1.73.Final.jar"/>
- </filelist>
<path id="test.classpath">
<path refid="main.classpath"/>
- <filelist dir="${extlibs.dir}">
- <!-- Pin to 4.10 until dependency on hamcrest classes resolved. -->
- <file name="junit-4.10.jar" />
- </filelist>
<pathelement location="${exposed.dir}" />
<pathelement location="${compile.dir}" />
<pathelement location="${test.compile.dir}" />
@@ -835,80 +805,13 @@ The text for an official release would continue like ...
<target name="jar-complete" depends="jar, pycompile">
- <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="org.pantsbuild.jarjar.JarJarTask">
+ <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask">
- <pathelement path="extlibs/jarjar-1.7.2.jar" />
<path refid="main.classpath" />
<jarjar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.deploy.jar}" update="${jar.update}">
<zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/${}"/>
- <!-- pin to Antlr 3 until we upgrade parsing -->
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar"/>
- <rule pattern="org.antlr.runtime.**" result="org.python.antlr.runtime.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/asm-9.3.jar" excludes="module-info.class"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/asm-commons-9.3.jar" excludes="module-info.class"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/asm-util-9.3.jar" excludes="module-info.class"/>
- <rule pattern="org.objectweb.asm.**" result="org.python.objectweb.asm.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/bcpkix-jdk18on-1.71.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/bcprov-jdk18on-1.71.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="org.bouncycastle.**" result="org.python.bouncycastle.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/commons-compress-1.21.jar"/>
- <rule pattern="org.apache.commons.compress.**" result="org.python.apache.commons.compress.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/guava-31.0.1-jre.jar"/>
- <rule pattern="**" result=""/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/icu4j-71.1.jar"/>
- <rule pattern="**" result=""/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/netty-buffer-4.1.73.Final.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="io.netty.**" result="org.python.netty.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/netty-codec-4.1.73.Final.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="io.netty.**" result="org.python.netty.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/netty-common-4.1.73.Final.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="io.netty.**" result="org.python.netty.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/netty-handler-4.1.73.Final.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="io.netty.**" result="org.python.netty.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/netty-resolver-4.1.73.Final.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="io.netty.**" result="org.python.netty.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/netty-transport-4.1.73.Final.jar" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
- <rule pattern="io.netty.**" result="org.python.netty.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="${extlibs.dir}/java-sizeof-0.0.5.jar"/>
- <rule pattern="com.carrotsearch.sizeof.**" result="org.python.sizeof.@1"/>
- <!-- these stub jars are pre-built in
- and rarely if ever change -->
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-aarch64-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-arm-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-Darwin.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-i386-FreeBSD.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-i386-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-i386-OpenBSD.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-i386-SunOS.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-i386-Windows.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-ppc64le-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-ppc-AIX.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-ppc-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-ppc64-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-s390x-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-sparc-SunOS.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-sparcv9-SunOS.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-x86_64-FreeBSD.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-x86_64-Linux.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-x86_64-OpenBSD.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-x86_64-SunOS.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-x86_64-Windows.jar"/>
- <!-- remainder of JNR, JFFI -->
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jffi-1.3.9.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-constants-0.10.3.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-ffi-2.2.12.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-netdb-1.2.0.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-posix-3.1.15.jar"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/xercesImpl-2.12.2.jar" excludes="META-INF/services/*"/>
- <rule pattern="org.apache.xml.**" result="org.python.apache.xml.@1"/>
- <rule pattern="org.apache.xerces.**" result="org.python.apache.xerces.@1"/>
- <rule pattern="org.apache.wml.**" result="org.python.apache.wml.@1"/>
- <rule pattern="org.apache.html.**" result="org.python.apache.html.@1"/>
- <zipfileset src="extlibs/jline-2.14.5.jar"/>
- <rule pattern="jline.**" result="org.python.jline.@1"/>
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.python.util.jython" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}" />
--- a/src/org/python/core/
+++ b/src/org/python/core/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import org.python.expose.ExposedType;
import org.python.modules.Setup;
import org.python.util.Generic;
-import com.carrotsearch.sizeof.RamUsageEstimator;
+import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import jnr.posix.util.Platform;
@ -1,44 +1,99 @@
--- jython-svn-Release_2_2_1/maven/build.xml 2007-03-26 22:02:00.000000000 +0200
Only in jython-2.7.3: build.xml.orig
+++ jython-svn-Release_2_2_1/maven/build.xml 2018-11-23 10:04:54.897037648 +0100
Only in jython-2.7.3: build.xml.rej
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@
--- jython-2.7.3/maven/build.xml 2023-06-27 13:47:28.639774958 +0200
+++ jython-2.7.3/maven/build.xml 2023-06-27 13:58:10.216237299 +0200
@@ -155,9 +155,6 @@
<move file="${stage}/${}.jar"
- <!-- Sign everything. -->
- <sign-all stageDir="@{stageDir}" artifactId="@{artifactId}" version="@{version}" />
- <move file="${stage}/${}-sources.jar"
- tofile="${install.dir}/${}-sources.jar"/>
<!-- JAR-up the entire contents of the staging directory. -->
<jar jarfile="${pubs.dir}/@{basename}-bundle.jar">
<fileset dir="@{stageDir}" />
@@ -175,9 +172,6 @@
<attribute name="stageDir" default="${build.maven}" />
<attribute name="basename" default="@{artifactId}-@{version}" />
- <!-- Validate the POM -->
- <validate-pom file="@{fromdir}/@{basename}.pom" />
<!-- Clean the staging directory. -->
<delete dir="@{stageDir}" />
<mkdir dir="@{stageDir}" />
@@ -190,9 +184,6 @@
<checksum algorithm="SHA1" fileext=".sha1">
- <!-- Sign everything. -->
<fileset dir="${install.dir}" excludes="*.sha1,*.md5,*.tmp"/>
- <sign-all stageDir="@{stageDir}" artifactId="@{artifactId}" version="@{version}" />
@@ -114,7 +112,7 @@
<!-- JAR-up the entire contents of the staging directory. -->
Performs Maven build staging
<jar jarfile="${pubs.dir}/@{basename}-bundle.jar">
<fileset dir="@{stageDir}" />
- <target name="stage" depends="validate-pom">
@@ -200,61 +191,11 @@
+ <target name="stage">
<property name="stage" value="${build}/"/>
<mkdir dir="${stage}"/>
@@ -135,23 +133,6 @@
- <!-- Add detached signature for single artifact in staging directory. -->
- <macrodef name="sign-detached">
- <attribute name="file" />
- <attribute name="stageDir" />
- <!--
- <sequential>
- Performs POM Schema validation.
- <!-- Generate a detached signature for each artifact in the bundle. -->
- -->
- <exec executable="gpg" dir="@{stageDir}">
- <target name="validate-pom">
- <arg value="-ab" />
- <xmlvalidate failonerror="true" file="maven/pom.xml">
- <arg value="@{file}" />
- <attribute name=""
- </exec>
- value="true"/>
- </sequential>
- <attribute name=""
- </macrodef>
- value="true"/>
- <attribute name=""
- <!-- Add detached signatures for group of artifacts in staging directory. -->
- value="true"/>
- <macrodef name="sign-all">
- <property
- <attribute name="artifactId" />
- name=""
- <attribute name="version" />
- value="maven/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"/>
- <attribute name="stageDir" />
- <attribute name="basename" default="@{artifactId}-@{version}" />
- <sequential>
- <sign-detached stageDir="@{stageDir}" file="@{basename}.pom" />
- <sign-detached stageDir="@{stageDir}" file="@{basename}.jar" />
- <sign-detached stageDir="@{stageDir}" file="@{basename}-sources.jar" />
- <sign-detached stageDir="@{stageDir}" file="@{basename}-javadoc.jar" />
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <!-- Validate a Maven POM . -->
- <macrodef name="validate-pom">
- <attribute name="file" />
- <sequential>
- <xmlvalidate failonerror="true" file="@{file}">
- <attribute name="" value="true" />
- <attribute name="" value="true" />
- <attribute name="" value="true" />
- <property name="" value="maven/maven-v4_0_0.xsd" />
- </xmlvalidate>
- </xmlvalidate>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <!-- Validate the POM template. -->
- <target name="validate-template-pom">
- <validate-pom file="maven/pom-template.xml"/>
- </target>
- </target>
<target name="build-jython" depends="clean">
- <!-- Validate the base POM produced by Gradle task generatePomFileForMainPublication. -->
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="developer-build"/>
- <target name="validate-gradle-pom" depends="version">
- <validate-pom file="${gradle.base}/publications/main/pom-default.xml"/>
- </target>
<target name="build-jython" if="">
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="all-jars" />
- <target name="prepare" depends="build-jython, validate-template-pom, version">
+ <target name="prepare" depends="build-jython, version">
<local name="artifacts" />
<property name="artifacts" value="${gradle.repo}/${m2.groupDir}/jython-slim/${jython.version}" />
<condition property="gradle.published">
Only in jython-2.7.3/maven: build.xml.orig
Only in jython-2.7.3/maven: build.xml.rej
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:169a2b022faf7362a54591f06585a8f03e88a31df6063d39039f62facbb0854b
size 2546326
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# spec file for package jython
# spec file for package jython
# Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@ -19,54 +19,54 @@
%global pyver %(python3 -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[0:3])')
%global pyver %(python3 -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[0:3])')
%global cpython_version %{pyver}
%global cpython_version %{pyver}
%global pyxml_version %{pyver}
%global pyxml_version %{pyver}
%global svn_tag Release_2_2_1
%global _python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build 0
%global _python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build 0
Name: jython
Name: jython
Version: 2.2.1
Version: 2.7.3
Release: 0
Release: 0
Summary: A Java implementation of the Python language
Summary: A Java implementation of the Python language
License: Apache-2.0 AND Python-2.0
License: Apache-2.0 AND Python-2.0
Group: Development/Languages/Python
Group: Development/Languages/Python
# Use the included script to generate the source drop
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
# for jython 2.2.1
Patch0: %{name}-build.patch
# sh \
Patch1: %{name}-dont-validate-pom.patch
# jython Release_2_2_1
Source0: %{name}-fetched-src-%{svn_tag}.tar.bz2
Source2: fetch-%{name}.sh
Patch0: %{name}-cachedir.patch
# Make javadoc and copy-full tasks not depend upon "full-build"
# Also, copy python's license from source directory and not
# ${python.home}
Patch1: %{name}-nofullbuildpath.patch
# These address CVE-2013-2027 (
Patch3: %{name}-cacheperms.patch
Patch4: %{name}-makeCompiledFilename.patch
Patch5: %{name}-cached-classes.patch
Patch6: %{name}-sourcetarget.patch
Patch7: %{name}-module.patch
Patch8: %{name}-compareto.patch
Patch9: %{name}-dont-validate-pom.patch
BuildRequires: ant
BuildRequires: ant
BuildRequires: ant-junit
BuildRequires: antlr3-java
BuildRequires: antlr3-tool
BuildRequires: apache-commons-compress
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: jakarta-oro
BuildRequires: glassfish-servlet-api
BuildRequires: guava
BuildRequires: jarjar
BuildRequires: java-devel >= 1.8
BuildRequires: java-devel >= 1.8
BuildRequires: javapackages-local
BuildRequires: javapackages-local
BuildRequires: jline1
BuildRequires: jffi
BuildRequires: libreadline-java >= 0.8.0
BuildRequires: jline
BuildRequires: mysql-connector-java
BuildRequires: jnr-constants
BuildRequires: jnr-ffi
BuildRequires: jnr-posix
BuildRequires: lucene-core
BuildRequires: objectweb-asm
BuildRequires: python3 >= %{cpython_version}
BuildRequires: python3 >= %{cpython_version}
BuildRequires: python3-xml >= %{pyxml_version}
BuildRequires: python3-xml >= %{pyxml_version}
BuildRequires: servletapi5
BuildRequires: stringtemplate4
Requires: jakarta-oro
Requires: antlr3-java
Requires: java >= 1.8
Requires: antlr3-tool
Requires: javapackages-local
Requires: apache-commons-compress
Requires: jline1
Requires: glassfish-servlet-api
Requires: libreadline-java >= 0.8.0
Requires: guava
Requires: python3 >= %{cpython_version}
Requires: jarjar
Requires: servletapi5
Requires: jffi
Recommends: mysql-connector-java
Requires: jline
Requires: jnr-constants
Requires: jnr-ffi
Requires: jnr-posix
Requires: junit
Requires: lucene-core
Requires: objectweb-asm
Requires: stringtemplate4
Obsoletes: %{name}-manual
BuildArch: noarch
BuildArch: noarch
@ -88,55 +88,12 @@ programmer productivity. The seamless interaction between Python and
Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during
Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during
development and in shipping products.
development and in shipping products.
%package manual
Summary: Manual for jython
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
%description manual
This package contains the manual for Jython.
Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented
language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. The
predecessor to Jython, JPython, is certified as 100% Pure Java. Jython
is freely available for both commercial and non-commercial use and is
distributed with source code. Jython is complementary to Java and is
especially suited for the following tasks: Embedded scripting - Java
programmers can add the Jython libraries to their system to allow end
users to write simple or complicated scripts that add functionality to
the application. Interactive experimentation - Jython provides an
interactive interpreter that can be used to interact with Java packages
or with running Java applications. This allows programmers to
experiment and debug any Java system using Jython. Rapid application
development - Python programs are typically 2-10X shorter than the
equivalent Java program. This translates directly to increased
programmer productivity. The seamless interaction between Python and
Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during
development and in shipping products.
%package javadoc
%package javadoc
Summary: Javadoc for jython
Summary: Javadoc for jython
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
%description javadoc
%description javadoc
This package contains the javadoc documentation for jython.
API documentation for %{name}.
Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented
language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. The
predecessor to Jython, JPython, is certified as 100% Pure Java. Jython
is freely available for both commercial and non-commercial use and is
distributed with source code. Jython is complementary to Java and is
especially suited for the following tasks: Embedded scripting - Java
programmers can add the Jython libraries to their system to allow end
users to write simple or complicated scripts that add functionality to
the application. Interactive experimentation - Jython provides an
interactive interpreter that can be used to interact with Java packages
or with running Java applications. This allows programmers to
experiment and debug any Java system using Jython. Rapid application
development - Python programs are typically 2-10X shorter than the
equivalent Java program. This translates directly to increased
programmer productivity. The seamless interaction between Python and
Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during
development and in shipping products.
%package demo
%package demo
Summary: Demonstration and samples for jython
Summary: Demonstration and samples for jython
@ -144,76 +101,43 @@ Group: Development/Libraries/Java
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description demo
%description demo
This package contains demonstration and sample files for Jython.
Demonstrations and samples for %{name}.
Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented
language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. The
predecessor to Jython, JPython, is certified as 100% Pure Java. Jython
is freely available for both commercial and non-commercial use and is
distributed with source code. Jython is complementary to Java and is
especially suited for the following tasks: Embedded scripting - Java
programmers can add the Jython libraries to their system to allow end
users to write simple or complicated scripts that add functionality to
the application. Interactive experimentation - Jython provides an
interactive interpreter that can be used to interact with Java packages
or with running Java applications. This allows programmers to
experiment and debug any Java system using Jython. Rapid application
development - Python programs are typically 2-10X shorter than the
equivalent Java program. This translates directly to increased
programmer productivity. The seamless interaction between Python and
Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during
development and in shipping products.
%setup -q -n %{name}-svn-%{svn_tag}
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
export CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath mysql-connector-java oro servlet jline1)
build-jar-repository -s -p extlibs \
# FIXME: fix jpackage-utils to handle multilib correctly
jffi/jffi antlr3 antlr3-runtime commons-compress \
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:%{_libdir}/libreadline-java/libreadline-java.jar
glassfish-servlet-api guava/guava jarjar jline/jline \
jnr/jnr-constants jnr/jnr-ffi jnr/jnr-posix junit lucene/lucene-core \
objectweb-asm/asm-commons objectweb-asm/asm objectweb-asm/asm-util \
rm -rf org/apache
%{ant} -Djython.version=%{version}
perl -p -i -e 's|execon|apply|g' build.xml
%{ant} \
-Dpython.home=%{_bindir} \
-Dht2html.dir=%{_datadir}/ht2html \
-Dpython.lib=./CPythonLib \
-Dpython.exe=%{_bindir}/python3 \
-DPyXmlHome=%{_libdir}/python%{pyver} \
-Dtargetver=1.3 \
# remove #! from python files
pushd dist
for f in `find . -name '*.py'`
sed --in-place "s:#!\s*/usr.*::" $f
pushd maven
pushd maven
# generate maven pom
%{ant} -Djython.version=%{version} bundle
ant -Dproject.version=%{version} install
# Symlink run-time libs
rm dist/javalib/*.jar
build-jar-repository -s -p dist/javalib \
jffi/jffi antlr3 antlr3-runtime commons-compress \
glassfish-servlet-api guava/guava jarjar jline/jline \
jnr/jnr-constants jnr/jnr-ffi jnr/jnr-posix junit lucene/lucene-core \
objectweb-asm/asm-commons objectweb-asm/asm objectweb-asm/asm-util \
# jar
# jar
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
install -m 644 dist/%{name}.jar \
install -m 644 dist/%{name}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}.jar
# pom
# pom
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}
install -m 644 build/maven/pom.xml %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP-%{name}.pom
install -m 644 build/maven/%{name}-%{version}.pom %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP-%{name}.pom
%add_maven_depmap JPP-%{name}.pom %{name}.jar -a org.python:jython-standalone,jython:jython
%add_maven_depmap JPP-%{name}.pom %{name}.jar -a org.python:jython-standalone,jython:jython
# javadoc
# javadoc
@ -221,112 +145,49 @@ install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
cp -pr dist/Doc/javadoc/* %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
cp -pr dist/Doc/javadoc/* %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
# data
# jython home dir
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
# these are not supposed to be distributed
ln -s %{_javadir}/%{name}.jar %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
find dist/Lib -type d -name test | xargs rm -rf
cp -pr dist/javalib %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
rm dist/bin/jython_regrtest.bat
cp -pr dist/bin %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
install -m 644 dist/registry %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
# libs without tests
rm -rf dist/Lib/{distutils/tests,email/test,json/tests,test,unittest/test}
cp -pr dist/Lib %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
cp -pr dist/Lib %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
cp -pr dist/Tools %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/Lib
# demo
cp -pr dist/Demo %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
# demo
fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/Demo
cp -pr Demo %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/{Lib,Tools}
fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/Demo
# manual
rm -rf dist/Doc/javadoc
# javadoc
mv dist/Doc %{name}-manual-%{version}
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/Doc
%fdupes -s %{name}-manual-%{version}
ln -s %{_javadocdir}/%{name} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/Doc/javadoc
# registry
install -m 644 registry %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
# scripts
# scripts
install -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
ln -s %{_datadir}/%{name}/bin/jython %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name} << EOF
%files -f .mfiles
# %{name} script
# JPackage Project (
# Source functions library
. %{_datadir}/java-utils/java-functions
# Source system prefs
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf ] ; then
. %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf
# Source user prefs
if [ -f \$HOME/.%{name}rc ] ; then
. \$HOME/.%{name}rc
# Arch-specific location of dependency
case \$(uname -m) in
x86_64 | ia64 | s390x | ppc64 | sparc64 )
JYTHONLIBDIR="%{_libdir}" ;;
* )
JYTHONLIBDIR="%{_prefix}/lib" ;;
# Configuration
BASE_JARS="%{name} oro servlet mysql-connector-java"
BASE_FLAGS="\$BASE_FLAGS -Dpython.console=org.python.util.ReadlineConsole"
BASE_FLAGS="\$BASE_FLAGS -Djava.library.path=\$JYTHONLIBDIR/libreadline-java"
BASE_FLAGS="\$BASE_FLAGS -Dpython.console.readlinelib=Editline"
# Set parameters
set_classpath \$BASE_JARS
set_flags \$BASE_FLAGS
set_options \$BASE_OPTIONS
# Let's start
run "\$@"
cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name}c << EOF
# %{name}c script
# JPackage Project (
%{_bindir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/%{name}/Tools/%{name}c/%{name} "\$@"
%license LICENSE.txt
%license LICENSE.txt
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{name}
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{name}
%attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{name}c
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
%if %{defined _maven_repository}
%files javadoc
%files javadoc
%license LICENSE.txt
%license LICENSE.txt
%files manual
%license LICENSE.txt
%doc README.txt
%doc %{name}-manual-%{version}
%files demo
%files demo
%license LICENSE.txt
%license LICENSE.txt
Reference in New Issue
Block a user