Sun Jan 12 12:14:08 UTC 2025 - Christophe Marin <christophe@krop.fr>

- Update to 2.2.1
  * qtquick: Add support for MainWindowOption_HasCentralWidget
  * qtquick: Add QtQuick::FloatingWindow::setQuickWindowCreationCallback
  * Add Config::setDockWidgetTabIndexOverrideFunc()
  * Allow to redock back to a floating window
  * Add KDDockWidgets::controllersToViews
  * Add Config::setTabsAtBottom()
  * Fix case where persistent central widget would detach when dragged
  * Fix windows having transparency when drop indicators inhibited
  * Fix case where persistent central widget would detach when dragged
  * Allow to build against external KDBindings
  * Fix restore layout of nested main windows
  * Fix restore maximized window corner case
  * Fix linking against static KDDW

Wed Jul 24 11:02:36 UTC 2024 - Christophe Marin <christophe@krop.fr>

- Build kddockwidgets without spdlog until fmt 11 gets supported

Tue May 21 13:30:23 UTC 2024 - Christophe Marin <christophe@krop.fr>

- Update to 2.1.0
  Bug fixes:
  * Fixed dock widget float button when using main window nesting
  * Fixed double-click on titlebar not floating it if auto-hide
    flag was enabled
  * Fixed auto-hide overlay not updating its position when main
    window was resized
  * Fixed crash when doing sequential open() and close() calls
  * Fixed double-click the guest widget would make window float
  * LayoutSaverOption::Skip now honours docked dock widgets
  * Fixed DockWidget::addDockWidgetToContainingWindow() when
    using nested main windows
  * Multiple fixes for save/restore when windows are maximized
  * Several fixes regarding nested main windows

Thu Feb  1 09:31:29 UTC 2024 - Christophe Marin <christophe@krop.fr>

- Update to 2.0.0
  * Architecture rewrite to support more frontends besides
    QtWidgets and QtQuick. 2.0 isn't very interesting for users,
    but will allow developers to make KDDW support other GUI
    frameworks more easily. Also QtQuick is now better integrated,
    without being shoehorned with ifdefs into the QtWidgets
    + Split into a view/controller architecture
    + Non-gui logic moved to controllers
    + Each controller has a gui counter part, implemented for each
      supported frontend
  * Uses nlohmann JSON library (MIT) instead of QJsonDocument, for
    saving/restoring layouts
  * Added Config::setStartDragDistance()
  * Removed Config::setTabbingAllowedFunc() which was already
    deprecated in favor of Config::setDropIndicatorAllowedFunc()
  * Slint and Flutter WIP. Waiting for these frameworks to
    support multi-window before finishing.

Tue May  9 06:42:49 UTC 2023 - Christophe Marin <christophe@krop.fr>

- Update to 1.7.0
  * Introduce DockWidget::setFloatingWindowFlags(flags).
    Allows for different FloatingWindows to have different window
    flags. For example, some having Qt::Tool while others having
  * Fixed fixed-sized windows being able to be resized on Windows
  * Allow restoring layouts without touching floating dock widgets
  * Fix setDropIndicatorsInhibited(false) not showing
    drop indicators
  * Fix relayouting when dock widget is deleted directly
  * Minor performance improvement: Cache TitleBar icons
  * Save side bar overlay geometry when frame is resized
  * Fixed case of corrupt layout when using
  * Fix layout scaling factor when main window is native
  * Fix moving floating windows to negative positions
  * Fixed using normal geometry of platform window if
    fractional scaling is enabled
  * Allow to specify Qt::Tool or Qt::Window per floating window

Wed Mar  1 08:53:06 UTC 2023 - Christophe Marin <christophe@krop.fr>

- Init kddockwidgets, needed by newer hotspot versions