#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2003-2007,2009 Novell, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2010-2022 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact https://www.suse.com/source-code/ # ############################################################################# # # Guards: # # +xxx include if xxx is defined # -xxx exclude if xxx is defined # +!xxx include if xxx is not defined # -!xxx exclude if xxx is not defined # use FileHandle; use Getopt::Long; use strict; # Prototypes sub files_in($$); sub parse($$); sub help(); sub slashme($) { my ($dir) = @_; $dir =~ s#([^/])$#$&/#; # append a slash if necessary if ($dir eq './') { return ''; } else { return $dir; } } # Generate a list of files in a directory # sub files_in($$) { my ($dir, $path) = @_; my $dh = new FileHandle; my (@files, $file); # @<file> syntax if ($path =~ s/^@//) { my $fh; open($fh, '<', $path) or die "$path: $!\n"; @files = <$fh>; close($fh); chomp(@files); s:^$dir:: for @files; return @files; } $path = slashme($path); opendir $dh, length("$dir$path") ? "$dir$path" : '.' or die "$dir$path: $!\n"; while ($file = readdir($dh)) { next if $file =~ /^(\.|\.\.|\.#.*|CVS|.*~)$/; if (-d "$dir$path$file") { @files = (@files, files_in($dir, "$path$file/")); } else { #print "[$path$file]\n"; push @files, "$path$file"; } } closedir $dh; return @files; } # Parse a configuration file # Callback called with ($patch, @guards) arguments # sub parse($$) { my ($fh, $callback) = @_; my $line = ""; while (<$fh>) { chomp; s/(^|\s+)#.*//; if (s/\\$/ /) { $line .= $_; next; } $line .= $_; my @guards = (); foreach my $token (split /[\s\t\n]+/, $line) { next if $token eq ""; if ($token =~ /^[-+]/) { push @guards, $token; } else { #print "[" . join(",", @guards) . "] $token\n"; &$callback($token, @guards); } } $line = ""; } } # Command line options # my ($dir, $config, $default, $check, $list, $invert_match, $with_guards) = ( '', '-', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); my @path; # Help text # sub help() { print "$0 - select from a list of files guarded by conditions\n"; print "SYNOPSIS: $0 [--prefix=dir] [--path=dir1:dir2:...]\n" . " [--default=0|1] [--check|--list] [--invert-match]\n" . " [--with-guards] [--config=file] symbol ...\n\n" . " Defaults: --default=$default\n" . " Use --path=\@<file> to read the list of entries from <file>\n"; exit 0; } # Parse command line options # Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); eval { unless (GetOptions ( 'd|prefix=s' => \$dir, 'c|config=s' => \$config, 'C|check' => \$check, 'l|list' => \$list, 'w|with-guards' => \$with_guards, 'p|path=s' => \@path, 'D|default=i' => \$default, 'v|invert-match' => \$invert_match, 'h|help' => sub { help(); exit 0; })) { help(); exit 1; } }; if ($@) { print "$@"; help(); exit 1; } @path = ('.') unless (@path); @path = split(/:/, join(':', @path)); my $fh = ($config eq '-') ? \*STDIN : new FileHandle($config) or die "$config: $!\n"; $dir = slashme($dir); if ($check) { # Check for duplicate files, or for files that are not referenced by # the specification. my $problems = 0; my @files; foreach (@path) { @files = (@files, files_in($dir, $_)); } my %files = map { $_ => 0 } @files; parse($fh, sub { my ($patch, @guards) = @_; if (exists $files{$patch}) { $files{$patch}++; } else { if ($config eq '-') { print "Not found: $dir$patch\n"; } else { print "In $config but not found: $dir$patch\n"; } $problems++; }}); $fh->close(); my ($file, $ref); while (($file, $ref) = each %files) { next if $ref == 1; if ($ref == 0) { if ($config eq '-') { print "Unused: $file\n"; } else { print "Not in $config: $file\n"; } $problems++; } if ($ref > 1) { print "Warning: multiple uses"; print " in $config" if $config ne '-'; print ": $file\n"; # This is not an error if the entries are mutually exclusive... } } exit $problems ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($list) { parse($fh, sub { my ($patch, @guards) = @_; print join(' ', @guards), ' ' if (@guards && $with_guards); print "$dir$patch\n"; }); } else { # Generate a list of patches to apply. my %symbols = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV; parse($fh, sub { my ($patch, @guards) = @_; my $selected; if (@guards) { # If the first guard is -xxx, the patch is included by default; # if it is +xxx, the patch is excluded by default. $selected = ($guards[0] =~ /^-/); foreach (@guards) { /^([-+])(!?)(.*)?/ or die "Bad guard '$_'\n"; # Check if the guard matches if (($2 eq '!' && !exists $symbols{$3}) || ($2 eq '' && ( $3 eq '' || exists $symbols{$3}))) { # Include or exclude $selected = ($1 eq '+'); } } } else { # If there are no guards, use the specified default result. $selected = $default; } print "$dir$patch\n" if $selected ^ $invert_match; }); $fh->close(); exit 0; } __END__ =head1 NAME guards - select from a list of files guarded by conditions =head1 SYNOPSIS F<guards> [--prefix=F<dir>] [--path=F<dir1:dir2:...>] [--default=<0|1>] [--check|--list] [--invert-match] [--with-guards] [--config=<file>] I<symbol> ... =head1 DESCRIPTION The script reads a configuration file that may contain so-called guards, file names, and comments, and writes those file names that satisfy all guards to standard output. The script takes a list of symbols as its arguments. Each line in the configuration file is processed separately. Lines may start with a number of guards. The following guards are defined: =over +I<xxx> Include the file(s) on this line if the symbol I<xxx> is defined. -I<xxx> Exclude the file(s) on this line if the symbol I<xxx> is defined. +!I<xxx> Include the file(s) on this line if the symbol I<xxx> is not defined. -!I<xxx> Exclude the file(s) on this line if the symbol I<xxx> is not defined. - Exclude this file. Used to avoid spurious I<--check> messages. =back The guards are processed left to right. The last guard that matches determines if the file is included. If no guard is specified, the I<--default> setting determines if the file is included. If no configuration file is specified, the script reads from standard input. The I<--check> option is used to compare the specification file against the file system. If files are referenced in the specification that do not exist, or if files are not enlisted in the specification file warnings are printed. The I<--path> option can be used to specify which directory or directories to scan. Multiple directories are separated by a colon (C<:>) character. The I<--prefix> option specifies the location of the files. Alternatively, the I<--path=@E<lt>fileE<gt>> syntax can be used to specify a file from which the file names will be read. Use I<--list> to list all files independent of any rules. Use I<--invert-match> to list only the excluded patches. Use I<--with-guards> to also include all inclusion and exclusion rules. =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Gruenbacher <agruen@suse.de>, SUSE Labs