393 lines
11 KiB
393 lines
11 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
our $usage =
$0 --list-exported-symbols ...
$0 --generate-symsets [--reference=DIR] --output-dir=DIR ...
$0 --list-symsets [--reference=DIR] ...
$0 --check-kabi --reference=DIR ...
our ($opt_verbose);
our $kabi_badness = 0;
our (%commonsyms, %usedsyms, @severities);
our ($opt_list_exp, $opt_gen_sets, $opt_list_sets, $opt_check_kabi) = (0,0,0,0);
our ($opt_max_badness, $opt_commonsyms, $opt_usedsyms, $opt_severities);
our ($opt_output_dir, $opt_reference, $opt_modules, $opt_symvers_file);
sub main {
my $res = GetOptions(
'list-exported-symbols' => \$opt_list_exp,
'generate-symsets' => \$opt_gen_sets,
'list-symsets' => \$opt_list_sets,
'check-kabi' => \$opt_check_kabi,
'max-badness=i' => \$opt_max_badness,
'commonsyms|common-syms=s' => \$opt_commonsyms,
'usedsyms|used-syms=s' => \$opt_usedsyms,
'severities=s' => \$opt_severities,
'symvers-file=s' => \$opt_symvers_file,
'modules=s' => \$opt_modules,
'reference=s' => \$opt_reference,
'output-dir=s' => \$opt_output_dir,
'verbose|v' => \$opt_verbose,
# boring option checking
my $opt_err = sub {
print STDERR "ERROR: @_\n";
$res = 0;
&$opt_err("Please choose one of --list-exported-symbols, --generate-symsets, --list-symsets or --check-kabi")
if ($opt_list_exp + $opt_gen_sets + $opt_list_sets > 1 ||
!($opt_list_exp + $opt_gen_sets + $opt_list_sets + $opt_check_kabi));
&$opt_err("--check-kabi doesn't work with --list-exported-symbols")
if ($opt_list_exp && $opt_check_kabi);
&$opt_err("--check-kabi requires --reference")
if ($opt_check_kabi && !$opt_reference);
&$opt_err("--output-dir only makes sense with --generate-symsets")
if ($opt_output_dir && !$opt_gen_sets);
&$opt_err("--generate-symsets requires --output-dir")
if ($opt_gen_sets && !$opt_output_dir);
if (!$opt_check_kabi) {
for my $opt qw(max-badness commonsyms usedsyms severities) {
no strict 'refs';
my $var = "opt_$opt";
$var =~ s/-/_/g;
if (defined(${$var})) {
&$opt_err("--$opt only makes sense with --check-kabi");
# get list of modules
my @modules;
if (defined($opt_modules)) {
my $fh;
if ($opt_modules eq '-') {
open($fh, '<&STDIN');
} else {
open($fh, '<', $opt_modules) or die "Can't open module list $opt_modules: $!\n";
@modules = <$fh>;
} else {
@modules = @ARGV;
if (@modules == 0) {
&$opt_err("No modules supplied");
if (!$res) {
print STDERR $usage;
exit 1;
# get list of exports
my @exports;
for my $file (@modules) {
push(@exports, module_exports($file));
if (defined($opt_symvers_file)) {
push(@exports, builtin_exports(parse_symset($opt_symvers_file)));
if ($opt_list_exp) {
print format_exports(@exports);
exit 0;
# generate symsets and optionally check kabi
my (@ref, @sets);
@sets = split_into_symsets(@exports);
if (defined($opt_reference)) {
@ref = load_symsets($opt_reference);
if ($opt_check_kabi) {
load_kabi_files($opt_commonsyms, $opt_usedsyms, $opt_severities);
# records kabi breakage if $opt_check_kabi is set
preserve_symsets(\@ref, \@sets);
if ($opt_gen_sets) {
write_symsets($opt_output_dir, @sets);
} elsif ($opt_list_sets) {
write_symsets(undef, @sets);
if ($kabi_badness) {
print STDERR "KABI: badness is $kabi_badness";
if (!defined($opt_max_badness) || $kabi_badness <= $opt_max_badness) {
print STDERR " (tolerated)\n";
} else {
print STDERR " (exceeds threshold $opt_max_badness), aborting\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# structures used:
# %export:
# (crc => $crc, sym => $sym, mod => $module, type => $type)
# @exportlist
# ({crc => $crc, sym => $sym, mod => $module, type => $type}, ...)
# @symset:
# ($name, [{crc => $crc, sym => $sym, mod => $module, type => $type}, ...])
# @symsetlist:
# (
# [$name, [{crc => $crc, sym => $sym, mod => $module, type => $type}, ...],
# ...
# )
# parse a Modules.symvers-style file
# returns an exportlist
sub parse_symset {
my ($file) = @_;
my @res;
open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Error opening $file: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
my @l = split(/\s+/);
if (@l < 4) {
print STDERR "$file:$.: unknown line\n";
$l[0] =~ s/^0x//;
push(@res, {crc => $l[0], sym => $l[1], mod => $l[2], type => $l[3]});
return @res;
# greps an exportlist for built-in symbols
sub builtin_exports {
return grep { $_->{mod} =~ /(^vmlinux$)|(\/built-in$)/ } @_;
my %export_types = (
__ksymtab => "EXPORT_SYMBOL",
__ksymtab_unused => "EXPORT_UNUSED_SYMBOL",
__ksymtab_gpl => "EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL",
__ksymtab_unused_gpl => "EXPORT_UNUSED_SYMBOL_GPL",
__ksymtab_gpl_future => "EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL_FUTURE"
# returns an exportlist for a given module
sub module_exports {
my ($file) = @_;
my (%crcs, %types, @res);
my $mod = $file;
$mod =~ s/.*\/lib\/modules\/[^\/]*\/kernel\///;
$mod =~ s/\.(k?o|a)$//;
open(my $pipe, '-|', 'objdump', '-t', $file) or die "objdump -t $file: $!\n";
while (<$pipe>) {
my $l = $_;
my @l = split(/\s+/);
next if (@l < 3);
next if ($l =~ /^[^ ]* .....d/); # debug symbol
my $sym = $l[$#l];
my $sec = $l[$#l - 2];
if ($sym =~ /^__crc_(.*)/) {
$crcs{$1} = $l[0];
$crcs{$1} =~ s/^0{8}//;
} elsif ($sym =~ /^__ksymtab_(.*)/ && exists($export_types{$sec})) {
$types{$1} = $export_types{$sec};
if ($? != 0) {
die "objdump returned an error\n";
for my $sym (keys(%types)) {
push(@res, {sym => $sym, crc => $crcs{$sym} || "0"x8, mod => $mod,
type => $types{$sym}});
return @res;
# format an exportlist for output
sub format_exports {
my $res = "";
for my $exp (sort { $a->{sym} cmp $b->{sym} } @_) {
$res .= "0x$exp->{crc}\t$exp->{sym}\t$exp->{mod}\t$exp->{type}\n";
return $res;
# splits exports by directories, returns a symsetlist
sub split_into_symsets {
my %sets;
for my $exp (@_) {
my $set = $exp->{mod};
$set =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//;
$set =~ s/\//_/g;
$sets{$set} ||= [];
push(@{$sets{$set}}, $exp);
return map { [$_, $sets{$_}] } keys(%sets)
# loads symsets from a directory created by write_symsets
# returns symsetlist
# FIXME: multiple versions of a symset
sub load_symsets {
my ($dir) = @_;
my @sets;
opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "Error reading directory $dir: $!\n";
for my $file (readdir($dh)) {
next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/;
if (!-f "$dir/$file" || $file !~ /^(\w+)\.[0-9a-f]{16}$/) {
print STDERR "Ignoring unknown file $dir/$file\n";
my $set = $1;
push(@sets, [$set, [parse_symset("$dir/$file")]]);
return @sets;
sub hash {
return substr(md5_hex(@_), 0, 16);
# writes symsets as returned by split_into_symsets/load_symsets into $dir
sub write_symsets {
my $dir = shift;
my @sets = @_;
my $print_only = (!defined($dir));
for my $set (@sets) {
my $name = $set->[0];
my $exports = $set->[1];
my $data = format_exports(@$exports);
my $hash = hash($data);
if ($print_only) {
print "$name.$hash\n";
} else {
my $f = "$dir/$name.$hash";
open(my $fh, '>', $f) or die "error creating $f: $!\n";
print $fh $data;
# loads kabi check configurations into %commonsyms, %usedsyms and %severities
sub load_kabi_files {
my ($csfile, $usfile, $sevfile) = @_;
if (defined($csfile)) {
open(my $fh, '<', $csfile) or die "Can't open $csfile: $!\n";
%commonsyms = map { s/\s+//g; ; $_ => 1 } <$fh>;
if (defined($usfile)) {
open(my $fh, '<', $usfile) or die "Can't open $usfile: $!\n";
%usedsyms = map { s/\s+//g; $_ => 1 } <$fh>;
if (defined($sevfile)) {
open(my $fh, '<', $sevfile) or die "Can't open $sevfile: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
my @f = split(/\s+/);
if (@f != 2) {
print STDERR "$sevfile:$.: unknown line\n";
if ($f[1] !~ /^\d+$/) {
print STDERR "$sevfile:$.: invalid severity $f[1]\n";
# simple glob -> regexp conversion
$f[0] =~ s/\*/.*/g;
$f[0] =~ s/\?/./g;
$f[0] =~ s/.*/^$&\$/;
push(@severities, [@f]);
# record kabi changes
sub kabi_change {
my $exp = shift;
my $sev;
return if !$opt_check_kabi;
$sev = 8;
for my $rule (@severities) {
if ($exp->{mod} =~ $rule->[0]) {
$sev = $rule->[1];
if (exists($usedsyms{$exp->{sym}})) {
$sev += 16;
} elsif (exists($commonsyms{$exp->{sym}})) {
$sev += 8;
print STDERR "KABI: symbol $exp->{sym}.$exp->{crc} (badness $sev): @_\n";
$kabi_badness = $sev if ($sev > $kabi_badness);
# check if all symbols from $old symsetlist are provided by $new symsetlist,
# add compatible symsets to $new
sub preserve_symsets {
my ($old, $new) = @_;
my (%symcrcs, %symsethashes);
for my $set (@$new) {
my $name = $set->[0];
my $exports = $set->[1];
$symsethashes{$name} = hash(format_exports(@$exports));
for my $exp (@$exports) {
$symcrcs{$exp->{sym}} = $exp->{crc};
for my $set (@$old) {
my $name = $set->[0];
my $exports = $set->[1];
my $hash = hash(format_exports(@$exports));
if (exists($symsethashes{$name}) && $symsethashes{$name} eq $hash) {
my $compatible = 1;
for my $exp (@$exports) {
if (!exists($symcrcs{$exp->{sym}})) {
kabi_change($exp, "missing");
$compatible = 0;
if ($symcrcs{$exp->{sym}} ne $exp->{crc}) {
kabi_change($exp, "crc changed to $symcrcs{$exp->{sym}}\n");
$compatible = 0;
if ($compatible) {
print STDERR "KABI: symset $name.$hash preserved\n" if $opt_verbose;
push(@$new, $set);
} else {
print STDERR "KABI: symset $name.$hash is NOT preserved\n" if $opt_verbose;
# vim: sw=4:et:sts=4