# This file is included by all the kernel-*.spec files # Build with bash instead of sh as the shell: this turns on bash # extensions like <(...). %define _buildshell /bin/bash %define using_buildservice 0%{?opensuse_bs} # source_rel is the package release string, without the rebuild counter # generated by the build service. In non-official builds, the upstream # EXTRAVERSION component is also part of the release string, # e.g. next.20110101.9.6 (hyphens are replaced by periods). Builds in the # official distribution projects replace the release string though. %define source_rel %release %if %using_buildservice %define source_rel %(release=%release; echo ${release%.*}) %endif # release_num is the numeric source revision part of the release number, # i.e. source_rel without the upstream tags like -rcX. A hyphen is added # automatically for convenient use. # examples: rc3 -> "", rc3.1 -> -1, next.20110101.9 -> -9 # # patchversion is inserted into the spec files by the mkspec script, it is the # upstream release string unchanged, e.g. 2.6.38-rc3 %define release_num %(upstream=%patchversion; upstream=${upstream#%version}; upstream=${upstream#-}; upstream=${upstream//-/.}; rel="%source_rel" ; res="${rel#$upstream}"; res=${res#.}; echo ${res:+-}${res}) # how the kernel release string (uname -r) should look like %define kernelrelease %patchversion%release_num %define my_builddir %_builddir/%{name}-%{version} # macro to add the source timestamp to package descriptions %define source_timestamp %(sed '1s/^/Source Timestamp: /' %_sourcedir/source-timestamp || :) # vim: ft=spec