Christophe Giboudeaux 87ec17d3da Accepting request 788649 from home:wolfi323:branches:KDE:Extra
- Update to 4.2.9:
  * See
  * Brush outline no longer flickers when you hover over the canvas
  * Added "Airbrush" and "Airbrush Rate" to the Color Smudge brush,
    and a new Ratio setting
  * Added a "Split Layer into Selection Mask" feature
  * Fix transparency checkers looked white on HDR display
  * Several fixes to file dialogs for overwriting and jpg files
  * Fix Grow Selection expanding in one direction (kde#414647)
  * Fix crash using onion skins on non-animated layers (kde#414668)
  * Increase the limit in Layer Offset to 100k (kde#414625)
  * Fix crash opening .kra with incorrect clone source (related to
  * Prevent crash on addition of color to deleted palette with
    colorpicker (kde#413548)
  * Make Add subbrush off on changing multibrush tool's type from
    Copy Translate (kde#415651)
  * Improve rendering of predefined default Rect dab
  * Set the default location for restored files to
    QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation (kde#415810)
  * Don't crash if remoteArguments is called when there isn't a
    mainwindow (kde#415794)
  * Delay initialization of brush paintop widget state (kde#415033)
  * Reenable breeze: with the latest release, the bug with
    comboboxes has been fixed
  * Show the hand cursor if there is no colorize mask yet
  * Fix logic for enabling/disabling options in stroke selection
    dialog (kde#415896)
  * ORA export, write entire layers instead of cropping them
  * Fix endless recursion when assigning a profile (kde#414818)
  * Fix a crash when cancelling Transform Tool action (kde#414672)
  * Fix an obviously wrong assert in the gradients (kde#414550)
  * Fix 1px brush offset in line tool (kde#407405)
  * Fix Layer Filter Combobox with Breeze theme (kde#406595)
  * Fix comparison of double spin box
  * Fix PaletteDocker not showing palettes (kde#414890)
  * Fix undo of replacing vector selection (kde#412808)
  * Separate krita log dialog from system information
  * Resource bundle: turn assert into check (kde#399008)
  * Fix the python Canvas.setRotation method (kde#416126)
  * Store and restore the geometry of the svg editor window
  * Fix number of asserts with continued transform (kde#415625)
  * Fix Touch Docker save button not working on new files
  * Fix blur Filter inconsistencies (kde#416241)
  * Fix border artifacts in layer styles (kde#414582)
  * Use Qt::Popup for color selectors popup widgets (kde#410959)
  * Always show color popup below the cursor (kde#394139)
  * Remove the strength compatibility with older paintop presets
  * Fixed unneeded error message in Render Animation (kde#412599)
  * Fix canvas offset calculation (kde#416352)
  * Layers with alpha channel disabled correctly export as
    "svg:src-atop" for ORA
  * Add icon to Close button of "About Krita" dialog box
  * Fix memory leak in preset history docker
  * Warn that Krita needs to be restarted after enabling/disabling
    plugins (kde#416575)
  * Workaround Qt 5.14's colormanagement preventing png files from
    being saved (kde#416515)
  * Fixes with last used filter command (kde#416706)
  * Fix Increase/Decrease Brush Size and Switch To Previous Preset
  * Fix Warp and Cage transform in master (kde#416505)
  * Fix crazy snapping when resizing shapes (kde#414336)
  * Fix hiccups when doing canvas actions (kde#414576, kde#415773)
  * Fix animation rendering problem on small images (< 100px in
    size) (kde#415367)
  * Fix display of vector shapes when transformed with transform
    tool (kde#417016)
  * Fix hangup when loading image with generator/file layers
  * Fix slowdown associated with the quick hide function of
    Shift+click on layer visibility icons
  * Fix canvas border color issue
  * Fix issue when saving preferences
  * A number of fixes with L*A*B* and CMYK thanks to L.E Segovia's
    Season of KDE work
  * Set setRedirectPolicy as per discussion on KDE mailing lists
  * Fix crash when loading asl with tdta OSType
  * Make "Save Incremental Version" update recently used files
  * Correct logic for determining whether there are multiple
    backups requested (kde#417914)
  * Fix incorrect common curve in very old presets (kde#417748)
  * Fix layout issue in the history docker
  * Fix strobbing of the brush outline because of subpixel
    precision (kde#374551)
  * Make local selection outline visible on layer converted to
    selection mask
  * Fix freeze on vector layers (kde#412746)
  * Fix artifacts on filter masks applied to adjustment layers
  * Fix ratio option on lower precision brushes
  * Set image as modified after a legacy action (fix Channels
    docker not updating in some cases) (kde#417992)

2020-03-26 18:14:45 +00:00

163 lines
4.9 KiB

# spec file for package krita
# Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%bcond_without lang
# Enable VC only on x86*
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%bcond_without vc
%bcond_with vc
Name: krita
Version: 4.2.9
Release: 0
Summary: Digital Painting Application
License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later AND GPL-3.0-or-later AND BSD-2-Clause AND CC0-1.0 AND LGPL-2.0-only
Group: Productivity/Graphics/Bitmap Editors
BuildRequires: OpenColorIO-devel
BuildRequires: OpenEXR-devel
BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules
BuildRequires: fftw3-devel
BuildRequires: giflib-devel
BuildRequires: gsl-devel
BuildRequires: libboost_system-devel
BuildRequires: libeigen3-devel
BuildRequires: libexiv2-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: liblcms2-devel
BuildRequires: libpng-devel
BuildRequires: libpoppler-qt5-devel
BuildRequires: libquazip-qt5-devel
BuildRequires: libraw-devel
BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-qt5-devel
BuildRequires: python3-sip-devel
BuildRequires: update-desktop-files
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Archive)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Completion)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Config)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5CoreAddons)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Crash)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5GuiAddons)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5I18n)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5ItemModels)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5ItemViews)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5WidgetsAddons)
BuildRequires: cmake(KF5WindowSystem)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Concurrent)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Core) >= 5.9
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5DBus)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Gui)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Multimedia)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Network)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5PrintSupport)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Qml)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Quick)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Svg)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Test)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Widgets)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5X11Extras)
BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Xml)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-atom)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xi) >=
Recommends: %{name}-lang = %{version}
Recommends: python3-qt5
Obsoletes: calligra-krita < %{version}
Provides: calligra-krita = %{version}
%if %{with vc}
BuildRequires: Vc-devel-static
Krita is a painting program. It supports concept art, texture and
matte painters, as well as illustrations and comics.
%package devel
Summary: Krita Build Environment
Group: Development/Libraries/KDE
Requires: %{name} = %{version}
%description devel
Development headers and libraries for Krita.
%setup -q -n krita-%{version}
# install translations to %%{_kf5_localedir} so they don't clash with the krita translations in calligra-l10n (KDE4 based)
# can probably be changed back to the standard location when calligra is KF5 based...
%cmake_kf5 -d build -- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR=%{_kf5_localedir}
%kf5_makeinstall -C build
%suse_update_desktop_file -r org.kde.krita Qt KDE Graphics RasterGraphics
%if %{with lang}
%kf5_find_lang %{name}
chmod -x %{buildroot}/%{_kf5_applicationsdir}/*.desktop
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
%license COPYING*
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/1024x1024
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/1024x1024/apps
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/1024x1024/mimetypes
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/256x256
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/256x256/apps
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/256x256/mimetypes
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/512x512
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/512x512/apps
%dir %{_kf5_iconsdir}/hicolor/512x512/mimetypes
%config %{_kf5_configdir}/krita*
%files devel
%if %{with lang}
%files lang -f %{name}.lang